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DSDT Auto-Patcher


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use the latest version of Chameleon


i installed the latest chameleon and solved the key press issue on booting. thx :)


but the main issue of pci detection is still on the problem.


i don't know how....;) still on this whole weekend.


I followed everything you said .. but still the same...


now i just wanna know why, and how to solve is the second matter which would be better to be taken care,if possible


thx for your full support, always.



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I've been playing for 6 hours or so, without success.

I have Device GFX0 ubder PCIO, when i tried to update that and delete PEGP , compiling error

Also I have tried to move the PEGP inot POP2, no success ,No Graphics Injection

Im confused, i have device VGA ubde POP2, also device GFXO - what shoul stay, what shoul be updated - I have no Idea

Also HDAU is present as device (under device VGA), should it be only once present or twice.

I know You wanna make me learn, im willing to also - but this is simply to much for me

PLS be so kind an post updated DSDT for me

IF You wanna PLS correct the thing that You've mentioned in the post above .

By the way Fermi drivers are installed - without them no QE/CI, no rezolution change at all - i dont understand what You're suggesting.

I am pationed about this thing and willing to learn more and more, but sorry i can not handle this - im confused


Tnaks MaLdOn

Attached mu latest DSDt (pegp moved into POP2 section, but no injection ???)



if the devices are already

just the _DSM

facilitate things and use GraphicsEnabler=Yes + drivers fermi


I'm with a lot of work

You need to test

I'm not sure about it(Nvidia 420M)

the result is the same(DSDT or GraphicsEnabler)



Apple Bluetooth keyboard does not work perfectly it loses the match is restarted and

Bluetooth incorporates a motherboard is no deactivation in the bios


I have no idea


try it



but the main issue of pci detection is still on the problem.


search the manufacturer's website an updated driver

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Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. The Asus CG5290 patched DSDT you posted works marvelously. I had to remove nullcpumanagement.kext and add the following to my com.apple.boot.plist:







After that sleep worked. Restart and shutdown worked with and without nullcpumanagement.kext.


Thank you so much for your help.

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i am using chameleon rc5 with native PM since your dsdt fixes

i have 3 versions of your dsdt (for 3 version of your dsdt patcher i've been trying)

the aml one is the one i'm usuing current

try it




Thank's Daniel...I have since you have unloaded the installer, you are working?

I did not understand what you want


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Hello, I hope someone will help.


I have this board Gigabyte GA-EG45M-UD2H, which also use ALC889A. Since upgrade to 10.6.7, there is no sound. Sound Preferences show no selected sound output device (there is none there to select).


I extract DSDT from Ubuntu 11, but /proc/acpi/DSDT does not exist, so I found new location at /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT. Back in OSX I use the autopatcher and uncheck extract DSDT and browse to the DSDT i got from ubuntu. I then find my motherboard from the list and make patch.


I use "Extra_MacPro3_1.zip" from first post, but only change is to add GraphicsEnabler for 9800 1GB support. Everything works beautiful but no sound. Strange is that System Profiler show Audio ID 885 and different input and output jacks, but no sound. :(


I tried using "LegacyHDA ALC889a" from first post, but no change.


I attach the send_me file if anyone can take a look?


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OK. I used your DSDT, removed LegacyHDA.kext, and placed ALC8xxHDA.kext in E/E , but there is no apparent change, no sound :( .

I attach a new send_me.



the problem is not the DSDT

are the kexts

you are sure the codec is the ALC889A?

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the problem is not the DSDT

are the kexts

you are sure the codec is the ALC889A?


Reasonably sure. Gigabyte page on the motherboard says it is:



Realtek ALC889A codec

High Definition Audio


Support for Dolby® Home Theater

Support for S/PDIF In/Out

Support for CD In


Audio was works with ALC885_889a.kext on new SL retail install, but 10.6.7 breaks that kext from working anymore.

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