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[GUIDE]Retail Snow Leopard 10.6 on a GA EP45-UD3R



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Ok, I got it working! Vanilla DSDT SpeedStep! ;) :D


I'm still going to work on the p-states, inserting more of them at least. And making sure the system is stable with the current voltages. But so far so good!


Attached is my latest dsdt.dsl, before compilation, to preserve comments. Read the comments in the SPSS section, and be sure to match your NPSS section to that one.




Great Work!!!

can you post your CPU-I screenshot under p-states?

I don't know where to get P in mw and how did you get to vid=32?


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if the backup is on the first partition of a disk, just reinstall chameleon (and the boot file), uuid doesn't really matter (I actually doesn't know what it's for) but it will work with the current uuid you have.


if it is a second or third etc... partition (chameleon on it won't do you good to be on that same partition,m just won't work)

1/ if your chameleon on your "bad" install (i.e. first partition if EFI partition os not activated) still works you can boot on that second partition manually during boot...

2/ or if you have chameleon on the EFI, you can boot on the second partition manually at the chameleon screen... (if you need to reinstall osx just use the "erase" button on your bad install, do not partition again your disk or do your restore from your backup partition, and you'll still have the EFI partition ready to use with chameleon already on it, )

3/ or make a boot132 CD for snow leo

4/ or if you used the USB install method you can use it too as the equivalent of a boot132

just select you partition manually at the chameleon screen

if you don't have that HD made you can make on easily:

create an 8gb usb disk HD/flash (1st partition), install chameleon (+ boot file), copy your current extra folder on it, and restore the DVD on that partition (without erasing the partition to keep chameleon), that's it it's ready to use, press F12 during boot to boot it... later you can use it to reinstall OSX the right way ....




chameleon rc2 does it for you

during install just select EFI HFS in the install option


once the install done in the terminal type

sudo -s


diskutil list

this will show you what disk number is the efi partition on my computer I have


1: EFI 209.7 MB disk6s1

2: Apple_HFS Snow Leopard 164.4 GB disk6s2


that shows that the efi on my "Snow Leopard" install (name of my HD) is on disk6


then in terminal again

mkdir /Volumes/EFI

mount_hfs /dev/diskXs1 /Volumes/EFI

change the X to your disk number (mine was 6)


that's it, EFI shows up in finder

replace the boot file with a Snow Leo compatible one

put your stuff in the extra folder


!!! before you shutdown or reboot !!!

unmount it first, or may never be able to mount it again... (until you repartition your HD)

to do that:

umount -f /Volumes/EFI

rm -rf /Volumes/EFI




Thanks Eliade!

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Great Work!!!

can you post your CPU-I screenshot under p-states?

I don't know where to get P in mw and how did you get to vid=32?



I'm away from my home desktop for the rest of the week, but these are the values CPU-i gave me:

CPU-i P-states
#		Multiplier		Voltage		Control		CID
1		x 8.0			1.292 V		0x825		0x10
2		x 7.0			1.228 V		0x721		0xF
3		x 6.0			1.100 V		0x619		0xD


If you're referring to the comment in the 'P-state 0' section:

0x0825 // value of PERF_STATE after successful transition; fid=8, vid=32

This is just an example I placed in my .dst for reference. It's copied from a Q9450, which was exemplified on another site (http://www.ztex.de/misc/c2ctl.e.html#c1). But if you dissect the HEX-string, you can get the vid I used, and via that the voltage:


0x0825, the 8 stands for the fid, that is the multiplier used 8.0x in this case.

0x0825, 25 is the vid, but in HEX form. So using a hex to dec converter I get the value: 37, ergo vid=37.


vCore (in mW) - 800mW / 12.5 = 37] = 0x0(8,multiplier)(25,HEX of 37) = 0x0825


So you actually don't need to calculate the vids if you just want to use the voltages and steppings given to you by CPUi, just use the values in Control and you should be fine.


If you're wondering why Im using 0x0752 and 0x0616 instead of the values CPUi gave me, it's because these were predefined in the SSDT. I might change them to the ones CPUi gave me later though. But so far, no problems with these either. The change would be so marginal anyways, so I don't think it'd matter.


The P in mW for state 0 and 2 were also predefined in the SSDT table, I kept them as they were. I think they were used for these frequencies though, because of the speedstepping I had in Ubuntu. The P for 'State 1', 77000 mW, is just something in the between that I put in there. No calculations to rely on or anything so I don't know how stable it is. Just wanted to try it out and see if it worked - and it did! ;) I'm going to dig deeper into this and try to figure out the real p-states as they are supported, with respective mW's and voltages. I don't even know if this P has any effect on the system, or if it just shows the power consumption expected, because on some site they'd just ignored it completely (replaced it with Zero).


Hope this helps you that little last bit!


Oh yes, and I also set the correct register adress for the PERF_CTL and the PERF_STATUS registers, scroll down to 5.



Edit: Here's actually something interesting as well, a p-states calculator, haven't tried it, but might do that as soon as I get back home:


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Is anyone else having random lockups? Every once in a while I get the "Press the power button to restart" error. I can't seem to find a pattern, it seems totally random. It happens in 32 or 64bit. The most recent, it locked just as I right-clicked on an app in the dock to close it. As soon as I did, the restart error popped up.


I don't really know where to look for errors or logs. Someone mentioned to check the log in Console, but that never turns up anything but the messages generated when I'm rebooting after a crash.

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I with a EP43.. tried yours but got the kernel errors.. and then just random "gray screen reboot". Had to do the "spotlight" thing..


So I went to lifehacker.com/5351485/how-to-build-a-hackintosh-with-snow-leopard-start-to-finish


And only added Voodohda(anlog 5.1), uppid* kexts. Added some lines for my Gtx 280. And so far never got one kernel error. The Spotlight.. never had to touch it. Works perfect. Never tried to boot in 32bit...


So if your having problems .. maybe try that one. Looks like these two are using the same board.. but this other worked perfect for me.

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No, you have to...

the bonjour fix only fixes bonjour not the ethernet, so you still need to add the ethernet patch in dsdt to get ethernet to work


Been tinkering with the bonjour fix.

If you have dual lan then you need to amend the ifconfig.command file to get the second LAN to work. My second LAN (EN1) couldn't see the network without this fix. Maybe someone could try it to confirm.


Nice fix though, thanks.


Ifconfig should read:



/Extra/bonjour/ifconfig en0 promisc

sudo ifconfig en0 promisc



/Extra/bonjour/ifconfig en1 promisc

sudo ifconfig en1 promisc


One step closer to my perfect 10.5.8 install :)

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Here's a copy of my -v log. Can anyone see anything wrong? I know some things look like errors, but I don't know if they are normal or frankly, what any of it really means.


Any help is appreciated.


Darwin Kernel Version 10.0.0: Fri Jul 31 22:46:25 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1456.1.25~1/RELEASE_X86_64
vm_page_bootstrap: 1982063 free pages and 115089 wired pages
kext submap [0xffffff7f80600000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000600000]
standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
mig_table_max_displ = 73
[SleepEnabler] Registering PowerManagement dispatch table...
[SleepEnabler] Calling pmInitComplete()...
NullCPUPowerManagement::init: properties=0xffffff8011b6dac0
AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=0 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=3 Enabled
AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=2 LocalApicId=2 Enabled
AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=3 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
	 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

MAC Framework successfully initialized
using 16384 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)
RTC: Only single RAM bank (128 bytes)
netkas presents fakesmc, a kext which emulates smc device
mbinit: done (96 MB memory set for mbuf pool)
From path: "uuid", 
Waiting for boot volume with UUID 34975841-68A1-3AE3-87B7-46FCE056AD01
Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
Not loading kext com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController - not found and kextd not available in early boot.
com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
JMicronATA: JMB363 (CMD 0xdf00, CTR 0xde00, IRQ 16, BM 0xdb00)JMicronATA: JMB363 (CMD 0xdd00, CTR 0xdc00, IRQ 16, BM 0xdb08)

FireWire runtime power conservation disabled. (2)
Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/IDE1@1F,2/AppleAHCI/SECD@1/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/WDC WD5000AAKS-00TMA0 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Untitled@2
BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
jnl: unknown-dev: replay_journal: from: 36866048 to: 3409408 (joffset 0xe8e000)
FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 8024 PCI now active, GUID 00ec9dd700001fd0; max speed s400.
jnl: unknown-dev: journal replay done.
Kernel is LP64
hfs: Removed 7 orphaned / unlinked files and 0 directories 
systemShutdown false
Previous Shutdown Cause: 3
NVDANV50HAL loaded and registered.
DSMOS has arrived
AppleRTL8169Ethernet: Ethernet address 00:24:1d:21:b4:5b
ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::start - waitForService(resourceMatching(AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement) timed out
IOHIDSystem::relativePointerEventGated: VBL too high (96952281), capping to 20000000

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REALLY weird, I just spent an hour trying to figure out why my networking was toast (only different thing I've done recently is installed XP on a separate partition with my Mac drives unplugged of course). I shutdown, unplugged the XP drive, and unplugged the computer's power for a good 30 seconds. Now it's fine in Mac, but I'm wondering why this could have happened...

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REALLY weird, I just spent an hour trying to figure out why my networking was toast (only different thing I've done recently is installed XP on a separate partition with my Mac drives unplugged of course). I shutdown, unplugged the XP drive, and unplugged the computer's power for a good 30 seconds. Now it's fine in Mac, but I'm wondering why this could have happened...


I've noticed a few oddities like that in swapping drives between Leo, SL and Windows. Its almost like our board has something odd going on where it remembers what hardware should be loaded by the OS. The thing I've seen in particular is hanging on "verifying DMI Pool" when I swap drives (disconnect Leo and plug in a windows drive for example). But if I unplug everything for a minute, it works.

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I've noticed a few oddities like that in swapping drives between Leo, SL and Windows. Its almost like our board has something odd going on where it remembers what hardware should be loaded by the OS. The thing I've seen in particular is hanging on "verifying DMI Pool" when I swap drives (disconnect Leo and plug in a windows drive for example). But if I unplug everything for a minute, it works.


I can confirm that the OS fiddles with the hardware, cause before SL (only LEO installed) I could Wake-On-Lan when the computer was totally shutdown, at that point the OS shouldn't matter, since the first day I tried SL, I couldn't do a W-O-L anymore, same bios settings, SL changed something at a very low level of the hardware...



New FakeSMC



it works

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Weirdest thing, I can't get my network to work after updating to BIOS F11. I've created my dsdt. Patched it in windows, manually in osx, with gige (9gp fix), lan, lan0, nothing seems to work. Manually assigning an IP doesn't work, but it detects my card and pulls the mac address on bootup and displays the mac under the network settings. I have even tried using RealtekR1000.kext in -x32 and it won't work. Anyone overcome a similar problem? I have even tried d00m's dsdt and any others that I came across in this thread...


UD3R board



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Uh huh, sure... :P


Actually that's my plan as well. Does it work if you have Windows 7 on a seperate drive & use Chameleon to pick which one to boot into? Or are there any issues?


Err I'm nut sure why that's an "Uh huh, sure... :)", but whatever. Windows 7 worked but the issue was that it creates two partitions: System Reserved (100mb for bootloader) and then the C partition (for the system). You have to select "System Reserved" in Chameleon to boot Win7, but annoyingly enough the C partition shows up as a choice (but doesn't work to boot off of). With XP currently it won't let me boot off of the XP partition through Chameleon, but I'm too lazy to fix it at the moment.

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I can confirm that the OS fiddles with the hardware, cause before SL (only LEO installed) I could Wake-On-Lan when the computer was totally shutdown, at that point the OS shouldn't matter, since the first day I tried SL, I couldn't do a W-O-L anymore, same bios settings, SL changed something at a very low level of the hardware...



New FakeSMC



I'll try it and let you know


Hi Eliade,

After reading your post I tested my system for WOL, and noticed the same problem. It would wake up from sleep, but not from shutdown. I went into bios, setup optimized defaults, made my changes (different then the ones in this thread) and now WOL is working again. Let me know if you need my bios settings and I'll send them to you. You can run some trial/error to see what's causing the issue



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Err I'm nut sure why that's an "Uh huh, sure... ;) ", but whatever. Windows 7 worked but the issue was that it creates two partitions: System Reserved (100mb for bootloader) and then the C partition (for the system). You have to select "System Reserved" in Chameleon to boot Win7, but annoyingly enough the C partition shows up as a choice (but doesn't work to boot off of). With XP currently it won't let me boot off of the XP partition through Chameleon, but I'm too lazy to fix it at the moment.


are you using RC3? I didn't have that issue, i actually had no intention of using chameleon to boot windows 7 but it found it and added it automatically, it only shows one partition for me and it boots.

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Err I'm nut sure why that's an "Uh huh, sure... :) ", but whatever. Windows 7 worked but the issue was that it creates two partitions: System Reserved (100mb for bootloader) and then the C partition (for the system). You have to select "System Reserved" in Chameleon to boot Win7, but annoyingly enough the C partition shows up as a choice (but doesn't work to boot off of). With XP currently it won't let me boot off of the XP partition through Chameleon, but I'm too lazy to fix it at the moment.


Windows 7 does indeed create an extra partition now. But the way around that is not format the disk when you are installing Windows 7, but to boot to an existing Windows drive and format the drive as one partition, reboot and then install Windows 7. I've done it in XP.

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Hi Eliade,

After reading your post I tested my system for WOL, and noticed the same problem. It would wake up from sleep, but not from shutdown. I went into bios, setup optimized defaults, made my changes (different then the ones in this thread) and now WOL is working again. Let me know if you need my bios settings and I'll send them to you. You can run some trial/error to see what's causing the issue




THANKS for the info

yes I'd be interested in your bios settings, I tried but without success

will only WOL when asleep, but not when shutdown


did you figure out your ethernet problem with F11

a full shutdown should fix that

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