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AMD and Retail Snow Leopard 10.6.5 --> 10.6.8 Final[GUIDE]

Mohamed Khairy

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I was already using 0.6. I have also tried EasyEFI 2.2v3 & nawcomModCD. None work. The graphics card goes crazy as soon as SL starts booting from DVD.


With -x (which shouldn't load the gfx card driver?) I get stuck here.


ACPI Table not found : DSDT.aml

No DSDT found, using 0 as uid value.

Using PCI-Root-UID value : 0


So I think there's more than 1 issue.

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I was already using 0.6. I have also tried EasyEFI 2.2v3 & nawcomModCD. None work. The graphics card goes crazy as soon as SL starts booting from DVD.


With -x (which shouldn't load the gfx card driver?) I get stuck here.


ACPI Table not found : DSDT.aml

No DSDT found, using 0 as uid value.

Using PCI-Root-UID value : 0


So I think there's more than 1 issue.


try use atinforce cd

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With atinforce I was at least able to boot into the installer.


With AHCI enabled I get "Still waiting for root device", if I _disable_ it I can boot the installer, but then it will show the harddrive I want to install to as external so it can't be used :) The other 2 windows HDDs could be used, but I'd like to keep my Windows installation.


I will try again next weekend. Thanks for the help so far.

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Just so u guys know... Im AMD... laptop is an HP G61... This tutorial failed me :( NOTHING worked.


Had to do the following to get past either still waiting on root device or to get past this stupid grey screen!!! The screen was the worst... No apple logo, just plain grey. On top of that the mouse didnt work! :P my life...


Anyway this is what I had to do to get it to boot... its not done installing still :(


HardKnox KEXTS


I downloaded all the attachments, followed the tutorial on the first page of this post, Formatted usb MBR, made a partition on my windows machine formated as MBR extended journal


installed chameleon rc4 to the usb drive, restored snow leopard retail.dmg to the usb.


Im dualbooting so i did the MBR thing... That didnt work :( so I had to download that Hardknox thing and take the osinstall.mpkg from there and also downloaded the osinstall from the link in the first post. put them in their respective folders as this guide suggests... when I boot, I get that stupid grey screen below. So i had to put the usb back in a mac, copy the kexts from hardknox kexts/snowkexts folder... into /extra/extensions... booted, got past still waiting on root device, got past the grey screen but guess what? NO MOUSE!


Put the usb back in the mac, installed that ps2 fix both keyboard and mouse attached below... the mouse works but guess what? Failed to install? wtf?! ;):D:P

Ignored it as the guys suggest... tried to continue... so I booted the usb again, select partition, it wont even let me setup now, plain black screen, no mouse, no nothing!... wtf?

Right before that.. I saw something bout no dsdt or somethin :S


So now what? I guess I gotta try the hd(0,3)/mach_kernel where partition 3 is my snow partition with the failed installation.



The hd(0,3)/mach_kernel has gotten me to grey screen with apple logo, have now gotten past that apple logo screen, only to see a screen saying "There isn't a keyboard connected to your computer. Connect your keyboard now." OMG!! Mouse wont even move either -_-


:D:P:P :censored2: :censored2: :censored2: :censored2: :censored2: :censored2: :censored2: :censored2: :censored2: :censored2:





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Thanks for the advice, I assume I have to inject this kext into the boot cd. I would probably be easier if I had a mac to work on but I will give it a shot I windows. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Thanks again redliner



Edit: sorry to be such a noob but I have no Idea what to do with this kext.

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Well thanks for the responses and help guys ;) got absolutely none but I shall say this:


For those like myself without a stinkin USB Mouse or Keyboard:

when making your retail dvd, add install ps2 fix to it and add voodookext and apcips2nubkext to extra (Found in my previous post)... when u boot, u will get a bunch of errors about voodoo being unable to load but because of that, appleps2controller will be forcefully loaded. Now u can use your mouse and trackpad to install; when rebooting (right after installing), boot the usb and open terminal



[color="#00ff00"]cp -r /Volumes/USB/S/L/E/ApplePs2controller.kext  /Volumes/HDD/S/L/E[/color]

  then fix permissions doing:

  [color="#0000ff"]chmod 755 /Volumes/HDD/S/L/E/ApplePS2controller.kext
  [color="#ffa500"]chown -r root:wheel /Volumes/HDD/S/L/E/ApplePs2controller.kext[/color][/color][color="#ffa500"]. [/color]

  Reboot. When booting up use flags [color="#9932cc"]hd(0,1)/mach_kernel -v -f [/color]  Use [color="#ff0000"]-x[/color] if first boot unsuccessful.


again u will get errors about the stupid voodookext but again it will forcefully cause appleps2controller to load. and u can continue installation to desktop. And then do whatever u want.. follow the tutorial from there.


USB does not copy the PS2 Kexts to the HDD(MBR Install) so you had to copy it via terminal command above.

Dont know why:


If I use appleps2controller alone without the voodoo and apcips2nub or whatever its called, The mouse only works for the first part of the setup, after restart, it will say please plugin keyboard and mouse/trackpad wont be working.


If I use voodoo only, NOTHING works, not even the first part of the setup!


When Using both, Everything works, voodoo does not get loaded but for whatever reason the ApplePs2 forcefully loads and works great!


Started doing my hackintosh 2 days ago hoping that would give someone enough time to respond to help me. Guess not but I'll help future ppl who read my post hopefully.

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Followed directions for second method (USB stick). Had pinwheel/gray screen problem. Updated FakeSMC from newest bootcd which fixed the problem. Now the installer fails about 25% into installation. Are there supposed to be kext options in the "customize" section of the installer... cuz I don't have any ;) Any ideas?


Thanks in advance

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sorry about not replying as i dont have many time as iam busy on studing


also sorry for boot cd 1.0

i made new one 1.5 with latest chamelon trunk 650

also added new kernel to it

and added nforce ata kext ididnt test this kext as idont have nforce

also added to topic (update) how to fix quicktime on vedio showing and also on safari

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THis is soo wierd..


IATKOS 10.6.3 dvd will install on my intel DP35DP...its supposed to be both amd and intel. but it freezes my amd machine.


SO does ideneb, and all the others..


and I still cannot get your methed to install on my machine. I dont know what to do. :(


follow my guide if you want :P

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my Setup:


Amd X6 1055

gigabyte ud3-H 880


1tb hd


I followed your Instruction but it didn`t load the setup.


1. I boot from the boot cd and to the cameleon .

2. I put the Snow Leopard Dvd in

3. Many Letters came

4. Nothing happens


Do I need to partition the hd in Win ? What can I do ??

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my Setup:


Amd X6 1055

gigabyte ud3-H 880


1tb hd


I followed your Instruction but it didn`t load the setup.


1. I boot from the boot cd and to the cameleon .

2. I put the Snow Leopard Dvd in

3. Many Letters came

4. Nothing happens


Do I need to partition the hd in Win ? What can I do ??


picture it when it stop


setup latest bootloader Chameleon_2.0_RC5_INSTALLER_r643 no boot



CPU Athlon 7750 BE

VGA Nvidia 8500 GT


thank you


on topic there are how to setup it manual !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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