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I have a fairly recent laptop(from January-ish), it's an HP G62. I'm always trying out new stuff on it, so I thought I'd give this a try. I'm not afraid of getting my hands a little dirty, but what's the chances of completely bricking my laptop? Slim, right? I have recovery discs and all that good stuff, anyway.


These are my specs:

AMD Turion™ II N530 Dual-Core Processor ~ 2.5GHz

4 GB

AMD ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250

I'm currently running Windows 7, 64-bit.


Would installing Snow Leopard on this be a large task? Or fairly straight forward for someone who is used to messing with computers. Also, is there any down sides to doing this? I know I won't be able to update it and all that, but for the most part everything works; right? Sorry if this sounds like I'm being lazy and all that, I'm just not rich; so bricking my laptop wouldn't be too good, I want to make sure I'm not attempting at something stupid(I also just found out this was actually possible yesterday) :lol:

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It would be a pretty {censored} laptop if you could brick it by installing an operating system. I don't believe bricking it is possible.

But then again people have different ways of interpreting that term.


Radeon HD mobility 4xxx series are not supported, you will need a patch just to be able to change resolution. And even then you cannot have hardware accelerated graphics. OS X on that laptop will not be an enjoyable experience. It wasn't so with Tiger and to a certain extent Leopard, but at this point hardware accelerated graphics can pretty much be considered a requirement. Some apps will not even run without it because there is no software fallback.

I meant by the BIOS changes and all that


If you think you can brick your computer buy changing BIOS settings and it's still under warranty, you should definitely RMA it and get another one. A different model if possible.


Would you drive your car if you were worried that the wheels could come off any second?

Alright, a simple 'no, you can't mess up a computer from the BIOS' answer would've been fine. But that's cool to. And I was using bricked as a way of asking if it will make my computer less enjoyable, or just in general muck things up. I didn't mean it to sound like I was asking if my computer would stop working all together. I probably just should've asked if it would mess things up.


And of course I would, since everyone knows that cars can function just fine without wheels.

If what you write isn't supposed to be taken literally then you should write something to indicate that.


Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to make fun of you, you asked a serious question, I gave you a straight, serious answer.

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