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I was thinking it would be pretty cool for Apple to make a gaming console. Make it dual-boot os x and the os that runs the games. You could have a whole computer and a gaming console in one. I think if Apple could get Sony or Microsoft (extremely extremely rare occurence) to help them along the way in terms of games and some technologies...I think Apple's "iPlay" could be very cool.

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I remeber there was a hoax of some sort a while back that included a cool sort of mockup. It was very ipod-esque, and was supposedly to include a very similar GUI to OS X, plus the ability to have a Save-state feature for any game, much like current emulators.


Seemed cool...alas, fake. :)

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what's weird is that the xbox 360 and ps3 both have ppc, kinda odd.

As well as GCN and Wii. Since PS3 has pretty much all the capabilities of a computer on the inside and ISN'T at odds with Apple, there was a little musing a while ago that perhaps it might run something like Mac OS X due to it's PPC architecture and overall impressiveness (This is from a few Sony resources, not from just any ol' Joe Blow... but it seems that OS X is just a pipe dream that involves the approval of Papa Steve and they were just thinking that it would be more sellable if it had an actual OS instead of the humdrum stuff that runs games only).


As it is right now, you're just better off getting Windows or Linux on a Mac Mini, hooking in a USB gamepad and emulating stuff, maybe even getting out the good ol' DVI->TV adapter (and look up BYOAC while you're at it).


EDIT: although to be honest, I think Jobs has the "let's launch a console" wildcard up his sleeve. He has a lot of cards up his sleeve; the Intel switch was one of them.

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