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[GUIDE]Retail Snow Leopard 10.6 on a GA EP45-UD3R



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OK, who is gonna be the first to try 10.6.2? I have to wait until I get back from work... but let me know if you have success!


mine wont boot anymore :S



I updated my osx 10.6.1 to 10.6.2 and now my system wont run anymore.

When i boot up i get the chameleon screen, when i boot (both in 32 bit and 64bit mode) i get immediately error saying that i have to reboot. One of the lines says, "version mis-match between Kernel and CPU PM...."

Can somebody please tell me if i can fix this? ( i hope so)





edit: i read on a forum that it could also been a problem with the SleepEnabler. Can somebody confirm this ?

Can i fix it by just deleting that file ?


fixed it by removing the sleepenabler kext


mine wont boot anymore :S




fixed it by removing the sleepenabler kext


I found a sleepenabler for 10.6.2 tryed it and no kernal panics


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Does anyone have sound working under 64 bit kernel? If you do, which audio kext are you using? Please post your kext.




The kext in the first post works just fine on both 32bit and 64bit. Just edit your DSDT as it's described in the tutorial.


Edit: Running 10.6.2, was a clean update, no problems. Just pressed 'update' :)


If you're using SleepEnabler.kext, remember to update that first (netkas.org) though, otherwise it'll cause a kernel panic at boot.

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I've updated to 10.6.2 on all three machines with no problems.


did you just press update and it still works fine?


or did you replace sleepenabler etc. ?


would be cool if you could give a short rundown on how you got things working. (assuming you installed via the method in this thread)




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After updating to 10.6.2 and replacing the SleepEnabler.kext, I don't get a KP but as soon as the desktop shows up, a message pops up and says I need to restart, hold down power button until it shuts down and the press it to restart.


Any ideas?




that message means you just had a Kernel Panic !


haven't updated mine yet

but you can try repairing permission if you can get to it, maybe you'll have to do in in single user mode...

go to nekas' website maybe you'll find something that helps

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What does sleepenabler.kext do ?

Do i need it ?

Can i just remove it and not worry about it ?


makes sleep possible...

I personally use sleep a lot, but if you never do , you can just remove it (however if by accident you do sleep your computer you may have to hard reset it because you don't have that kext)

just get the new one from netkas it works with 10.6.2 (at least it did on my shuttle, haven't tried the ud3r yet)

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that message means you just had a Kernel Panic !


haven't updated mine yet

but you can try repairing permission if you can get to it, maybe you'll have to do in in single user mode...

go to nekas' website maybe you'll find something that helps


I have the same motherboard (EP45-UD3R) as in the first post. Followed the instructions as the first post with everything working in 64-bit (audio, video, etc)


Here's how I update to 10.6.2.

1. Removed SleepEnabler.kext.

2. Installed 10.6.2 from dmg (not from Software Update) but don't reboot when finished.

3. Put Netkas' SleepEnabler.kext for 10.6.2 into \Extra\Extensions.

4. Repaired permissions and rebuilt kext using Kext Utility.

5. Reboot.

6. Everything looks good until the desktop loads then I get the message saying I need to shutdown and restart.


Seems like others aren't having much issues with 10.6.2 on Gigabytes motherboards. However, I can't think of another thing to do. My system has been running 10.6.1 well for some time now with any KPs.


Any ideas?



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I have the same motherboard (EP45-UD3R) as in the first post. Followed the instructions as the first post with everything working in 64-bit (audio, video, etc)


Here's how I update to 10.6.2.

1. Removed SleepEnabler.kext.

2. Installed 10.6.2 from dmg (not from Software Update) but don't reboot when finished.

3. Put Netkas' SleepEnabler.kext for 10.6.2 into \Extra\Extensions.

4. Repaired permissions and rebuilt kext using Kext Utility.

5. Reboot.

6. Everything looks good until the desktop loads then I get the message saying I need to shutdown and restart.


Seems like others aren't having much issues with 10.6.2 on Gigabytes motherboards. However, I can't think of another thing to do. My system has been running 10.6.1 well for some time now with any KPs.


Any ideas?




boot with -v, you'll see what the KP is about


and then maybe try 32bit to see if you also get the KP

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boot with -v, you'll see what the KP is about


and then maybe try 32bit to see if you also get the KP


I have a problem with my Hackintosh,


every time I restart or shutdown,and boot with -v -x 32 or -v -x64

I always get a message like this:


system shutdown false

Cause: 3


if anyone knows? I wonder why with my system?

I installed using the method of booting from the cd,

and extra I get from doom's

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I have a problem with my Hackintosh,


every time I restart or shutdown,and boot with -v -x 32 or -v -x64

I always get a message like this:


system shutdown false

Cause: 3


if anyone knows? I wonder why with my system?

I installed using the method of booting from the cd,

and extra I get from doom's


to get 32 bit you need


(-x32 doesn't work with the newer boot file)

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I have the same motherboard (EP45-UD3R) as in the first post. Followed the instructions as the first post with everything working in 64-bit (audio, video, etc)


Here's how I update to 10.6.2.

1. Removed SleepEnabler.kext.

2. Installed 10.6.2 from dmg (not from Software Update) but don't reboot when finished.

3. Put Netkas' SleepEnabler.kext for 10.6.2 into \Extra\Extensions.

4. Repaired permissions and rebuilt kext using Kext Utility.

5. Reboot.

6. Everything looks good until the desktop loads then I get the message saying I need to shutdown and restart.


Seems like others aren't having much issues with 10.6.2 on Gigabytes motherboards. However, I can't think of another thing to do. My system has been running 10.6.1 well for some time now with any KPs.


Any ideas?





I followed your exact procedure and all works 100%. Maybe it's some other hardware issue or perhaps the way you did the DSDT. I simply used the DSDT that came in the SL Pack on my EP45-UD3R and all is well. I did notice that Software Update re-enabled itself after the 10.6.2 update and started to try to download stuff before i shut it down and disabled it...I've heard of others getting the KP after using the Software Update. I initially got KPs with 10.6, and I think it may have been because of Software Update (not sure exactly why), but I don't use it now and not having problems.

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Does someone use PC EFI v10.5 instead of using the graphics injecter ?


I do.


I had a bit of a read about before doing the update and found the following instructions:


Use osX86 tools, click to backup your kernel, naming it mach_backup_kernel


Save it to your installation drive


Install 10.6.2 update and reboot.


If it boots normally, continue on your way.


if you get a KP, reboot the machine and when you reach the bootloader screen type (without inverted commas) "mach_backup_kernel"


This will boot using the kernel you backed up


When booted up, open OSX86 tools again and choose the option to install or restore kernel


It forces you to backup the existing kernel so save this somewhere else under a different name, then when prompted for the kernel you want to install, choose mach_backup_kernel on your installation drive.


It will prompt you to reboot, do so and all should be fine


The only thing I had to do was change my soundcard to output on the line-out rather than headphones as it had got reset


Also, be aware I have the updated SleepEnabler.kext and fakesmc.kext from Netkas in my /Extra/Extensions folder

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thanks for your answer.

Can you still wake your system via the power button or another usb mouse?


I am really curious about that :unsure:


Yes, I just use my powerbutton, but I understand some people have difficulty getting it to wake their system. Your mileage may vary.


I can also wake the computer with a USB Keyboard, so I don't think there'd be a problem with a USB Mouse.

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Im on 10.6.2 without issues ( i removed sleepenabler because i don't use it anyway)


You speak about a new fakesmc ? I use the older one (from this pack) and it works


Sorry, bad English there - the sleepenabler.kext is a new one, the fakesmc.kext is the same one from the pack in the first post

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