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AnVAL (ACPI Loader)


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OEM means dumped from linux?
yes, and more specifically untouched/unedited.

I did not find what I was hoping to find :D But I found it on FADT: It seems like your duty-width=0 and I did a quick mistake (being the noob I always used to be) making your machine hang instead of going w/o t-states. sorry!


Actually, it is there since i'm using speedstep
what do u mean ? speedstep is not turbo! now that's weird! does your system hang when u move the mouse pointer ?

p.s: von dein "nickname" aus, ich vermute dass du deutsch sprichst. Du kannst dann ruhig auf deutsch schreiben.

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Still stop in the same place with generatetstates.


Maybe just load that ssdt tables on boot?




Last login: Thu Dec 23 21:01:11 on console

/Extra/Util/bdmesg ; exit;

MacBook-Pro-wojnar:~ wojnar$ /Extra/Util/bdmesg ; exit;

Config: [hd(0,2)/Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist] 972 bytes.

CPU: Mobile Intel® Core(tm)2 Duo CPU     T8300  @ 2.40GHz

CPU: Thermal Monitor:              TM, TM2, PROCHOT, FERR

Specified FSB: 186Mhz. Assuming you know what you 're doing !

Bus-Ratio defaults: min=6, max=12

Sticking with [FSB: 186Mhz, Bus-Ratio: 13]

CPU: Tjmax ~ 104°C 	           Temperature= ~ 41°C

CPU: IDA:                          Enabled!

CPU: Vendor/Family/ExtFamily:      0x756e6547/0x6/0x0

CPU: Model/ExtModel/Stepping:      0x17/0x1/0x6

CPU: Multipliers x10:              max=130, min=60

CPU: MaxDiv/CurrDiv:               0x0/0x0

CPU: TSCFreq:                      2394MHz

CPU: CPUFreq:                      2418MHz

CPU: FSBFreq:                      186MHz

CPU: SLFM:                         1

CPU: Enhanced SpeedStep:           1

CPU: NoCores/NoThreads:            2/2

CPU: Features:                     0x26d803a3

Chipset is 965GM (pci id 0x2a008086)

We have an NVIDIA Card

Creating 2 Mode Tables

New table with id : 0

New table with id : 1

First Standard VESA Table at offset 0x7bbb

Second Standard VESA Table at offset 0x4832

Table #0 has 16 modes

Table #1 has 32 modes

Aspect Ratio is 16/10

Patching Table #0 : 

Mode 1024x768 -> 1440x900 (1047 1183 1343 770 776 805)

Patching Table #1 : 

Mode 640x200 -> 640x400 (664 672 720 408 H- V+)

Mode 640x350 -> 640x400 (664 678 720 408 H- V+)

Mode 640x480 -> 640x400 (669 685 720 408 H- V+)

Mode 640x480 -> 640x400 (669 685 720 408 H- V+)

Mode 800x600 -> 800x500 (836 852 900 512 H- V+)

Mode 800x600 -> 800x500 (836 852 900 512 H- V+)

Mode 1024x768 -> 1024x640 (1071 1087 1152 656 H- V+)

Mode 1024x768 -> 1024x640 (1071 1087 1152 656 H- V+)

Mode 1280x1024 -> 1280x800 (1343 1359 1440 823 H- V+)

Mode 1280x1024 -> 1280x800 (1343 1359 1440 823 H- V+)

Mode 1400x1050 -> 1400x875 (1474 1488 1575 908 H+ V+)

Mode 1600x1200 -> 1600x1000 (1674 1690 1800 1025 H- V+)

Mode 2048x1536 -> 2048x1280 (2144 2160 2048 1314 H+ V+)

Theme: [hd(0,2)].

Resolution : 1440x900 (Graphics Mode key)

Theme: [hd(0,2)].

Found mode 1440x900 in VESA Table

Config: [hd(0,2)/Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist] 972 bytes.

Setting boot-uuid to: F959FE65-8D2E-348F-B794-62B4A262E3CA

Closing VBios

Table #0 : Freeing backup	[OK]

Table #0 : Freeing		[OK]

Table #1 : Freeing backup	[OK]

Table #1 : Freeing		[OK]

Freeing map			[OK]

Loading Darwin 10.6

Loading kernel mach_kernel

LoadDrivers: /Extra/Extensions.mkext

LoadDrivers: /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/Extensions.mkext

ACPI: [hd(0,2)/Extra/DSDT.aml] 28215 bytes.

Using PCI-Root-UID value: 0

nVidia GeForce 8800M GTS 512MB NV92 [10de:0609] :: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)

NVCAP: 04000000-00000100-7e000000-0000000a-00000000

@0,display-cfg: ffffffff

@1,display-cfg: ffffffff

LAN Controller [10ec:8168] :: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1c,0x2)/Pci(0x0,0x0)

Setting up lan keys

SMBios: [hd(0,2)/Extra/smbios.plist] 701 bytes.

Intel GM965/GL960 DRAM Controller [8086:2a00] at 00:00.0

Frequency detected: 310 MHz (620) Dual Channel 

CAS:5 tRC:5 tRP:5 RAS:15 (5-5-5-15)

Slot: 0 Type 19 1024MB (DDR2 SDRAM) 620MHz Vendor=Samsung

     PartNo=M470T2953EZ3-CE63E SerialNo=74225C19

Slot: 2 Type 19 2048MB (DDR2 SDRAM) 620MHz Vendor=Samsung

     PartNo=M470T5663CZ3-CE63C SerialNo=261D3F87

Patched DMI Table

Found SMBIOS System Information Table 1

Customizing SystemID with : 108adec0-ab9b-11dc-805a-efb9f38380ca

ACPI: [hd(0,2)/Extra/DSDT.aml] 28215 bytes.

FADT: changing Preferred_PM_Profile from 0x00 to 0x02

FADT: Restart Fix applied !

FADT: Restart Fix applied !

Patched ACPI version 2 DSDT

Starting Darwin x86_64



thanks for help

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Still stop in the same place with generatetstates.

does it show a message like "T-States: Unsupported CPU !!!" ? does it reboot instantly or just hangs there ? sorry, I should have asked u this before.

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@Valv, I tried the latest version alongside with the smbios changes you'd suggested. So far, it seems fine. However, it seems to me that booting process takes more time after every bootloader update.


After 5.0.6 and above, I again started to see the following message. it doesn't affect the functionality but here it is.

Not loading kext com.apple.driver.ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin - not found and kextd not available in early boot.

I see

Waiting for DSMOS...

message appear, which as you may remember had disappeared after modifying Legacy ACPI kext with dependencies. I am still using ACPI.

AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: initialization complete and NVDANV50HAL loaded and registered take more time to load.


Anything else you want me to test?

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@Valv, I tried the latest version alongside with the smbios changes you'd suggested. So far, it seems fine. However, it seems to me that booting process takes more time after every bootloader update.


After 5.0.6 and above, I again started to see the following message. it doesn't affect the functionality but here it is.

Not loading kext com.apple.driver.ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin - not found and kextd not available in early boot.

I see

Waiting for DSMOS...

message appear, which as you may remember had disappeared after modifying Legacy ACPI kext with dependencies. I am still using ACPI.

AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: initialization complete and NVDANV50HAL loaded and registered take more time to load.


Anything else you want me to test?

dear, u can fix this by rebuilding kernel caches:

sudo -s
chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/Extensions
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions
kextcache -v 1 -a i386 -a x86_64 -m /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/Extensions.mkext /System/Library/Extensions

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i hope i'm in the right place for asking,

i saw there is a support for radeon 5400 card


will it be worth trying with HD 5450? i'm asking cause i want to buy a new card in the next couple of days, so i thought it will be worth asking before buying, should i buy a NVidia card or try with the radeon i already have?

thanks for any help

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will it be worth trying with HD 5450?

u can test kabyl's bootloader. It is known to support most of ati cards. I can also try to add support for it relying on kabyl's latest additions. Other than that, I can only suggest to stick with the more compatible to real mac components and/or to the cheapest.


Not apple but MUC!

Here it is, but not sure it's always right info...shouldn't min freq be like 800MHz?:


this happens on real mac also. nothing to worry about, really.
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dear, u can fix this by rebuilding kernel caches:
sudo -s
chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/Extensions
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions
kextcache -v 1 -a i386 -a x86_64 -m /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/Extensions.mkext /System/Library/Extensions

Wow, I never imagined that it could be related to caches as I hadn't made any changes recently in terms of kexts. So this means that since AnVaL always tries to do some magic with ACPI, it is better to repair permission after every update. Lesson learned.


Now, booting process seems fine and faster.

Plus your VoodooHDA. No more audio related errors too :)

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u can test kabyl's bootloader. It is known to support most of ati cards. I can also try to add support for it relying on kabyl's latest additions. Other than that, I can only suggest to stick with the more compatible to real mac components and/or to the cheapest.


this happens on real mac also. nothing to worry about, really.


yaa i think i will buy a new nvidia gt 240 i saw it's very compatible, and i have a friend now in us can get me things half price from here locally so i will buy and send this freaking ati one to my sisters windows PC lol ;)


thanks anyway good to know that even if it will support it's will not be as compared to a "like mac" graphics card

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to valv : Can you explain how the smbios patch things work ?

By how AI does your bootloader takes one of the MacModells (i have fixed smbios.plist with iMac11,1, but not all values like yours iMac11,1 modell) which are listed in the source code?

How does it handle if some of the values are already in smbios.plist and some not (would add them, makes nothing)?


Here all code definitions of that section:

// defaults for a MacBook
static const SMStrEntryPair const sm_macbook_defaults[]={
{"SMbiosvendor",		"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMbiosversion",		"MB41.88Z.00C1.B00.0802091535"	},
{"SMbiosdate",			"02/09/08"						},
{"SMmanufacter",		"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMproductname",		"MacBook4,1"					},
{"SMsystemversion",		"1.0"							},
{"SMserial",			"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
{"SMfamily",			"MacBook"						},
{"SMboardmanufacter",	"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMboardproduct",		"Mac-F22788A9"					},
{"SMboardversion",		"PVT"							},
{"SMchassismanufacter",	"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMchassisversion",	"Mac-F22788A9"					},
{"SMchassisserial",		"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
/*	{"SMSKU",				"System SKU#"					},*/
{"SMboardserial",		"1"								},
{ "",""	}

// defaults for a MacBook Pro
static const SMStrEntryPair const sm_macbookpro_defaults[]={
{"SMbiosvendor",		"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMbiosversion",		"MBP41.88Z.00C1.B03.0802271651"	},
{"SMbiosdate",			"02/27/08"						},
{"SMmanufacter",		"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMproductname",		"MacBookPro4,1"					},
{"SMsystemversion",		"1.0"							},
{"SMserial",			"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
{"SMfamily",			"MacBook Pro"					},
{"SMboardmanufacter",	"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMboardproduct",		"Mac-F42D89C8"					},
{"SMboardversion",		"PVT"							},
{"SMchassismanufacter",	"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMchassisversion",	"Mac-F42D89C8"					},
{"SMchassisserial",		"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
/*	{"SMSKU",				"System SKU#"					},*/
{"SMboardserial",		"1"								},
{ "",""	}

// defaults for a MacBook Pro core i5/i7
static const SMStrEntryPair const sm_macbookpro_core_defaults[]={
{"SMbiosvendor",		"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMbiosversion",		"MBP61.88Z.0057.B09.1004161215"	},
{"SMbiosdate",			"04/16/2010"					},
{"SMmanufacter",		"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMproductname",		"MacBookPro6,2"					},
{"SMsystemversion",		"1.0"							},
{"SMserial",			"SOMESERIAL"					},
{"SMfamily",			"MacBook Pro"					},
{"SMboardmanufacter",	"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMboardproduct",		"Mac-F22686C8"					},
{"SMboardversion",		"MacBookPro6,2"					},
{"SMchassismanufacter",	"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMchassisversion",	"Mac-F22686C8"					},
{"SMchassisserial",		"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
/*	{"SMSKU",				"System SKU#"					},*/
{"SMboardserial",		"Base Board Serial#"			},
{ "",""	}

// defaults for a Mac mini 
static const SMStrEntryPair const sm_macmini_defaults[]={
{"SMbiosvendor",		"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMbiosversion",		"MM21.88Z.009A.B00.0706281359"	},
{"SMbiosdate",			"06/28/08"						},
{"SMmanufacter",		"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMproductname",		"Macmini2,1"					},
{"SMsystemversion",		"1.0"							},
{"SMserial",			"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
{"SMfamily",			"Napa Mac"						},
{"SMboardmanufacter",	"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMboardproduct",		"Mac-F4208EAA"					},
{"SMboardversion",		"PVT"							},
{"SMchassismanufacter",	"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMchassisversion",	"Mac-F4208EAA"					},
{"SMchassisserial",		"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
/*	{"SMSKU",				"System SKU#"					},*/
{"SMboardserial",		"1"								},
{ "",""	}

// defaults for an iMac
static const SMStrEntryPair const sm_imac_defaults[]={
{"SMbiosvendor",		"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMbiosversion",		"IM81.88Z.00C1.B00.0802091538"	},
{"SMbiosdate",			"04/01/2008"					},
{"SMmanufacter",		"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMproductname",		"iMac8,1"						},	
{"SMsystemversion",		"1.0"							},
{"SMserial",			"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
{"SMfamily",			"Mac"							},
{"SMboardmanufacter",	"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMboardproduct",		"Mac-F227BEC8"					},
{"SMboardversion",		"iMac8,1"						},
{"SMchassismanufacter",	"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMchassisversion",	"Mac-F227BEC8"					},
{"SMchassisserial",		"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
/*	{"SMSKU",				"System SKU#"					},*/
{"SMboardserial",		"Base Board Serial#"			},
{ "",""	}

// defaults for a Mac Pro
static const SMStrEntryPair const sm_macpro_defaults[]={
{"SMbiosvendor",		"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMbiosversion",		"MP31.88Z.006C.B02.0801021250"	},
{"SMbiosdate",			"01/02/08"						},
{"SMmanufacter",		"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMproductname",		"MacPro3,1"						},
{"SMsystemversion",		"1.0"							},
{"SMserial",			"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
{"SMfamily",			"MacPro"						},
{"SMboardmanufacter",	"Apple Computer, Inc."			},
{"SMboardproduct",		"Mac-F42C88C8"					},
{"SMboardversion",		"Proto1"						},
{"SMchassismanufacter",	"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMchassisversion",	"Mac-F42C88C8"					},
{"SMchassisserial",		"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
/*	{"SMSKU",				"System SKU#"					},*/
{"SMboardserial",		"Base Board Serial#"			},
{ "",""	}

// defaults for an iMac11,1 core i3/i5/i7
static const SMStrEntryPair const sm_imac_core_defaults[]={
{"SMbiosvendor",		"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMbiosversion",		"IM111.88Z.0034.B00.0910301727"	},
{"SMbiosdate",			"10/30/09"						},
{"SMmanufacter",		"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMproductname",		"iMac11,1"						},	
{"SMsystemversion",		"1.0"							},
{"SMserial",			"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
{"SMfamily",			"iMac"							},
{"SMboardmanufacter",	"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMboardproduct",		"Mac-F2268DAE"					},
{"SMboardversion",		"Not Specified"					},
{"SMchassismanufacter",	"Apple Inc."					},
{"SMchassisversion",	"Mac-F2268DAE"					},
{"SMchassisserial",		"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
/*	{"SMSKU",				"System SKU#"					},*/
{"SMboardserial",		"Base Board Serial#"			},
{ "",""	}

// defaults for a Mac Pro 4,1 core i7/Xeon
static const SMStrEntryPair const sm_macpro_core_defaults[]={
{"SMbiosvendor",		"Apple Computer, Inc."			},
{"SMbiosversion",		"MP41.88Z.0081.B04.0903051113"	},
{"SMbiosdate",			"11/06/2009"					},
{"SMmanufacter",		"Apple Computer, Inc."			},
{"SMproductname",		"MacPro4,1"						},
{"SMsystemversion",		"1.0"							},
{"SMserial",			"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
{"SMfamily",			"MacPro"						},
{"SMboardmanufacter",	"Apple Computer, Inc."			},
{"SMboardproduct",		"Mac-F4208DC8"					},
{"SMboardversion",		"MacPro4,1"						},
{"SMchassismanufacter",	"Apple Computer, Inc."			},
{"SMchassisversion",	"Mac-F4208DC8"					},
{"SMchassisserial",		"SOMESRLNMBR"					},
/*	{"SMSKU",				"System SKU#"					},*/
{"SMboardserial",		"Base Board Serial#"			},
{ "",""	}

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what I would like to suggest:

  • boot with this key in your capb
  • when on desktop, dump your FADT and place it at your Extra folder (where u did put dsdt...)
  • now add this to your capb
  • reboot with GenerateTStates (on capb)


I think your post resumes itself to one question:

How does it handle if some of the values are already in smbios.plist and some not (would add them, makes nothing)?
If a value already exists on the smbios.plist file, it would not be overridden. If it doesn't exist, it would be added.

btw, I know my code and don't see the point of posting it here :)

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Grüß dich!


I know this is a bit off-topic (pretty much in fact) but could you please help me with something? What is this com.apple.boot.[P/R/S] thing I keep seeing in the source code?


Merry Christmas everyone and Tschüs!

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Grüß dich!


I know this is a bit off-topic (pretty much in fact) but could you please help me with something? What is this com.apple.boot.[P/R/S] thing I keep seeing in the source code?


Merry Christmas everyone and Tschüs!

This was inherited from meklort. as of his comment about it:
	This is a simple rock - paper scissors algo. R beats S, P beats R, S beats P
...This should be change to something else (say, timestamp?)

as of my understanding, it loads Extensions/kernel... from boot helper partitions (rd/bt...). To be honest I never had time to get deeper into this.


Oh, and happy xmas to u/all too


Dear valv i tryied your bootloader for ati 4650 mobility but when i try to boot it restart my pc continuously
could u provide me with your com.apple.boot.plist file
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Hi, valv!


I've tested the 5.0.8 version with my ATi Radeon HD4650, but, when finish the boot, I got the 'black screen', for VGA and DVI ports. By verbose boot, the system recognize the card (device on slot, slot-1), but don't do the login (or go to MESA screen).


What can I do? :)



Merry Xmas! :P

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