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DSDT Auto-Patcher


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Oh ok, thanks :blink:


Video isn't working... Can't change resolution.



From System profiler:



Vendor: Intel (0x8086)

Device ID 0x2772

Revision ID 0x0002

Kernal Extension Info: No Kext Loaded


GMA950 desktop?


use arch=i386 and DSDT

dont use GraphicsEnabler=Yes or kext mod

try it

original kexts

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Thank you for your help! - Will you be updating your DSDT autopatcher with the changes incase I loose the dsdt.aml?



next update



I have an old 7300GT

only 32 too \õ/

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meldon, hey, just wondering something.

after applying the method, i started to get some messages in logic pro about Sudden Motion Sensor(which comes after few minutes of use,and have to restart the app), and from reading on apple site, it has nothing to do with desktop comuters, only portable, i tried see what pmset -g will give me, and have no entry called sms (which is the sudden motion sensor)


when not using this method i'm yet to get any message in logic, and can finally work without any problem!

(i was getting ones, and NOT often when was on ide, not sms, but low performance issue, which by setting to ahci for my surprise help me get rid of all error related to disks for good, in big and small projects,)

with the use of the injector kexts there is no errors at all as i said, and from what i can see are just plists so it's not a real change to the driver itself.

so what different between those method? if any?

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How are you doing. I noticed you made an update for the Asus G51JX Auto Patch. I ran DiffMerge and did notice a few change and wanted you to comment on those changes.


Whatever you did it fixed the USB Disk Error wake from sleep and not sure which script fix it but I did notice the PNLF backlight script was removed. Now when I close my lid it does not go to sleep. I have to manually execute sleep no big deal but removing the PNLF script fixed the USB Disk removal error or was it some other script that fix this?


Here are the Diff's:


My Former DSDT auto patcher:


* Intel ACPI Component Architecture
* AML Disassembler version 20091214
* Disassembly of ./dsdt.dat, Sat Jun 11 22:15:28 2011
* Original Table Header:
*     Signature        "DSDT"
*     Length           0x0000FCAF (64687)
*     Revision         0x01 **** ACPI 1.0, no 64-bit math support
*     Checksum         0x4E
*     OEM ID           "APPLE"
*     OEM Table ID     "MacBook"
*     OEM Revision     0x00000001 (1)
*     Compiler ID      "INTL"
*     Compiler Version 0x20091214 (537465364)
DefinitionBlock ("./dsdt.aml", "DSDT", 1, "APPLE", "MacBook", 0x00000001)

               Device (HPET)
                   Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0103"))
                   Name (_UID, Zero)
                   Name (BUF0, ResourceTemplate ()
                       IRQNoFlags ()
                       IRQNoFlags ()
                       Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
                           0xFED00000,         // Address Base
                           0x00000400,         // Address Length

               Device (PS2K)
                   Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0303"))
                   Name (_CID, EisaId ("PNP030B"))
                   Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
                       ShiftLeft (One, 0x0A, Local0)
                       If (And (IOST, Local0))
                           Return (0x0F)

                       Return (Zero)

                   Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
                       IO (Decode16,
                           0x0060,             // Range Minimum
                           0x0060,             // Range Maximum
                           0x00,               // Alignment
                           0x01,               // Length
                       IO (Decode16,
                           0x0064,             // Range Minimum
                           0x0064,             // Range Maximum
                           0x00,               // Alignment
                           0x01,               // Length
                       IRQNoFlags ()

               Device (LPCR)


                   Return (ATAB)

               Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                   Store (Package (0x02)
                           Buffer (0x04)
                               0x22, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00
                       }, Local0)
                   DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
                   Return (Local0)

           Device (EHC0)
               Name (_ADR, 0x001D0000)
               Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized)
                   Return (GPRW (0x0D, 0x03))

               Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                   Store (Package (0x0B)
                           Buffer (One)

   Scope (_SB.PCI0)
       Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized)
           Store (MSOS (), OSPM)

Some script removed here?

   Scope (_SB.PCI0)
       Device (AC0)
           Name (_HID, "ACPI0003")
           Method (_PSR, 0, NotSerialized)
               Return (^^SBRG.EC0.ACAP ())

           Name (_PCL, Package (0x01)
           Name (_PRW, Package (0x02)


   Scope (_SB)
       Device (LID)
           Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0D"))
           Method (_LID, 0, NotSerialized)
               Store (One, Local0)
               Store (^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.RPIN (0x0A), Local0)
               If (LEqual (Local0, Ones))
                   Store (One, Local0)

               Return (Local0)

           Device (PNLF)
               Name (_HID, EisaId ("APP0002"))
               Name (_CID, "backlight")
               Name (_UID, 0x0A)
               Name (_STA, 0x0B)

removed a Return Zero?

               Or (STAS, 0x80, STAS)

           Return (Zero)



Current DSDT Auto patched:


 * Intel ACPI Component Architecture
* AML Disassembler version 20091214
* Disassembly of ./dsdt.aml, Sat Jun 11 23:16:06 2011
* Original Table Header:
*     Signature        "DSDT"
*     Length           0x0000FE0F (65039)
*     Revision         0x01 **** ACPI 1.0, no 64-bit math support
*     Checksum         0xB5
*     OEM ID           "PEGA"
*     OEM Table ID     "PEGANB"
*     OEM Revision     0x00000001 (1)
*     Compiler ID      "INTL"
*     Compiler Version 0x20101013 (537923603)
DefinitionBlock ("./dsdt.aml", "DSDT", 1, "PEGA", "PEGANB", 0x00000001)

               Device (HPET)
                   Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0103"))
                   Name (_UID, Zero)
                   Name (BUF0, ResourceTemplate ()
                       IRQNoFlags ()
                       IRQNoFlags ()
                       IRQNoFlags ()
                       IRQNoFlags ()

               Device (PS2K)
                   Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0303"))
                   Name (_CID, EisaId ("PNP030B"))
                   Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
                       ShiftLeft (One, 0x0A, Local0)
                       If (And (IOST, Local0))
                           Return (0x0F)

                       Return (Zero)

                   Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
                       IO (Decode16,
                           0x0060,             // Range Minimum
                           0x0060,             // Range Maximum
                           0x00,               // Alignment
                           0x01,               // Length
                       IO (Decode16,
                           0x0064,             // Range Minimum
                           0x0064,             // Range Maximum
                           0x00,               // Alignment
                           0x01,               // Length
                       IRQNoFlags ()
                   Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                       Store (Package (0x02)
                               Buffer (0x04)
                                   0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
                           }, Local0)
                       DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
                       Return (Local0)

           Device (EHC0)
               Name (_ADR, 0x001D0000)
               Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized)
                   Return (GPRW (0x0D, 0x03))

               Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                   Store (Package (0x0F)
                           Buffer (0x04)
                               0x34, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x00

                           Buffer (One)

               Method (USBW, 1, NotSerialized)
                   If (UPAC (Arg0))
                       RSTA ()

               Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized)
                   Return (GPRW (0x03, 0x03))

               Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                   Store (Package (0x02)
                           Buffer (0x04)
                               0x3B, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x00
                       }, Local0)
                   DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
                   Return (Local0)

USB1-6  changes:

               Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                   Store (Package (0x02)
                           Buffer (0x04)
                               0x3B, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x00
                       }, Local0)
                   DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
                   Return (Local0)

   Scope (_SB.PCI0)
       Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized)
           Store (MSOS (), OSPM)
           If (_OSI ("Darwin"))
               Store (0x07D6, OSYS)

   Scope (_SB.ATKD)
       Method (MF42, 4, NotSerialized)
           If (LEqual (Arg1, 0x42))
               OperationRegion (F042, SystemMemory, Arg0, 0x08)
               Field (F042, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
                   MFUN,   16, 
                   SFUN,   16, 
                   LEN,    16, 
                   STAS,   8, 
                   EROR,   8

               Store (One, Local0)
               If (LEqual (Arg2, One))
                   Store (SFB0 (Arg0, Arg3), Local0)

               If (LEqual (Arg2, 0x02))
                   Store (SAOC (Arg0, Arg3), Local0)

               If (LEqual (Arg2, 0x03))
                   Store (GBST (Arg0, Arg3), Local0)

               If (Local0)
                   Store (Local0, EROR)
                   Or (STAS, 0x02, STAS)

               Or (STAS, 0x80, STAS)
               Return (Zero)

           Return (Zero)





EDITED a few minutes later:


I spoke to soon I don't know why when I first tested the new DSDT I did not get the USB Disk removal error but I am getting it now. Weird!!

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Well, I found a solution. This set of files worked for me:


When I used [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] after the installation of the 10.6.7 Combo Update, I did not check off any audio files.

After the post-installation reboot, I removed the AppleHDA kext file from S/L/E.

I installed the two files in the download's E/E folder into my system's E/E folder, then ran Kext Utility.

I installed the two files in the download's S/L/E folder into my system's S/L/E folder using Kext Helper.

I rebooted and have working analog audio. I see both analog and SPDIF I/O, but have not been able to test the SPDIF I/O yet.


I tried the latest Voodoohda installation package, but it did not work for me. I have an EVGA Nvidia GT240 graphics card, with a built-in sound chip. Voodoohda seems to get confused and sets itself up for the sound chip on the video card, rather than the motherboard. However, if you want to use the HDMI port with audio, Voodoohda would probably be the way to go. I am not sure if there is a solution that allows you to use both analog and HDMI audio.

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Hi MaLd0n,

I'm running a GA-Z68X-UD3P-B3 with a 2500k & a GTX260. I'm missing Sound (ALC889), network, & SATA states Unknown Controller in system profiler. I'm also unable to sleep correctly. When it wakes from "sleep" (it doesn't really sleep actually) the network disappears (Netgear GA311). Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Attached is the vanilla DSDT based on BIOS F4 (capture in Ubuntu) and my patched DSDT. Thank you!




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Hi MaLd0n,


Thanks for this thread! I hope you still updating the auto-patcher...

I did not found my MB in the supported list - I run Intel D975XBX2 board with E6300.


My send_me file is attached.

After upgrade to 10.6.6 I cannot make my NV 7600GT work. Up to 10.6.5 it works by injecting device-id into boot.plist.

I hope that proper DSDT will fix it.


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use kexts

I also have many problems with this patch

I do not use this patch


I have Asus P6X58D-E with GTX470. When the system goes to sleep, the cpu wakes up but there is no display on monitor. I've used the DSDT patcher to create my dsdt.aml. Can you please check if there is a problem with my dsdt.aml



try it



USB "Built in"? UHCI and EHCI?

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Hi MaLd0n,


could you please include the Intel D945GCCR


I have a few kexts loaded...and dsdt patch for ALC883




Device (HDEF)
               Name (_ADR, 0x001B0000)
               Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                   Store (Package (0x06)
                           Buffer (One)

                           Buffer (0x04)
                               0x73, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00

                           Buffer (One)
                       }, Local0)
                   DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
                   Return (Local0)


here is your/some files... for Snow...


Note : LAN intel82557 is not working all the time, only 1/3 boot ... dont know why at this time...


Thanks a lot !!!





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I spoke to soon I don't know why when I first tested the new DSDT I did not get the USB Disk removal error but I am getting it now. Weird!!


send me the DSDT with the Auto-Patcher Updated

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I hope that your invitation to send you files with send_me.zip is still on.

Here is mine, from Asus K50ID, dual core T4400, nVidia GeForce GT320M etc etc...

Hope you can do some trick with it :(

Thank you...





after reboot

send me a log

run on terminal

cat /var/log/kernel.log


Hi MaLd0n,

I'm running a GA-Z68X-UD3P-B3 with a 2500k & a GTX260. I'm missing Sound (ALC889), network, & SATA states Unknown Controller in system profiler. I'm also unable to sleep correctly. When it wakes from "sleep" (it doesn't really sleep actually) the network disappears (Netgear GA311). Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Attached is the vanilla DSDT based on BIOS F4 (capture in Ubuntu) and my patched DSDT. Thank you!

apply DSM into device SATA

Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
				Store (Package (0x02)
						Buffer (0x04)
							0x03, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x00
					}, Local0)
				DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
				Return (Local0)


use 10.6.8 ou Sandy Bridge update


Intel D975XBX2 board



Next Update


[b]Ab9 Pro[/b], last modified Jun 7
[b]IP35 Pro[/b], last modified Jun 5


[b]Aspire 1410[/b], last modified May 28
[b]Aspire 3680[/b], last modified May 28
[b]Aspire 3690[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]Aspire 4740G[/b], last modified May 1
[b]Aspire 4810T[/b], last modified May 15
[b]Aspire 5738Z[/b], last modified May 4
[b]Aspire 5738ZG[/b], last modified May 4
[b]Aspire 5740G[/b], last modified May 4
[b]Aspire 5741Z[/b], last modified Apr 11
[b]Aspire 5742G[/b], last modified Apr 11
[b]Aspire 5920[/b], last modified May 7
[b]Aspire 5935G[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]Aspire 6930G[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]Aspire 7720G[/b], last modified May 4
[b]Aspire 7741G[/b], last modified May 4
[b]Aspire M3630[/b], last modified May 15
[b]Aspire TimelineX 3820TG-354G50NKS[/b], last modified May 4
[b]Travelmate 8472TG[/b], last modified Jun 5


[b]4Core1600 DVI[/b], last modified May 2
[b]Conroe 1333 1394[/b], last modified Jun 6
[b]ConRoe945G DVI[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]Fatal!ty P67 Pro[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]G31M S[/b], last modified Jun 6
[b]H55M PRO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P43DE[/b], last modified Apr 26
[b]P43DE3[/b], last modified Apr 26
[b]P55 Deluxe3[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55 Extreme[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55 Pro[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55DE3[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55M PRO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]Wolfdale Glan M[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]X58 Extreme[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]X58 Extreme3[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]Z68 Pro3[/b], last modified Jun 5


[b]A42F[/b], last modified May 4
[b]AT5NM10 I[/b], last modified Jun 6
[b]Eee 1005HAB[/b], last modified Jun 6
[b]G1[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]G51JX[/b], last modified May 4
[b]G51VX[/b], last modified Jun 7
[b]G53JW[/b], last modified May 4
[b]G53SW[/b], last modified May 11
[b]G73JH[/b], last modified May 4
[b]IPIBL LB[/b], last modified Dec 22
[b]K52JR[/b], last modified May 4
[b]M60J[/b], last modified May 4
[b]Maximus II Formula[/b], last modified Apr 11
[b]Maximus Rampage Formula[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]N53JF[/b], last modified May 4
[b]N53JQ[/b], last modified May 4
[b]P5B[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5B Deluxe Wifi[/b], last modified May 5
[b]P5B E Plus[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5B Premium[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5E[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5E3[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5E3 Premium Wifi APsolo[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5G41 M LX2 GB LPT[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5G41 MLX[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5G41T M LX[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5G41T M LX2[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5GC MX[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5k[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5K Deluxe WiFi[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5K E Wifi AP[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5K Premium Wifi[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5K Pro[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5K SE[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5K VM[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5K3 Deluxe WiFi AP Edition[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5KC[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5KPL AM[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5KPL AM EPU[/b], last modified Jun 1
[b]P5KPL AM SE[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5KPL CM[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5KPL EPU[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5KPL SE[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5KPL VM[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5KR[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5L MX[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5L VM 1394[/b], last modified Jun 11
[b]P5LD2 SE[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5LD2 VM DH[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5LD2 X[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5LP LE[/b], last modified May 3
[b]P5P41C[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5P43TD[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5Q[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5Q Deluxe[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5Q E[/b], last modified Apr 27
[b]P5Q EM[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5Q Premium[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5Q PRO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5Q Pro Turbo[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5Q SE 2[/b], last modified Jun 7
[b]P5Q SE Plus[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5Q3[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5Q3 Deluxe WiFi AP[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5QC[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5QD TURBO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5QL E[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5QL EPU[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5QL PRO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5QL SE[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5VDC X[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5W DH deluxe[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5WD2 Premium[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P5WDG2 WS PRO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P67 Sabertooth[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]P6T Deluxe V1[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P6T deluxe V2[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P6T SE[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P6TD Deluxe[/b], last modified May 11
[b]P6X58 E WS[/b], last modified May 3
[b]P6X58D E[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P6X58D Premium[/b], last modified May 3
[b]P7H55[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7H55 M[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7H55 M BR[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7H55 M LE[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7H55 M LX[/b], last modified Apr 24
[b]P7H55 M PRO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7H55 M USB3[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7H55 USB3[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7H55 V[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7H55D M EVO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7H55D M PRO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7H57D V EVO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55 LX[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55 M[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55 WS SUPERCOMPUTER[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55D[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55D DELUXE[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55D E[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55D E DELUXE[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55D E EVO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55D E LX[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55D E PREMIUM[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55D E PRO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55D EVO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55D LE[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55D PREMIUM[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P7P55D PRO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P8H61 M LE CSM[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]P8H67 I Deluxe[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]P8H67 M PRO[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]P8P67[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]P8P67 Deluxe[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]P8P67 LE[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]P8P67 M[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]P8P67 M PRO[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]P8P67 PRO[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]P8Z68 V Pro[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]Rampage Formula intel X48[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]Rampage Gene III[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]Rampage II Extreme[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]Rampage II Gene[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]Rampage III Extreme[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]Rampage III Formula[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]Sabertooth X58[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]U30JC[/b], last modified May 29
[b]X66IC[/b], last modified May 1
[b]Z96S(P)[/b], last modified Jun 8


[b]Titanium T6160 GDH[/b], last modified Jun 8


[b]Joybook Lite U101C[/b], last modified Jun 8


[b]G31-M7 TE[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]H55 HD[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]T5XE CFX-SLI[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]TH55 B HD[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]TH67+[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]TP45HP[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]Tpower X58[/b], last modified Jun 8


[b]745B[/b], last modified Jun 8


[b]W860CU[/b], last modified Jun 8


[b]Alienware M14X[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]Inspiron 14R[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]Inspiron 1545[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]Inspiron 3010N[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]Inspiron N5010[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]Latitude E6410[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]Latitude E6510[/b], last modified May 31
[b]Optiplex 755[/b], last modified May 12
[b]Optiplex 780 Desktop[/b], last modified May 12
[b]Studio 1747[/b], last modified May 31
[b]Studio Desktop Slim 540s[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]Studio XPS 435T[/b], last modified Apr 14
[b]Vostro 1310[/b], last modified Apr 12
[b]XPS 17 L702X[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]XPS M1330[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]XPS M1530[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]XPS M1730 [/b], last modified May 3


[b]X58 T3H6[/b], last modified Apr 11


[b]945GCT M[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]945GCT M3[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]G31T M[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]G41T M[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]G41T M7[/b], last modified Jun 8


[b]Classified SR 2 270 WS W555 A1[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55 FTW[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55 SLI 132 LF E655 KR[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55 SLI A27[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]X58 Classified[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]X58 SLI 132 BL E758 TR[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]X58 SLI Micro[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]X58 SLI X3[/b], last modified Apr 23


[b]45CMV(-K)[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]945G7MD[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]Flamingblade[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]FlamingBlade GTI[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]G31MX K[/b], last modified Jun 8
[b]G31MXP[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]G41MX-K[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]G41S K[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55A[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]Renaissance X58[/b], last modified Apr 23


[b]E 475M[/b], last modified Jun 11
[b]NV5922H[/b], last modified Jun 9
[b]NV5932U[/b], last modified May 4
[b]NV7915U[/b], last modified Apr 12


[b]Generic[/b], last modified Jun 11


[b]G1.Assassin[/b], last modified May 11
[b]G1.Guerrilla[/b], last modified May 11
[b]G1.Sniper[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 945G-DS3[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 945G-S3[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 945GCM-S2C[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 945GCM-S2L[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 945GCMX-S2[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 945GMC-S2[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 945GMF-DS2[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 945GZM-S2[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 945P-S3[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 945PL-S3E[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 945PL-S3G[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 945PLM-S2[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 965G-DS3[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 965G-DS4[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 965GM-DS2[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 965GM-S2[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 965P-DQ6[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 965P-DS3[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 965P-DS3P[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 965P-DS4[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA 965P-S3[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA D525TUD[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EG31M-S2[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EG31MF-S2[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EG41M-S2H[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EG41M-US2H[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EG41MF-S2H[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EG41MF-US2H[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EG41MFT-US2H[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EG43M-S2H[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EG45M-DS2H[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EG45M-UD2H[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EP31-DS3L[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EP35-DS3[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EP35-DS3L[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EP35-DS3P[/b], last modified May 11
[b]GA EP35-DS3R[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP35-DS4[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP41-UD3L[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP41-US3L[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP41T-UD3L[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP41T-USB3[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP43-DS3[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP43-DS3L[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP43-DS3LR[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP43-DS3R[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP43-S3L[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP43-UD3L[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP43-US3L[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP43C-DS3[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP43T-S3L[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP43T-UD3L[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP43T-USB3[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-DQ6[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-DS3[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-DS3L[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-DS3LR[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-DS3P[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-DS3R[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-DS4[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-DS4P[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-DS5[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-EXTREME[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-UD3[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-UD3L[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-UD3LR[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-UD3P[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45-UD3R[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45C-DS3[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45C-DS3R[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45C-UD3R[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45T-DS3[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45T-DS3R[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45T-EXTREME[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45T-UD3LR[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45T-UD3P[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45T-UD3R[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EP45T-USB3P[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EQ45M-S2[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EX38-DQ6[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EX38-DS4[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EX38-DS5[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EX38T-DQ6[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EX58-DS4[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EX58-EXTREME[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EX58-UD3R[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EX58-UD4[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EX58-UD4P[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA EX58-UD5[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA G31-S3G[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA G31-S3L[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA G31M-ES2C[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA G31M-ES2L[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA G31M-S2C[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA G31M-S2L[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA G31MF-S2[/b], last modified May 12
[b]GA G31MX-S2[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA G33-DS3R[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA G33M-DS2R[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA G33M-S2[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA G33M-S2H[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA G33M-S2L[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA G41M-Combo[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA G41M-ES2H[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA G41M-ES2L[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA G41MT-D3[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA G41MT-ES2H[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA G41MT-ES2L[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA G41MT-S2[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA H55-UD3H[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA H55-USB3[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA H55M-D2H[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA H55M-S2[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA H55M-S2H[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA H55M-S2HP[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA H55M-S2V[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA H55M-UD2H[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA H55M-USB3[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA H55N-USB3[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA H57M-USB3[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA H61M-D2-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA H61M-D2P-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA H61M-S2V-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA H61M-USB3-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA H67A-UD3H[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA H67A-UD3H-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA H67M-D2[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA H67M-D2-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA H67M-UD2H[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA H67M-UD2H-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA H67MA-D2H[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA H67MA-D2H-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA H67MA-UD2H[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA H67MA-UD2H-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA H67N-USB3-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA HA65M-D2H-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA HA65M-UD3H-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA P31-ES3G[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P35-DQ6[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P35-DS3[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P35-DS3L[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P35-DS3P[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P35-DS3R[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P35-DS4[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P35-S3[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P35-S3G [/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P35C-DS3R[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P41-ES3G[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P41T-D3[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P41T-ES3G[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P41T-USB3L[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P43-ES3G[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P43T-ES3G[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA P55-S3[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55-UD3[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55-UD3L[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55-UD3L-TPM[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55-UD3P[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55-UD3R[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55-UD4[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55-UD4P[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55-UD5[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55-UD6[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55-UD6-C[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55-US3L[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55-USB3[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55-USB3L[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55A-UD3[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55A-UD3P[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55A-UD3R[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55A-UD4[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55A-UD4P[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55A-UD5[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55A-UD6[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55A-UD7[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55M-UD2[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P55M-UD4[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA P61-USB3-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA P65A-UD3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA P67A-UD3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA P67A-UD3-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA P67A-UD3P[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA P67A-UD3P-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA P67A-UD3R[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA P67A-UD3R-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA P67A-UD4[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA P67A-UD4-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA P67A-UD5[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA P67A-UD5-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA P67A-UD7[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA P67A-UD7-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA PA65-UD3-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA PH67-UD3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA PH67-UD3-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA PH67A-UD3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA PH67A-UD3-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Q35M-S2[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA Q57M-S2H[/b], last modified May 13
[b]GA Q67M-D2H-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA X38-DQ6[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA X38-DS4[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA X38-DS5[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA X38T-DQ6[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA X48-DQ6[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA X48-DS4[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA X48-DS5[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA X48T-DQ6[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA X58-USB3[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA X58A-OC[/b], last modified May 28
[b]GA X58A-UD3R[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA X58A-UD5[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA X58A-UD7[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA X58A-UD9[/b], last modified May 14
[b]GA Z68A-D3-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68A-D3H-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68AP-D3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68MA-D2H-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68MX-UD2H-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68P-DS3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68X-UD3-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68X-UD3H-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68X-UD3P-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68X-UD3R-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68X-UD4-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68X-UD5-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68X-UD7-B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68XP-D3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68XP-UD3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]GA Z68XP-UD3-iSSD[/b], last modified Jun 5


[b]C770BR[/b], last modified May 4
[b]CQ50 113BR[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]DV4 2165DX[/b], last modified Jun 9
[b]DV5 2074DX[/b], last modified Jun 9
[b]DV6 3225DX[/b], last modified May 4
[b]DV6 Core i[/b], last modified May 15
[b]DV6 Core i GENERIC[/b], last modified May 29
[b]DV6 Core2Duo[/b], last modified May 3
[b]DV6 Sandy Bridge[/b], last modified Jun 9
[b]DV6T Sandy Bridge[/b], last modified Jun 9
[b]DV7 1299EF[/b], last modified May 7
[b]DV7T Core2Duo[/b], last modified May 4
[b]DV8 Core i[/b], last modified Jan 26
[b]DV9585EG[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]Elite HPE 575A[/b], last modified Jun 9
[b]G42[/b], last modified May 4
[b]G62 B08SL[/b], last modified May 4
[b]G62 B16ST[/b], last modified May 4
[b]HDX18[/b], last modified May 4


[b]D945GCLF2[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]D945GCNLBR[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]D945GNTLKR[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]D946GZIS[/b], last modified Apr 12
[b]D975XBX[/b], last modified May 24
[b]D975XBX2[/b], last modified May 24
[b]DG31PR[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DG33BU[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DG33FB[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DG35EC[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DG41RQ[/b], last modified Apr 12
[b]DG41TY[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DG45ID[/b], last modified Apr 12
[b]DG965WH[/b], last modified Apr 25
[b]DH55HC[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DH55PJ[/b], last modified Feb 23
[b]DH55TC[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DH55TCBR[/b], last modified May 1
[b]DH67CF[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DP35DP[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DP43BF[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DP55KG[/b], last modified May 31
[b]DP55SB[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DP55WB[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DP55WG[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DP965LT[/b], last modified May 1
[b]DQ35JO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DX48BT2[/b], last modified Apr 24
[b]DX58SO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]DX58SO2[/b], last modified Apr 23


[b]IP35-PRO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P67A USB3 Shadowbane[/b], last modified Jun 5


[b]T61[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]V360[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]Z360[/b], last modified May 4


[b]A510 U[/b], last modified Jun 11
[b]R480[/b], last modified May 4
[b]R490[/b], last modified May 3
[b]R580[/b], last modified May 4
[b]R590[/b], last modified May 4


[b]Iron i585[/b], last modified Jun 8


[b]XT8000[/b], last modified Jun 8


[b]945P Neo3[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]CR400[/b], last modified May 2
[b]CX623[/b], last modified May 4
[b]G31M3 L[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]G31M3 L V2[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]GX640[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]H55M E21[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]H55M ED55[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]H55M P31[/b], last modified Apr 13
[b]H55M P33[/b], last modified May 3
[b]H61M E33 B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]H67MA E35[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]MS 7252[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]MS 7267[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]MS 7358[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]MS 7383[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]P31 Neo V2[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]P35 NEO2 FR[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P45D3 Platinum[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55 CD53[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55 GD45[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55 GD55[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55 GD65[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55 GD80[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55 GD85[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55A G55[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P55A GD65[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]P67A C43 B3[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]P67A GD55[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]P67A GD65[/b], last modified Jun 5
[b]P965 NEO[/b], last modified Apr 23
[b]X58 Pro E[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]X58M[/b], last modified Apr 23


[b]X10[/b], last modified Jun 8

[b][color="#FF0000"][size=3]Packard Bell[/size][/color][/b]

[b]SB 87[/b], last modified May 4
[b]TK85[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]TM 86[/b], last modified Apr 11


[b]PW 945GCX[/b], last modified Apr 23


[b]Q430 11[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]R480[/b], last modified May 4
[b]R780[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]RF510[/b], last modified May 4
[b]RV411[/b], last modified Jun 10

[b][color="#FF0000"][size=3]Semp Toshiba Info[/size][/color][/b]

[b]12153[/b], last modified May 4
[b]1414[/b], last modified Jun 10


[b]SG45h7[/b], last modified Jun 8


[b]Vaio VGNAR840E[/b], last modified May 28
[b]Vaio VGNCR120E[/b], last modified May 4
[b]Vaio VGNNW21ZF[/b], last modified May 3
[b]Vaio VPCCW21FW[/b], last modified May 28
[b]Vaio VPCEA16FG[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]Vaio VPCEA20FB[/b], last modified Apr 12
[b]Vaio VPCEA23FB[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]Vaio VPCEA46FG[/b], last modified May 28
[b]Vaio VPCEB12FX[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]Vaio VPCEB13EB[/b], last modified May 28
[b]Vaio VPCEB1LFX[/b], last modified May 28
[b]Vaio VPCEB1S1E[/b], last modified May 28
[b]Vaio VPCEB1Z1R[/b], last modified May 28
[b]Vaio VPCEB37FD B[/b], last modified May 28
[b]Vaio VPCEB3E8E WI[/b], last modified May 28
[b]Vaio VPCF111FX[/b], last modified May 28
[b]Vaio VPCF115FM[/b], last modified May 28
[b]Vaio VPCF11S1E[/b], last modified May 28
[b]Vaio VPCF126FM[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]Vaio VPCF12M1E[/b], last modified May 28
[b]VPCEB1S0E[/b], last modified Jun 10


[b]Qosmio F60 10J[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]Qosmio X500[/b], last modified May 4
[b]Satellite L300[/b], last modified May 4
[b]Satellite L645[/b], last modified May 4
[b]Satellite L655[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]Satellite L655 120[/b], last modified Jun 10
[b]Satellite M115 S3094[/b], last modified Jun 10


[b]H67ITC C E[/b], last modified Jun 10


could you please include the Intel D945GCCR


send me original DSDT

extract from Windows


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apply DSM into device SATA

Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
				Store (Package (0x02)
						Buffer (0x04)
							0x03, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x00
					}, Local0)
				DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
				Return (Local0)


use 10.6.8 ou Sandy Bridge update



Hi MaLd0n,

Thanks for the help. Was able to get audio going by injecting ALC889.txt from DSDT Editor And Patcher. I added the DSM into the SATA section and it's still not showing up with the right SATA controller. Also, Network disappears after sleep still (not sure if this was supposed to fix it). See attached. Thank you!!!


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Hi MaLd0n,

Thanks for the help. Was able to get audio going by injecting ALC889.txt from DSDT Editor And Patcher. I added the DSM into the SATA section and it's still not showing up with the right SATA controller. Also, Network disappears after sleep still (not sure if this was supposed to fix it). See attached. Thank you!!!

do you use AppleAhciPort SandyBridge Update or 10.6.8?


send me AppleAHCIPort.kext



try it


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Here are two DSDT one from back a couple months ago and the New one which you updated sometime in May.


The PNLF script is not in the new DSDT thus no sleep when lid is closed. Simple fix which you will see in the other DSDT.


Could you have a look and let me know why the changes in the new DSDT?


I have never been able to eliminate the USB flash Disk removal error from sleep to wake. I think this a problem with most Asus G51JX Laptops using OSX.


We did try a few things a while back to fix this not sure if you remember or not.


Use DiffMerge a Gui Diff very nice to do a side by side compare.




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thanks, used the kext again and everything working great!


i see some people currently talking about removing the "disk removal" massage when entering to sleep,

i have it too, can it be fixed?

thanks :)

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The PNLF script is not in the new DSDT thus no sleep when lid is closed. Simple fix which you will see in the other DSDT.

I have never been able to eliminate the USB flash Disk removal error from sleep to wake. I think this a problem with most Asus G51JX Laptops using OSX.



based on a ioreg MBP6,1



+ OS patching, FN KEYS and IRQs in HPET(Solution For Hpet Interrupt Conflicts With Usb)


                        IRQNoFlags ()
                       IRQNoFlags ()
                       [color="#FF0000"][b]IRQNoFlags ()
                       IRQNoFlags ()




We did try a few things a while back to fix this not sure if you remember or not.


I additions to the PWRB

But in your bios is SLPB


look it


Method (_L03, 0, Serialized)
           Notify (\_SB.PCI0.USB0, 0x02)
           Notify (\_SB.SLPB, 0x02)

       Method (_L04, 0, Serialized)
           Notify (\_SB.PCI0.USB1, 0x02)
           Notify (\_SB.SLPB, 0x02)

       Method (_L0C, 0, Serialized)
           Notify (\_SB.PCI0.USB2, 0x02)
           Notify (\_SB.SLPB, 0x02)

       Method (_L0E, 0, Serialized)
           Notify (\_SB.PCI0.USB3, 0x02)
           Notify (\_SB.SLPB, 0x02)

       Method (_L05, 0, Serialized)
           Notify (\_SB.PCI0.USB4, 0x02)
           Notify (\_SB.SLPB, 0x02)

       Method (_L20, 0, Serialized)
           Notify (\_SB.PCI0.USB5, 0x02)
           Notify (\_SB.SLPB, 0x02)

       Method (_L0D, 0, Serialized)
           Notify (\_SB.PCI0.EHC0, 0x02)
           Notify (\_SB.PCI0.EHC1, 0x02)
           Notify (\_SB.SLPB, 0x02)

Device (SLPB)

but if it worked without it

not apply


thanks, used the kext again and everything working great!


i see some people currently talking about removing the "disk removal" massage when entering to sleep,

i have it too, can it be fixed?

thanks :)

send me your DSDT

I will try


Hi MaLd0n,


Would you be able to give this HP AMD Microserver's DSDT saved from Everest Windows a try?


The motherboard has 2 PICe slots, 1 x16, 1 x1 and 1x4; AMD Athlon II Neo 1.3 Ghz processor; ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200.


Thank you.




AMD does not have much to do

only the essential

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send me your DSDT

I will try


if you can, i'm also having another slightly problem with sleep again

i'm yet to know the cause, but i think i will know better two weeks from now,

after a long sleep, something like 7 hours, my system will not wake.

in the last 6 month i had various reasons for system hang,

at first was my pci powercore which had some issues with getting power after sleep, pci-to-pci express solve that one (for sure, i have leds on the card to tell me if the card boot is ok or not i.e red or green)

now i suspect it might be either bluetooth or wireless, i've ordered apple genuine wireless card and also apple macbook bluetooth board (followed by some success stories/guides) so when those both will be here in about two 3 weeks i will know better (if they work lol :))


my other suspect is my graphic card (220GT), cause as i write, i just experienced a new wake error,

just to make it clear, when the error happening the pc power up, and there is no display, and my wireless led stay on (should blink, or off), and there is nothing in the kernel log to see.

half hour ago my system went to auto sleep as it should after 15 min, and when i back after something like max 10 min of sleep, woke it up, and then it just froze(but not total froze,i could see graphics going on,but nor my keyboard or mouse worked, and hooking up usb keyboard/mouse didn't help either)


can't really understand it ,when things looks like i'm done with this {censored}, it start over again with new annoying things


sorry for the long post. at the end i will get it all right i'm sure (with major help by you ;))


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if you can, i'm also having another slightly problem with sleep again

i'm yet to know the cause, but i think i will know better two weeks from now,

after a long sleep, something like 7 hours, my system will not wake.

in the last 6 month i had various reasons for system hang,

at first was my pci powercore which had some issues with getting power after sleep, pci-to-pci express solve that one (for sure, i have leds on the card to tell me if the card boot is ok or not i.e red or green)

now i suspect it might be either bluetooth or wireless, i've ordered apple genuine wireless card and also apple macbook bluetooth board (followed by some success stories/guides) so when those both will be here in about two 3 weeks i will know better (if they work lol :))


my other suspect is my graphic card (220GT), cause as i write, i just experienced a new wake error,

just to make it clear, when the error happening the pc power up, and there is no display, and my wireless led stay on (should blink, or off), and there is nothing in the kernel log to see.

half hour ago my system went to auto sleep as it should after 15 min, and when i back after something like max 10 min of sleep, woke it up, and then it just froze(but not total froze,i could see graphics going on,but nor my keyboard or mouse worked, and hooking up usb keyboard/mouse didn't help either)


can't really understand it ,when things looks like i'm done with this {censored}, it start over again with new annoying things


sorry for the long post. at the end i will get it all right i'm sure (with major help by you ;))

what is your motherboard?

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