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Chameleon RC4 is out!


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BTW. May adding debug feature (option in Chameleon com.apple.Boot.plist) to generate debug file will be helpfull, like in Asere booter but without taking photos?



You can also do that with last RC5pre6 and even in rc4, debug exists since quite some time,

for cosmetics considerations, I don't know, I'm focused on functionalities and bugs only for RC5 ;)

we CANT write any file in the booter, the filesystem is read-only.

In near future we will hack the ioregs to add debug info, but not in RC5 ...

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Pre 5 and 6 won't recognize my CPU, it says Unknown in About this Mac but Geekbench detects it fine. Also I get the same problem as Bungo, in PCI Cards (system profiler) I see almost the exact info as Graphics/Screen, it shows my gfx card only, and not the lan as with PCEFI 10.5.


Thanks again rekursor for your hard work, I'll be testing all the releases and reporting issues.

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Pre 5 and 6 won't recognize my CPU, it says Unknown in About this Mac but Geekbench detects it fine. Also I get the same problem as Bungo, in PCI Cards (system profiler) I see almost the exact info as Graphics/Screen, it shows my gfx card only, and not the lan as with PCEFI 10.5.


Thanks again rekursor for your hard work, I'll be testing all the releases and reporting issues.


I'm afraid we can't help on your athlon cpu in the booter, the kernel has to be non vanilla AFAIK in your case.

Then for 'Forcing' a value of cpu you can still try to use: SMcputype in smbios.plist if you wish to 'fake' an intel cputype recognized by apple, not sure I'd recommend that though.

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I've made a quick and dirty installer:


From what source did you do it scrax ?


I'm also very interested by the installer matter, but I have to wait for Zef to give us more insight to it,

then I'm also interested by Dr. Hurt installer which also brings fixes for the USB matter ...

Dr Hurt how is it going with your exams ?

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I'm afraid we can't help on your athlon cpu in the booter, the kernel has to be non vanilla AFAIK in your case.

Then for 'Forcing' a value of cpu you can still try to use: SMcputype in smbios.plist if you wish to 'fake' an intel cputype recognized by apple, not sure I'd recommend that though.


I tried forcing the CPU type but it's same, won't work. I've got a voodoo based kernel that changes the CPU type to Core Solo and it was working fine with PCEFI 10.5 so I guess it's related to the bootloader.

Anyway, it's just cosmetic so don't worry, thanks for the reply.



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From what source did you do it scrax ?


I'm also very interested by the installer matter, but I have to wait for Zef to give us more insight to it,

then I'm also interested by Dr. Hurt installer which also brings fixes for the USB matter ...

Dr Hurt how is it going with your exams ?

I've packed up the file you posted, if you open it with "show package contents" you will find the boot directory used for the installation. So for a new package you just have to overwrite that directory. I'm testing some script to add the installation of the preference.panel at it.

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I would like to have a poll here:


I don't understand why GraphicsEnabler is disabled by default.


So How many of you are using the booter _without_ GraphicsEnabler=y set,

and why (does it crashes your gfx driver if you use it?)


I would like to enable it by default, but maybe we should check for incompatibilities first and see if an automatic detection is possible.


Graphics Enabler inject a vbios (extracted from gfx memory or from a file if overriden), then insert devcaps to the devprops.


This option allowed me to remove all non vanilla gfx drivers for my nVidia card,


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I would like to have a poll here:


I don't understand why GraphicsEnabler is disabled by default.


So How many of you are using the booter _without_ GraphicsEnabler=y set,

and why (does it crashes your gfx driver if you use it?)


I would like to enable it by default, but maybe we should check for incompatibilities first and see if an automatic detection is possible.


Graphics Enabler inject a vbios (extracted from gfx memory or from a file if overriden), then insert devcaps to the devprops.


This option allowed me to remove all non vanilla gfx drivers for my nVidia card,



Hi rek, good morning.

Anyway the Graphics Enabler, for me, worked only with pcefi 10.5 of netkas. After, never, never, never. If i also override the vrom bios with my extracted and modded bios with nibitor and nvflah don't worked the same, never. I don't know why it worked only with pcefi 10.5. Ok, about your poll, i think that many people have injected the equivalent code in dsdt (me) or in efi, hence i don't know which may be the incompatibility with GE set to y to default.

I can say you that also i set the option to y i don't have nothing problem :thumbsup_anim:


Hi, in attached a my installer for RC5pre6, it installs on usb. The last installer that i see use the same pre and postflight script, they are identical;) This a nice guide





Edit: rek are there some news for key patch of 18seven?

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Sup rek, first thx for your amazing work here... just a feedback, im using your RC5pre5, i just replace the boot file over the Chameleon R3 boot file and now i finally can boot with a X86_64 non vanilla kernel (Pentium D here), but without vid accel, just like smith posted, i only can use GE on pc efi 10.5... i got kp on desktop using efi string, but if i use some injector (Nvinject..) i got a fixed resolution and nothing more. My gpu is GeForce 7600Gt... i`ll try to edit dsdt to put my gpu info, lets see, if you have some tip, just tell. And again, thank you a lot!

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Hi rek,

with my video card I used first EFI string and then dsdt code and it's full working with double screen and all. With GE I have only one video resolution and no more graphic acceleration so for me is useless. But in a generic installer i'll put a c.a.B.p with GE=Yes

Anyway I vote to remove it at all and make the code more faster.


Instead i would suggest a EFI string generator integrated in the preference panel like the one in OSXTools, maybe only with the custom code generator.


By the way what are the video card supported by GE?



On a side note: i've finished translating the pref panel, but i have something not working good. I already opened an issue.


I can confirm that the second panel not showing bug is gone. I not like a lot the green-blue border maybe more blue like the selections?

I've upgraded the translation with the last more string but the side menu is still not localized, am I doing something wrong?


And I think also that the lock icon is too close with the end of the panel a few pixel inside and it'z perfect.


Another thing is that Quiet Boot and Time Out can't be set together one eliminate the other.


Another thing that isn't good is the way arch=i386 is implemented, why it's the only that instead of this:





he get this:


<key>Kernel Flags</key>



is not a waste of code and not coherent with the other value, isn't it?

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Have you done any work on patching the kernel from chameleon? I have been playing with this a bit, based on meklorts patch. I am particularly interested in getting AppleIntelPM to load on unsupported CPU's rather than silencing the panic for boot. If you have any insight into this it would be most welcome.

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Finished Physiology, Histology, and Anatomy. Still Biochemistry to go.


Here's a new lightweight, yet fully functional, installer package. It installs Chameleon 2 RC5 pre6 and Preference Pane 2.0.0RC1.





Always backup and have a boot CD/USB handy.


### Using this installer will, as usual, break the Windows 7 and Vista bootloader. Reason is fdisk installs a standard MBR. Windows 7/Vista requires a special MBR, so you'll have to rewrite the MBR using the Windows DVD repair option (with the Windows partition set active).


Test this and tell me how it goes.

I'll release another package using the final version in a new thread once its released.

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IntelCPUPowerManagement loading but SpeedStep not work :) Patch in this thread (#147).

Offset 000284D1 - cpu model for 64 bit kernel (current 0x0F),

Offset 005E6817 - cpu model for 32 bit kernel (current 0x0F). Other CPU models you can grab from cpuid.h. May be need patch not only model type... i don't know.

Have you done any work on patching the kernel from chameleon?

No. I use prepatched kernel.

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Hi rek, good morning.

Anyway the Graphics Enabler, for me, worked only with pcefi 10.5 of netkas. After, never, never, never. If i also override ...

edit: rek are there some news for key patch of 18seven?

OK folks I'm going to have a look to see what was in pc efi10.5 that worked that does not work anymore with your gfx cards, I will need testers, already recreated a fork in the repos (my rekursor branch) so that subsequent tests won't affect other users, smith and others I'll care for your gfx problem right now ...


18seven patch is currently integrated in prasys branch, I'll help to make it event more interesting, because we add some other useful shortcuts but basically it's 18 seven patch ;)


@teateam: I'll have a look later, but could you please post your patch in our public repos?

I can give you the rights to make your branch rapidly and I will integrate your work as well, as I see it, it could be a special case when system type is 0, then we use your way, otherwise we trust the content of facp PM_Model ....


@DrHurt: congrats for your exams ! Could you please rename the installer name with a pre6 extension so that people won't make confusion with the final release ? thanks.

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@DrHurt: congrats for your exams ! Could you please rename the installer name with a pre6 extension so that people won't make confusion with the final release ? thanks.



Have you tested the installer yet?

Also do you have any solution for the MBR. Linux users have a utility called ms-sys which writes a windows compatible MBR. I wish we had something like that too.

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Have you tested the installer yet?

Also do you have any solution for the MBR. Linux users have a utility called ms-sys which writes a windows compatible MBR. I wish we had something like that too.


I didn't have enough time to test the installer right now, but I believe we have great testers here that could help, and I will report too asap ...

I dont' know about the MBR issues yet, please post an issue to our public repos. to inform us about any related issue.

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I didn't have enough time to test the installer right now, but I believe we have great testers here that could help, and I will report too asap ...

I dont' know about the MBR issues yet, please post an issue to our public repos. to inform us about any related issue.


It's neither a bootloader nor installer related issue so never mind.

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OK, I imported missing fixes from pcEFI10.5 and also found a bug and fixed it in nvidia code


Here the experimental code for the GE fix:



(Other users not affected by this bug, please don't use this fix yet, there is debug code displayed)


Please smith@@ and others affected, tell me if it works for you know ...

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rek, thank you again, but no luck here... i got the same problem:


-kernel loads fine in x86_64, no fatal erros, but with GE, i got a fast kp right in Desktop loading, and my machine reboots, same thing using efi string or injectors.


-if i dont use GE or injectors the system loads fast and fine.


Im using your old V2, it loads in 64 Bit mode only, not in x86_64, and i can use GE fine.


Ill take a pic of debug message if you want, still trying here.

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