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Lion installation via USB stick using Chameleon


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try with USBBusFix=Yes


Thanks for the tip Mald0n, but the USBBusFix=yes resulted in the same hang at "FakeSMCDevice: 17 keys added". I recreated the the bootable USB from scratch again before trying since I had messed around with the previous copy.


I also tried copying the mach_kernel from "Mac OS X Install ESD" image root to the root of the USB partition, since it was 620 bytes larger than the one included in the Extra_DP4 installer, but that also resulted in the same thing. Finally, I tried Chimera instead of the Chameleon r1083, but got the same result.


Maybe I will have a better luck using a boot cd + boot dvd? I wouldn't think it'd make much of a difference. I will try Snow Leopard next to see if I fare any better, but if any more suggestions come through I'll give it another shot.

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i'm trying to boot on G53JW but fails




what can to do?




go and buy a Real Mac :dev: , o.k. just kidding :)


add to your kernel flags in ' /Extra/com.Apple.boot.plist ' :



no guarantee :rolleyes:


CooSee ' Ya

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Hmm, this gets me stuck at DSMOS has arrived. Not getting to installation screen now =\



Hey, I have the Vostro 1500 as well. Have you had any luck getting DP4 or the retail release of Lion on your machine. I had the exact same problem as you. I was able to run DP3 perfectly but then I tried the retail release and no go. I was thinking of trying the method you just tried but doesn't sound promising. Thanks!

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A few pages back, there were some with Gigabyte boards which were getting stuck on the BIOS startup screen. This happened to me, and I was able to fix this by formatting my USB Drive as an MBR instead of GUID partition table. This let me boot successfully into the Lion installer with my GA-P55M-UD2.


After that I couldn't move my mouse or keyboard on the welcome screen. I found that copying my DSDT.aml from my Hackintosh's Extra to my USB Drive's Extra folder fixed this (the USBBusFix=Yes didn't seem to work for me). And for my Radeon 68xx I included GraphicsEnabler=Yes in my com.apple.Boot.plist.


Also noticed that my Lion USB Drive install got stuck if I didn't boot in verbose mode.


Anyway, I can now successfully boot into the Lion installer (big thanks to MaLd0n for this guide). As I've already installed Lion, I wanted this Lion USB Drive just in case I ever needed to do a re-install, so maybe will attempt an installation with it in the future.

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Hi Maldon i have 2 problems


1.When i try to download something from Mac store it says "Your device or computer could not verified. Please contact customer support"


2.During boot that is after chameleon boot screen the Apple logo appears after that Apple logo screen finishes loading that Apple animation going to Lion Login screen is not coming.eg like here in the video where Apple goes top instead i get a different loading screen which silver boot logo is there a way to change it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4Y80hEQjqE


Thank you

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Well I have installed Snow Leopard on my 5920g and I am able to boot to the desktop with just two kexts, FakeSMC.kext and IOPCMCIAFamily.kext. Without IOPCMCIAFamily.kext it gets stuck at the dreaded "PCI Configuration Begin".


Maybe this provides some clue as to why Lion freezes soon after "PCI Configuration End"? I'd like to try adding IOPCMCIAFamily.kext to the pack of Kexts included with "Extra Lion DP4" but all I see is an mkext cache file in /Extra and no actual Extensions folder. Looks tricky to add a kext without blowing away the ones included. Is something equivalent already in there? Are the SL FakeSMC and IOPCMCIAFamily compatible with Lion? I could just put those in the Extensions folder and see what happens, but am afraid some newly required Lion specific kexts in the cache may be blown away in the process.


Seeing that npci=0x2000 boot flag helps some people with IOPCIFamily related issues, I tried that, but to no avail. Then I tried replacing the 0x2000 with the device id of my graphics card and also tried EthernetBuiltIn=Yes, same result. This is on SL with IOPCMCIAFamily.kext removed, I figured if they help under SL they should help w/ Lion boot too.


It is unclear to me from searching online what these specially made IOPCIFamily/IOPCMCIAFamily kexts do or what npci represents. I see some people sticking a vendor id into npci, but people mainly saying to use device-id. Seems strange a device id would be required anywhere without a vendor-id, but perhaps some npci value related to my wireless or wired BCM87XX card will help.


The good news is that in SL sleep and the 8600M GT works without any enabler - either Chameleon GraphicsEnabler or kext based. Very cool. :) Caveats for other 5920g owners - you will still need voodooXXX/AppleACPIPS2Nub for kb/trackpad and alc888 for sound, but that is not too bad. Mald0n's awesome auto patcher make's the sound inputs/outputs come up correctly without any enabler, just needs the missing driver. Haven't tested USB speeds so that is something to explore.

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Same Here. This may be specific to Dell notebooks (I have XPS M1530). I raised this before but no one answered. :)


You just have to keep trying until it completes.




My Dell XPS m1530 is doing this exact thing as well. I've been watching the installer log during the install but it's not showing anything useful- it just hangs when it's extracting files. For what it's worth, I'm doing an MBR install. I suppose I'll try again with the DSDT that I was using for Snow Leopard and see if it makes any difference.

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MaLd0n, thanks a lot for your manual. Got my Lion working like a charm. =)


But I have some stupid questions to ask:


1) Do I have to use dsdt.aml? What good does it make if everything (except audio) is working fine. How can I meassure the difference. Tried geek bench - there wasn't any.


2) AppStore still doesn't work (same as in SL - "your device or computer couldn't be verified"). Any fix? In SL I tried "ethernetbuiltin" and some deleting (network.plist) and other fixes with no luck.


Specs are:


Asus P5P41C


C2D E6750


Asus GF 8600GT 512Mb






1) Didn't figure out how to configure audio (alc887)? voodooHDA.256 doesn't make audio card to appear =(


2) What do I have to do to make chameleon start my Win7 on the other hard drive?


Thanks in advance!

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Thanks for this awesome guid. I have a M1530 an everything works great even the App Store for Mac. I use VoodooHDA 2.72 for Sound, VoodooSDHC for the SD-Card Slot and VoodooBattery for the Battery. Also I use the Extentions.mkext Bundel from the USB-Drive with VoodooPS2Controller usw. The DSDT i use it the DSDT_M1530_NVIDIA_ANYCPU_20110720.zip from this Thread:http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=190780


I even copied this DSDT in the Extra folder of the USB-Drive. And had HDMI -> HDMI to dvi Adpter working during installation.


Feel free to ask. I can provide my kext if anyone is interested in these.



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go and buy a Real Mac :dev: , o.k. just kidding ;)


add to your kernel flags in ' /Extra/com.Apple.boot.plist ' :



no guarantee :D


CooSee ' Ya


this is my com.Apple.boot.plist



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

<plist version="1.0">


<key>Boot Banner</key>






<key>Kernel Flags</key>

<string>npci=0×2000 -v</string>

<key>Instant Menu</key>







don't works...


please MaLd0n help me!!

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trying to install on a Gigabyte P35-DS3 mobo but when I start the machine from USB Stick (creating USB was no problem) the system restarts before entering the setup of lion. I attached a picture of the last messages shown.


No other error messages or panics, just a restart. So I'm not able to enter the regular install process. Any suggestions please?


Same problem here on a GA EP35-DS4.. System restarts before entering the actual installer...Any solutions yet? Any hint is highly appreciated! Thanks!


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