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Lion installation via USB stick using Chameleon


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my problem is, that I can't get into the installation process.

Everything seems to be ok with the USB-Disk and the installed packages "Extra Lion" and Chameleon.


After the verbose view the screen goes grey and after that it shows me this grey-with-stripes bg-image (http://www.gurugroup.net/stuff/linen%20lion.png) without any mouse-pointer, like the spinning beachball.


Any idea?




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I apologize for cross-posting from the Chameleon 2 RC5 thread, but I'm hoping someone here can help.


I have Lion up and running using the instructions in this thread, but my overclock settings are not being reflected once I boot.


Where is the likely source of this discrepancy?


CPU Q6600


I have the bios set for 400x9 = 3600




I played around with some of the setting in the Chameleon prefpane.


Thanks for the advice.






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Apple Inc.</string>





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Kernel Flags</key>

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Hey guys. I just wanted to know if the problem with the Dell XPS M1530 was solved. I tried many things and the farthest I got was freezing on 14 minutes. I am currently running on Snow Leopard, from the UniFlash Distro, which seems to be working next to flawlessly. I also got to "Waiting for DSMOS" when trying to install. Thanks for the help

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posted a couple pages back on a EVGA 132-bl-758 install


I changed my video card out to a gtx460 which allowed me to drop the arch=i386 flag... still using GraphicsEnabler=yes and PCIRootUID=1


I have tried with and without those flags with my dsdt .... and can't get it to boot when i use the dsdt and 4,1 macpro smbios


power management hangs me everytime. I have tried with nullcpu and without ... no change. Right now I have the system running with the extra folder from my install usb pasted to the root instead of custom one.


I installed sound and lan from [url=&quot;http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/&quot;]#####[/url] and everything functions....


to my knowledge no power management and now speed step. Any ideas?

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what is your motherboard?


Its Asus Notebook K42JZ with Core I3-380M, dedicated VGA AMD Radeon 6470M 1GB..




if u could get full qe/ci for this cards, i wont hesitate to treat u some beer$.. thanks mate

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Awesome and easy guide!!! Thanks!

Tried quite some tutorials but never was able to boot into the Lion setup.


Now I am in the setup but there is no harddisk showing in the 'select install disk menu'.

When I go into 'Disk utility' it only shows my (Mac OS X Base System) USB drive...


Tried to find AHCI settings in the boot-setup but couldn't find them, but I had installed Snow Leopard before on this system.


Mobo: nForce 680i LT-SLI

GPU: NVidia 8800 GT

CPU: Intel Q6600



Read almost entire topic and searched on google, but couln't find a solution.

Anyone got an idea??





Oke, apparently my system isn't able to find the internal SATA Harddisk, but has no problem with an external (usb) drive. So I've installed OSX Lion!!

Am trying hard to get myself a good DSDT.aml but is pretty hard for this Mobo :( Also the animation when opening Launchpad is slow, but will keep trying to get this better.

GPU and internal Memory is recognized!

Biggest problem though is that ethernet is not working... witch .kext do I need for this?

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Awesome and easy guide!!! Thanks!

Tried quite some tutorials but never was able to boot into the Lion setup.


Now I am in the setup but there is no harddisk showing in the 'select install disk menu'.

When I go into 'Disk utility' it only shows my (Mac OS X Base System) USB drive...


Tried to find AHCI settings in the boot-setup but couldn't find them, but I had installed Snow Leopard before on this system.


Mobo: nForce 680i LT-SLI

GPU: NVidia 8800 GT

CPU: Intel Q6600



Read almost entire topic and searched on google, but couln't find a solution.

Anyone got an idea??





Oke, apparently my system isn't able to find the internal SATA Harddisk, but has no problem with an external (usb) drive. So I've installed OSX Lion!!

Am trying hard to get myself a good DSDT.aml but is pretty hard for this Mobo :rolleyes: Also the animation when opening Launchpad is slow, but will keep trying to get this better.

GPU and internal Memory is recognized!

Biggest problem though is that ethernet is not working... witch .kext do I need for this?


I have the same mobo and got my Lion GM to install without any issue by following the link below... and without the DSDT.aml. You will need to replace the OSInstall.mpkg after copying the Packages folder. Hope this help.



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I have screwed up here, I accidentally ran Extra_Lion_DP4.pkg on my existing 10.6.8 hackintosh (instead of the USB) partition and it now wont boot....what a surprise Is there a way to undo this? Its late and its just one of those screw ups.


Help would be appreciated.



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thank you first of all

i tried your method and it works but

i can only boot with cpus=1

and other core is detected but not initialized

i was using taptun1067_kernel and both cpus are working fine

how can i use the 2 cores here?

thanks in advance :worried_anim:

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I have tried this. It all seems to go okay until I just get a black screen with a white cursor (full rectangle rather than normal single line) and a blank screen. Nothing happens.


This is when booting off the installer. It goes through Chameleon, selects boot device, then appears to be booting and right when you would expect the installer GUI for Lion to kick in you get this.


Any ideas?

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please post your boot plist


If we currently have Lion GM working, will be be able to download Lion tomorrow from the app store and restore to a USB drive and install just like we did with Lion GM? Thanks

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I have the same mobo and got my Lion GM to install without any issue by following the link below... and without the DSDT.aml. You will need to replace the OSInstall.mpkg after copying the Packages folder. Hope this help.





Thanks for your reply!! Will try this tomorrow!

Could you maybe tell (or send) which extensions you are using for this mobo? The tutorial is saying to use the ones from my Snow Leopard installation, but I don't have that on in my pc anymore and the ones for my Macbook won't work that well i guess B)

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Further made a lamp server using Michael Gracie and Jason's tutes:




Now I am fully set to work with my with my Dell-E6400-Latitude-Lion


Further made a lamp server using Michael Gracie and Jason's tutes:




Now I am fully set to work with my with my Dell-E6400-Latitude-Lion

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I have successfully loaded Lion Gold Master on my Dell Latitude E6400. I created a Lion USB installer. The installer is a 8GB USB GUID partition that automatically gets named as Mac OS X Base system when it is restored from Base System.dmg on Lion Gold Master. Then I , copied fakesmc, ACPIPlatform.., IOPCI.. in /S/L/E on the installer drive.


I used Kext Wizard which also repairs /S/L/E permissions on the installer. Kext Wizard allows you to load kexts to other drives and repair other drives (from the one you are booted into) is a great help.


As I was loading Lion on an MBR partition I replaced:

/Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Base\ System/System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg and

/Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Base\ System/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/OSInstall.framework/Versions/A/OSInstall

–on the installer drive with modified files (obtained by googling) Then I booted into the USB installer using Chameleon-2.0-RC5-r1083.pkg loaded on my existing SL drive, with -v -f flags.


Then I followed regular install process. Once install is through I booted into existing SL and copied fakesmc, ACPIPlatform.. IOPCI.. in /S/L/E on the new Lion Drive with Kext Wizard and repaired /S/L/E permissions. I also copied com.apple.Boot.plist from my old SL into /E of the new Lion Drive and repaired permissions on /E as well.


This last step is essential to avoid kernel panic or keyboard freeze at login time after loading Chameleon on the new Lion Drive. After initial boot up, for whatever system that didnt work, I used my old SL kexts, such as IONetworkingFamily.kext, IO80211Family.kext, Intel82566MM.kext, VoodooHDA, VoodooSDHC, AppleACPIBatteryManager.kext


To enable native ntfs, I used iBlacky method of copying mount_ntfs to mount_ntfs.org and saving the follwing script to mount_ntfs:

#!/bin/sh /sbin/mount_ntfs.orig -o rw "$@"


For this too I had to load the kext from SL. I now have a fully working Lion Gold Master. As it doesnt have nvidia, I cannot enjoy all graphic applications, but it does better than my SL, as I able to open jpegs with Preview.app.


Though moved into os x in a big way, and I now keep playing between Linux and OS X and need Windows at work. So the answer is triple boot or multi boot.


I have Lion, Windows 7 and Ubuntu (yes folks Ubuntu) all loaded on my jacknife USB Storejet. It boots into Windows (on HDD), OS X Lion (on HDD), OS X Snow Leopard on USB StoreJet, OS X Lion USB Installer and Linux (Ubuntu 11 (natty)) allowing me to boot almost any machine that has no password at BIOS level.


I also have Lion and Windows dual boot on my Hard Drive (could have gone triple, but needed more discspace for other stuff)


General loading sequence for triple boot:


First install Windows. While doing this, make enough partitions for the three OSs and data.


Next load Ubuntu. Ubuntu grub gets loaded (you can update-grub later to allow boot from grub to os x). Grub is to be loaded only on the partition containing the Linux File System (eg., sdc3), and not root of the USB StoreJet, sdc during the Linux installation. This makes Ubuntu access from Chameleon (which we will load subsequently) possible.


Finally load Lion (MBR- only MBR can coexist with Windows). With Lion load the Chameleon boot loader (Chameleon-2.0-RC5-r1083) which now operates as an overall cover boot loader that accesses a secondary Ubuntu grub list boot loader, Windows and OS X.


Further made a lamp server using Michael Gracie and Jason's tutes:






Now I am fully set to work with my with my Dell-E6400-Latitude-Lion

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When I downloaded the new Lion, I was surprised to find that the App store replaced my GM installer with the new one.


Has anyone else had similar results?


I'm restoring the DMG to my USB disk right now. Can't wait to see how it all goes.

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