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[GUIDE]Retail Snow Leopard 10.6 on a GA EP45-UD3R



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Hmm i did not have "-x32" take a look at my boot plist see if you can see anything weird


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>-x32 arch=i386</string>

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seems right to me as long as you have the right efi string


try with the bare minimum:

fakesmc, disabler, openhalrestart


other faulty part may be the dsdt, since I had a dsdt from my previous leopard install, I use it on my usb installer drive

I suppose you don't have one yet...


I can't give you my dsdt since we don't have the same machine... but if you find one for your ud3p online, chance are that it will be a good temporary one to start with

(you can also generate one on Ubuntu live cd, I did it, not easy, but not too hard either as long as you find the command needed to generate one, search google, when it is generated just follow the guide here to do the needed modification, you can take care of sound later, but at least get the cmos reste fix done because it is annoying without it, there are quotes missing on two lines from the generated one, it won't compile until you fix those, that was my major head ache because I didn't know...)


also you can try without the extensions folder and only use a extensions.mkext

if you have snow leo on your mac mini you can make one from there... (one way is to create an Extra/Extensions/ folder with your kext and run kextutility, it will create the mkext in the extra folder, then when you are done don't forget to remove the extra folder)



if all that fails (and if you can't get a dsdt), try the other method generate you dsdt if you get that far

and try reinstalling it with the usb method...

if you install using the other method don't foget to uncheck all printer or you'll get an error during the install (not an inssue with the usb method)



I'm going to sleep

good luck...

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Hmm i did not have "-x32" take a look at my boot plist see if you can see anything weird


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>-x32 arch=i386</string>

try with just the -x32

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I managed to get Snow Leopard installed via a SD Card which I had snow leopard on!


More importantly I am having trouble booting 64bit. I just get the spinning loader, but my OS does not load. What could be the issue here ?

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This forum has been a great help. Still I am having a few issues I would like to get rid of.


1. I cannot boot x64 to save my life. First AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext was the issue so I removed that, but still would not load in x64, the process would go a little further and still locks.


2. Sleep does not seem to be working either. The mouse pointer disappears and when I move the mouse any mounted drives disappear. They quickly remount after.


I am on 10.6.2, Chameleon RC2 r640, boot 10.5!


I am running the following kexts in /E









Also have patched DSDT and booting with "arch=x86_64" without quotes!




booting x64 I get to the line


Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in "/SourceCache/AppleHDA/AppleHDA-179.1.4/AppleHDA/AppleHDAEngine.cpp" at line 3222 goto Exit

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This forum has been a great help. Still I am having a few issues I would like to get rid of.


1. I cannot boot x64 to save my life. First AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext was the issue so I removed that, but still would not load in x64, the process would go a little further and still locks.


2. Sleep does not seem to be working either. The mouse pointer disappears and when I move the mouse any mounted drives disappear. They quickly remount after.


I am on 10.6.2, Chameleon RC2 r640, boot 10.5!


I am running the following kexts in /E









Also have patched DSDT and booting with "arch=x86_64" without quotes!


netkas has a new fakesmc


NullCPUPowerManagement can be replaced with disabler found it the chameleon 2 RC3 package, and will definitely be 64bit compatible


I suppose you have the newer sleepenabler from netkas if you are on 10.6.2

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so to make things clear 32bit works perfectly well, but you get to your posted screen shot when you boot in 64bit, right?

only issue in 32bit is sleep and drive disappearing, right?

do you have your kext in the extensions folder or compressed into an mkext?

if you use the mkext did you remove (or at least rename the extension folder to something else like extensions1)


do you have a way to get back to your installed osx if something gets messed up? like the usb install drive or a bootcd

or at least something to get back to the installer (not as easy since you have to use the terminal)

if so keep only those kext and remove the other ones and boot first is 32bit to see if it still works, then try 64bit





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Yes exactly! I have been running 32bit perfect since last night. Except for Sleep not working.


I just type -v arch=i386 or -v arch=x86_64 depending what I want to try and boot :thumbsup_anim:


OHHHhh I have Extensions.mkext and Extensions. Did not realize I had to rename one or the other ?


Yes I can get back into my OS fine if anything gets messed up.


I'll try what you just added and post back

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I switched NullCPUPowerManagement.kext for Disabler.kext like you said above so I kept the following kexts






x32 boots fine. x64 no go, stuck at the same spot as last time!


PS. I just renamed the folder to Extensions1 after running kext utility.




If I just use Extensions and and remove Extensions.mkext I get KP Unknown both x32 and x64


I don't see why I cannot boot x64 bit wth

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without dsdt, you'll have to go to your bios each time after reboot since snow leo resets you bios

besides that no bad side effect


that's really weird



You made me want to go with 64bit kernel now...

since all the software I use is now working in a 64bit environment (my wacom tablet wasn't 64bit compatible for at least a month and a half after snow leo came out, but new drivers are out) and vmware fusion 3 (just came out) also works in 64bit kernel (wasn't the case with version 2)

so I decided from now on to go fuil time in 64bit (haven't booted 64bit in at least 2months), removed voodoo-power-mini (used for speed step, but it's a 32bit only kext) and it booted great in 64bit...

So I have no idea what could be causing the problem on your machine



I restored the osx dvd onto a usb Hard drive (installed chameleon first on it) and installed OSX using that...

(only kext I don't have on that drive is sleepenabler, chance of KP from it are too high)


after the install was done

I used chameleon rc2 installer (onto the HFS EFI partition, but standard install wouldn't create an issue like you have)

replace boot file with latest one from netkas (based on chameleon rc3)


my kext:

Disabler (from chameleon RC3 pakage) (to keep temperature low and avoid potential KP during software update)

fakesmc (latest version from netkas)

IOAHCIBlockStorageInjector (yellow icon fix on ich10r) (from chameleon RC3 pakage)

JMicronATA (for ide) (from d00ms pack)

LegacyHDA (to work along the dsdt for sound on 889a) (from d00ms pack)

OpenHaltRestart (from d00ms pack)

PlatformUUID (from d00ms pack)

SleepEnabler (latest from 10.6.2 from netkas)

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Wow that is really weird.


The only discrepancy between yours and mine would be


IOAHCIBlockStorageInjector what does that do ?


Oh I just noticed another weird issue. When I boot from my hard drive once OSX loads up it thinks that OSX my boot hard drive is an externel drive. but I noticed that when I boot my hard drive from my USB stick everything is fine... weird....




Even says Connection type: External...


I mean when I use my USB Sticks bootloader to boot my main hard drive.




Another thing I noticed. If booting x32 the last line I see before my desktop actually loads is where it locks when trying to boot x64...

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OK gotcha. I see the hard drive is reconized fine now!


Well I updated to RC3. Still no go on x64 though. I tried disabling azalia in Bios and then boot. I don't see the audio errors, but still get locked up....


Well Maybe I could recompile DSDT. I am really stuck here because the same thing happens without DSDT.

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can you boot the installer in 64bit?

if so I would consider reinstalling osx (from the 64bit installer, I don't think it will change anything but we never know, because I did install my osx in 64bit by accident, I had -x32 when the boot file I was using only considered arch=i386 and would discard -x32)

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Yup just booted it in x64 fine, I am at where I choose my language!


hmm. I mean I have tried everything else soo ahh I hate to do this lol ...





K I am doing a fresh install from x64. Just have to copy some files first.



Thanks for all the help by the way!

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haha I hear yeah. It's really nice having everything perfect.


Another thought I had was bios ? I was going to update, but haven't yet...


PS. Look at my post above I am re installing in x64

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So just finished installing un x64 installer and went for first boot and for kicks I typed -v arch=x86_64 and I booted into the flying space thingy. So now I guess I can work from here and see if I come across any issues when installing chameleon and such.


Will post back my results

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great news !!!


you know how to check if you are indeed in 64bit?

if not :

about this mac -> more info -> software

the on the right you will see "64-bit kernel and extensions: Yes"


(if it says "No" then you are in 32bit)


since you plan to use the 64bit kernel:

you can try setting in the bios:

HPET: 64bit (instead of 32bit)

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Muhhahahah lol


Yeah I did check right away to make sure I was indeed in x64 and indeed I am in 64bit right now. I am going to install updates, chameleon and the works. Will post back my results .

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