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Hi all,


I'm currently on a Compaq Sr5350F Pentium Dual Core running Snow Leopard, vanilla kerner (dual boot with Windows) and am thinking of upgrading it to Lion using the retail app store method.


These are the kexts I have installed to get it working properly:


AppleACPIPS2nub 1.0.0d1

AppleIntelPIIXATA2 9.9

Disabler 1.0.1

EvOreboot 1.0.3

FakeSMC 3.1.0

IntelCPUMonitor 1.0

LegacyAppleRTC 9.9


VoodooPS2Controller 1.1.0



VoodooPState 1.0.4

AppleAzaliaAudio 1.0.0 (32bit only)

AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer 5.3.0 (32bit only)

AppleIntelGMA950 6.2.6 (32bit only)


If I install Lion over my present installation, will I have any problems? Are there any kexts I need to remove or update?



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If I were you I would get rid of SleepEnabler, Disabler and VoodooPState and use native sleep, C & P states via DSDT before you migrate to Lion.


In any case, you will need to backup your entire partition before you attempt to install Lion to it.


The way I went about my upgrade was to use SL to create the Lion install media. I then did a fresh Lion install to a spare hard drive.

Doing it this way minimises the chances of errors, and also leaves your working SL partition/drive untouched.


You may also have problems with 32bit kexts as in Lion Finder is a 64bit app. I know the kernel can run in 32bit mode but I'm not sure where kexts stand on the 32/64 bit thing.

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