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[GUIDE]Retail Snow Leopard 10.6 on a GA EP45-UD3R



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ok, so i gave up on the G31M-S2L and installed a EP45-UD3L (closest thing I had in stock) and everything is working except the sound. I used the stock DSDT.AML that was part of the OP's SL Pack and I think that's what's wrong. Anyone care to tell me what i need to change in my DSDT.aml and what kext I need for the UD3L (ALC888, iirc)?


Thanks :)




Got it working, thanks to this post: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php...t&p=1268731


downloaded the zip file that he posted, replaced my DSDT.aml and removed the LegacyHDA kext, installed the AppleHDA.kext from the zip, ran the Kext Utility from the op's SL pack, rebooted and VOILA! Sound icon in titlebar. had to switch my output to Line Out in the Sound Prefpane, but seems to work 100%, in 64bit as well.

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The chameleon is RC1 - I used the PC EFI 10.1 that came with the files attached to that string.


I used as well the same dsdt that came with the files as I have the exact same motherboard as in the string.


I am reading a lot about moding the dsdt for graphics to work but it's quite complicated that I don't know exactly what to do.


so did you try the EFI string ?

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so did you try the EFI string ?


As Eliade mentioned, all you need to get a 9800 GT working (I have a 9800 GTX 512MB), is use an EFI string. Snow Leopard has stock drivers that work.


Sorry about not making any changes to the guide in ages, I have been intensely busy lately... This weekend after doing some work on college applications and a few school projects I might have some time. Unfortunately, however, I am going to be this busy for a while, although it might get slightly easier around the end of October or the beginning of November.

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Here's a really old problem that I've never been able to fix properly without messing around with time zones etc.. but how do you correct the time in Windows 7 or OSX to display proper time without changing the time zone on one of the systems when dual booting? I read that Windows 7 was now using UTC time like OSX and that this problem is now resolved, but I continue to have it. Any help?



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Winston, would you be kind enough to have a quick look at my SSDT, I've compiled my tables from Everest and used Eliades DSDT as a template to see if I'm on the right track.


All is good except I have only two P-states under SPSS & NPSS, I don't think its quite right. I havent ried compiling it yet.


My processor is a Q9550 (quad core 2.83Ghz) - mobo UD3P.


I appreciate your help. I've attached my SSDT part of my DDST and pics from CPU-i


If you could give an old bloke a hand it would be much appreciated. (not really that old but feel like it when it comes to this stuff) :(


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Here's a really old problem that I've never been able to fix properly without messing around with time zones etc.. but how do you correct the time in Windows 7 or OSX to display proper time without changing the time zone on one of the machines? I read that Windows 7 was now using UTC time like OSX and that this problem is now resolved, but I continue to have it. Any help?




AppleTime Fix

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Winston, would you be kind enough to have a quick look at my SSDT, I've compiled my tables from Everest and used Eliades DSDT as a template to see if I'm on the right track.


All is good except I have only two P-states under SPSS & NPSS, I don't think its quite right. I havent ried compiling it yet.



I too had two pstate a x6 and a x9, 7 and 8 where missing, I added the other two manually, just don't forget to change the 2 into a 4 in the "header" those four states, to tell the machine that there are now four states, check my dsdt you'll see the difference

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Hello, all.

I'm penciling in a day to do this install. Is this the final, final version or is there an update pending?

Also, I'll be trying for the Win7/dual boot. Should Win7 be installed first, or can I get SL up and running first?





doesn't matter if you install win7 or osx first, since you should install each one without the other Hard Drive connected, or you'll be in trouble...


there's never a "final" version, things evolves, especially when a major update is available, but I think some little things are missing in the current tutorial, but anyway the other fixes not in the "how to" are done after osx is installed, everything in the how to is valid, you should still get a great system without those little extra fixes...

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I too had two pstate a x6 and a x9, 7 and 8 where missing, I added the other two manually, just don't forget to change the 2 into a 4 in the "header" those four states, to tell the machine that there are now four states, check my dsdt you'll see the difference




I think I'm getting my head around this.


If you check the pics I've attached, CPU-i shows 6 P-states or steps that are possible. I understand these to be different voltage and speed levels that are applied depending on the demand on the processors to reduce power consumption and heat.


I can then input these values from CPU-i into P-State calculator and that will calculate the PSS entry for my DSDT.


I've attached a pic from CPU-i and P-State calculator.


CPU-i example:

If you take the values from step one (under P-States tab) and enter them into P-State calculator and convert them to hex you will get the required values to enter into NPSS and SPSS. As I have six pStates then my package should be (0x06) as I have 6 steps. So if I repeat step one for steps 2-6 that will give me the required package values.


P-State Calculator:

Where you see the ???? where would I find that info? Is the Core Clock value under P-Stae parameters the same as the Core Clock Value under CPU Characteristic or is it the FSB value? Core Voltage values - how do I get them?


Am I on the right track here, am I understanding this right?


......this is becoming an obsession....... :)


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keeza, did you remove NullCPUPowerManagement, if not do so, it goes against your ssdt in the dsdt


have a question, in your energy saver do you have the "restart after power failure" line (or something like that)


I added c-states (using ones form MacPro3.1)



CPU-I really is tricky on my system will KP during boot

I don't know how I managed to make it work before, maybe because I had NullCPUPowerManagement along with it

but I found msrtools for SL in the speedstep thread (displayed cpu multi is half of what it is, but at least it works with out KP my system)





About the heat problem I had:


well I didn't know about appleLPC until I decided to read through the Speedstep thread

using that kext (by adding 3a16 to it) makes my startup much faster (compared to when it's not loaded), my temperature are much cooler

I used MP3.1 c-states and my linux dump ssdt, I didn't change the kext in S/L/E where we are supposed to set to MP3.1 if we use MP3.1 c-states, it didn't matter, it is the way it was,( which is MP4.1)

and p-states and c-states are definitely working very well


for EP45-UD3R, or any board using ICH10R 3a16

I want a vanilla system, so I made a legacy appleLPC kext (it's the first one I made so if you know about how to make legacy kext don't hesitate to double check the plist and let me know) , anyway it's loading and working the way I made it (you know that it is loaded when the "Start up automatically... " option appear in the energy saver, you must check it, and reboot, sleep will/should/did work after the reboot, as of now I still have openhaltrestart, I'll try without it later)

of course I don't use NullCPUPowerManagement anymore, but I don't know if it will lower temperature if your are not using speed step in dsdt

Edit: sleep does not work with it for me when dsdt has c-states, without sleep works, but temperature is higher...

AppleLPC for ICH10R 3a16 (runs from extra/extensions):



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keeza, did you remove NullCPUPowerManagement, if not do so, it goes against your ssdt in the dsdt


have a question, in your energy saver do you have the "restart after power failure" line (or something like that)


I added c-states (using ones form MacPro3.1)



CPU-I really is tricky on my system will KP during boot

I don't know how I managed to make it work before, maybe because I had NullCPUPowerManagement along with it

but I found msrtools for SL in the speedstep thread (displayed cpu multi is half of what it is, but at least it works with out KP my system)


Eliade, I haven't actually compiled the SSDT part into my DSDT yet. I'm trying to get all my values in order before compiling - still a work in progress. I still don't know exactly what it is achieved with SSDT although I think now I have a good general idea. I also am not sure of the next step once I do have it compiled - whether I need to delete disabler kext from E/E or not. I'm pursuing this because I want to get as close to vanilla as possible. I think that I can get rid of disabler and OpenHaltRestart kext when its working.


I'm running Leopard 10.5.8 so CPU-i works fine. MSRTools only shows two CPU's and not four so I canned that. I'll upgrade to S/L when I have my 10.5.8 "perfect".


If you used the C-states from a MacPro 3.1 did you have to edit any other kext (AppleLPC something?)


Attached is a pic of what I currently have under PM options (no SSDT yet)


Re: the C-states from a macpro, I'll look at the attachment but isn't something like this have to be tailored to your exact processor and Bios settings? Thats why I want to generate my own values if poss.




I just read the rest of your reply.

Good work, thanks.


Edit again:

Thats four cores not four CPU'sjava script:add_smilie(":)","smid_22")


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Eliade, I haven't actually compiled the SSDT part into my DSDT yet. I'm trying to get all my values in order before compiling - still a work in progress. I still don't know exactly what it is achieved with SSDT although I think now I have a good general idea. I also am not sure of the next step once I do have it compiled - whether I need to delete disabler kext from E/E or not. I'm pursuing this because I want to get as close to vanilla as possible. I think that I can get rid of disabler and OpenHaltRestart kext when its working.


I'm running Leopard 10.5.8 so CPU-i works fine. MSRTools only shows two CPU's and not four so I canned that. I'll upgrade to S/L when I have my 10.5.8 "perfect".


If you used the C-states from a MacPro 3.1 did you have to edit any other kext (AppleLPC something?)


Attached is a pic of what I currently have under PM options (no SSDT yet)


Re: the C-states from a macpro, I'll look at the attachment but isn't something like this have to be tailored to your exact processor and Bios settings? Thats why I want to generate my own values if poss.




I just read the rest of your reply.

Good work, thanks.


Edit again:

Thats four cores not four CPU'sjava script:add_smilie(":)","smid_22")


No if you use MP3.1 cstates, you don't have to modify any kext, appleLPC will just make your cpu cooler, some board will load that kext OOB, but not the UD3R hence my legacy kext


"nobody" knows how to generate cstates on our boards... so all I can do is use MP3.1, works great !

some board do generate cstates, in that case yeah it would be better to use them...

when you dump everything from linux you would get those along with ssdt, etc ...


MSRtools always display only two, was designed for dual core ... even in snow

but I know everything is working because my geekbench is as if I didn't have speedstep, which is what should happen

but idle temp are low core 1: 39°C core 4: 36°C

without appleLPC, it's over 50°C idle

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Didn't you get cstates when you dumped your acpi tables?

(Through linux or everest)


What is the purpose of LegacyAppleLPC.kext?




I got C-states through Everest.


Could I get your feedback on my post #1087?


I think its PStates that I need to generate but not sure how to do it. FID's VID's etc

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The cst tables and CpuPm go "as is" to the dsdt file

the ist need to be modified with spss/npss according to the one's supported by your cpu


Name (SPSS, Package (0x04) //change the number according to number of p-states in cpu-i


Package (0x06) //first p-state


0x0E10, //speed of cpu (3600mhz in hex)




0x0922, //vid and fid (taken straight from cpu-i under control in p-states tab)

0x0922 //vid and fid (taken straight from cpu-i under control in p-states tab)



Package (0x06) //second p-state


0x0C80, //speed of cpu (3200mhz in hex)




0x0820, //vid and fid (taken straight from cpu-i under control in p-states tab)

0x0820 //vid and fid (taken straight from cpu-i under control in p-states tab)



You should continue with all p-state as above

Package (0x06)










Package (0x06)









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Gonna pop out for a couple of hours and relook at it when I get back.

Thanks for your help.


I guess what I need to do is create more packages as I only have two at the moment. I have 6 p-states and would like to have 6 packages if possible.


Am I getting the gist of this?

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So if I've got it right below are my 6 Pstates based on the output from CPU-i under the P-States tab. The lines in bold are lines where I have no idea how to create and just copied them from your previous post.


The same values get copied to NPSS??




Name (SPSS, Package (0x06)


Package (0x06) // First PSate


0x00000B0F // 2831Mhz in hex








Package (0x06) // Second PSate


0x00000A68 // 2664 Mhz in hex








Package (0x06) // Third PSate


0x000009C2 // 2498 Mhz in hex








Package (0x06) // Fourth PSate


0x0000091B // 2331 Mhz in hex








Package (0x06) // Fifth PSate


0x00000875 // 2165 Mhz in hex








Package (0x06) // Sixth PSate


0x000007CE // 1998 Mhz in hex








Would you be so kind to double check that I've got it right here?


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Re my above post:


An excerpt from Eliades MacPro SSDT, trying to figure out the relevance of the second line (shown underlined)



Name (SPSS, Package (0x04)


Package (0x06)



0x000157C0, // Converted to Hex = 88000







Package (0x06)










Package (0x06)










Package (0x06)



0x0000DAC0, //Converted to Hex= 56000








Any idea from where this is generated from?

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I never had problem and I never disconnected my windows 7 hard drive when installing snow leopard.


Same here. I'd advise installing Win 7 first, though. If you install it second, make sure you temporarily change your BIOS to have your Win 7 HD boot first, otherwise it can screw up your Chameleon bootloader.

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Didn't you get cstates when you dumped your acpi tables?

(Through linux or everest)


What is the purpose of LegacyAppleLPC.kext?




no I didn't get c-states, that why I used MP3.1 c-states...


the speedstep thread (page 3) noted that if we add the ICH10R to the device list, temperature would be cooler and supposedly openhaltrestart would not be needed (haven't tested that yet...)


on my machine the conbination of having c-states (and of course p-states) in my dsdt AND AppleLPC loaded (by adding the device to the plist) my temperature would drop by 10°C maybe even 12°C(like when I had no speedstep and used nullcpupowermanagement, without it temps would +10°C)

but my geekbentch is still the same (about 7000)....


so the LegacyAppleLPC, just loads the latest AppleLPC in S/L/E but adds the device id ICH10R (on ud3r): [3a16], so that if Apple updates AppleLPC, my legacy kext would load that latest one.

the legacy kext should be in extra/extension


if I have c-states I lose sleep, if I remove cstates and keep appleLPC, tempeature rise by 10-12°C , but sleep works again, so it really is a combination of both that is needed...

I prefer low temps and no sleep rather than high temp and sleep....


now room temp is cool, core1: 37°C idle

without appleLPC or without c-states, I would be at 48-49°C idle

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