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[GUIDE]Retail Snow Leopard 10.6 on a GA EP45-UD3R



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  1. 1. How stable is your Snow Leopard installation?

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Ah there are definitely too few hours in the day... I REALLY wanted to get into the iPhone SDK, but because I only know basic Java and C, Objective-C requires a little more effort to learn (partly because I haven't done any programming for over a year). I have a physics and math exam next week, and an econ quiz tomorrow (which I'm trying to study for right now).


English 102? I'm writing college application essays lol, because I'm senior in high school currently (applying to college soon). They're not that long in length (but have to be very creative and interesting to read). There's quite a few I have to write and I'm falling a little behind at the moment actually, so I have to make sure to get back on top of them.


I'll be dropping in and out, but unfortunately time is really of the essence here :/


English 102 is Analytic Writing right after 101 which is college writing....

English is my second language so I work a little more than other students, born in the US, but raised in France, so I started learning English just like any French students, I've now been 5 years in the US, I just like how college is organized here compared to France.

Anyway goodluck in school...

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Glad to hear you had success! The fact your SL drive pwned your 10.5.7 drive is interesting... could it have to do with your computer somehow trying something funky with Time Machine and the 10.5.7 drive? I'm not sure... Anyways, I'll take this into consideration when I rewrite the guide soon.


I described this situation to a linux mate at work today and he said that he has seen this many time in linux world when SATA drives are moved around to different ports. This is actually what I had done: Just before I went out I'd swapped the SL drive that was originally set up in Sata port 4 onto Sata Port 1, and vice versa with the 10.5.7 drive. I'd booted SL then later hot plugged in the 10.5.7 drive.


He reckons even though the UUID stuff is set, that somewhere, something somehow retains the setting, maybe to do with AHCI??


Dunno, i thought the SATA drives were fully swappable - thoughts?



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JFLNYC, how are you doing with your i7 setup, everything is working all right, just like the ep45-ud3r?

not that I want to built an i7 box right now (my E6600 is still very happy), but I'd like to know for future reference...


I'm thrilled. I had zero KP's until yesterday, but that was due to external eSATA drive connected via a sil3132 pci-e add-in card I installed. I installed the OS X drivers from the Silicon Image site to solve that. Everything works, including 2 software raid arrays (2TB each) which I use for DVD's and backup. SuperDuper and Time Machine work through the eSATA drive I mentioned. Win7 and Vista also work flawlessly. As for speed, check out my Geekbench score:



Originally Geekbench kept crashing on startup. But I figured out that all I had to do was disable QuartzDebug.


I still dont have digital out working. Does any one know how to fix this? All my other audio outputs seem to work.


Try the LegacyHDA.kext I posted on page 58. If that doesn't work, try others in the Legacy HDA folder in d00m's SL Pack. Don't forget to run kextutility!

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I've been trying install SL onto a MBR partition (USB method) so I don't clobber my other OSes. I tried the OSInstall.mpkg in the original post and another one I've found googling, but neither of them work for me. The installer still insists I reformat GUID. Has anyone here have a working OSInstall.mpkg? or maybe I'm doing something else wrong?

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I've had a couple of questions from fellow UD3LR owners:


(if your system looks like mine, this may do the trick)


Gigabyte EP45-UD3LR / C2D 3.0GHz / 4Gigs Ram

Gigabyte 9800GT 512 (Using 8800GT EFI String for now - system reports it as 8600GT tho?)

Chameleon RC2 (standard issue, no RC3 Boot)

Snow Leopard 10.6.1



The working DSDT file from my system:





The Legacy HDA.kext file that JFLNYC posted on page 58.






Follow Doom42's guide to the letter for getting your UUID info into the smbios.plist file, and the PlatformUUID.kext. You have to do this as the UUID of your hard Disk will change everytime you format it.


Follow the guide again for getting the EFI string for your video card, or you may be able to use mine if you have a Gigabyte 9800GT 512.






Put all these in your Extra folder so it looks like this:






At this point once I had all the files for my Extra folder I went to Nullspots USB guide included in Doom42's guide. (I am sure that either install method will work, it is just the flow of my adventures that led me this way.)


Good Luck UD3LR'rs!

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I've had a couple of questions from fellow UD3LR owners:


(if your system looks like mine, this may do the trick)


Gigabyte EP45-UD3LR / C2D 3.0GHz / 4Gigs Ram

Gigabyte 9800GT 512 (Using 8800GT EFI String for now - system reports it as 8600GT tho?)

Chameleon RC2 (standard issue, no RC3 Boot)

Snow Leopard 10.6.1



The working DSDT file from my system:





The Legacy HDA.kext file that JFLNYC posted on page 58.






Follow Doom42's guide to the letter for getting your UUID info into the smbios.plist file, and the PlatformUUID.kext. You have to do this as the UUID of your hard Disk will change everytime you format it.


Follow the guide again for getting the EFI string for your video card, or you may be able to use mine if you have a Gigabyte 9800GT 512.






Put all these in your Extra folder so it looks like this:






At this point once I had all the files for my Extra folder I went to Nullspots USB guide included in Doom42's guide. (I am sure that either install method will work, it is just the flow of my adventures that led me this way.)


Good Luck UD3LR'rs!



I might try this later on . many thanks

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I works on Toshiba A200-1DT


Post install patch Video for GMA 945 (installed GMA 950 for SL) works but only one rez (choose one up to1280x800x32 ok from com.apple.boot.plist) That is why you need external monitor for first install...

Wifi works out of the box, as well as ethernet. I discoverd that update 10.6.1 from software update is OK but i had to trash all prefs to get network working (connected but no traffic). Post install ApplePS2.kext from dmg of the boot cd to make internal keyboard and trackpad work (trackpad as a mouse)


I seems to have a trouble with image mounter dmg seems to all be corrupted... Permission that need to be fixed ?


Just superb !


Followed instruction to install Chameleon to EFI partition. Cool ! used boot.plist from CD so i can switch kalyway 1052 and Snow Leopard at startup (disk in two partitions HFS+ NOT case sensitive)


Thank you all

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I'm thrilled. I had zero KP's until yesterday, but that was due to external eSATA drive connected via a sil3132 pci-e add-in card I installed. I installed the OS X drivers from the Silicon Image site to solve that. Everything works, including 2 software raid arrays (2TB each) which I use for DVD's and backup. SuperDuper and Time Machine work through the eSATA drive I mentioned. Win7 and Vista also work flawlessly. As for speed, check out my Geekbench score:



Originally Geekbench kept crashing on startup. But I figured out that all I had to do was disable QuartzDebug.




Try the LegacyHDA.kext I posted on page 58. If that doesn't work, try others in the Legacy HDA folder in d00m's SL Pack. Don't forget to run kextutility!


That's hot.

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Hey everyone,


So i just bought this board after an endless amount of problems with the EVGA 780I sli board. I have an 8800 ultra, q6700 quad core that I will eventually clock to 3.33ghz, 4gb of ram, and 2 500gb sata HDD's, one with Windows 7 and the other is the Snow Leopard install. Also I have a 40gb and an 80gb ide drives connected but for some reason the MOBO is not picking them up. It picks up the 40gb drive every other boot, but I cannot actually access any of the files. They are not boot drives, they just contain music and video files, but I still really need access to them. Has anyone else had this issue with this MOBO? I am flashed to the newest bios and all the cords are plugged in perfectly. Other than this issue my Snow install is running perfect, with audio, graphics, and internet. Thanks for a great guide!

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Does anybody know how I can change my boot resolution to 1920 x 1080 on my hdtv ?

I already edited my com.apple.boot.plist in extra and library/preferences/systemconfiguration/ = but that didnt do anything. Chameleon also displays the wrong resolution.


I am using RC2 and installed via this guide (flawless apart from that)



Thanks !

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Excellent - used this guide and now have Snow Leopard up and running on my GA-P35C-UD3R.


Only thing I had to do was set it up as a GTX 9800+ rather than the GTX 260 I've got as I can't find any way of getting the EFI strings for it, but it still works fine.


Thanks for all your time and effort on this

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Does anyone here have an airport extreme? My airport utility wont recognize it.


You mean you can't get the airport extreme card in your computer to work? What kind of card is it? Are you sure the chipset is compatible with Airport?

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Does anybody have the internal spdif-out working? I have it connected through my GTX 260 which is connected to a TV with HDMI, and in windows i get functioning digital audio...but in 10.6 i've had to run an additional analog wire.


Read this:



I believe it's a problem with the Nvidia drivers. The driver Netkas refers too I think are windows drivers.

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No one has any idea why my IDE drives are not being recognized in Windows or Snow Leopard on this board?


The IDE drives run off the JMicron controller.

In Windows Device Manager, check for any yellowed-out devices.

For 2 IDE drives, you may need to configure their jumpers for Master & Slave.

So: connect only one drive and get that one working first.

The motherboard bios setup also requires proper JMicron controller settings.

An OSX JMicron controller driver would also be needed; 64-bit driver for Snow Leopard.

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Read this:



I believe it's a problem with the Nvidia drivers. The driver Netkas refers too I think are windows drivers.


Weird, he is saying hdmi audio is broken in windows driver 190.62, but that is the version i have with hdmi audio working.


But anyway, i guess that means it won't be possible to get it working in os x unless the driver supports it, and i guess the included drivers don't.

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OHHH, you mean an Airport Base Station... I've never used one before, but first, I would ask what the exact problem is... First try going to Preferences>Network, and clicking the little + sign in the bottom left corner above the lock. Make sure your Airport card is added as an interface (or Ethernet), and see what happens then.

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Little story that everyone interested can learn something from

if your system is unstable for absolutely no reason

this is DSDT related, the way you created it

should be rare, you won't get it if you follow the guide exactly

but I one of the people that fool around, I learn a lot from it, scare myself too, lately I tried dsdt speedstep, and aslo tried a "pure" dsdt that I generated from linux after a fresh bios flashing



My system was very unstable these days, would KP often when left for hours

then today it got much worse, it woudn't really KP

but application like firefox would crash very often

finder crashed once (my system wouldn't even reboot it would act as if it was, then went back to the desktop reloading all the software like after a fresh boot, very weird), so did mail, system KP while using vmware fusion


I ran mprime to test for stability, and there it was

within a second of running, CORE1 would get an error (rounding error to be precise)


at first I thought it was my overclock (which was always stable before)

so I loaded optimized default


same problem mprime would get an error


I rebooted in Ubuntu ran mprime (to do that install libcurl first and download mprime for linux)

and there, to my bad surprise I had the same error

I really though my CPU was shot, well at least CORE1, I was already thinking of transferring my e6600 from the shuttle to this machine and let the shuttle dead until I could afford a new Quad


but I decided to flash the bios down F9, just in case the new bios was the problem

booted directly in ubuntu, to my great surprise and relief, there was no error

thought that F11 was the problem, so I flashed F11 again, and still no error in ubuntu

so it must have been something else


booted MacOS, and the error was still there

I decided to use another dsdt I had made (one form linux, no p-states)

made sure I had no error in ubuntu

booted MacOS, and the error was still there

I decided to use the previous dsdt (first one I was using, which had p-states, but I removed the pstates)


turned off the PC, and the power supply , optimized default,

booted in ubutu, no error in mprime so the PSU off for a while fixed it

booted OSX and finally no error, system is stable again


So this shows how messing with a dsdt can be relatively bad and scary when you don't know....

and that dsdt really changes low level of hardware, that fortunately a full shutdown (including and especially with PSU off for few seconds)


So I'm still un-shure what exact setup killed my cpu1, but it is definity related to dsdt

I could figure it out, but I don't have the time

I already lost so much trying to get my system stable again


but involed and suspects in this problem are:

dsdt with p-states, I don't know about that one, cause I thought it was stable when using it

dsdt with missing fixes (from ubuntu), that definity made the error every time

cpu-i loaded

voodoomini loaded


anyway, I found a way to fix it...


the moral, is if your system is unstable, and think one of your Core is dead because your system is also unstable in ubuntu or windows, don't stop there and throw away your cpu

try playing with kext and dsdt, just don't forget to shut of your PSU because that does reset thing on the hardware level (in my case it would bring Wake on Lan from shutdown system functionality back every single time, booting SL would disable it again...)


sorry for this bla bla, but thought that it may get useful to someone someday...

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The IDE drives run off the JMicron controller.

In Windows Device Manager, check for any yellowed-out devices.

For 2 IDE drives, you may need to configure their jumpers for Master & Slave.

So: connect only one drive and get that one working first.

The motherboard bios setup also requires proper JMicron controller settings.

An OSX JMicron controller driver would also be needed; 64-bit driver for Snow Leopard.



Hey Rich thanks for the response,


I recently just switched from the EVGA 780i SLI and both of my IDE drives worked no problem. Now that I am on this board, I can get the OS's to detect the, but it is saying the data is corrupted or it cannot be mounted. I am just stumped.

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Little story that everyone interested can learn something from

if your system is unstable for absolutely no reason

this is DSDT related, the way you created it

should be rare, you won't get it if you follow the guide exactly

but I one of the people that fool around, I learn a lot from it, scare myself too, lately I tried dsdt speedstep, and aslo tried a "pure" dsdt that I generated from linux after a fresh bios flashing



My system was very unstable these days, would KP often when left for hours

then today it got much worse, it woudn't really KP

but application like firefox would crash very often

finder crashed once (my system wouldn't even reboot it would act as if it was, then went back to the desktop reloading all the software like after a fresh boot, very weird), so did mail, system KP while using vmware fusion


I ran mprime to test for stability, and there it was

within a second of running, CORE1 would get an error (rounding error to be precise)


at first I thought it was my overclock (which was always stable before)

so I loaded optimized default


same problem mprime would get an error


I rebooted in Ubuntu ran mprime (to do that install libcurl first and download mprime for linux)

and there, to my bad surprise I had the same error

I really though my CPU was shot, well at least CORE1, I was already thinking of transferring my e6600 from the shuttle to this machine and let the shuttle dead until I could afford a new Quad


but I decided to flash the bios down F9, just in case the new bios was the problem

booted directly in ubuntu, to my great surprise and relief, there was no error

thought that F11 was the problem, so I flashed F11 again, and still no error in ubuntu

so it must have been something else


booted MacOS, and the error was still there

I decided to use another dsdt I had made (one form linux, no p-states)

made sure I had no error in ubuntu

booted MacOS, and the error was still there

I decided to use the previous dsdt (first one I was using, which had p-states, but I removed the pstates)


turned off the PC, and the power supply , optimized default,

booted in ubutu, no error in mprime so the PSU off for a while fixed it

booted OSX and finally no error, system is stable again


So this shows how messing with a dsdt can be relatively bad and scary when you don't know....

and that dsdt really changes low level of hardware, that fortunately a full shutdown (including and especially with PSU off for few seconds)


So I'm still un-shure what exact setup killed my cpu1, but it is definity related to dsdt

I could figure it out, but I don't have the time

I already lost so much trying to get my system stable again


but involed and suspects in this problem are:

dsdt with p-states, I don't know about that one, cause I thought it was stable when using it

dsdt with missing fixes (from ubuntu), that definity made the error every time

cpu-i loaded

voodoomini loaded


anyway, I found a way to fix it...


the moral, is if your system is unstable, and think one of your Core is dead because your system is also unstable in ubuntu or windows, don't stop there and throw away your cpu

try playing with kext and dsdt, just don't forget to shut of your PSU because that does reset thing on the hardware level (in my case it would bring Wake on Lan from shutdown system functionality back every single time, booting SL would disable it again...)


sorry for this bla bla, but thought that it may get useful to someone someday...


Interesting find Eliade. I have actually just been using my Win7 setup and haven't logged into OSX since you found that WOL wasn't working properly. I haven't cut power to the system though, and have also noticed instability using windows 7. Sometimes won't wake from sleep (have to hold power button) or will drop into hibernation although I've completely disabled it. I think that it's directly related to the DSDT from SL. Any advice for a kext only approach to SL?


*edit: we lost power last night at our place and I ended up shutting down the PC. I just woke it up preOS from work.

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