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[GUIDE] Snow Leopard Vanilla Retail Guide for GA-P35-DS4 and other related boards

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Mine does that too. Not sure why. It does seem to work though.



Mine does too. Can I install the Snow Installer from my Mac Book as well? Or do I need to run this from my Leopard install on the DS4?


The problem would be generating a DSDT. I don't think that would work from a macbook.

thanks for this fine tutorial !

My questions:

- I have a working OS X 10.5.8 install on drive 1 ( GA -P35-DS4, 8 Gb Ram,Q8200,Nvidia 9400GT 512 mb)

- I want to install SnowLeo on drive 2 first for testing- so I want to DualBoot 10.5.8 and snowleo ( 10.6)

- can I boot again after install of 10.6. to my old 10.5.8 install with the new chameleon 2 rc3 r658 ??

- or what I have to do to preserve or rescue my working 10.5.8 install in case of trouble with 10.6. ??

Is anyone experiencing problems with Time Machine? I have just set up a Drive as a Time Machine Backup and it fails each time I try and run a backup.


I get this error




I have never seen this error before so if anyone can shed light on what it may be please let me know!



Edited to Say: I just found that in my Energy Saver the disks are set by default to sleep after 15 minutes which is exactly the time that the backups fail. I have just adjusted this and am testing to see if this has any effect on the issue


OK, I reset the Energy saver settings to set sleep for a much longer time ie 3hrs and all works fine.

I am assuming that normally the machine should not Kill a backup by sending the disks to sleep - so is anyone aware of this issue or have I missed something - I did a google search for Snow leopard, sleep and Time Machine but nothing came up. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I have addressed the issue by extending the time before the machine sleeps but would prefer if I can get it all working normally.

I tried installing Snow again from inside snow using this guide. It installed, but I cannot get Chameleon to install, says failed? Any ideas


Install with this guide Blackosx


He has a bootcd available that will do a 100% vanilla perfect install.


Don't use the OSInstall.mpkg anymore... it causes way to may KP's and doesn't install correctly leaving hidden folders exposed and Disk Utility to not work.


Hands down the most current and highly successful method is with Blackosx bootcd!!! :D

I think i may try the BLACKOSX method as I just came across permissions and ownership issues after my update to 10.6.1

My recommendation: wait for tseug, he will show us the way. I've been very happy following his guides from 10.5.5 on up.


- can I boot again after install of 10.6. to my old 10.5.8 install with the new chameleon 2 rc3 r658 ??

Yes, you should be able to select your old 10.5.8 installation from the Chameleon GUI and boot from that disk. I still have a 10.5.7 install that I can boot from via Chameleon, as well as 10.6.

BlackOSX method worked out great. Not only that, it's the more thorough and well written guides or series of guides out there. Often times other guides are a bit ambiguously in the way it is written.


I think the most important thing is getting a good DSDT files for your motherboard/graphic. BlackOSX also has a good guide on how to accomplish this.

OK so 10.6.1 update is out - anyone updated yet?


Yes. No problems.


I think i may try the BLACKOSX method as I just came across permissions and ownership issues after my update to 10.6.1


Could you be more specific?

...Don't use the OSInstall.mpkg anymore... it causes way to may KP's and doesn't install correctly leaving hidden folders exposed and Disk Utility to not work...


I installed Snow Leo using OSInstall.mpkg from another Snow Leo machine (MacBook Pro), don't have any problems. No permissions problems, Disk Utility working. I am trying 10.6.1 update via Software Update right now, I will report the results ASAP.

10) Open /Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist in an editor. Put arch=x86_32 in kernel flags in /Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist. Keep the file open.


but can´t we put arch=x86_64 instead of 32? in case of 64 bits compatible CPU's? (Intel Q6600)

Everithing's gone well but at the end I got the bad KP.

Any ideas ?? :wacko:




You're running the 64 bit kernel which means you did something wrong.


I'm releasing a boot CD approach later today, once I'm done testing. I recommend you try that instead.

You're running the 64 bit kernel which means you did something wrong.


I'm releasing a boot CD approach later today, once I'm done testing. I recommend you try that instead.

First, thanks for your time Tseug.

Secondly, I added the kernel flags as warned, so what's wrong with it?


Probably I got it installed wrong 'cause I run the installer from a 10.5.5 osx ?

First, thanks for your time Tseug.

Secondly, I added the kernel flags as warned, so what's wrong with it?


Probably I got it installed wrong 'cause I run the installer from a 10.5.5 osx ?


You did boot from the drive containing the SL partition, right?

Boot CD approach now available. Guide updated.


I decided against adding the new Realtek network driver as it breaks network in 64 bit kernel mode. I guess we have to wait for a 64-bit version.


Chameleon RC3 is now included in the installer.

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