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So, I've been trying a lot of times to start Lion on my Lenovo Y560, now I did it and made a small guide.


Working all, exept of sleep, HDMI, build in mic, and sometimes VoodooHDA makes some crackles.


My config:


CPU: Mobile QuadCore Intel Core i7-720QM

System board: Lenovo KL3

Chipset: Intel Ibex Peak-M HM55, Intel Lynnfield

Memory: 8Gb

Video: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5730 (Madison)

Sound: Realtek ALC272 @ Intel Ibex Peak PCH - High Definition Audio Controller [b-3]

Wireless: Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (192. [ TRIAL VERSION ])

Ethernet: Broadcom NetLink Gigabit Ethernet




1. Create Primary HFS+ partition in Windows (with Paragon partition marager for example)

2. Install iAtkos L1 with options:

- Bootloader Chameleon

- PS\2 enabler

- Voodoo Hda 2.7.2

3. Reboot in Windows, install Macdrive, and after that replace by files from archive:

- to root of your osx drive put the boot file from archive

- /name of your osx drive/extra put all files from /extra in archive

- /name of your osx drive/system/library/extensions files from s-l-e in archive

- /name of your osx drive/system/library/coreservices/Setup Assistant.app/Contents replace by info.plist zipped in SA folder, it's needed to stop keyboard check on first Lion start.


That's it ) Reboot and if it works - it works )))


Known issues:

- Sometimes KP on boot because of VoodoHda. I found patched AppleHDA.kext for ALC 272, but it doesn't work for me. I think, I have a problems with DSTS, but I cannot understand how to patch it by myself, so your help with it will be very appreciate. By now I'm using flag UseKernelCashe=Yes in boot.plist

I used the DSTS from this topic - http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php...285&hl=y560 , but I have another config...

- Video doesn't looks like 32bit, has an artefacts on video, mostly on dark scenes.

- If you have problems with resolution after that - you need to follow this guide: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/lofiversi...hp/t208410.html


Big thanks to BugsB, without bootloader, found in this topic - http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php...269&hl=y560 - video didn't work properly.


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  • 1 year later...

Hy there, have you figured it out how to make the video work with REAL 32-Bit mode? i have the same problem, in system report it sais that it's 32-bit but i'm having troubles on shadows and gradients like it's in 16-Bit mode.


I played a bit with SwithResX, and still no fix here either! This happens on ML 10.8.4 (iatkos ML2 then combo updates to 10.8.4 and also in mavericks 10.9 DP4/5)

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