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Guide: Intel DG33TL | Retail Snow Leopard | USB Method


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Some of you might remember the DG33TL Motherboard from the Intel Retail Edge purchase program back from 2007.

If you don't remember It wont matter, You are still in the right place.


Whats Working:

  • Restart
  • Shut Down
  • Onboard Sound
  • Onboard Networking Card
  • Running in 64 Bit
  • Time Machine
  • Updates (10.6.3)
  • Dual Boot using 2 different hard drives (see Extras section below)
  • Virtualize Windows 7 x64 from 2nd partition (see Extra section below)

Whats Not Working Yet:

  • Sleep: After install go to Preference > Energy Saver | Computer sleep: NEVER
  • Onboard Video

What Has Yet To Be Tested:

  • Restore From Time Machine
  • Dual Boot From a Multi Partition Hard Dive

Minor Issues:

  • Sometimes but rarely the computer will hang at the White Screen with the Apple Logo and the Spinning thing (what you see after the Chameleon boot loader) a hard restart usually fixes this. (could take more then one try)

I tried to make this easy by going step by step; you don't need to know how to use terminal.


To Install:


You will need:

  • The Following Files:
    The kext you will need: Extra.zip The kext installer: Kext_Helper_b7.app.zip The Boot Loader: Chameleon_2.0_RC4.zip And Only if you have certain nVidia cards, the following file NVEnabler_64.kext.zip (See Video Chard Section For More Info)
  • Access to another working Mac
  • USB Drive: at least 8GB
  • PCIE Video Card
  • Retail Snow Leopard Disk
  • SATA Hard Drive

Step A: Create The Image

  1. From the Working Mac
  2. Insert Leopard Disk
  3. Open Disk Utility
  4. On the Left Select "Mac OSX Install DVD"
  5. Click File > New > Disk Image From "Mac OSX Install DVD"
  6. Save the Image (Image Format = Compressed | Encryption = None)
  7. Once the Image has been created and saved, in Disk Utility, make sure nothing is selected on the left then click Verify (top left of the window) and choose the image you just Created of "Mac OSX Install DVD"
  8. Once Verification is done leave Disk Utility open and go to Step B

Step B: Setting Up the USB

  1. Insert USB Drive
  2. In Disk Utility select the drive on the left then click Partition on the right.
  3. Under "Volume Scheme" select "1 Partition"
  4. Click "Options" and make sure "GUID" is selected.
  5. Name Your Drive & Click Apply
  6. Once Partitioning is done leave Disk Utility open and go to Step C

Step C: Creating the USB Boot Drive

  1. Using Chameleon provided in the files above and start the Instillation
  2. When you reach the option to "Change Install Location" make sure you select your USB Drive and continue instillation
  3. Sometimes right at the end of this install it will Fail, but don't worry, it should still work.
  4. When the install finishes, using the files provided above, Unzip Extra.zip
  5. Copy & Paste the unzipped "Extra" Folder, replacing the preexisting "Extra" Folder, onto the USB Drive.
  6. Copy both Chameleon & Kext Helper into the Extras Folder on the USB Drive (You will need booth soon)
  7. Go back to Disk Utility
  8. On the Left Select your USB drive
  9. On the Right Select Restore
  10. Drag over your "Mac OSX Install DVD" to the Source Section
  11. Drag over your USB Partition to the Destination Section
  12. Make sure you UNcheck "Erase Destination"
  13. Click Restore
  14. Once the restore is done, go to Step D

Step D: Bios Setup

  1. Go to the Computer You want to install Snow Leopard On & Insert the USB Drive
  2. Boot up the Computer
  3. Press F2 to enter Bios
  4. Go to Advanced > Drive Configuration > Configure SATA as: AHCI
  5. Hit Escape
  6. Go to Boot > USB Boot: Enabled
  7. Go to Boot > Boot USB Devices First: Enable (You can change this after you finish this entire install guide)
  8. F10 to Save & computer reboots and go to Step E

Step E: Installation

  1. After the computer restarts from Step D you should eventually see Chameleon boot up.
  2. Select your USB drive and press Enter
  3. Once you see Snow Leopard Install boot up, choose your Language and press the Blue Arrow ..>
  4. At the top tool bar click Utilities > Disk Utility
  5. Select your Hard Drive on the left
  6. Under "Volume Scheme" select "1 Partition" (multi partitions have not been tested)
  7. Click "Options" and make sure "GUID" is selected.
  8. Name the drive (make sure there are no spaces in your drive's name)
  9. Click Apply
  10. Close Disk Utility
  11. Finish the Install
  12. Sometimes, right at the end of the install, it might Fail with the following error "Install Failed"...."the installer could not start up the computer from the disk" This is fine, Just Restart the computer.
  13. Leave your USB Drive plugged in and go to Step F

Step F: Patching Snow Leopard

  1. After the computer restarts from Step E you should eventually see Chameleon boot up.
  2. Select your Snow Leopard Hard Drive and press Enter
  3. You should eventually see the Welcome to Snow Leopard video and then see Setup Prompts
  4. Once you go through the setup, open your Extras Folder on your USB Drive
  5. Open Kext Helper, provided in the files above
  6. Open Extensions Folder
  7. Drag the .kext files from the Extensions into the largest field in the Kext Helper Program
  8. Type in your password
  9. Click Easy Install
  10. After the install has completed close Kext Helper
  11. Open Chameleon
  12. When you reach the option to "Change Install Location" make sure you select your new Snow Leopard hard drive.
  13. Restart your computer after Chameleon has finished the Install
  14. Unplug your USB Drive before your computer reboots after Snow Leopard has shutdown.
  15. Go to step G

Step G: Update & Finishing Up

  1. The only thing left is to get your video card working. Read the Video Card section below, then move on.
  2. Once your Video Card works you can updated Snow Leopard to 10.6.3 using Software Update


There also are Extras/Help/Video Card information below for continued customization.

If you got this working, let us know; If not keep reading.


Video Card:

It seems the biggest problem when installing is Video Card Issues. This is what I and people In This Thread have come up with.


  • Geforce 6000, 7000, 8000 Series Cards: I have supplied the NVEnabler 64 kext in the files posted above. [again, works for most of these Nvidia Cards] Install this Video Card kext using Kext Helper and restart your computer.
  • If you have another Video Card you will need to find the proper kext for your Video Card on your own and install your Video Card's kext using Kext Helper and restart your computer.

If you cannot find your kext or are still having issues here are some other suggestions:

  • Edit boot.plst to include graphic enabler=yes.
    Path to file is: /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist
    Drag the file to your desktop, edit using text editor,
    Add the following lines to boot.plst:
    Save the file then copy it back to where it came from and replace the original.
    Restart Your computer.
  • ATI HD4670: In order to install, Snow Leopard had to boot with -x (safe mode) at every reboot until 10.6.2 combo update was installed. 10.6.2 supports ATI HD4670, previous versions of Snow Leopard do not.

Extra / Help:

What each kext does (to the best of my knowledge):

  • AppleIntelPIIXATA.kext | Has to do with the hard drives
  • fakesmc.kext | It emulates SMC device
  • Intel82566MM.kext | Onboard Ethernet
  • IOAHCIBlockStorageInjector.kext | Has to do with the hard drives
  • IOATAFamily.kext | Has to do with the hard drives
  • NullCPUPowerManagement.kext | Has to do with DSDT
  • OpenHaltRestart.kext | This fixes restarting errors
  • PlatformUUID.kext | Deals with UUID Errors
  • NVEnabler 64.kext | PCIE Video Card (nVidia Only)
  • VoodooHDA.kext | Onboard Audio

Dual Boot:

I got Windows 7 x64 working on a different hard drive then where Snow Leopard was installed

The steps I used were as follows.

  1. Unplug the Snow Leopard hard drive from the Motherboard
  2. Install Windows 7 on separate hard drive
  3. Plug back in the Snow Leopard hard drive
  4. Set Bios to boot Snow Leopard hard drive before Windows 7 hard drive
  5. Chameleon should now see both hard drives
  6. If you want to see your Snow Leopard partition on Windows get these HFS+ Drivers or take them from your Snow Leopard Disk

Virtualize Windows 7 x64 from 2nd partition in Snow Leopard:

If you have a working Windows Partition (that you can see in Finder) and want to virtualize it in Snow Leopard follow these steps:

  1. Boot into the bios
  2. go to Security > VT Technology: Enabled
  3. Press F10, save and the computer turns off.
  4. Turn back on the computer & boot to Snow Leopard
  5. Install VMware Fusion v3
  6. VMware Fusion should see your Windows Partition as Boot Camp

Set a default Hard Drive with Chameleon

  1. First open Disk Utility
  2. Right click on the partition you wish you make default and Select Info
  3. Take note of the Disk Identifier (IE: disk0s2)
  4. Edit the boot file
  5. Path to file is: /Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist
  6. Drag the file to your desktop, edit using text editor,
  7. Add the following lines to boot.plst:
    <key>Default Partition</key>
  8. In the above code set the Timeout Time by changing # to the seconds you want it to countdown before booting.
  9. Set your Default Partition by changing the X's to the proper Hard Drive Disk Identifier settings.
  10. Example: disk0s2 would be hd(0,2)
  11. Save the file then copy it back to where it came from and replace the original.
  12. Restart Your computer and make sure it worked.


  • Like some of you, I am not a super genius when it comes to these things; it was a whole bunch of patience and trying different things that made this work.
  • I have done this about 5 times, and each time it has worked, so it should work for you.
  • If it does not work, tinker around a bit: unplug all extra peripherals, take off anything from the motherboard thats not needed for it to boot, double check your bios, use search and use the rest of the community for answers to your questions (like I said I am not super great with all this)
  • Try booting with -x -v and see what your error messages are. (-x is safe mode, -v is verbose mode)
  • It has been reported that removing all Hard Drives but the one which you are Installing Snow Leopard on might help the instillation process.
  • If you still cant get it working you can watch the video I did (link below) to make my initial USB Drive. (After doing this so many times I decided to post my own steps)
  • This guide borrows from this video, but there are some important steps not included and the proper kext are also not given in this video [
  • The video card I used was a PCIE PNY nVidia GeForce 8600 256MB
  • The USB Drive was a SanDisk Cruzer Micro 8gb
  • Intel DG33TL Website
  • DG33TL OSX86 Wiki

However you ended up getting this to work for your setup, let us know how you did it.


Good Luck

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Worked perfect. Except........


Will not boot without using the usb to load boot loader. I loaded cham 2.0 to the drive and it loads but it freezes at the grey apple logo (never gets to the spinning thing below). Any thoughts?


without the usb plugged in

try -v -x boot flags

see what happens

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Thank you for the post!!!



10.5.6 works like a charm...


am all exicted to upgrade to snow lepord.. will be following your guide...


may be tomorrow i would be updating it...


thank you!! will get back for help if required.



Mac os x work like a charm in DG33TL ..... ;) am loving it..


Thanks to all who have put in all the guides.. that help new bees like me ...

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I tried your method with an 8gb usb flash drive. Chameleon boots up fine, I select my USB drive and then it just freezes. Tried booting with flag -v -x and it seems to be freezing on a line USBF. Any suggestions? my system has a 8600GTS card in and wouldn't boot without the nvenabler64.kext in the extra folder either.

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I tried your method with an 8gb usb flash drive. Chameleon boots up fine, I select my USB drive and then it just freezes. Tried booting with flag -v -x and it seems to be freezing on a line USBF. Any suggestions? my system has a 8600GTS card in and wouldn't boot without the nvenabler64.kext in the extra folder either.

I am not a super genius when it comes to these things; it was a whole bunch of patience and trying different things that made this work.

Unplug all extra peripherals, take off anything from the motherboard thats not needed for it to boot, and double check your bios.

If you still cant get it working you can watch the video I did (link below) to make my initial USB Drive. (After doing this so many times I decided to post my own steps)

The borrows from this video, but there are some important steps not included and the proper kext are also not given in this video [


And as always, use search and the rest of the community for answers to your questions (like I said I am not super great with all this)

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Thanks for the help, I have tried everything I can think of, I am assuming it may be the flash drive. It is one of those mini-hd/flash drives sold a while back ago and I am thinking somehow it is causing conflicts. I did have two questions for you, in your BIOS do you have HPET off or on? And do you have Legacy USB off or on?


Many Thanks

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thanks again not4you2, great guide, but no joy after three failed attempts to install SL this weekend. fortunately i was practicing with an external usb hd so i didn't trash my previous 10.5.8 install. i followed your instructions pretty faithfully except i partitioned my destination drive into two partitions, not one. first time worked okay except for video (i have an ATI hd4670 which is supposedly supported in SL but is a source of much trouble); had to boot into SL in safe mode: SL seemed to recognize the network out of the box (i.e. before i installed the kexts and rebooted) and went ahead and downloaded 10.6.2 update without me asking. so by the time i rebooted i had installed the kexts, chameleon, and the 10.6.2 and i guess that was too much; osx just hung.


after that i got inventive and tried to reinstall using the latest boot file from netkas (pc efi 10.6), for the ati 46xx card support, but that just hung at boot.


third try i hosed hosed the pc efi 10.6 boot file, reinstalled chameleon (which seems to generate its own boot file), and after a few misadventures (installed kexts but no network), i installed the 46xx mpkg and ended up with kernel panic. kept getting error messages with respect to that install: ati4600.kext and atihd2000.kext were not installing properly.


gave up after that. next week i'll start over. need to sort out the video, i think.


i noticed on big difference between your method and the other usb install guides (including the video you link to) is you do not install a specific boot file to the destination drive. i know chameleon seems to generate its own boot file when you install it. any reason for that?


cheers and thanks for your help

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Legacy is enabled

HPET is disabled



Sorry you are having some issues, I am glad you were able to have it boot for a while (until you rebooted): Try Doing your kext, restart, then update 10.6.2


When I used the Youtube Tutorial I would constantly get Install Errors after replacing with the BOOT file that the other guide provides. When I skipped this step, I had no errors when installing.

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Ok i have snow leopard installer up but for some reason it is not recognizing my hard drives. I tried both ACHI and SATA configuration on my bios. Any Suggestions? Thanks in advance.

You should have your BIOS set to ACHI

To be clear it needs to be a SATA drive not IDE

Does your BIOS see your hard drive?

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Wow, thanks for the awesome guide not4you2. I think I got everything working flawlessly. I'm even dual booting Windows 7.


Here are my specs:


Intel DQ35JO Motherboard

Intel Q6666 Quad Core Processor

Nvidia GeForce 8800 Video Card

640gb Western Digital HD (OS X)

160gb Western Digital HD (Windows 7)


I followed the guide exactly, and didn't have to change anything and it all worked. Thanks for the great resource! I tried about 100 other guides before coming across this one.


Thanks a ton!

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Legacy is enabled

HPET is disabled



Sorry you are having some issues, I am glad you were able to have it boot for a while (until you rebooted): Try Doing your kext, restart, then update 10.6.2


When I used the Youtube Tutorial I would constantly get Install Errors after replacing with the BOOT file that the other guide provides. When I skipped this step, I had no errors when installing.

thanks not4you2. after going over my notes from my failed installation attempts and reading up on various install guides here, i'm convinced the closest i got was the first attempt, and the problem was my HD4670xt video card (which is a whole separate problem). will start over again this weekend when i get back home and post results.


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hello everyone i have followed the guide to spec but everytime i boot from the usb to chameleon 2 RC4 and usb drive for install the grey apple logo screen will pass and then i just see a black screen.





EVGA GTX 275 1792 MB




any thoughts??

i have tried -x,-v and even -32 and still same effects.

I am thinking something to do with my GTX 275???



thanks in advance!

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any thoughts??

i have tried -x,-v and even -32 and still same effects.

I am thinking something to do with my GTX 275???


when you do -v -x you should not see the apple logo at all, you should start to see what looks like a black screen with white text loading.




it might be your video card, try looking for a kext specifically for your card

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when you do -v -x you should not see the apple logo at all, you should start to see what looks like a black screen with white text loading.




it might be your video card, try looking for a kext specifically for your card


after some researching i used graphics enabler and it worked. i am still looking for kext for my card.Someone had wrote a kext for gtx275 896mb card. do you think that will work???

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after some researching i used graphics enabler and it worked. i am still looking for kext for my card.Someone had wrote a kext for gtx275 896mb card. do you think that will work???

Can you explain what you did for the Graphics enabler, so i can add it to the guide.


Also, you can always try another kext but you run the risk of a crash when you reboot (but you could just reinstall)

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Can you explain what you did for the Graphics enabler, so i can add it to the guide.


Also, you can always try another kext but you run the risk of a crash when you reboot (but you could just reinstall)


Edit with text edit and add





this should fix the black screen after apple logo.


also i fixed my EVGA GTX275 FTW 1792MB graphics card working.



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Edit with text edit and add



this should fix the black screen after apple logo.


also i fixed my EVGA GTX275 FTW 1792MB graphics card working.




How did you do this, if the screen was black?

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Hi all am back ...


I have installed following the above guide, i was able to successful installed.


Network - working

Audio - working

Boot - working


My graphic card is not being detected, i have used the Nvenabler ... no luck

I have tried to use the EFI studio .. after that it fails to boot & gets stuck at Powermanagement ) timeout..


My Hardware


Core 2 Quad Q6600

Nvidia 7100GS 128MB


Note: I have been using 10.5.6 for about a year with no issues.. am trying to upgrade .. having the above issues.. could some one help me here.. thanks in advance...

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ok, it took a couple weekends but finally. SUCCESS!!


had to overcome lots of video card issues -- like djdimension and others above.


my specs:


DG33TL Mobo

Intel Core2Quad Q9550; 4Gigs RAM

Sapphire Radeon HD4670 512MB DDR4 PCI-e

lots of SATA HDs (using all 5 slots on board plus add in Syba Sil3132 PCIe-1 card with 2 more SATA slots)


Dual boot Windows 7 & SL 10.6.2, both 64bit


A couple things I had to do different:


1. Disconnect all HD's except Mac HD prior to install; connect monitor via a DVI to VGA adapter (a requirement for ATI HD4670 to work in SL 10.6.2).

2. Due to video cardm in order to install SL had to boot with -x (safe mode) at every reboot until the last (i.e. 10.6.2 combo update installed). 10.6.2 supports ATI HD4670, previous versions of Snow do not. video card was my biggest hassle.

3. AHCI in bios, GUID when formatting HD for SL install, per your spec. (However, I installed multiple partitions on the HD to which I installed SL with no issues.)

4. SL installed from retail DVD image no problems. Ethernet was working with vanilla kexts in 10.6.0 (but failed once updated to 10.6.2). use USB stick to boot until you install Chameleon to the Snow Leopard partition; per above, keep safe booting until 10.6.2 is fully installed (due to ATI 4670 video card)

5. Before updating to 10.6.2, install some, not all kexts. i kept getting kernel panics and hangs with Voodoo HDA (although it worked fine in the end), and since ethernet was working in 10.6, i left those two kexts out until the end, i.e. after 10.6.2 was up and running (i had downloaded the 10.6.2 combo update in advance.) install all the rest of the kexts in not4you2's extra file. i installed using kext utility instead of kext helper (google it you'll find it, SL 64 bit version available). Kext helper kept hanging. kext utility does more anyway. i installed each kext one by one to be safe. Reboot from USB stick, select Snow Leopard partition, type -x and hit enter (safe mode for video card)

7. STILL IN 10.6.0 (IE BEFORE UPDATING TO 10.6.2) Install Chameleon. for ATI 4670 video card, i had to replace Chameleon boot file with Netkas' PC_EFI 10.5 boot file. google it you'll find it. to replace boot file i used a little freeware tool called "show hidden files": launch the app and click "show, " replace boot file, then click "hide" again. cool little app.

8. STILL IN 10.6.0 (IE BEFORE UPDATING TO 10.6.2) And also for the video card, edit boot.plst to include graphic enabler=yes. (path to file is: /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist)

drag the file to your desktop, edit using text editor, then drag pack to where it came from and replace (or rename the old file to end in .old and then just drag and drop the new file). add the following lines to boot.plst:





In theory Chameleon is supposed to take care of this but my card wouldn't work without this. seems to be a common problem. Just to be safe after all this, fix permissions (just click on kext utility).

9. Install 10.6.2 (i had downloaded it to a usb stick and placed it on the desktop). reboot with -v to check if everything is ok

10. If necessary, edit video kexts (for my video card, relevant kexts were ATI4600.kext and ATIx2000.kext) to include device ID (actually a combination of device id and vendor id. my device id was 0x9490 and vendor id was 0x1002. ID in video kexts was 0x94901002. it was already present in 4600.kext and in x2000.kext, although in the latter i moved it to the front of the string.) get device and vendor ID's from "about this mac" graphics tab or from windows device manager. to edit video kexts: navigate to /System/Library/Extensions, right click on kext, select "show contents," double click on info.plist file, edit with texteditor, and scroll around until use see the device ID's, if your device id is not there, type it in and save.

11. install ethernet kext and audio kext using kext utility

12. Reboot and admire your beautiful screen, audio, and ethernet connection!

13. Hook back up all your HD's, Boot into windows install EasyBCD to windows partition for dual boot, and you're done. (this is best if you use windows more than mac, like me. otherwise you can just use chameleon -- boot to your Snow Leopard drive and Chameleon will give you the option to boot Windows.)


To Do: haven't messed with sleep enabler yet. audio works but does not show up in "about this mac." still a bit of tweaking to do.



Additional tools and files used:

1. Kext utility x64 v2.3.2 "SL x64 ready"



2. show/hide tool or change finder

3. Netkas EFI 10.5 boot file


thanks again not4you2 and all the other posters

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ok, it took a couple weekends but finally. SUCCESS!!


had to overcome lots of video card issues -- like djdimension and others above.


my specs:


DG33TL Mobo

Intel Core2Quad Q9550; 4Gigs RAM

Sapphire Radeon HD4670 512MB DDR4 PCI-e

lots of SATA HDs (using all 5 slots on board plus add in Syba Sil3132 PCIe-1 card with 2 more SATA slots)


Dual boot Windows 7 & SL 10.6.2, both 64bit


A couple things I had to do different:


1. Disconnect all HD's except Mac HD prior to install; connect monitor via a DVI to VGA adapter (a requirement for ATI HD4670 to work in SL 10.6.2).

2. Due to video cardm in order to install SL had to boot with -x (safe mode) at every reboot until the last (i.e. 10.6.2 combo update installed). 10.6.2 supports ATI HD4670, previous versions of Snow do not. video card was my biggest hassle.

3. AHCI in bios, GUID when formatting HD for SL install, per your spec. (However, I installed multiple partitions on the HD to which I installed SL with no issues.)

4. SL installed from retail DVD image no problems. Ethernet was working with vanilla kexts in 10.6.0 (but failed once updated to 10.6.2). use USB stick to boot until you install Chameleon to the Snow Leopard partition; per above, keep safe booting until 10.6.2 is fully installed (due to ATI 4670 video card)

5. Before updating to 10.6.2, install some, not all kexts. i kept getting kernel panics and hangs with Voodoo HDA (although it worked fine in the end), and since ethernet was working in 10.6, i left those two kexts out until the end, i.e. after 10.6.2 was up and running (i had downloaded the 10.6.2 combo update in advance.) install all the rest of the kexts in not4you2's extra file. i installed using kext utility instead of kext helper (google it you'll find it, SL 64 bit version available). Kext helper kept hanging. kext utility does more anyway. i installed each kext one by one to be safe. Reboot from USB stick, select Snow Leopard partition, type -x and hit enter (safe mode for video card)

7. STILL IN 10.6.0 (IE BEFORE UPDATING TO 10.6.2) Install Chameleon. for ATI 4670 video card, i had to replace Chameleon boot file with Netkas' PC_EFI 10.5 boot file. google it you'll find it. to replace boot file i used a little freeware tool called "show hidden files": launch the app and click "show, " replace boot file, then click "hide" again. cool little app.

8. STILL IN 10.6.0 (IE BEFORE UPDATING TO 10.6.2) And also for the video card, edit boot.plst to include graphic enabler=yes. (path to file is: /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist)

drag the file to your desktop, edit using text editor, then drag pack to where it came from and replace (or rename the old file to end in .old and then just drag and drop the new file). add the following lines to boot.plst:





In theory Chameleon is supposed to take care of this but my card wouldn't work without this. seems to be a common problem. Just to be safe after all this, fix permissions (just click on kext utility).

9. Install 10.6.2 (i had downloaded it to a usb stick and placed it on the desktop). reboot with -v to check if everything is ok

10. If necessary, edit video kexts (for my video card, relevant kexts were ATI4600.kext and ATIx2000.kext) to include device ID (actually a combination of device id and vendor id. my device id was 0x9490 and vendor id was 0x1002. ID in video kexts was 0x94901002. it was already present in 4600.kext and in x2000.kext, although in the latter i moved it to the front of the string.) get device and vendor ID's from "about this mac" graphics tab or from windows device manager. to edit video kexts: navigate to /System/Library/Extensions, right click on kext, select "show contents," double click on info.plist file, edit with texteditor, and scroll around until use see the device ID's, if your device id is not there, type it in and save.

11. install ethernet kext and audio kext using kext utility

12. Reboot and admire your beautiful screen, audio, and ethernet connection!

13. Hook back up all your HD's, Boot into windows install EasyBCD to windows partition for dual boot, and you're done. (this is best if you use windows more than mac, like me. otherwise you can just use chameleon -- boot to your Snow Leopard drive and Chameleon will give you the option to boot Windows.)


To Do: haven't messed with sleep enabler yet. audio works but does not show up in "about this mac." still a bit of tweaking to do.



Additional tools and files used:

1. Kext utility x64 v2.3.2 "SL x64 ready"



2. show/hide tool or change finder

3. Netkas EFI 10.5 boot file


thanks again not4you2 and all the other posters



Thank you for the reply!!..


I have it boot fine with no issues...

when i use the 64bit Nvidiaenabler from the above post.. at the boot it says it recognized the graphic card , attached is the screenshot.. will not pass this screen.. will stay here for ever...


If i remove the Nvidienabler 64bit kext..

am able to by pass the screen and boot successful into snow leopard...


Could some one help me.. am almost there...


Should i Edit the Device ID in the info.plist ??

For both the files NVDAResman.kext and NVDANVX0hal.kext ??

Or do you think its already there ??


My Device ID is as below


Type:	GPU
 Bus:	PCIe
 PCIe Lane Width:	x16
 VRAM (Total):	256 MB
 Vendor:	NVIDIA (0x10de)
 Device ID:	0x016a
 Revision ID:	0x00a1
 Resolution:	1024 x 768
 Pixel Depth:	32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
 Main Display:	Yes
 Mirror:	Off
 Online:	Yes


IF i need to edit, the info.plist.. please guide me :(


Thanks a million to all the posters...

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Ok, I found some issues with my hardware. After deleting the ATIX2000.kext the Installer was starting and I was able to install SL without safe mode. But now the System crashes in VoodooHDA.kext while booting.


Any ideas?




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