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[GUIDE]Retail Snow Leopard 10.6 on a GA EP45-UD3R



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Man I thought I had it this time, but no go. I had 10.6 running x64 fine.


Soon as I updated to 10.6.1 I get the same audo errors on boot and x64 will not load.


This is what I updated


Installed 10.6.1


Installed new fakesmc.kext


Installed new "boot" file 10.5


Installed chameleon rc2


Would not boot so I tried to use my USB Sticks bootloader, but still the same error and no boot!


Back to the drawing board....This blows

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After updating my system to the latest bios ( I have revision 1.6 by the way ) my system was not reconizing smbios anymore. I downgraded to the next latest bios ( Only 3 bios's available for this revision of the board ) After downgrading smbios is indeed being detected again.


After I thought I was getting somewhere in booting x64 I was sadly mistaken. I had x64 working fine under 10.6, but soon as that was updated to 10.6.1 all was lost. Since then I have re installed OSX and x64 is not working under 10.6 this time. I still cannot figure out what is causing this.


I am re installing OSX now and slowly work through this.




Well I think the worst of it is over now haha. I have managed to get x64 running under 10.6.2. Audio seems to be working, Either as well. Sleep is a no go, the hard drive falls asleep and thats about it. Also the machine cannot fully shut itself down or restart without errors and locking. I'll post these tomorrow.


Is anyone else having this trouble with EP45-UD3P ?


PS. I also re compiled my DSDT file. I recieved two warning which I should probably post as well. I am off to bed now so for another day.


x64 wooot


OHH and I almost forgot. the graphics and what not seem pretty laggy at best. Specially when using space and epose! Anyway to eliminate that ? 8800 GTS 640MB

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For i while i cant boot in 64 bit, i couldn't get it t work but now im noticing something that my AppleSMBios doesn't support 64 bit.


I ussing osx 10.6.2, could maybe somebody help me fix this ?




do you have smbios.kext (or similar) in your extra folder (or compressed in the mkext)

delete that kext, you don't need smbios kext anymore... all you need is smbios.plist inside the extra folder

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@Luky Luke, What happens when you try and boot 64bit in verbose -v ?


I forgot to mention in the last post that I am still getting the sound errors I talked about a few posts up. They look like this


Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in "/SourceCache/AppleHDA/AppleHDA-179.1.4/AppleHDA/AppleHDAEngine.cpp" at line 3222 goto Exit


But like I said above I am booting x64, but still having issues shutting down, restarting, sleeping and the laddy video.


My Specs:


• EP45-UD3P

• 10.6.2 kernel 10.2.0 x64

• DSDT Patched ( attached picture ) Another note. I was using a temporary DSDT on my USB Stick which I guess has the Bios reset patched because I did not run into that issue and I was not getting these sound related errors. So my newly patched DSDT is creating them. I am going to test 2 different DSDT files that I have for a EP45-UD3P from users at this forum!

• Chameleon RC3

• Kexts I am running

- Disabler.kext ( From Chameleon RC3

- fakesmc.kext ( v2.5 from netkas site, Updated to this when installing 10.6.1 )

- IOAHCIBlockStorageInjector.kext ( From dooms pack )

- LegacyHDA.kext ( Currently have the orange colored one from dooms, also tried the blue one )

- OpenHaltRestart.kext ( from dooms pack )

- PlatformUUID.kext ( from dooms pack )

- SleepEnabler.kext ( Latest from netkas, I started using this after updating to 10.6.2, I was not using any SleepEnabler up to that point )


When I reboot I get the following


com.apple.launchd 1 com.apple.fseventsd 0 Jon was last (non-anonymous) to exit during system shutdown.

com.apple.launchd 1 come.apple.launchd 1 System: About to call: Reboot(RB_AUTOBOOT)

syncing all disks... Killing all processes



unmount of /home failed (45)

unmount of /net failed (45)


MACH Reboot


and at that point the computer locks. I get the same thing when shutting down, but once my computer actually did shut down. I also noticed once at the same spot I received a kernel panic.


I wonder why I am having these issues and others are not. How many users are actually running the UD3P or are most running the UD3 or UD3R ?


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Alright I have made a little more progress. I thought I should think out of the box.. ( other guides ) I was reading this thread HERE and I guess stellarola has patched a DSDT for the UD3P. I tested that out and instant gratification ;) Sleep is working, I think shutdown and restart + Those video issues I spoke about are gone and I have translucent top bar. Sound is detected, but not working yet...


I'll continue reading that thread and see what I can come up with. Whats weird is I have patched DSDT 3 different times and get the same each time.

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When I was tinkering around last night I saw that "About This Mac" actually had CPU info. I remember we spoke of this a while back. shows Xeon, but since then I am back to 2.6GHz Unknown.


How can I fix this to show what I had before ?

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When I was tinkering around last night I saw that "About This Mac" actually had CPU info. I remember we spoke of this a while back. shows Xeon, but since then I am back to 2.6GHz Unknown.


How can I fix this to show what I had before ?


are you back to 10.6.2


All I did is update to 10.6.2 and it started to show as quad xeon...


or you can change the string "unknown" into what you want, but the computer still internally doesn't recognize the cpu correctly, thus all the problem related to that are still present (only issue I personally had was with the silverlight installer so not a big deal, all that is needed is mod the installer...)

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Weird! Yeah it was showing as Xeon at one point. Can't remember when exactly haha, going to manually edit it now and see what happens :)


I am still having shutdown issues. Sleep does work, but restart and shutdown don't. The odd time shutdown will actually shut down the machine. With this new DSDT the system gets a little further. The screen actually turns off, but the system stays on both shutdown and restart!

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Weird! Yeah it was showing as Xeon at one point. Can't remember when exactly haha, going to manually edit it now and see what happens :(


I am still having shutdown issues. Sleep does work, but restart and shutdown don't. The odd time shutdown will actually shut down the machine. With this new DSDT the system gets a little further. The screen actually turns off, but the system stays on both shutdown and restart!


that's exactly what openhaltrestart is for...

you made sure you have the mkext and renamed extensions to something else

if you do have that right

then try to load it from s/l/e

just drag it in s/l/e then run kextutility to repair permission and recreate the system mkext

"reboot" so that it is loaded from s/l/e

then try reboot and hopfully should work... not a great way since it's in s/l/e, but better than not working at all...

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that's exactly what openhaltrestart is for...

you made sure you have the mkext and renamed extensions to something else

if you do have that right

then try to load it from s/l/e

just drag it in s/l/e then run kextutility to repair permission and recreate the system mkext

"reboot" so that it is loaded from s/l/e

then try reboot and hopfully should work... not a great way since it's in s/l/e, but better than not working at all...


I do have Extensions.mkext and yes Extensions folder is renamed!


I put OpenHaltRestart.kext in /S/L/E and removed from /E


Restarting or shutting down, the hard drives will shutdown and then the monitor will go blank, but the fans and everything are still running + my pump etc... Restart does not restart lol

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I do have Extensions.mkext and yes Extensions folder is renamed!


I put OpenHaltRestart.kext in /S/L/E and removed from /E


Restarting or shutting down, the hard drives will shutdown and then the monitor will go blank, but the fans and everything are still running + my pump etc... Restart does not restart lol


the openhaltrestart on psytar's website is different in size from the one we have (or at least the one I have, which should be from d00m's pack)

thus I suppose it is a newer version so you should try it (from /E)



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Hmm weird. If you check the contents of OpenHaltRestart_1.0.3.kext, it contains OpenHaltRestart.kext which in fact is the same size as the one in dooms pack... I wonder if it would work a kext inside a kext. Anyhow I put it in /E I was able to shutdown perfect twice, next time I tried to restart and failed, I then booted back up and tried to shutdown for a 3rd time and no go that time! I'll take the kext out of the kext and try that. This problem is quite annoying. I can confirm that audio and ethernet are 100% working!


Really appreciate the help here. Thanks




Yeah same issues. I can fully shutdown sometimes. That's about it.


For kicks I thought I would update to the latest bios for board revision 1.6, this bios has the quickboot option and the only reason I went away from this bios yesterday was because SMBIOS was not getting detected when booting. Seems as the quick boot option is causing SMBIOS to not be detected. Soon as I disabled it everything is fine again. Just thought everyone should know!

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Good 2 see you here, Eliade :) i'm nearly ready to move over completely from a perfect Leopard 10.5.7 setup on our EP45-UD3R board to Snow 10.6.2 . So i just spent the weekend setting up snow leopard on our board following d00m42's great guide and using his SL pack. well, i got near everything to work including my 9800GT gfx string (just copy the long string over from the leopard's extra/ com.apple.boot.plist), ethernet, sound, boot into 64 bit ; all the major things. i've compiled the dsdt file using isaslme. finally, i upgraded to 10.6.2 replacing fakesmc and sleepenabler. 


So i got 2 issues :


(1) sleep on demand, restart, shutdown all work ; however, sleep automatically after X minutes or hours does not work? Any fix for this?


(2) I couldn't repair permissions with diskutility until i either reinstalled bsd or upgraded to 10.6.2 the error message is gone but it doesn't seem to find or fix anything? 

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(1) saw other people complain about it, I haven't tried myself (trying right now)

set it to 2min in the future, and the countdown window pop-ed up

7min remaining, I'll post if it worked or not

edit: it worked perfectly well...

list of the kext I'm using is below

I created and used a usb install disk (format to hfs, install chameleon rc2 on that disk, replace boot with rc3 boot file, then restore the osx DVD on it without erasing the partition, boot it, install osx, install chameleon rc2 with rc3 boot file that's it... perfect setup without issues)


(2) did you install with the usb method, I suppose not

if you want a nicer setup I really recommend doing it, it's very easy

OR use a bootcd to boot the OSX DVD

(if you create one remove sleepenabler from the bootcd and keep everything else, actually same thing on the usb install disk)

if you want to make a bootcd, use BootCDMaker:



SO what I'm saying is install it with bootcd or usb install disk and use th list of kext is below and you should have a perfect setup working in 32 and 64bit

nothing fancy, just plain simple install and IT WORKS...

(chameleon is on the EFI partition but that should not be a factor to a well working system)


if that helps you can try my dsdt


and here my whole Extra folder (and boot file I'm using), with mkext and no extension folder


my extension folder if you don't need jmicronata or need to modify for your need and create an mkext from it:



my kext:

Disabler (from chameleon RC3 pakage) (to keep temperature low and avoid potential KP during software update)

fakesmc (latest version from netkas)

IOAHCIBlockStorageInjector (yellow icon fix on ich10r) (from chameleon RC3 pakage)

JMicronATA (for ide) (from d00ms pack)

LegacyHDA (to work along the dsdt for sound on 889a) (from d00ms pack)

OpenHaltRestart (from d00ms pack)

PlatformUUID (from d00ms pack)

SleepEnabler (latest from 10.6.2 from netkas)

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Yes the support here is awesome! I couldn't reply last night because my internet went down!


Sleep is working beautifully every time. Restart never works that's for sure. Shutdown works the odd time, but never when you want it to haha.


I just tried someones DSDT from the EP45-UD3P thread ( My Board ) That failed. For one, no audio, the lagging graphics was back and a KP on restart. Another note: I think I ran the system without OpenHaltRestart.kext and experienced the same issues I am having now. Seems as if that kext specifically is not working on my system. The hard drives shutdown and the monitor even turns off, but like I said, the system stays running.


Hmm I was thinking last night about this. Made a little note about it and thought I should ask. I updated to boot v10.5 when updating to 10.6.1. Here is the exact order...


Step1. Install OSX Update 10.6.1


Step2. Install Chameleon RC2


Step3. Copy "boot" file v2.5 to /


Step4. Update fakesmc.kext in /E


But back to my question. I updated Chameleon to RC3 after updating to 10.6.2, does this have a different boot file than v10.5 and if so maybe that could be the issue. Probably not, but I thought I would ask. Just noticed users were talking about different boot files in the UD3P specific thread...


Off Topic: Well other than the couple last little bugs my new system is running great! I can't wait to OC this baby. The machine is so fast. I installed all my programs.. even large ones so fast :( I need to find a program to get CPU temps in MacOS

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sleep is in my opinion the most important, I rarely shutdown my system (only when out of town for few days), and I only reboot when doing major update

(there are daily/weekly/monthly scripts in MacOS that run automatically to optimize and keep osx running fast)


chameleon rc3 and boot 10.5 (from netkas) are different

10.5 is an updated version of chameleon rc3 boot file

however both should work perfectly well


only the boot file from chameleon rc2 is incompatible with snow leo (KP during boot)

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Yeah Sleep is very nice. I would like a perfectly running system though. At the very least I would like to have a successful shut down consistently and even then restart too....


only the boot file from chameleon rc2 is incompatible with snow leo (KP during boot)


I could well have mixed the two earlier in the game. I did not realize RC2 was incompatible.


boot v10.5 didn't make a difference. Well I'll keep tinkering. If anything else comes to mind let me know.



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I understand that you'd want a fully working system, I would too (and I now have a nice working system, except maybe one problem, unrelated to macos, with my ram 4x2GB becomeing unstable after some time, which I think and hope I solved by raising its default voltage)


If something comes to mind I'll let you know but now I have no idea...

just search for alternative to openhaltrestart, maybe a dsdt fix can solve the problem...

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