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I'm using the guide on http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.ph..._your_partition but I am stuck on the dd part. If I try to execute the dd if=tiger-x86-flat.img of=/dev/hda2 bs=512 skip=63 command in command prompt, it tells me that dd is not an internal or external command. When I try to do it straight from dd.exe, it just repeats the line that was just typed. How exactly do I do this step?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow, I figured it out. Dunce cap please?


i have got the same problem when i fail to get the working torrent link to d/l the correct distro of mac for my computer then i decided to install tiger i.e macosx86 10.4.8 installation went smooth without any errors and it ask me to restart the computer as it is finished install OS when i restart computer it just stuck on the black screen which says "Continuing Mach Reboot it sits there" nothing happen when i press reset button it says "loading Operating system fail".............Plz Help............Thanks in advance.........

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