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[GUIDE]Retail Snow Leopard 10.6 on a GA EP45-UD3R



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  1. 1. How stable is your Snow Leopard installation?

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I actually found a alternate kext!


I really have to get to work now. I'll post results later!






Alright I have found an alternate kext to OpenHaltRestart.kext, called EvoReboot, I quickly tested 1 shutdown and 1 restart before I had to leave for work an both were sucessful. I will test more when I get home and see if I have consistent shutdown and reboots + test to see sleep still works as it should!




I found had a weird issue related to stability on my old system. I had a nice stable OC, my ram was at a 1:1 ratio and not OC. My sytem tested 100% stable using various programs and hours of stress testing. Then weeks or maybe months later on the same settings my system was unstable, I was having various problems, at that point I started to tested stability and my system was not stable..


So I have heard of a system being perfectly fine and then all of a sudden unstable. I do not know what causes this. Soon my other 4GB of ram should be here and I can test with you :)

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The "boot" file v10.5 has been fixed to display CPU info. Just figured that one out. So now my CPU is some what correct once I switched back!



Computers on my network don't show. Does anyone else have this problem. I can connect to my server fine and then it shows....

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The "boot" file v10.5 has been fixed to display CPU info. Just figured that one out. So now my CPU is some what correct once I switched back!



Computers on my network don't show. Does anyone else have this problem. I can connect to my server fine and then it shows....


excellent find, I really thought it was 10.6.2 that did it, but I guess I updated the boot file at the same time without giving more attention, I never noticed any differences between all the boot file from rc3 and later ones by netkas



what kind of computer, mac os or windows machine are on your network?

if it's mac os machines then all you need is bonjour (and activate sharing of course) to work on all your computer (I posted one way of having bonjour, it's also displayed on the very first post, this way will work in both 32/64 bit)...

then with vmware fusion 2 (I don't know if fusion 3 does the same), but after using it and closing fusion, bonjour would stop working so I made a little script/app with nice little bonjour icon to go in the dock so that it is one click away to revive bonjour without rebooting, I posted it earlier in this thread but I'll post it again if it is of interest to you


One other problem I would like to figure out is gigabit ethernet, I don't know which computer is faulty if not both, because all I get is 100Mb/s (= 12.5MByte/s) (I have a gigabit switch between the two of course), not a big issue but I would like it to work, that's the reason I bought the gigabit switch...




I found had a weird issue related to stability on my old system. I had a nice stable OC, my ram was at a 1:1 ratio and not OC. My sytem tested 100% stable using various programs and hours of stress testing. Then weeks or maybe months later on the same settings my system was unstable, I was having various problems, at that point I started to tested stability and my system was not stable..


So I have heard of a system being perfectly fine and then all of a sudden unstable. I do not know what causes this. Soon my other 4GB of ram should be here and I can test with you :)


if you still have your old system in one piece try to power off the power supply, that would usually fix the problem for a while, if it does fix it it's the same issue.... (sometime it would be fixed for only few hours sometime for one or two weeks)


which as I said seems to be a lack of voltage in my opinion, +0.2v on ram and +0.05 on northbridge (MCH) and 667Mhz for now (instead of 800) with latency of the 800mhz setting (manually set 5-5-5-18)

so far I haven't had a problem, but I need to wait over a month (so until early next year) to be sure that it is the actual problem...

so far so good, I had one firefox crash, but this time unrelated to system stability (mprime still shows the system as stable)


as far as I know (looking at the corsair forum) the problem seems to be at least on the intel P4x series of chipset....

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When the computer loads no i cannot see any computers, I don't see shared in finder. But like I said, I can connect to my server by going to "Go" "Connect to Server" and typing "smb://server" which at that point the server is mounted and I can see in finder. Currently on my Mac Mini, I can see another Mac Mini on the Network and my iPhone because I am running netatalk. So I do know that they exist.


I did do your Bonjour fix from the first post. How can I tell if it's working correctly ?


I also have a gigabit switch and the speeds transferring from my server seemed pretty quick .. but I can't say 100% without actually comparing.. I also have a different DSDT and the likes..


PS. I just received my Trust BT dongle and Manta TR1 IR yesterday. I ripped apart the IR, removed LED from PCB and placed it nicely inside my hackintosh. Have yet to do the same with BT, that's for another day. Now I have my Apple remote, BT Keyboard and Magic Mouse working :(

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if the bonjour fix works you should see other mac that have file sharing enabled in your finder window

maybe you didn't set it right, you have to carefully change the paths on the script, but that fix will definitely work if setup right...



to test if you have gigabit working transfer a 100MB file, it will either take 2 or 3 seconds if gigabiut works or it will take at least 8 seconds

if you do it on a 1GB file it will be more obvious: about 20seconds (slow due HDD speed) versus 1min15sec (for 100Mbit/sec)

if you had raid 0 on both computer then 1GB file would transfer in 9 or 10seconds

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What is this script you speak of ?


I thought I was just suppose to that command via terminal, the login hook one ?


Also could you link me to the script or whatever it was that can fix bonjour after vm because I do run that.


I'm at work now but I will testthe Internet speed later!



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D00m didn't recreate the link on the page, but you'll find it in the pack (hopefully), called ifconfig.command

but you need to change the path (open with textedit or whatever you want)

so that it point to "ifconfig"


since I use EFI, the extra folder is not visible, so now I have everything related to that script and the app (I'll post it later today) in the /application/utility/bonjour


so wherever you put all that the path in the script needs to be correct....


then the loginhook also needs to have the correct path

loginhook points to ifconfig.command NOT to ifconfig itself

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if you put the bonjour folder it in /Application/Utilities/

so that ifconfig is in /Application/Utilities/bonjour/ifconfig

then you don't have to change anything in the app...

you'll have to change the path to the loginhook so that it point in that folder...


if you put it elsewhere you'll have to change the ifconfig.command, and the script within the bonjour restart.app (rightclick -> show folder content and look for the script in one of the subfolder and change the path)

if you don't want to mess anything up just keep it the way I have it ....


and just drag the restart bonjour .app in the dock for fast access, or setup a keyboard shortcut


it takes 10sec to one minute to actually take effect...


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Hmm I am still not seeing any computers on my network. Just booted my netbook ( hackintosh ) and that finds other computers...


I used this command


sudo defaults write com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook /Applications/Utilities/bonjour/ifconfig.command




I have rebooted since running the command and nothing...

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iTunes library sharing is also carried out using Bonjour, correct?


Yes it does :)




I opened up ifconfig.command and saw that the command was for en0, I was on en1. I just switched back and now I see computers on my network yay!


Thanks Eliade


PS. Going to check LAN Speed now...... Yup Gigabit is working perfect. Transferred a 90mb file in approx 2 seconds.

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well I realized a while ago I tried realtekR1000SL (64bit compatible) to see if bonjour would work even after fusion (and didn't) and the second problem with this kext was non gigabit speed, and had to be in S/L/E, in other words everything was worse,

as soon as I removed it transfer was faster... back to gigabit ethernet

1GB file (created a blank disk image with disk utility) transferred between 22 and 25seconds, not bad at all...

istat shows network speed: I get about 45MB/s, very close to max HD speed... (the shuttle computer HDD is only a 5000rpm 2.5", at least it's very quiet)

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Well I just tested VmwareFuzion 3 and Bonjour still seems to be functioning after I loaded up an already created VM from my old computer!


Also just realized Xmarks is working with Safari x64. So I am now running Safari and Xmarks. FF is such a slow loading browser on any PC, even with few addons...



I think I have knocked out "almost" every little bug I was having in previous posts and what not. I now get no audio errors botting verbose! One little issue I do have is that my audio outs, I think two may be switched and that could have something to do with ALC889A.Fix.kext I am running. I remember reading I have to change the pinout...




Your using LegacyHDA.kext right ? I think that is used in conjunction with DSDT, but since I started using stell's DSDT from the UD3P specific thread I have to use the above ALC kext...

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Your using LegacyHDA.kext right ? I think that is used in conjunction with DSDT, but since I started using stell's DSDT from the UD3P specific thread I have to use the above ALC kext...


Yes, you should be able to remove it without any bad side effects (no sound), otherwise just put it back

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Right yeah! I have been running fine without LegacyHDA.kext. As far as I know the ALC fix kext I am running is related to pinout and that. Just wondering if you know what LegacyHDA.kext does ?

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Right yeah! I have been running fine without LegacyHDA.kext. As far as I know the ALC fix kext I am running is related to pinout and that. Just wondering if you know what LegacyHDA.kext does ?


probably something very similar to ALC fix

but I don't know much more about sound kext


my shuttle K45 is similar, a dsdt fix along with an ALC662.kext, both came from the same person...


these kext are probably just listing a device-id

so it is possible that ALC fix and LegacyHDA be interchangeable if they have the same device id, but considering that the dsdt fix in D00m's tutorial didn't work for you it is possible you have a very slightly different version (revision) of the ALC889A, thus a different device id and different pinout

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probably something very similar to ALC fix

but I don't know much more about sound kext


my shuttle K45 is similar, a dsdt fix along with an ALC662.kext, both came from the same person...


these kext are probably just listing a device-id

so it is possible that ALC fix and LegacyHDA be interchangeable if they have the same device id, but considering that the dsdt fix in D00m's tutorial didn't work for you it is possible you have a very slightly different version (revision) of the ALC889A, thus a different device id and different pinout


Precisely. It's possible that his revision of the ALC889A has a slightly different device layout id/pinout, and that's why my specific DSDT fix doesn't work for his card. I'm revamping the entire process/DSDT/kext list at the moment to be much more efficient (removing redundancies and fixing other issues with the EP45-UD3L/R/P) but mideterm exams are coming up and I won't have a chance to put up the new information until mid-December or so.

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I found a guide to edit the ALC889A.Fix.kext for correct pin out.. But I find something very weird.


First says to check your audio ID in "About This Mac" The person who wrote the guide has an ID of "889" my ID says "12" that it....


Is that not kinda weird? I have attached the guide and a screenshot of my audio.


This is not a huge deal, just wondering why my ID would say just 12.



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My audio Id (so using D00m's fix and kext) is 885, not 889 so I suppose it is not that important that is is not 889,

it is probably an extra number referencing to the revision of the alc889A chip.

the board from that tutorial you posted just by chance was 889 but has probably nothing to do with the actual "889" in alc889A...


and in the tutorial clearly reads "LayoutID = Your Audio ID" so it was expected not to always be 889 for an alc889A...



Edit: check that out


on screenshots on that page

they also have layout id 12, same board as you I suppose

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Ah ok that is interesting! I still haven't figured out the switching of the two outs, but I will save that for the weekend.


Another potentially nasty little bug, can you do me a favor and boot your machine with -v and I don't care about the startup, but the shutdown specifically! when I shutdown after I have booted with verbose I see that /net and /home fail to unmount when either shutdown or restarted. I don't want this to cause any data loss or anything.


If you don't mind..

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This is one hell of a bad tutorial.

I'm sorry, but I guess you vainly invested all the effort.

There are far better and easier methods for installing snow leopard osx on the net. It took me less than 25 minutes to finish a clean install, while I bet it took you no less than 25 days to get to this point.


and second, you don't need a previous installation of Leopard in order to install Snow Leopard.


My advice to all newbies on this forum is to do more googling, I would have provided you with two wonderful links, unfortunately it's against the forum's rules.


I don't know if this tutorial is deprecated, again I value all the effort put, but that's not a nice method to install SL on a PC, not in the 21st century, sorry.



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This is one hell of a bad tutorial.

I'm sorry, but I guess you vainly invested all the effort.

There are far better and easier methods for installing snow leopard osx on the net. It took me less than 25 minutes to finish a clean install, while I bet it took you no less than 25 days to get to this point.


and second, you don't need a previous installation of Leopard in order to install Snow Leopard.


My advice to all newbies on this forum is to do more googling, I would have provided you with two wonderful links, unfortunately it's against the forum's rules.


I don't know if this tutorial is deprecated, again I value all the effort put, but that's not a nice method to install SL on a PC, not in the 21st century, sorry.




Sorry to burst your bubble, but all the the users here don't have the exact same hardware as the user in the first post! Sure anyone can install OSX in 25 minutes, but there is no way is hell you are updated to 10.6.2 and all working even if you had done the same setup before and followed your exact steps....


Your right you don't need a previous installation of Leopard. If you read the first post there is a guide for USB install method!


Anyone can get Snow running, but can you get it running perfect without any bugs.....




I am curious of these other guides you speak of ?

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