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DSDT Auto-Patcher


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Hello Mald0n!

You are doing a really cool app, with all fixes you have already included!! It's amazing!!!


I've got a DV7-3131ez and I would like to be sure of what fixes I would need, to have a perfect vanilla install


My specs are: i5 430M (2.27GHz, L3: 3072 KB, L2: 256 KB, L1: 32 KB), PM55 chipset, 4GB DDR3, GeForce GT 320M (1024MB, with HDMI GT216 audio), IDT 92HD75B3 (I don't know if it's different from IDT 92HD75B3X5), Nokia 6300 Bluetooth, AU Optronics B173RW01 V0 [17.3" LCD]


Until now I used DV6 core i patch but I'm not sure of what I do and I have a little "problem": I have 5 devices (card readers + a firewire) that are recognized as Express-Cards (see image + Everest) -> is it possible to change that? + brightness slider hang on 100% + GT320M not recognized in system profiler + perhaps something else...


Also if it's possible to have some advices about Chameleon (boot.plist, smbios) or kexts if you see something wrong or to clarify!..

And for dsdt patch it would be wonderful if you could put all the cool stuff done on DV6/DV8 i7, like brightness, batterymanager, hdmi audio, fn keys, firewire, …


I attached my send_me.zip with no dsdt loaded

Thanks a lot again! :P





-Intel® PCHM SATA AHCI Controller 6 Port:

JMB38X MS Host Controller

JMB38X SD Host Controller

JMB38X SD/MMC Host Controller

JMB38X xD Host Controller

-FireWire Controller:

JMicron JMB380 PCI-E 1394a OHCI FireWire Controller and Memory Card Host Controller

JMicron JMB381 PCI-E 1394a OHCI FireWire Controller

JMicron JMB383 PCI-E 1394a OHCI FireWire Controller and Memory Card Host Controller



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is it easier for me to do a clean install and then send you anoter "sendme"

I still cant get it working

use the same DSDT

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HP Pavilion DV7-1299EF

graphic: Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT

audio: IDT 92HD71B7X

CPU: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU P8600 @ 2.40GHz

HP Webcam


send me complete files





look at the Device (J38X)



The patch DVX Core i by NIXin

Great Job





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@Hi Mald0n,


I have been testing many fixes that I have put together and today I uploaded the kexts amd DSDT file I am using. Here is the details of the progress I've made. Download link is at the end of the post.


Here is the change log. Other details such as known issues and tweaks can be read from the post.


Friday, 6 May 2011

* Volume control is now working with VoodooHDA. Mute still doesn't work.

* New Firewire Hack from a real MacBookPro5,5.

* New Sata Fix. We don't need AHCIPort.kext anymore. SAT0 and SAT1 devices were removed. A new SATA device was added.

* The size of the DSDT file is much smaller. I removed unused devices. (Hope I didn't break anything)

* SMC version in FakeSMC.kext was corrected.

* Removed PCI Slot codes from Ethernet and Firewire as even real the mac doesn't have those. They slow down boot process.

* A new Chameleon theme by Mald0n. Change SnowKitty in boot.plist to Default if you want to try.

* A missing code for battery was added. I am not sure it affects the functionality.

* Applied some additional DSDT code for 9600M GT based on the values from real the mac. I haven't try HDMI with these fixes. I am not sure it affects the functionality. Test it please.

* CPU2 and CPU3 codes were removed from Scope (_PR).

* NO Bluetooth injector anymore. The only reason I've tried an injector is to be able to wake computer via a bluetooth device. But, it didn't work with my new wireless mighty mouse. Additionally, with an injector, I had problem with connection and sleep. When I removed the injector, everything works much better. Mighty Mouse gets recognised in login window and connection after sleep is much faster. So, please remove bluetooth injector from LegacyHDX18.kext if you using one. You should only have iSight injector in this kext.

* Reverted to the keyboard and trackpad kexts in the first post. If you boot into x64, it will give you multitouch gestures.

* DSDT fix for Atheros 9280 was commented in DSDT. Enable it if you have one.


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

- VoodooHDA was patched for HDMI audio and now HDMI audio is properly detected and working.

- New experimental kexts for card reader. Reported working.

- E-Sata: reported working.


Thursday, 10 March 2011

- Fix for black screen on wake when sleep mode 3 is used. This fix includes PTS Shutdown fix and Sata fixes mentioned below.

- A new kext for graphic power management. The values in the older one were for Mac Pro. Power management is better now.

- A proper smbios.plist for MacBookPro5,5. Model id is now detected on boot.

- Legacy ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin is removed from legacy kext. It will give random KP on boot when used. With the recent version of AnVaL & the above mentioned smbios.plist it is not needed anymore.

- FakeSMC was edited to update SMC Version to the latest one for MacBookPro5,5.

- Fixes for Sata issues which might affect wake from sleep.

- Update to keyboard & trackpad kexts. The latter one enables multitouch gestures and uses vanilla trackpad preference. We don't need AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext anymore.

- Recent version (2.7.2) of VoodooHDA is modified for IDT 92HD71B7.

- Fix for a issue that will cause HDX 16 users to lose C-States randomly. a.k.a CMOS Reset fix.

- DSDT tweak for Atheros 9280, which manipulates the sub vendor id. Apple is now seen as the vendor. This trick might be needed for 10.6.7.

- Legacy iSight kext is updated. Apple is now reported as the vendor.

- A new injector for Bluetooth which enables turn on/off option from menu bar. Better driver support.

- Update to 9600M GT fix in the first page which enables us to change brightness.

- Device (PNLF) and Name (_HID, EisaId ("LCD1233")) were added to DSDT. They are needed for brightness together with GenericBrightness kext.

- In addition to the updated 9600M GT injector, an update to EDID value of HDX 16, which is different than that of HDX 18. Not sure if it affects the performance though.

- New battery kext, AppleACPIBatteryManager, and DSDT fix for battery.

- A tweak to increase the resolution of new Multitouch Synaptics Trackpad. It is much faster now.

- SnowKitty theme is now compatible with Chameleon RC5. Overlapping issue was solved.

- Update to SBUS device fix in the first page. The one in the first page will not load the required kexts.

- Update to Firewire device fix in the first page to remove an error log from Console at the expense of losing hot plug capability. I don't use Firewire so... See below Known Issue to see how to get it back.

- A new fix for Thermal Zone, which makes fan management slightly better.

- Bootloader was updated to AnVaL 5.1.4

- com.apple.Boot.plist was updated according to the latest version of AnVaL

- Kexts under Extra folder were updated and most of them now have OSBundleRequired = Root value. To my observations, on some occasion, this fixes some permissions problems.





Speed Step: (AnVaL & DSDT) Native C and P States. Throttling and fan management is good.

Shutdown & Restart: (AnVaL) Working.

Graphics Card: (DSDT) Full QE/CI. HDMI & Dual display. Vanilla power management.

Sound: (VoodooHDA 2.7.2 modified for IDT 92HD71B7) Working without any major problem.

Keyboard: (Voodoo Keyboard) Working. Multimedia buttons & FN Shortcuts.

Trackpad: (Voodoo Trackpad) Working. Two finger, horizontal, vertical and edge scrolling, two finger and one finger clicking, tapping, dragging with vanilla trackpad preference.

Wifi: (Vanilla & DSDT)Working. Intel 5100 was replaced with HP Atheros 9280. Also a trick was used to change the device id to that of Apple.

Sleep/Wake: (DSDT) Working. All sleep modes are working.

Auto Sleep: (Vanilla) Working.

Ethernet: (Vanilla & DSDT) Working. Full duplex.

Battery: (AppleACPIBatteryManager & DSDT) Working. Auto dimming on battery. Correct calculations.

Brightness: (GenericBrightness) Working. Auto dimming on battery.

Sata/AHCI: (DSDT) Vanilla & Working.

Usb Devices: (DSDT) Working.

Webcam: (Vanilla & Legacy iSight) Working. Seen as iSight.

Bluetooth: (Vanilla) Working.

Firewire and E-Sata: (Vanilla & DSDT) Working

DVD Drive: (Vanilla) Working.

Card Reader: (VoodooSDHC.kext -64 Bit)Working.

HDMI Audio: (VoodooHDA 2.7.2 modified for 9600M GT) Working. Details coming.


These fixes so far have been tested with HDX 16 and HDX 18. Also, HP DV6, P8700 CPU and 9600M GT, seems to work with these fixes as well. There are some differences in terms of DSDT but most of the fixes apply to DV6 and probably to similar HP laptops. Finally, I believe that people who have a laptop with an ICH9 chipset and an intel CPU should look at the file I am using as it may work for them too.


Thank you,


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Hi MaLd0n,


Thanks for your epic work! I was wondering if you could take a look at my dsdt.aml and see if you could patch it for me.


System: 10.6.7 Mac OS with 10.7.0 legacy_kernel.

Motherboard: MSI H61M-E33-B3

CPU: Core i3-2100


Thanks again!


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what does ioreg -lw0 | grep CSTInfo?

when i enter it in terminal nothing happens.

btw my audio won't work with stock 10.6.2 applehda or any other thing.

Now I'm stuck with Azalia.

Sleep doesn't work ;)


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Hi MaLdOn !

With your help it all worked beautiful for the last weeks.


manual sleep takes a few minutes to work

auto sleep doesn't work - shuts down monitor and hd, after 2 minutes hd runs up again


Any ideas? can i send you files or something (1mil$cash)

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Acer 3680, you made me a DSDT some Posts before.


Ok, sounds working with binary patched AppleHda and legacy kext.

But sleep won't work. sleepenabler results in a KP


what happens to sleep?


send me a kextstat

run on terminal



manual sleep takes a few minutes to work

auto sleep doesn't work - shuts down monitor and hd, after 2 minutes hd runs up again


send me a kextstat

run on terminal




ioreg -lw0 | grep CSTInfo


Auto sleep is a big problem

I have no idea


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Display turns off, hdd seems to be still running and the fans too.

When i press a button or the PWRB nothing happens.

I have no idea


try clean install


Any chance someone can help me with mcp61m-m3 mobo dsdt thanx and peace

send me files


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Hey MaLd0n!

Last time when I said I had a GA-P35-DS3 Mobo, I was mistaken! It's actually a GA-965P-DS3! Good thing I didn't update to the P35 bios!

Anyway, I updated the correct bios to F14, but still having problems with dsdt. Here's the "send_me" zip ;)

Appreciate the help!


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Hey MaLd0n!

Last time when I said I had a GA-P35-DS3 Mobo, I was mistaken! It's actually a GA-965P-DS3! Good thing I didn't update to the P35 bios!

Anyway, I updated the correct bios to F14, but still having problems with dsdt. Here's the "send_me" zip ;)

Appreciate the help!

-Copy EXtra folder to root of the HD


-Install Chameleon RC5




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I attached the send_me.zip, but please be aware that the dsdt included is the patched one (not the clean one)..


I'll attach the clean one again, also I've been trying iSight device so you might see Logitech iSight which is wrong because I have an HP Webcam, it never worked but I've been too lazy to delete the kext, if necessary I might be able to get you the send_me.zip from a clean install (on an external drive)


Thank you..



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Do you say this as a general warning or because you can see that I don't have a clean install? I thought it was but something could have changed with all the trial and error I've done...

Thanks for the help!

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I thought it was but something could have changed with all the trial and error I've done...




I attached the send_me.zip, but please be aware that the dsdt included is the patched one (not the clean one)..


I'll attach the clean one again, also I've been trying iSight device so you might see Logitech iSight which is wrong because I have an HP Webcam, it never worked but I've been too lazy to delete the kext, if necessary I might be able to get you the send_me.zip from a clean install (on an external drive)


Thank you..





L03, L04, L0C





GeForce 9600M GT










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