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Hi i've got a hackintosh running iatkos 5i updated to 10.5.8. It's all working pretty fantastically apart from the wireless which for some reason randomly seems to drop off. It still shows the network but shows as not connected. If you try to click it you just get a spinning wheel.


Has anyone had a similar problem? It's a linksys wmp54g with the broadcom chip. Mobo is p5ne-sli.


Any ideas would be great.



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Hi i've got a hackintosh running iatkos 5i updated to 10.5.8. It's all working pretty fantastically apart from the wireless which for some reason randomly seems to drop off. It still shows the network but shows as not connected. If you try to click it you just get a spinning wheel.


Has anyone had a similar problem? It's a linksys wmp54g with the broadcom chip. Mobo is p5ne-sli.


Any ideas would be great.





before you get into investigating if there is real driver issues or not have you tried any wireless application to check your wireless signal strength etc ???


u can give (AP scanner) a shot. it gives you very detailed information about your wireless connection (when you get out of the range etc).


it really might give you very detail idea of whats going on with your wireless connection.

i'll give it a go but the router is pretty much right next to me so I'm pretty confident it's not a signal strength issue. I did try the BCM43XX drivers in the sticky but to no avail.


Is there a way to check what drivers I have loaded to see if it is a driver issue?

not sure what you mean by version, but you can check versions in system profiler --- and then click on extensions on the left


for my broadcom i get the following




Version: 3.6.6

Last Modified: 24/11/08 9:11 PM

Get Info String: 3.6.6, Copyright © 2006–2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

Location: /System/Library/Extensions/IO80211Family.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleAirPortBrcm4311.kext

kext Version: 366.91.21

Load Address: 0x3f2b7000

Valid: Yes

Authentic: Yes

Dependencies: Satisfied



probably thats what ur looking for ???

Yeah mines pretty much exactly the same with the exception of my last modified date is 18/11/2007 and added to the bottom i have


"integrity: Kext has no receipt"


Could it be that i have an older driver? It is really strange as it'll work fine for ages then just stop. Is there a log created that i could find?


Thanks for your help!

ap grapher will keep a graphical log as well so you can see what has happened to your signal when it drops the connection.


if you wanna see the logs then again go back to your system profiler -- click on logs


chose system.log file (usually airport related errors will be listed at the bottom)..


if you have some log entries like :


Sep 17 10:37:12 laptop kernel[0]: AirPort: Roam (Beacons Lost)

Sep 17 10:37:13 laptop kernel[0]: MAC AUTH succeeded

Sep 17 10:37:23 laptop kernel[0]: AirPort: Roam (Beacons Lost)


it might be related to your drivers.

Thanks for your continued help - much appreciated! It's not dropped yet but i'm getting a lot of these:


Oct 3 17:32:22 chris-shelswells-mac-pro kernel[0]: Assertion failed: file "/SourceCache/AirPortDriverBrcm4311/AirPortDriverBrcm4311-366.91.21/SnowLeopard/src/shared/macosx_osl.cpp", line 936: mbuf_flags(m) & MBUF_PKTHDR


I presume that might be a problem? Also wondering why it's showing snow leopard when i'm just on leopard?



Ok installed ApGrapher but all i get is a graph. It's helped me get a better signal but don't see any info on why my net might drop off.


It did just happen again though. System.log recorded this:


 Oct  4 10:29:48 chris-shelswells-mac-pro kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0
Oct  4 10:29:48 chris-shelswells-mac-pro configd[14]: AppleTalk shutdown
Oct  4 10:29:48 chris-shelswells-mac-pro configd[14]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Oct  4 10:30:12 chris-shelswells-mac-pro ntpd[45]: sendto( (fd=23): No route to host
Oct  4 11:05:56 chris-shelswells-mac-pro SystemUIServer[1215]: Error: Apple80211Scan() error -6
Oct  4 11:05:56 chris-shelswells-mac-pro SystemUIServer[1215]: Error: __performScan() failed (-6)


I was away from my pc at 10:29 when it went down. I think the next bit is when I tried to get back on again. I can't see anything that looks very helpful though.



sorry for the late reply. but here is the thing with my bcm4xxx card. my card also drops the connection once in a while even once a day almost regularly but i found out that its because of my router (netgear wpn824v2). when i go thru all the logs (including the ones on the router) i see almost no reason why it would do it. but then it usually reconnects on its own to the network (probably why it has never bothered me so far).



from that log what i can see is your computer is also being rejected from the network ur on, and it also is trying to reconnect but as for what is preventing it from reconnecting is unfortunately.... i have no idea.

Thanks for your reply. I'll not be hunting for a new card just yet then. It's not a deal breaker. With a download manager in firefox I can cope with it. Would just be great to get it working perfectly. Guess for that though I should just buy the real thing ;)


Thanks for your help. Will maybe see if i can swap the router. See how that goes.


Cheers again!

there is a bcm4xxx driver install guide on the forums, u might want to give it a try before you start searching for a new card. i got my mini pci card on ebay (just a generic brand with bcm4318 chipset). it was about $6 with free shipping. (if you are trying to install this on a laptop let me know) i can send you the link for one of those.


on the other hand how often does it drop the connection ? like every few mins ? or just a couple of times a day ??



why don't you just reinstall drivers and give it a one last try ??


(bcm4318 chipset definitely gets recognized as airport and works amazingly fine with leopard). i get around 700-750k/sec download speeds on my 8mbit connection and network transfer speeds are just exactly what it should be.

yeah mines not getting recognised as an airport I get 'third party... ' (not in front of my pc can't remember the whole thing). It's a linksys wmp54g revision 2 (quite old now). To be fair it does only drop off 3-4 times a day it's fairly random I can't seem to associate an action with it dropping off.


I was wondering if I could copy the kext off my macbook pro? Though it's a bcm4311 and my PC card is a 4306 so doubt it.


Just out of interest how would you reinstall the drivers? simply delete the currently loaded kext and drop a new one in there?


Sorry should have said I'm trying to run it on a PC. I've got a macbook which I love hence trying to get the pc to run mac too.



Maybe you could try to rebrand your Broadcom to an Airport Extreme. But sometimes, rebranding is successful but you won't be able to connect to the internet in OSX, meaning rebranding won't work for you. You can just rebrand it back to the original IDs if this happens. You have to take note of your original IDs before continuing. Also, you need to be connected to the internet while rebranding, meaning you have a different internet connection (like ethernet, in Ubuntu).


Rebranding solved some of my drop off issues -BCM4318 - same chipset with whiskas but different IDs. Mine is not detected as Airport because my sub id was different, changing it to x4318 solved the issue.


Do this on your own risk.


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