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[GUIDE]Retail Snow Leopard 10.6 on a GA EP45-UD3R



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This is one hell of a bad tutorial.

I'm sorry, but I guess you vainly invested all the effort.

There are far better and easier methods for installing snow leopard osx on the net. It took me less than 25 minutes to finish a clean install, while I bet it took you no less than 25 days to get to this point.


and second, you don't need a previous installation of Leopard in order to install Snow Leopard.


My advice to all newbies on this forum is to do more googling, I would have provided you with two wonderful links, unfortunately it's against the forum's rules.


I don't know if this tutorial is deprecated, again I value all the effort put, but that's not a nice method to install SL on a PC, not in the 21st century, sorry.





Well Ozai, I am going to speak to you honestly, and pretend that you don't have two posts.


I finished and released this guide TWO DAYS BEFORE SNOW LEOPARD WAS EVEN RELEASED. Since then, all I have done (and I did this 1.5 months ago or so) was add in any fixes or finds I felt were important. I have a MUCH more efficient and organized guide in progress that I'll finish and release sometime in mid-December (as I have been extraordinarily busy with school lately).


Also keep in mind that even though the thread title and OP says that the guide is designed for a specific motherboard/hardware set, judging by the nearly 200k views and thousands of replies (I've read almost every single one as they came in), people are discussing issues on MANY different motherboards/hardware specs.


I don't mean to be harsh towards you, but I would have expected you to look at the date of the OP and when it was last edited and possibly read a few pages of posts before you say that it has no value. I hope you understand that I have helped many people fix their problems (along with everyone else helping me add to the guide), and I don't think that this guide is a failure by any standard. By now it has become slightly outdated (new guide will have latest Chameleon, 10.6.2 info, and a much more streamlined install process).

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d00m42: Your work specifically and this thread have helped innumerable people. Has the state of the art evolved? Sure. It always does. But this thread has been a foundation for a lot of the evolution. Don't worry about the trolls.


Thanks, I appreciate it.


That's exactly what I intended when I finished and released the guide the day before SL was released. I wanted to try to create a stable foundation, and a place for people to bring up problems so as a community we could all work towards eliminating them.


Hopefully I will be up to date with the state of the art in a few weeks after my midterms are over and I have some time.

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I would have to agree with JFLNYC. In fact I did my research and went out and bought my hardware after reading your OP. That's the way these builds should be done. Hardware specific with an install method that we know is going to work. So get that schoolwork done and post your masterpiece.


Great work!!!

And thanks for sharing it

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Ah ok that is interesting! I still haven't figured out the switching of the two outs, but I will save that for the weekend.


Another potentially nasty little bug, can you do me a favor and boot your machine with -v and I don't care about the startup, but the shutdown specifically! when I shutdown after I have booted with verbose I see that /net and /home fail to unmount when either shutdown or restarted. I don't want this to cause any data loss or anything.


If you don't mind..


Me too...

and a bunch of junk from fusion and other stuff I don't know about

the first few lines are probably because I asked for a reboot while it was still starting up, some start up programs or services I guess


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Hi there,


Is there any chance this can work wih my motherboard: GA-EP43-DS3L



I was following the Life Hacker Guide and everything went fine for 1st and 2nd installation, but after the installation is done, I am still unable to boot in SL. The problem is now, I lost my old Mac installation (Kalyway) but I am still has the bootable image in the USB thumb drive. so can anyone advice what should I do now?


- Installation is done in SATA HD 160 GB (All of it)

- I have bootable Windows 7 in a second hard-disk

- I have bootable Ubuntu* in 3rd hard-disk

- I have bootable SL image in the USB thumb drive.


* (Grub sees the Mac OS X and show it on the list but it hangs in the menu for seconds and bring the cursor to Ubuntu OS again)

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I noticed the same lines of code right after I installed fuzion! Also you do get the same exact thing I was asking about. The failure of unmounting /home and /net, I don't now much a problem this can be, I wonder if the hard drives are still being accessed at that point of failure, that could possibly be a bad thing....






Have you ever had Mac OSX on your machine above ? I would suggest unplugging all other drives except for the one you are installing OSX on for now! Once you see how your machine acts you can work out the tripple boot!

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I noticed the same lines of code right after I installed fuzion! Also you do get the same exact thing I was asking about. The failure of unmounting /home and /net, I don't now much a problem this can be, I wonder if the hard drives are still being accessed at that point of failure, that could possibly be a bad thing....






Have you ever had Mac OSX on your machine above ? I would suggest unplugging all other drives except for the one you are installing OSX on for now! Once you see how your machine acts you can work out the tripple boot!



same unmounting /home and /net warning on my Shuttle K45 also on 10.6.2

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Hey guys, I've tried what feels like a bunch of times, but I'm getting nowhere. I've tried several different configurations but I keep getting stopped up at the actual chameleon boot loader. When The windows with my installed drive and the install drive pops up, nothing happens. I have triend on PC EFI 10.1 and 10.5. Both setups cause me to lock up on boot. I'm kind of out of ideas because I have no way of getting error messages that I know of. Any help would be appreciated.


I have:

Gigabyte Ud3r


6 gigs DDR2 800

150 gig raptor hard drive



I have tried

- -x32 flag

- PC EFI 10.5

- PC EFI 10.1

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Quoting myself, haha. So many posts in this thread...thought I'd share this again for those who missed it. Try my files! You'll have to generate your own EFI String in com.apple.Boot.plist unless you're running a GTX 295 :P

Good luck!

Big thanks to d00m42 and his UD3R Guide located here!

I now have a FULLY functional Snow Leopard! :)

(Themed! Bonjour works! And it's FAST and STABLE!)


System Specs: :rolleyes:

InteL Q9650 Quad Core @ 4.15GHz - Gigabyte UD3R - GeForce GTX 295 OC'd @ 738/1512/1207

128BG Corsair P128 SSD - 300GB Velociraptor - 4GB G.Skill DDR2@ 1155MHz - 24" Dell 2408 - CPU & GPU Watercooled

PCP&C 860w Power Supply - Razer Naga & Razer Lycosa - Dual-Boot Windows 7 x64 (Gaming)




Other than following d00m42's guide and the USB guide there:

eVGA GTX 295 ---> EFI String in com.apple.Boot.plist + NVGTX295.Fix.kext - Both GPU's detected 1792MB

Trial and error from here (http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=147149)

ALC889a ---> ALC889a.kext + DSDT

This guide (http://www.infinitemac.com/f57/guide-alc889a-with-analog-5-1-surround-t3746/)

Network Card + Bonjour ---> RealtekR1000.kext + DSDT

d00m42's thread! (forgot where I got the kext)


Wish I could help others with their problems, but I doubt I could be any help. This install didn't go smoothly by any means, it took me about 30 straight hours or so of reinstalling, trial and error, etc...Just keep google'ing your problems and you'll eventually make like I did. The biggest problem I ran into was that the installer kept freezing at SMC_ACPI_something something TIMED OUT....it turned out it was my video card that was the problem. After trying many video card kexts and several EFI strings I finally found one that worked, and I have tattoo'd that EFI string on my arm because it was the happiest moment of my life (just kidding about the tattoo, haha)


*The file I have included below is my ENTIRE Extra folder without the Extensions.kext which I generated with the Kext Utility after SL was up and running. I used this exact folder to get the installer working, and I am using these exact files right now.


Good luck to you all! :D


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Alright, I'm close now. I have everything working as it should except I can't boot from my drive. I ran the PC EFI, and installed it to my hard drive. I then copied everything out of my extra folder on my thumb drive, and into the newly created Extra folder. I then made an extensions.mkext, and tried to restart. When i did that, I was no longer able to get back in. Where should I look to fix this? Also, I got a kernel panic when I upgraded to 10.6.2. What kexts need updating to make the magic happen?

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So you have managed to succesfully install OSX, but cannot boot ? Please give a little more information and maybe I can help.


What happens when you boot with "-v" when you choose which OS to boot type "-v" without quotes. This will give you a verbose boot and sometimes you can decipher what is happening.


Also, I got a kernel panic when I upgraded to 10.6.2. What kexts need updating to make the magic happen?


Well that's your problem! You did not update to the NEW SleepEnabler.kext from netkas site before updating. Replace the kext before updating to 10.6.2, also rebuild your Extentions.mkext with Kext Utility.


If you want to save your current install you could boot into your USB installer and just use your backup of "Extensions.mkext", that file is called "Extensions.bak.mkext"


So does anyone know why or have a fix for our hard drives not being unmounted without errors before shutting down or rebooting ?


I did a little testing with different kexts for audio and a little DSDT editing. The following code from code.txt ( from SL Pack in first post ) does not work for my board "EP45-UD3P" I tried numerous different kexts and even edited different kexts, but no luck. Audio would be listed under "About This Mac" but I would not get anything in System Perferences.


	Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                   Store (Package (0x0A)   //including 5 of "xxxxxx" times 2 = 10 -- HEX of 10 is 0x0A

		    "built-in",       //This one can be absented.  If you don't use this, Store (Package (0x08).
		    Buffer (0x01)     //
		    {                 //
			0x01          //
		    },                //

                           Buffer (0x04)
                               0x85, 0x08, 0xEC, 0x10    //for Gigabyte's ALC889A

                           Buffer (0x04)
                               0x75, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00    //set devide id to be 885 (DEC) ==> 0x375 (HEX) from calaulator

                           Buffer (0x10)
                               "Realtek ALC889A"     //15 characters(including space) + 1 = 16  -- HEX of 16 is 0x10

                           Buffer (0x28)   //there are 40 of XxXX -- HEX of 40 is 0x28
                               /* 0000 */    0x10, 0x90, 0xA1, 0x01, 0x20, 0x90, 0xA1, 0x02, 
                               /* 0008 */    0x80, 0x30, 0x81, 0x01, 0x90, 0x40, 0x21, 0x02,    // ==> / *0008 */ counted to 8 of XxXX  ==> HEX 8
                               /* 0010 */    0x30, 0x40, 0x11, 0x01, 0x40, 0x40, 0x01, 0x01,    // ==> / *0010 */ counted to 16 of XxXX  ==> HEX 10
                               /* 0018 */    0x50, 0x60, 0x01, 0x01, 0x60, 0x20, 0x01, 0x01,    // ==> / *0018 */ counted to 24 of XxXX  ==> HEX 18
                               /* 0020 */    0x70, 0x61, 0x4B, 0x01, 0xA0, 0x01, 0xCB, 0x01
                       }, Local0)
                   DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
                   Return (Local0)


I am using the following code from the EP45-UD3P thread. I think Stell compiled this DSDT. Audio code I am using... in conjunction with ALC889A.Fix.kext


            Device (HDEF)
               Name (_ADR, 0x001B0000)
               Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                   Store (Package (0x04)
                           Buffer (0x04)
                               0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

                           Buffer (Zero) {}
                       }, Local0)
                   DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
                   Return (Local0)


What's weird with this code is that under "About This Mac" my Audio ID is showing as 12 and not 889 or 885, but was when I was using the first piece of code in my DSDT.


All my attempts in getting 5.1 working with the 3 analog outs today have failed. A few posts up smsaim has posted a good guide to get this working, but I found that you have no option to control the audio on your Mac keyboard or Remote. You would have to do each speaker set manually. I could not get the audio to come out of more than 2 speakers at a time anyway. My question is, do most of you use the digital out and what speakers are you using with this ?

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 thanks to everybody specially to d00m42 & Eliade!


basically, on doom's initial guide, i got 99% of the way there including 10.6 and 10.6.2 other than, as i said, issue with repairing disk permission and issue with sleep automatically after idle.


I then tried fresh install using usb flashdrive as Eliade advised. Incidentally, I noticed both doom & Eliade were installing from 10.5.8 as the starting point. So I upgraded from 10.5.7 using Eliade's guide http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=174385. No issues there. 


I installed chameleon using pc efi 10.1, put the kexts from doom's SL pack into usb/extra/extensions with modified com.apple.Boot.plist, DSDT.aml & smbios.plist, deleted kexts sleepenabler, jmicronATA and NullCPUPowerManagement. Booted using USB, (at this point, 9800GT gfx was already recognised due to adding the gfx string into com.apple.boot.plist), installed 10.6, rebooted with -v -x32, cleaned up with kextutility, rebooted, fixed spotlight & added harddrives - dooms instructions all the way. I then switched the original kexts in snow drive/extra/extensions with the new ones in Eliade's pack (new SleepEnabler, fakesmc seem to be the main ones you need with the new 10.6.2 kernel), changed the boot file for the new one, upgraded to 10.6.2 with the disk image rebooted again and fixed disk permissions which is now working correctly. Reinstalled the printer drivers (the set for my canon printer) from the usb install drive and also the language packs. Rebooted finally with -v -x32 flags off. 


So, gfx, sound, internet, 64bit, sleep automatically after idle, shutdown, restart, wake, fixing permissions all work. Only thing left is sleep on demand takes a pause of about 15 seconds before the machine shuts down, although wake works. No idea why.    :( I may have to play around with the dsdt some more lol


thanks again everyone!


btw, I agree with Eliade that Snow is even better on our UD3R than 10.5.X. Overall, I think Snow was much easier to install and get to 100% than Leopard, although you still need a Leopard install initially. (once you've beaten it into shape, it generally stays in shape hehehe) Especially, I was pretty happy I didn't have the annoying mouse skip problem coming out of sleep because of my 9800GT card, which on Leopard, forced me to downgrade quicktime and iTunes to get rid of it.  

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Grace 777 here,


Running Mac OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.2 for 3 weeks now and earlier version of snow leopard for about 2 Months.


Just wanna say Tanx to all who has worked on everything for the GA-EP45-UD3R and Doom42...


I am running Intel core 2 Quad Q9950, 8GB RAM, GA-EP45-UD3R, Nvidia Gforce 9600 GT, 4TB HDD.


Rock Solid Stable.


Tanx Tanx Tanx to all.


ITS Great!!! ;)

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Thanks for the guide! ;) Up and running and everything is rock stable.


The only problem I have is the audio only show up 2 channels with no digital output, I need to output 5.1 (SPDIF).

If anyone got their 5.1, please show me the light. ;) THX

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thanks to everybody specially to d00m42 & Eliade!


basically, on doom's initial guide, i got 99% of the way there including 10.6 and 10.6.2 other than, as i said, issue with repairing disk permission and issue with sleep automatically after idle.


I then tried fresh install using usb flashdrive as Eliade advised. Incidentally, I noticed both doom & Eliade were installing from 10.5.8 as the starting point. So I upgraded from 10.5.7 using Eliade's guide http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=174385. No issues there.


I installed chameleon using pc efi 10.1, put the kexts from doom's SL pack into usb/extra/extensions with modified com.apple.Boot.plist, DSDT.aml & smbios.plist, deleted kexts sleepenabler, jmicronATA and NullCPUPowerManagement. Booted using USB, (at this point, 9800GT gfx was already recognised due to adding the gfx string into com.apple.boot.plist), installed 10.6, rebooted with -v -x32, cleaned up with kextutility, rebooted, fixed spotlight & added harddrives - dooms instructions all the way. I then switched the original kexts in snow drive/extra/extensions with the new ones in Eliade's pack (new SleepEnabler, fakesmc seem to be the main ones you need with the new 10.6.2 kernel), changed the boot file for the new one, upgraded to 10.6.2 with the disk image rebooted again and fixed disk permissions which is now working correctly. Reinstalled the printer drivers (the set for my canon printer) from the usb install drive and also the language packs. Rebooted finally with -v -x32 flags off.


So, gfx, sound, internet, 64bit, sleep automatically after idle, shutdown, restart, wake, fixing permissions all work. Only thing left is sleep on demand takes a pause of about 15 seconds before the machine shuts down, although wake works. No idea why. :whistle: I may have to play around with the dsdt some more lol


thanks again everyone!


btw, I agree with Eliade that Snow is even better on our UD3R than 10.5.X. Overall, I think Snow was much easier to install and get to 100% than Leopard, although you still need a Leopard install initially. (once you've beaten it into shape, it generally stays in shape hehehe) Especially, I was pretty happy I didn't have the annoying mouse skip problem coming out of sleep because of my 9800GT card, which on Leopard, forced me to downgrade quicktime and iTunes to get rid of it.


once you have your usb install disk you can install on a blank machine without having leo first...


as for sleep on demand taking 15sec, I noticed that too and I beleive it's new,and that it use to sleep within seconds, possible cause are either the new fakesmc or boot file (pcefi 10.5) or newer sleepenabler for 10.6.2

not really a big issue though, but at first I thought sleep wasn't working anymore...

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A HUGE thank you to you guys for providing all this for us! I'm up and running with 10.6.2 on the following spec's:



Intel E8400 Core2Duo 3.0 GHz

GeForce 9600 video card


The install was really easy - just followed the directions. When trying to add my card in EFIStudio, it wasn't available, so I just left the file as dOOm42 had it and everything seems to be working, though my computer thinks I've got a 9800 card. Also, I left the DSDT.aml as-is, as our systems seem to be pretty similar, and all is well. The only thing I needed to change was the sleepenabler kext for the 10.6.2 update.


Here is my question: For those of you who dual-boot Mac and Windows, how do you set that up?


I tried this last night without doing a lot of research, and I paid the price, haha. I've got a spare drive, which I created 2 partitions in - one Mac OS Extended, and one FAT32 (to put Windows on). I then tried to boot from my Windows 7 DVD and install on the FAT32 partition (hoping to reformat before the install).


Well, my Win7 boot disc wouldn't boot, so I tried WinXP - same situation. It started to install, then froze up during the installation. So, I had to go back and re-format the spare drive again, and this time tried with Vista.


Vista wouldn't let me install onto my FAT formatted partition, and when I deleted it and reformatted it, still wouldn't install.


It was at this point that I realized, "hey, I probably should have unplugged my Mac OS drive during all this", but figured that I would be safe since I never chose to install anything on to it.


Well, I wasn't safe - when I unplugged my Windows partitioned drive and tried to boot into Snow Leopard, it hung and never went. I did a verbose boot and it hung there, too. So, I re-installed the OS onto the drive I had planned to install windows on (using my macbook pro), popped it into my hackintosh, and I'm back in business. I transferred all my old files over from the original Snow Leopard drive, and I'm basically back to normal.


So, after all that, what is the method I might use to dual boot Windows (preferrably 7 or XP) and Snow Leopard. Like I said, I've got a working Snow Leopard install, and I would plan to put Windows on a separate SATA drive.


I've tried searching for methods to do this, but usually end up more confused than anything. I'd like to do this primarily for gaming, so running Windows in VMWare Fusion or something is an option, but definitely not ideal.


Thanks again for everything! And also, thanks for bearing with me through this long post.


- Brian


By the way - I might add that when I went to re-install Snow Leopard, I didn't have a previous install of Leopard on my hackintosh. I just took the drive that I wanted to install SL on, used an enclosure and did the install with my macbook pro. I did through Step 8 while on my MBP using the external enclosure, and then popped the drive into my hackintosh for step 9 and on, and everything worked like a charm.

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once you have your usb install disk you can install on a blank machine without having leo first...


as for sleep on demand taking 15sec, I noticed that too and I beleive it's new,and that it use to sleep within seconds, possible cause are either the new fakesmc or boot file (pcefi 10.5) or newer sleepenabler for 10.6.2

not really a big issue though, but at first I thought sleep wasn't working anymore...





I don't know if it's relevant or not or what exactly I was doing wrong, but I couldn't make a bootable snow usb flashdrive until I upgraded to 10.5.8 from 10.5.7 using your exact steps in the perfect install for leopard thread and then installing snow 10.6, 10.6.2, which this time went 100% like a breeze. If I installed snow onto a blank volume from within 10.5.7 using doom's steps (and he was starting out from 10.5.8), I could get to a stable 99% install straightaway but just lacking a couple of things. so installing from inside 10.5.7 causes problems. 








A HUGE thank you to you guys for providing all this for us! I'm up and running with 10.6.2 on the following spec's:



Intel E8400 Core2Duo 3.0 GHz

GeForce 9600 video card


The install was really easy - just followed the directions. When trying to add my card in EFIStudio, it wasn't available, so I just left the file as dOOm42 had it and everything seems to be working, though my computer thinks I've got a 9800 card. Also, I left the DSDT.aml as-is, as our systems seem to be pretty similar, and all is well. The only thing I needed to change was the sleepenabler kext for the 10.6.2 update.





Brian, see if you can grab the long gfx string for your card from this thread http://aquamac.proboards.com/index.cgi?act...mp;thread=509 





then just add it into the com.apple.Boot.plist section

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-_- Hi,Help.. from when I have snow leopard, I have noticed a slowing down nell' start, what that I did not have with leoapard, like never?

Thank...sorry for my bud english


I don't understand your problem at all...

is your French better than English, or just write it in italian maybe I'll understand better...

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I don't understand your problem at all...

is your French better than English, or just write it in italian maybe I'll understand better...


I think he's trying to say that Snow Leopard's boot is much slower than that of Leopard's. If he posts in Spanish I might be able to understand it, but I only really understand English, Hebrew, and Latin well lol...

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