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Hi, I manage to boot the disk properly, and I got to the point where It freezes at this error code:

"Kernel version:

Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.0: Sun May 2 00:11:08 SCT 2008 : Made by ToH : xnu-1228/Build/obj/Release-1386"

After that message appears, the DVD stops spinning, and I don't see any flashing in the "Computer Busy" light...

I assumed it was reading some internal kernel, but I left it there for over an hour, and it didnt budge.

I successfully installed OSX via Kalyway 10.5.2 on my hp pavillion a1410y before...

Here are the nw8240 specs.


Also, could someone guide me on how to make a larger partiton for the Mac OS?

Windows management only allowed me to partition 8g...

Thanks so much!

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