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DSDT Auto-Patcher


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Hi MaLd0n,


could you please include the Intel D945GCCR


I have a few kexts loaded...and dsdt patch for ALC883




Device (HDEF)
               Name (_ADR, 0x001B0000)
               Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                   Store (Package (0x06)
                           Buffer (One)

                           Buffer (0x04)
                               0x73, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00

                           Buffer (One)
                       }, Local0)
                   DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
                   Return (Local0)


here is your/some files... for Snow...


Note : LAN intel82557 is not working all the time, only 1/3 boot ... dont know why at this time...


Thanks a lot !!!



Original DSDT from DSDT Patcher from 10.6.2


I wil post the one from Win too...



Original DSDT from DSDT Patcher from 10.6.2


I wil post the one from Win too...



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into device name_adr 0x001B0000 set_label
into_all all code_regex AZAL replaceall_matched
into method label DTGP remove_entry;
into definitionblock code_regex . insert
Method (DTGP, 5, NotSerialized)\n
   If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10)\n
               /* 0000 */    0xC6, 0xB7, 0xB5, 0xA0, 0x18, 0x13, 0x1C, 0x44, \n
               /* 0008 */    0xB0, 0xC9, 0xFE, 0x69, 0x5E, 0xAF, 0x94, 0x9B\n
       If (LEqual (Arg1, One))\n
           If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero))\n
               Store (Buffer (One)\n
                   }, Arg4)\n
               Return (One)\n
           If (LEqual (Arg2, One))\n
               Return (One)\n
   Store (Buffer (One)\n
       }, Arg4)\n
   Return (Zero)\n
into device label PWRB code_regex (Name\s\()_HID(\,\sEisaId\s\(\"PNP0C0C\"\)\)) replace_matched begin %1_CID%2 end;
into device name_hid PNP0000 code_regex IRQNoFlags\s\(\)\n\s+\{(\d+)\} remove_matched;
into device name_hid PNP0100 code_regex IRQNoFlags\s\(\)\n\s+\{(\d+)\} remove_matched;
into device name_hid PNP0B00 code_regex IRQNoFlags\s\(\)\n\s+\{(\d+)\} remove_matched;
into device name_hid PNP0103 code_regex_not IRQNoFlags code_regex Name\s\(([^,]+),\sResourceTemplate\s\(\)\n\s+\{((?:.|\n)*)\}\) replace_matched
Name (%1, ResourceTemplate ()\n
                       IRQNoFlags ()\n
                       IRQNoFlags ()\n
into method label _DSM parent_adr 0x001F0000 remove_entry;
into device name_adr 0x001F0000 insert
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)\n
   Store (Package (0x02)\n
           "device-id", \n
           Buffer (0x04)\n
               0xb9, 0x27, 0x00, 0x00\n
       }, Local0)\n
   DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))\n
   Return (Local0)\n
into_all all code_regex (Acquire\s\(MUT0,\s0x)....\)
into device label SPKR remove_entry;
into device label FDC remove_entry;
into device label FDC0 remove_entry;
into device label LPT1 remove_entry;
into device label LPTE remove_entry;
into device label LPT remove_entry;
into device label MEM remove_entry;
into device label ^^RMEM remove_entry;
into device name_hid PNP0B00 code_regex (IO\s\((?:\s*[^,]+,\s*(?:\/\/\s.*)?\s*\n)+\s*)(\dx\d+)(,\s*(?:\/\/\s.*)?\s*\n\s*\)) replace_matched begin %10x02%3 end;
into device name_adr 0x001F0003 parent_label PCI0 remove_entry;
into device label PCI0 insert
Device (SBUS)\n
   Name (_ADR, 0x001F0003)\n
   Device (BUS0)\n
       Name (_CID, "smbus")\n
       Name (_ADR, Zero)\n
       Device (DVL0)\n
           Name (_ADR, 0x57)\n
           Name (_CID, "diagsvault")\n
   Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)\n
       Store (Package (0x02)\n
               "device-id", \n
               Buffer (0x04)\n
                   0x30, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00\n
           }, Local0)\n
       DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))\n
       Return (Local0)\n
into method label _PTS code_regex_not If\s\(LEqual\s\(Arg0,\s0x05\)\) code_regex ^((?:.|\n)*)$ replace_matched
       If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x05)) {}\n
into method label _DSM parent_adr 0x001B0000 remove_entry;
into device name_adr 0x001B0000 insert
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)\n
                   Store (Package (0x06)\n
                           "built-in", \n
                           Buffer (One)\n
                           }, \n
                           "layout-id", \n
                           Buffer (0x04)\n
                               0x73, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00\n
                           }, \n
                           "PinConfigurations", \n
                           Buffer (Zero) {}\n
                       }, Local0)\n
                   DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))\n
                   Return (Local0)\n
into device name_adr 0x001F0001 code_regex_not OperationRegion\s*\(IDET insert
OperationRegion (IDET, PCI_Config, 0x40, 0x04) // IDE Timing Register\n
Field (IDET, WordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)\n
Offset (0x00),\n
M1, 8,\n
Offset (0x01),\n
M2, 8,\n
Offset (0x02),\n
M3, 8,\n
Offset (0x03),\n
M4, 8\n
into method label _DSM parent_adr 0x001F0001 remove_entry;
into device name_adr 0x001F0001 insert
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)\n
Store (0x07, M1)\n
Store (0xE3, M2)\n
Store (Zero, M3)\n
Store (0xC0, M4)\n
Return (Zero)\n



Asus P5K-SE

try it



use AppleHdaDisabler in S/L/E




I'm expected to inherit an ATi 5750 card. I'm currently using an nVidia 7300GS. Do I need to modify my DSDT with the cards device IDs or do I just need to follow Netkas' instructions posted here? http://netkas.org/?p=465 (add device-id to ati5000controller.kext)




svn co http://forge.voodooprojects.org/svn/chameleon/branches/Kabyl
cd Kabyl

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hey thanks i will try it in a sec,

just a question, i disabled audio completely from bios cause i have RME card,

do i still need the hdadisabler?

I do not know the answer


I added the HDEF


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into device name_adr 0x001B0000 set_label
into_all all code_regex AZAL replaceall_matched
into method label DTGP remove_entry;
into definitionblock code_regex . insert
Method (DTGP, 5, NotSerialized)\n
   If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10)\n
               /* 0000 */    0xC6, 0xB7, 0xB5, 0xA0, 0x18, 0x13, 0x1C, 0x44, \n
               /* 0008 */    0xB0, 0xC9, 0xFE, 0x69, 0x5E, 0xAF, 0x94, 0x9B\n
       If (LEqual (Arg1, One))\n
           If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero))\n
               Store (Buffer (One)\n
                   }, Arg4)\n
               Return (One)\n
           If (LEqual (Arg2, One))\n
               Return (One)\n
   Store (Buffer (One)\n
       }, Arg4)\n
   Return (Zero)\n
into device label PWRB code_regex (Name\s\()_HID(\,\sEisaId\s\(\"PNP0C0C\"\)\)) replace_matched begin %1_CID%2 end;
into device name_hid PNP0000 code_regex IRQNoFlags\s\(\)\n\s+\{(\d+)\} remove_matched;
into device name_hid PNP0100 code_regex IRQNoFlags\s\(\)\n\s+\{(\d+)\} remove_matched;
into device name_hid PNP0B00 code_regex IRQNoFlags\s\(\)\n\s+\{(\d+)\} remove_matched;
into device name_hid PNP0103 code_regex_not IRQNoFlags code_regex Name\s\(([^,]+),\sResourceTemplate\s\(\)\n\s+\{((?:.|\n)*)\}\) replace_matched
Name (%1, ResourceTemplate ()\n
                       IRQNoFlags ()\n
                       IRQNoFlags ()\n
into method label _DSM parent_adr 0x001F0000 remove_entry;
into device name_adr 0x001F0000 insert
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)\n
   Store (Package (0x02)\n
           "device-id", \n
           Buffer (0x04)\n
               0xb9, 0x27, 0x00, 0x00\n
       }, Local0)\n
   DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))\n
   Return (Local0)\n
into_all all code_regex (Acquire\s\(MUT0,\s0x)....\)
into device label SPKR remove_entry;
into device label FDC remove_entry;
into device label FDC0 remove_entry;
into device label LPT1 remove_entry;
into device label LPTE remove_entry;
into device label LPT remove_entry;
into device label MEM remove_entry;
into device label ^^RMEM remove_entry;
into device name_hid PNP0B00 code_regex (IO\s\((?:\s*[^,]+,\s*(?:\/\/\s.*)?\s*\n)+\s*)(\dx\d+)(,\s*(?:\/\/\s.*)?\s*\n\s*\)) replace_matched begin %10x02%3 end;
into device name_adr 0x001F0003 parent_label PCI0 remove_entry;
into device label PCI0 insert
Device (SBUS)\n
   Name (_ADR, 0x001F0003)\n
   Device (BUS0)\n
       Name (_CID, "smbus")\n
       Name (_ADR, Zero)\n
       Device (DVL0)\n
           Name (_ADR, 0x57)\n
           Name (_CID, "diagsvault")\n
   Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)\n
       Store (Package (0x02)\n
               "device-id", \n
               Buffer (0x04)\n
                   0x30, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00\n
           }, Local0)\n
       DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))\n
       Return (Local0)\n
into method label _PTS code_regex_not If\s\(LEqual\s\(Arg0,\s0x05\)\) code_regex ^((?:.|\n)*)$ replace_matched
       If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x05)) {}\n
into method label _DSM parent_adr 0x001B0000 remove_entry;
into device name_adr 0x001B0000 insert
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)\n
                   Store (Package (0x06)\n
                           "built-in", \n
                           Buffer (One)\n
                           }, \n
                           "layout-id", \n
                           Buffer (0x04)\n
                               0x73, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00\n
                           }, \n
                           "PinConfigurations", \n
                           Buffer (Zero) {}\n
                       }, Local0)\n
                   DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))\n
                   Return (Local0)\n
into device name_adr 0x001F0001 code_regex_not OperationRegion\s*\(IDET insert
OperationRegion (IDET, PCI_Config, 0x40, 0x04) // IDE Timing Register\n
Field (IDET, WordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)\n
Offset (0x00),\n
M1, 8,\n
Offset (0x01),\n
M2, 8,\n
Offset (0x02),\n
M3, 8,\n
Offset (0x03),\n
M4, 8\n
into method label _DSM parent_adr 0x001F0001 remove_entry;
into device name_adr 0x001F0001 insert
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)\n
Store (0x07, M1)\n
Store (0xE3, M2)\n
Store (Zero, M3)\n
Store (0xC0, M4)\n
Return (Zero)\n



Many many thanks !!! :) :) :D seems you have resolve the fu**ing "unplugged cable" for the Intel8255x Lan 0x10948086


For the ALC883 should i still use modded LegacyHDA and old AppleHDA or not ? so vanilla should work with DSDT or not?


Great for the LAN !!!

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so i'm with the new dsdt, no applehdadisabler installed (and no kp if should be),

but i see you added some new lines in ehci, but still getting the unpluged message.

is there something else? should i stay with this one or the old one in case u don't have other solution for this?


thanks :)



i'm thinking one more thing.

maybe it's not working now cause i don't allow motherboard to maintain power to the usb? (as said above, i can't right

now cause of bluetooth and wireless issues)

i will check later on to see if there is any change



and i also see you removed the 2 hpet IRQ's that was added in the time.

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For the ALC883 should i still use modded LegacyHDA and old AppleHDA or not ? so vanilla should work with DSDT or not?



DSDY + Legacy + AppleHDA


but i see you added some new lines in ehci, but still getting the unpluged message.

is there something else? should i stay with this one or the old one in case u don't have other solution for this?


I have no idea


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You need it?



Well, just to try it (only in 32 bit mode, it seems).... :wacko:


Many Thanks !!! :D


just in case if someone need it : I attach the intel8255x kext working in 64bit for me:

you must add your Dev + ven ids... in info.plist

sorry don't remember where I found it ...


Arf here : http://sites.google.com/site/osx86guides/H...ethernet-driver


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actually i don't know, i'm just compering the changes and read a bit to understand

i understand it's for some conflicts with usb, does it meant to be fix for ones which their usb don't work at all or with some problems?


anyway, from looking at ioreg, with only 2 IRQ's i get post-690327-1307991365_thumb.jpg

from my understanding it looks for 4 entries, am i right?



when inserting 4 IRQ's it seems only 1 value is changed


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Well still need a DSDT patch for this " just cosmetic" issue:




D945GCCR don't have AHCI, only SATA-IDE


00:1f.2 IDE interface [0101]: Intel Corporation 82801GB/GR/GH (ICH7 Family) SATA IDE Controller [8086:27c0]


if you have a solution ??? :wacko:

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so from some reading i try to understand,

it seems like when both 2 or 4 IRQ's set in the dsdt, the first one (0) change to 02 in ioreg, which is (2)

when set to 2 IRQ's, i got as seen 2, 8, 11, 12

when set to 4 IRQ's i got 2, 8, 11, 15 (which 3 of them is true to the dsdt change)


so my question is, should i change the first to (2)?

and the last should be (15) or (12) or is it just for me to decide based on free IRQ?


or else i can just leave it to osx to decide?



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so my question is, should i change the first to (2)?

and the last should be (15) or (12) or is it just for me to decide based on free IRQ?


use it

IRQNoFlags ()
IRQNoFlags ()

this is the advice for everyone

if you have problems

you should try another

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Hi, it's me again.

I used your DSDT and placed it in EXTRA folder, restarted, and nothing happened, than I placed it on root of Macintosh HD, restarted, and nothing happened...

When I say nothing happened, I mean, no changes in VGA funcionality (GT 320M), no airport (wireless), no LAN, no sound devices (ALC269), system still hangs when I shut it down - LED and fans are still on...

Am I using DSDT in a wrong way? What should I do with it? I thought just to place it in a EXTRA directory, or on the root would be enough?




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Hi, it's me again.

I used your DSDT and placed it in EXTRA folder, restarted, and nothing happened, than I placed it on root of Macintosh HD, restarted, and nothing happened...

When I say nothing happened, I mean, no changes in VGA funcionality (GT 320M), no airport (wireless), no LAN, no sound devices (ALC269), system still hangs when I shut it down - LED and fans are still on...

Am I using DSDT in a wrong way? What should I do with it? I thought just to place it in a EXTRA directory, or on the root would be enough?





send me files

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I did that already, and sent you the send_me.zip file. You said to reboot with DSDT and to send you a log (see previous post).

What I meant to say, there's no change whether I place the DSDT to extra folder or not... :)


Here it is again...

The DSDT is not being read

put in Extra and use it in boot.plist


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I tried this dsdt.aml, it gives kernel panic w/o cpupowermanagement kext. Can you try fixing it please?

many versions of the bios(intel motherboard) have this problem

some versions of bios work nativepm

other versions not

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