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[GUIDE]Retail Snow Leopard 10.6 on a GA EP45-UD3R



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  1. 1. How stable is your Snow Leopard installation?

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Just posting to say thank you, & that i successfully installed SL thanks to your script, and with good help from Ariel Chens Scripts as he has the same board & bios version as i have.


However the install drive and the main drive both friezes/Panics at osx startup-screen now,, B)


i understand that the Chameleon install has prompts @ startup, what about the EFI that i used for my SL setup, is there any way to start up in safe mode?


>and as i'm pretty lame with pc's & programming, i hope the situation has a simple solution,,, allready changed the enabled usb devices in the bios "integrated Peripherals, with no luck.


Do many of you experience friezes/Kernel panic just after successfully installing ?



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I now believe I have solved the actual mystery of my system being unstable

the dsdt I knew was working didn't change a thing after many hours later the error in mprime came back

I totally shutdown my computer (meaning power supply off), to be back to the point where I didn't usually get the error

then tried memetest86

and guess what two of my stick (well at least one of them) are giving me error after a little while,

I don't know yet about the other two, I'll run the test during the night, and hope that those at least work... so I'll only have 4GB for now... (if not I'll borrow the 2gb stick from my shuttle)

I hope Corsair won't give me any trouble because I don't have the original packaging, they should have a lifetime warranty...


EDIT: my second pair of ram didn't get a single error, passed the test 7 times during the night

need to figure out how to work the warranty now for the bad pair


EDIT: finally the ram is stable...

maybe they are the limit of stability

and need a little more juice


I installed Snow on an external HD partition, so its not on the same drive as my Leopard. Is the kernel panic I get within seconds of booting related to mkworker?


boot with -v and you'll know !

instead the "hold power button" message

you'll get more information

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hey gang... just switched over from the nforce camp... got everything going great on existing install after a few tweaks... only thing I don't get is, I thought the GA-EP45-UD3* had Realtek 811C's? my LANs are being detected as RTL8169s


AppleRTL8169Ethernet: Ethernet address 00:24:1d:da:43:71

AppleRTL8169Ethernet: Ethernet address 00:1f:d0:81:f4:df

AppleRTL8169Ethernet: phyWaitForAutoNegotiation TIMEOUT


no pci cards inserted, hell I didn't even edit the DSDT for LAN, just audio (working fine), because LAN worked OOB


system profiler:


 Type:	Ethernet Controller
 Bus:	PCI
 Vendor ID:	0x10ec
 Device ID:	0x8168
 Subsystem Vendor ID:	0x1458
 Subsystem ID:	0xe000
 Revision ID:	0x0002
 Link Width:	x1

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boot with -v and you'll know !


for a complete idiot, when u boot in -v,,,


how do you do this, u press "-" & "v" directly from startup, or only when u see the boot disk for osx ?


>i had everything installed & working great unntill i installed EFI on my primary HD, then both my installation drive or primary HD get kernel panic just after entering apple start-up screen. without changing whatsoever in the extra folder.

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Hi guys.


Thank you d00m42 for the nicely written instruction so start with, however im getting KP with the 1st boot, have tried everything several times with the same result.

My setup is UD3LR, GTS 250, 2x 640 WD BLACK CAVIAR, 4gb pc-1066


Im booting with iDeneb's Leopard, then installing Snow as you described and booting with -v -32 flags , but getting this KP all the time B) I made a picture in portrait mode if its not enough i'll make a full screen one.


Please give me direction where to dig, Im total noob in Macs I have to mention.


Ive attached the screen picture with the problem, thanks in advance.


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for a complete idiot, when u boot in -v,,,


how do you do this, u press "-" & "v" directly from startup, or only when u see the boot disk for osx ?


>i had everything installed & working great unntill i installed EFI on my primary HD, then both my installation drive or primary HD get kernel panic just after entering apple start-up screen. without changing whatsoever in the extra folder.


when you see the boot disk in the chameleon screen


Hi guys.


Thank you d00m42 for the nicely written instruction so start with, however im getting KP with the 1st boot, have tried everything several times with the same result.

My setup is UD3LR, GTS 250, 2x 640 WD BLACK CAVIAR, 4gb pc-1066


Im booting with iDeneb's Leopard, then installing Snow as you described and booting with -v -32 flags , but getting this KP all the time :) I made a picture in portrait mode if its not enough i'll make a full screen one.


Please give me direction where to dig, Im total noob in Macs I have to mention.


Ive attached the screen picture with the problem, thanks in advance.


my guess is that you installed chameleon 2 and didn't replace the boot file

(you'll find the boot file on netkas.org website look for the latest pcefi)


maybe you are booting using your leopard partition chameleon

you need to boot with the other disk (F12 at startup), as long as chameleon was installed on it with the right boot file

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when you see the boot disk in the chameleon screen




my guess is that you installed chameleon 2 and didn't replace the boot file

(you'll find the boot file on netkas.org website look for the latest pcefi)


maybe you are booting using your leopard partition chameleon

you need to boot with the other disk (F12 at startup), as long as chameleon was installed on it with the right boot file



I think I have to go and read much more than I already did about everything. :)

Basically I have two hard drives, 1 with XP on it and the second with iDenebs Leopard. I'm booting with Leopard, using its disk tool to make a new partition on the same drive, installing Snow on this partition, doing all the changes required. Rebooting with Leopard drive but using Snow Leopard partition to boot. Am I doing everything wrong?


Thank you for your reply, Eliade.

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I think I have to go and read much more than I already did about everything. :)

Basically I have two hard drives, 1 with XP on it and the second with iDenebs Leopard. I'm booting with Leopard, using its disk tool to make a new partition on the same drive, installing Snow on this partition, doing all the changes required. Rebooting with Leopard drive but using Snow Leopard partition to boot. Am I doing everything wrong?


Thank you for your reply, Eliade.


YES you are :)


your ideneb setup has chameleon installed, which has an extra folder dedicated to leopard, and an older boot file that can only boot leopard so you need to fix those two things


so what you can do is download the boot file from netkas' website


download the booter

and drag it to the root of your leopard partition

or use the terminal command

"mv -f location_of_new_boot_file \"

now the booter won't panic your system


but the extra folder is still wrong

within it create a 10.5 and a 10.6 folder

your bios.plist can stay, drag your extension folder (should be your leo stuff if you didn't change it) into 10.5

and create an extensions folder inside 10.6 folder with the stuff from slpack

your new dsdt (one you made following the guide) should be compatible with both system and could stay in the extra folder

smbios can stay in the extra folder


never done that myself but it may work only if you use that latest boot file I linked you to

(or the one from chameleon rc3, but the netkas one is better)


if it doesn't work copy (not move) everything remaining file in the extra into 10.5 subfolderand copy it again into 10.6 subfolder


if that doesn't work and if you are not running chameleon 2 rc2

backup you extra just the way it is

install chameleon 2 rc2 over replace the boot file again

delete the extra folder a put your backup one.

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hey am i able to get some help her i am completly buzzled in what snow leopard is doing, i am currently on 10.6.1 and for some strange reason if i boot into 32bit mode my DVD drive goes missing in action strait away, and also on top of that if i boot in 64bit my wireless card goes missing in action as well


if anyone is able to help this would be greatly appreciated


wireless card: D-Link Range booster N 650


hey am i able to get some help her i am completly buzzled in what snow leopard is doing, i am currently on 10.6.1 and for some strange reason if i boot into 32bit mode my DVD drive goes missing in action strait away, and also on top of that if i boot in 64bit my wireless card goes missing in action as well


if anyone is able to help this would be greatly appreciated


wireless card: D-Link Range booster N 650


and i also like to mention that snow leopard is saying that the card/dvd drive is not installed

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YES you are :dance_24:


Eliade, thank you buddy it worked. Replaced the boot as you suggested and it worked. I had to use terminal though as it was giving me error about hidden files when trying to copy over. Im not sure if the sound and everything works, but i got the welcome screen with flying greetings :P and right after this a message that my keyboard ist connected, its time change it as its still PS/2 :) Anyway thats a big step and I appreciate your help. Is any way to make PS/2 work before i buy a new one?


The second part about moving and copying I haven't tried, I installed Leopard only couple days ago as I read it was necessary for installing Snow Leopard, ones i got it running i will remove this partition, do I still need to make any changes as you proposed?


UPDATE: Found some kexts and got my keyboard working however there is no sound, no high resolution, nothing :) Will try to work it out now. Attaching kexts for the people with the PS/2 problem.


UPDATE2: I copied extra from Snow to Leo partition as there wasnt any and it all started to work great including video, ethernet and sleep, but not sound. How come they are so connected. If I delete leo partition now will I have any problems using Snow? I dont know after what happened now and to fix my sound issue is it mean that i have to fix it in both versions now?


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I have followed these instructions exactly and I must say my snow leopard installation is almost perfect. I have even managed to eliminate the need for using AHCI by using the "no ahci" kext provided by netkas(http://netkas.org/?p=125) and then rebuilding the kextcache.mkext


this being said, I can not manage to get the onboard ethernet to connect. I patched the dsdt exactly as detailed in the instructions(trying to add the supplied code to pex4 or pex5), and adding to pex4 yields a working file that sees the ethernet and has fully working audio. At boot, it lists out the ethernet mac address and systemprefs > network sees the device in addition to firewire(also note that I get the same result from the dsdt.aml provided in this guide).


However, it refuses to get an IP. It just sits there with a self assigned IP


is there any way to fix this? it seems like ethernet should be a no brainer but for some reason its got me stumped.


i am using the rev 1.1 of this board, but both 1.0 and 1.1 use 8111C so i dont think it could be discrepancy with revision. I am also using bios f9, but nothing about my setup has given me issues with LAN in 10.5 so its got to be the dsdt.aml or something else specific to snow leopard


thanks for any help you all can provide


For those who don't know, the self-assigned IP problem is common to Apple Macs, too. I've had it a number of times on my Macs. Worse yet, it's very frustrating. So it may have nothing to do with your Hackintosh.


I assume you've tried renewing your DHCP lease in System Preferences. The next thing I would do is to shut down my computer and unplug my cable/dsl modem, wait 15-20 seconds, then start it up again. Once you've got the requisite green lights (exact configuration depends on your modem), start up your computer again and see if you've got a good IP address.


Also, if you have a router between your modem and your computer, you should unplug it, too. Then restart your modem, wait until you've got the requisite green lights and only then plug your router back in, wait for it to cycle up totally and only then start up your computer.


Again, the sequence is shut everything down. Fully power up your modem, then fully power up your router, then power up your computer.


If that doesn't work and you have a router, I'd suggest restoring it to factory defaults.


Good luck!

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I THINK my "No-Ethernet-In-OSX-After-Using-Windows" issue was solved by enabling the LAN bootrom, which forces the LAN to have power every boot regardless of OS settings.


Can anyone help me fix the fact that when I try to boot off of my XP drive in Chameleon, it doesn't work? The screen just goes black and it restarts (last I checked, I'll reboot in a few mins to make sure that's exactly what happens). Otherwise though, if I go to the BIOS boot menu and pick the Windows drive it boots fine (they're on separate drives, OS X and Windows).

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I THINK my "No-Ethernet-In-OSX-After-Using-Windows" issue was solved by enabling the LAN bootrom, which forces the LAN to have power every boot regardless of OS settings.


Can anyone help me fix the fact that when I try to boot off of my XP drive in Chameleon, it doesn't work? The screen just goes black and it restarts (last I checked, I'll reboot in a few mins to make sure that's exactly what happens). Otherwise though, if I go to the BIOS boot menu and pick the Windows drive it boots fine (they're on separate drives, OS X and Windows).


did you by any chance switch to AHCI when xp was installed and if you did that will be the problem, sometimes it will work but in most cases the only solution its a fresh install issue but i think that there is a fix so just have a look around the net

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Eliade, thank you buddy it worked. Replaced the boot as you suggested and it worked. I had to use terminal though as it was giving me error about hidden files when trying to copy over. Im not sure if the sound and everything works, but i got the welcome screen with flying greetings :blink: and right after this a message that my keyboard ist connected, its time change it as its still PS/2 :) Anyway thats a big step and I appreciate your help. Is any way to make PS/2 work before i buy a new one?


The second part about moving and copying I haven't tried, I installed Leopard only couple days ago as I read it was necessary for installing Snow Leopard, ones i got it running i will remove this partition, do I still need to make any changes as you proposed?


UPDATE: Found some kexts and got my keyboard working however there is no sound, no high resolution, nothing :) Will try to work it out now. Attaching kexts for the people with the PS/2 problem.


UPDATE2: I copied extra from Snow to Leo partition as there wasnt any and it all started to work great including video, ethernet and sleep, but not sound. How come they are so connected. If I delete leo partition now will I have any problems using Snow? I dont know after what happened now and to fix my sound issue is it mean that i have to fix it in both versions now?


maybe you should try the usb method and start over and install snow leo on the first partition

that's how I install mine, you need osx at first to create your usb bootable drive, but afterward you don't need any os to install snow leopard.

it really is easy, even easier than the method you just did, you still needed a stable osx at least once...

if you don't have a real mac or other hackintosh you still had to install leopard....

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maybe you should try the usb method and start over and install snow leo on the first partition

that's how I install mine, you need osx at first to create your usb bootable drive, but afterward you don't need any os to install snow leopard.

it really is easy, even easier than the method you just did, you still needed a stable osx at least once...

if you don't have a real mac or other hackintosh you still had to install leopard....



I have f**** it all up yesterday. I was trying to delete leopard partition and convert snow to be the first and boot partition, but Disk Utilities doesn't do that apparently ;)

Tried to install Leopard to USB flash hoping I can run it straight from flash :) but it didnt happen too.

Now I am happy XP user again :)


UPDATE: After formatting both hard drives and moving things here and there i got it right and have SN working beautifully, with sound and everything with exception of CMOS resets, i dont really understand how to fix DSDT, is any other easier ways rather then editing it manually? Patch or kexts maybe?

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Can anyone help me fix the fact that when I try to boot off of my XP drive in Chameleon, it doesn't work? The screen just goes black and it restarts (last I checked, I'll reboot in a few mins to make sure that's exactly what happens). Otherwise though, if I go to the BIOS boot menu and pick the Windows drive it boots fine (they're on separate drives, OS X and Windows).


Are the SATA drivers installed in your XP installation? XP doesn't install them by default. If you didn't install them originally, you'll have to reinstall XP with the SATA drivers. Alternatively, you can install Chameleon to a partition on your XP HD. I've attached a guide on how to do it.


Old XP installations are a pain in the butt with Chameleon and a Hackintosh.



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Has anyone gotten 5.1 sound to work? It seems I only have two outputs working in SL, the reas and the fronts and i can only select one to output soud. The sub/center output does not seem to do anything.


I'm trying to do the "Audio MIDI Setup" thing to get 5.1 but it's just not happening.


Anyone have any ideas?

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UPDATE: Got it! Flawless graphics, ethernet, sound, and even sleep :P This {censored} is even more stable than Leopard so far... I'll have to load up some apps and run some benches. I assembled all the files I used, and will probably write a guide in the coming weeks when I have time.



I used ur install guide, AMAZING!!! tx so much! I too have everything flawless except audio, which I cant get working for the life of me... I think that having the EP45-UD3R implies that I have the 889a, which I do, but just saying it incase you needed to know it.

here are my specs:


GA-EP45-UD3R (i think rev 1.0)

Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 @ 2.33 GHz

Nvidia 8600 GT 256 MB PCI-E

2GB (2 x 1GB) RAM (im pretty sure its Ballistix Tracer) DDR2 @ 800 MHz


I have tried editing and reediting and reediting the DSDT many times with many different guides. The closest I got was that System Profiler showed all of the available devices seth19933_s_System_Profiler.spx.zip . I cant get any output devices to show under System Preferences->Sound. I was wondering if you could post your DSDT so i can look at how you edited it for the 889a. Also, could you attach the kext that you are using to your reply because im not sure which one i should be using ("LegacyHDA.kext" or "ALC889a.kext" or any other kext). Also, if for any reason you also need my current DSDT... DSDT.aml.zip


thanks in advance for your help

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seth19933, it's all in the pack... :P

the extra folder in the pack has all you are asking for (dsdt for comparison just decompile it, and the sound kext you are asking about)

the guide is called GA EP45-UD3R Guide therefore everything in this pack is dedicated to UD3R, all other motherboard must do tiny change, but not you!

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seth19933, it's all in the pack... ;)

the extra folder in the pack has all you are asking for (dsdt for comparison just decompile it, and the sound kext you are asking about)

the guide is called GA EP45-UD3R Guide therefore everything in this pack is dedicated to UD3R, all other motherboard must do tiny change, but not you!


tx for the quick reply,

i tried using his exact DSDT (like you said i could), but still no audio... :P

i even decompiled both his and my DSDT (the one that i edited myself, not the exact one d00m put in the pack) to compare them and they were the same.

i guess i forgot to include this before, i dont think that it will change anything but i used the USB install method, using Chameleon v2 RC3, and updated to 10.6.1 through Software Update

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tx for the quick reply,

i tried using his exact DSDT (like you said i could), but still no audio... :P

i even decompiled both his and my DSDT (the one that i edited myself, not the exact one d00m put in the pack) to compare them and they were the same.

i guess i forgot to include this before, i dont think that it will change anything but i used the USB install method, using Chameleon v2 RC3, and updated to 10.6.1 through Software Update


but do you have the kext for audio (and only that one related to audio): LegacyHDA ?

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but do you have the kext for audio (and only that one related to audio): LegacyHDA ?


correct, currently the only audio kext i have in my /Extra/Extensions folder is the LegacyHDA.kext which i got from d00m's pack. im guessing that i didnt have to remove any audio kexts from the /S/L/E folder cause it didnt say anything about that in the guide.

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