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CrossOver Office for Intel Macs Enters Alpha

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Adobe PS7 and IR7:


had a few fatal exceptions with winloader. Hit or miss on the exception errors but the application works. Loading and editing small to medium size (30mb jpg) images went fine. I have not fully used all of PS's features so i'm not entirely sure how reliable it is.




Rendering sites are slow especially those with java and client side scripts. Flash plugin does not install using IE installer but may be able to install it manually. Other than that, It's good enough to view sites with IE rendering engine.


PS. windows update crashed IE :thumbsdown_anim:


PS2: Will install Office, Project, and Excel 2003 when I have some time later on today. My assumtion is that all 3 apps will work. Then maybe the next fe days, compare them with NeoOffice Alpha (Intel).

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So far I've installed 4 things: IE 6, Office 2000, Roller Coaster Tycoon, and Firefox for Windows


IE 6 : as Domino said, rendering sites is slow. Don't use it for pages with Flash or Java. It also takes a while to start up.




Office 2000: Also takes a while to start up, but once it's running, it works great. It's very fast.




Roller Coaster Tycoon: A real challenge to install. After I worked for about 45 minutes to install it, I ran the program and got an error. RC Tycoon doesn't work at all.


I didn't manage to get a screenshot of the error when trying to run RC Tycoon. Sorry.


Firefox for Windows: Not as slow as IE 6, but it's still pretty slow. The install goes fine. Firefox doesn't show up in the programs menu, but you can still use if by going to the Run Command option.



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Office 2003 (Excel, PP, Word) has many problems on my side. I had more success and stability with Office 2000 under Linux. The CrossOver applications has problems with uninstalling apps also. Now looking for a good way to clean it from the system and start from scratch. It leaves too many orphaned files when it fails to uninstall apps.

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Most winxp apps can run as win2k apps. It's "almost" like in windows when you right click on an app's properies and choose "run for win2k or win98 environment".


IE 7 and Office 2007 Beta 2 won't... :construction:

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LOL.. it's not about winxp.. It's about the API and hooks it uses. There's no way IE7 will run under win98/ME and "maybe" win2k.


edit: remember, this tool isn't a working OS, not even close. So yea, a lot of applications for serious productivity will not run. hehe, even HL2 wont install.

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LOL.. it's not about winxp.. It's about the API and hooks it uses. There's no way IE7 will run under win98/ME and "maybe" win2k.


maybe? that's better than nothing. i'll try running it under the Win 2000 bottle.

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Office XP installed fine in a Win2000 bottle, with some problems runing the apps. The installer crashes under 98


μTorrent works (thank god) but some times stops working correctly after long periods of use. And it takes less memory to run μTorrent on crossover than Azureus


I recommend IE6 on a 98 bottle, I have some problems with it on 2000


Fireworks 8 crashes wen using some rastering tools, but runs much faster than the OS X version on rosseta. I'm gonna try other Macromedia studio apps

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OMG!! NewsLeecher is working!!! That was the final program that I needed to completely break away from Windows. I never could get it working in Darwine, but it is working with Crossover!!


edit: well, I spoke too soon, one of the main reasons I use NewsLeecher (it's SuperSearch feature) doesn't appear to be working right, it never initializes. I'll have to play with it some more.


edit 2: Well, Supersearch depends on the NewsLeecher site being available, and it isn't at the moment, so maybe that's all there is to the problem. I'll try it again later when the site is up.

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I have test2 of Crossover Office installed (legally, through their program...easy to get in if you say you will test and report back to them). Office 2003 won't install though, says I need to quit the system debugger or something. Any ideas there? IE6 installed (although it shows as not installed in the install menu).


(edited for clarity)

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I have it installed (legally, through their program...easy to get in if you say you will test and report back to them). Office 2003 won't install though, says I need to quit the system debugger or something. Any ideas there? IE6 installed (although it shows as not installed in the install menu).


I have HL2 legally too through steam and no go.

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johnnie - i take it you've tried 98, 2000 etc and dicked with all the different settings?


i mean, i guess they'll make it a priority. it works on the linux version, so it shouldnt be too far off. :hysterical:

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johnnie - i take it you've tried 98, 2000 etc and dicked with all the different settings?


i mean, i guess they'll make it a priority. it works on the linux version, so it shouldnt be too far off. :)


Yeah, I am able to log into steam but once I start to install half life it crashes. I am still playing with wine too, I too really want to be able to play hl2/css :hysterical: .

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bluedragon - For me it's not working to install newleecher. Can you give me your settings or tell me what you did to install it ? thanx


The error i get: Dll missing File gdiplus.dll error 126

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I just don't understand the Crossover Office people?

If it "Sales and Marketing" they are after, You got get the beta out to the masses. ie: beta junkies/techie that have the time to try the proggy out. Crossover Office in it wizdom has closed the door.


In fact I couldn't find anything about the OSX beta version at all!


Small minds reap small rewards.


Gee whiz batman....Do you think that apple or someone else might steal some code from the pudding! Beware the Lepord is lose?

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