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[Guide] Mammoth Method v2.00 - HP DVx 10.6.x: Fast, Easy, Comprehensive Installation. /// NEW MAMMOTH BOOT CD for i5 & i3 \\\


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Also I did not say this is as easy as you think, it takes quite a lot of time to create something that works.

Long process I should say.


Owww man... you just like to make me sweat. Could you just not share your driver... that would save me a lot of headaches.


Question though: what driver version are you using? 10.7.1 ?

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Nope, I'm definitely bin patching correctly. If i was bin patching wrongly, i would get Codec not found. So that isn't the issue. I don't get ANY connections at all. I've tried multiple times with the nodes. I edited them multiple times and i still get no connections at all. When i go to system information when i'm using VoodooHDA i only get Audio ID:12 but i'm not too sure about the Codec ID thing i didn't really pay attention. Something is different on our laptops i guess. I'm not sure if its anything to do with bios but i highly doubt.




I never mentioned it would be easy peasy. But i know i'm doing it correctly and if aximusnl also does it and he gets it working, maybe he can share. But the old guides and the newer AppleHDA we have to work with has subsequently change the format so it's not the same as it used to be. There also isn't an explanation of how you know which place to put the Node ID's. So until then, maybe i'm actually doing it wrongly.


Load VoodooHDA and do a voodoo dump just like ubuntu or any linux distro does a dump using voodoohda dumping tool. When you have the dump then you can look how they code their driver and how they switch nodes, mixers and audio inputs/outputs to create audio output. VoodooHDA is the messiest driver ever, kernel panic heaven.


VoodooHDA will show id of 12, you have id of 12 in your DSDT.


scrap voodoohda and follow my codecgraph and graphviz path.


patching applehda thread on projectosx that i posted before found a matching id that we can patch an STA based card with our IDT cards.


binpatching aint the issue, It's layout and platform which stops audio insert, anything wrong in regards to this can stop it from loading all together.


all the older threads and the newer ones, nothing much newer in te3rms of knowledge has arrised, it's still basically older methods in a way. Codec Verbs + Codec ID + working out the correct layout and pathmaps. Always been like this just with applehda's newer then 10.6.8 they have slighty changed in file structure.


binpatching for IDT users should be:

x8b\x19\xd4\x11 with \x05\x76\x1d\x11

8B 19 D4 11 is closest to an IDT (Sigmatel)


05 76 refers to my chipset so change it to reflect your IDT


But binpatching only will not make it work.


Codec ID 12 is just an DSDT injector. This also has to reflect in AppleHDA.kext edits.

You can use whatever audio id and pathmap you wish, custom make your own numbers.


Just make the changes reflect within all file edits. Also Platform and Pathmaps have to be spot on for it to show you any results and this can take time.


Try using 10.6.8 kext. Get that working then move to 10.7+


I don't work on IDT files no more as Ive given my laptop to my wife. But i'm happy to explain how to edit the files.


All i can say is keep editing the pathmaps and platform files with different settings till you get results, Just remember not all connections will work straight away. Some will be there but no audio, some you will just have to swap numbers e.g. mixers and outputs and mixers and inputs.


If you want an working AppleHDA kext for IDT92HD81B1X then go see The KING at projectosx who got the audio working.


They talk about IDT a lot in last few pages of below thread, very usesful stuff:



Your codec Verbs have to be edited to work with platform and pathmaps. A must to fix sound assertions and audio problems. you cannot just dump verbs from windows into osx and think things will work.


If you read further into that thread you could also follow BCC9 with binpatching ALC885 with your IDT and using 3 part method which he is using to successfully get audio.

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I like this kext , everything is regulated smoothly, great, thanks :(



thanks to you for PNLF section of your dsdt .

it fixe my old problem with acpi brightness.


this guy also make a Kext for fn key in asus that use WMI we have this section in our dsdt may be we able to use it for Fn key in hp laptop:

here the link: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=248116

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thanks to you for PNLF section of your dsdt .

it fixe my old problem with acpi brightness.


this guy also make a Kext for fn key in asus that use WMI we have this section in our dsdt may be we able to use it for Fn key in hp laptop:

here the link: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=248116


To do this, change fn + .. in VoodooPS2Controller.kext

But I do not have time , works it :

fn+pg up(Pause)





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They talk about IDT a lot in last few pages of below thread, very usesful stuff:



Damn.. I've read that topic before and i must have missed it. I've got sound working now (except for some minor issues). I'm as happy as a clown!


I've used the 10.6.3 Kext (1.7.9a5) and this guide: http://www.projectosx.com/forum/index.php?...ost&p=10963.


Later i'll look into getting it to work with 10.7.1. At least i've got a start now...

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Damn.. I've read that topic before and i must have missed it. I've got sound working now (except for some minor issues). I'm as happy as a clown!


I've used the 10.6.3 Kext (1.7.9a5) and this guide: http://www.projectosx.com/forum/index.php?...ost&p=10963.


Later i'll look into getting it to work with 10.7.1. At least i've got a start now...


Shouldn't be too hard to port it over to 10.7.1 now that you know it works.


Need a confirmation for you though. Lots of sources are saying different things until i'm a tad confused. Do you still need a Enabler or Injector kext?




The interesting part about my VoodooHDA dump is just weird. It also doesn't make sense. It detects my HDMI as Codec ID #0 but doesnt detect my IDT audio at all. However, when i use the Codec verbs i got from Linux and input them into the VoodooHDA info.plist. It works but when i open up the VoodooHDA Preference Pane, i also cannot edit the settings for the IDT Audio Devices. Interesting eh? It just doesn't work. Weird. So I'm not even sure what Codec ID to use. Damn laptop.

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Shouldn't be too hard to port it over to 10.7.1 now that you know it works.


Need a confirmation for you though. Lots of sources are saying different things until i'm a tad confused. Do you still need a Enabler or Injector kext?


I'll be trying that soon.


I use an Injector, but i could have done that directly into the AppleHDA.kext as well. It's far from perfect. Every 2 seconds or so i get a kernel log about some sound assertion. Also it says i have one mic + one line in... but i have two mics and no line in.

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Just got my Audio working via AppleHDA. I'm on a 10.6.2 kext. :(


I'm not using an Injector or anything. Just the DSDT edit will do.


10.6.2 apparently is meant to be the best to get working audio out of, it is used with 888,889, 892 etc Realtek chipsets to get audio working along with legacy kext.


i'm currently using 10.6.2 kext :D


Shouldn't be too hard to port it over to 10.7.1 now that you know it works.


Need a confirmation for you though. Lots of sources are saying different things until i'm a tad confused. Do you still need a Enabler or Injector kext?




The interesting part about my VoodooHDA dump is just weird. It also doesn't make sense. It detects my HDMI as Codec ID #0 but doesnt detect my IDT audio at all. However, when i use the Codec verbs i got from Linux and input them into the VoodooHDA info.plist. It works but when i open up the VoodooHDA Preference Pane, i also cannot edit the settings for the IDT Audio Devices. Interesting eh? It just doesn't work. Weird. So I'm not even sure what Codec ID to use. Damn laptop.


use an older version of voodoohda i think newer detects hdmi first and doesn't pick up audio card first in their dumps.


Another track you can take is Install Ubuntu and get yourself the HDA Analyzer tool which will allow you to investigate nodes, mixers, input's/outputs further and get a better understanding of what edits are required inside AppleHDA.kext. It also allows you to change things not on an hardware level though only read-only software level.


HP design the motherboards their own way, they are a bunch of smackos. Won't buy HP again as they lock all their hardware down including the software that runs the motherboards.


HP DV6-3xxx normals runs ALC272 soundcard but it will have different settings in an Acer using the same chipset. WHY? Because HP and Acer or any other Laptop company controls using the BIOS software and other means to re-route the sound cards connections to work the way they want them to work.


So long story short it's quite hard creating a AppleHDA kext for ALC272 Universal if boards and bioses being different route the audio differently depending on laptop brand and model.


Same goes for Video card ports and redirections of how the video display switches on and off.


HDA Analyzer and Codec Dump will best your best friends moving forward.


Example of a locked HP BIOS, My model DV6-3132TX locked cannot change Wireless card without patching the bios, cannot access any advanced menus like ASUS notebooks allow you to do. A dumbed down BIOS makes it harder to create work arounds. Also lapic fix which causes kernel panics can also be fixed via BIOS patches but HP digitally signed their BIOS's so if certain edits are done and flashed back to the laptop breaking the signature will also brick the laptop.


So that's enough rambling from me :D


Example of HDA Analyzer



Let's you see Node, Pin Complex and The Input/Output - awsome app.


1. Download it, Open Terminal and type.


wget -O run.py http://www.alsa-project.org/hda-analyzer.py


2. Run it, make sure you have enough permissions. Use sudo :D


python run.py


And it should pop up.

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Thanks for the Information!


But i was looking at the newer Lion 10.7.1 kext. I realised that in the Platforms.xml there are a lot more Pathmaps to map now. Thing is, how do i know which one is for which device?


copy the pathmap structure from 10.6.2 kexts, delete all extra pathmaps but keep one. replicate what you see in 10.6.2 and apply the pathmaps the same way.

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So there's not really a way to understand the kext eh? I want to try to understand it also. :)


I'll copy the pathmaps from the 10.6.2 kext for now though.


EDIT : Just tried the thing you asked me to do. Doesn't work. Interesting.


AppleHDA for IDT92HD75B2X5.




HDA Analyzer does just that it tells you the node of the connector and what mixer it runs through and then it tells you either the input port or output port. Tell's you everything you need to know.


Also Linux dump which is in hex if you convert the hex values to decimal it will also tell you the same info, Node to mixer then outputs/inputs.



Pin Default 44142624

Node 10 has an association with 19.


So if you convert your dump decimal to an SVG graphical image then you can trace NODE 10 which will follow through to 19.




I will give you an example:

Node 10 [Pin Complex] wcaps 4195715: Stereo Amp-In
 Control: name="Front Mic Jack Mode", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=0, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
 Control: name="Front Mic Capture Volume", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
 Amp-In caps: N/A
 Amp-In vals:  [0 0]
 Pincap 71484: IN OUT HP EAPD Detect
Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80
 Pin Default 44142624: [Jack] Mic at Ext Front
Conn = 1/8, Color = Pink
DefAssociation = 2, Sequence = 0
 Pin-ctls: 36: IN VREF_80
 Unsolicited: tag=02, enabled=1
 Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
 Connection: 3
 19* 20 28


Node 19 [Audio Output] wcaps 855045: Stereo Amp-Out R/L
  Control: name="Speaker Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=63
  Control: name="Speaker Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Device: name="STAC92xx Analog", type="Audio", device=0
  Amp-Out caps: N/A
  Amp-Out vals:  [103 103]
  Converter: stream=0, channel=0
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Delay: 13 samples


I'm pretty sure that's right in terms of an example:


Green = Node (10)

Black = Mixer (27)

Blue = Output (19)


Pin Complex → Audio Mixer → Audio Output

Audio Input → Audio Mixer → Pin Complex


hope this helps understand.


Also this one is a little different because Mic's are normally attached to an audio input however this one isn't because there is a mic at front of laptop and internal mic at left side of laptop. So mic next to camera at front is classified as audio output and mic port to left side of laptop is classified as audio input or maybe it's the other way around :).

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installing Lion i am having a popup message saying that no bluetooth keyboard and mouse is present and it happens every time system boots. Is it normal? How to get rid definitely of such annoying message? Lion doesn't know i am using a PS2 Keyb&Trackpad of course ;)

Any suggestion?




PS: GLSY method for battery in lion works quite nice! ;) Thanks!!

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HDA Analyzer does just that it tells you the node of the connector and what mixer it runs through and then it tells you either the input port or output port. Tell's you everything you need to know.


Also Linux dump which is in hex if you convert the hex values to decimal it will also tell you the same info, Node to mixer then outputs/inputs.



Pin Default 44142624

Node 10 has an association with 19.


So if you convert your dump decimal to an SVG graphical image then you can trace NODE 10 which will follow through to 19.




I will give you an example:

Node 10 [Pin Complex] wcaps 4195715: Stereo Amp-In
 Control: name="Front Mic Jack Mode", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=0, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
 Control: name="Front Mic Capture Volume", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
 Amp-In caps: N/A
 Amp-In vals:  [0 0]
 Pincap 71484: IN OUT HP EAPD Detect
Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80
 Pin Default 44142624: [Jack] Mic at Ext Front
Conn = 1/8, Color = Pink
DefAssociation = 2, Sequence = 0
 Pin-ctls: 36: IN VREF_80
 Unsolicited: tag=02, enabled=1
 Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
 Connection: 3
 19* 20 28


Node 19 [Audio Output] wcaps 855045: Stereo Amp-Out R/L
  Control: name="Speaker Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=63
  Control: name="Speaker Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Device: name="STAC92xx Analog", type="Audio", device=0
  Amp-Out caps: N/A
  Amp-Out vals:  [103 103]
  Converter: stream=0, channel=0
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Delay: 13 samples


I'm pretty sure that's right in terms of an example:


Green = Node (10)

Black = Mixer (27)

Blue = Output (19)


Pin Complex → Audio Mixer → Audio Output

Audio Input → Audio Mixer → Pin Complex


hope this helps understand.


Also this one is a little different because Mic's are normally attached to an audio input however this one isn't because there is a mic at front of laptop and internal mic at left side of laptop. So mic next to camera at front is classified as audio output and mic port to left side of laptop is classified as audio input or maybe it's the other way around :).


Thanks for the reply! But i didnt mean it that way. I know how to read from the SVG. :) But i want to know how to Intepret the Pathmaps located either in Resources.xml or Layout.xml files in the 10.7.1 AppleHDA.

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Hi All.


Here's where I'm at.


My win7/osx 10.6.7 system is running very smoothly and getting a new wireless card is the next main plan.


How easy is it to upgrade to 10.7 compared to installing 10.6? I'm totally blind and using Voiceover on the mac and NVDA in windows.


Can i use my existing DSDT from 10.6.7 for 10.7?


Any advice really appreciated.



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Hi All on this post


I am just wondering if anybody can help?


I won't lie but i am fairly new to the installing OSX on a pc. I have succeeded installing it on my desktop

BUT i am losing sleep trying to put it on this HP DV6-2005TX!! (i7 720qm,4gb,500gig,nvidiaGT230m)


I am trying to extract my dsdt from the machine but I get about 206 errors.. Is this normal?

I have even tried to extract it from the win partition..


I have Win 7 on one partion and OSX on the first i can only boot up osx with the MIID at the moment and i always have to boot in safe mode (-x), because i get a KP if i try a normal start up


Can someone please help?

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