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[GUIDE]Retail Snow Leopard 10.6 on a GA EP45-UD3R



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Has anyone with our setup tried installing FCS3? I keep getting errors during the install. I was able to get a few components installed by doing them one at a time bit can't seem to get Motion content, Soundtrack content or DVD Studio content to install. They all fail either using the FCS3 installer or the individual content installers.


I'm just trying to figure out if it is something with our setup or something with SL.

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where have you found all the info on patching the dsdt to get sound, using the dump (and how to get one), where to find the pin configuration, etc.... it's for my Shuttle k45 (ALC662)...


There's an ALC662 codec posted in #3076 here:


Enables audio in 10.5.x using Taruga's HDA Patcher 1.20.

Have not (yet) attempted using the codec with Snow Leopard.

Note: codec obtained using an Ubuntu 7.10 Live CD.

Newer versions of Ubuntu give audio codec dumps that DO NOT work correctly for Taruga's HDA Patcher 1.20 + OSX.

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A little reask : Do you have iTunes9 in Software Update ? Mine doesn't show anything :/



I think you need to be on 10.6.1 to have it displayed in software update.


Chigacofilms: Could it be your FCP disk/image? It installed and works fine here.(apparently there can be problems with Ethernet configurations - which can lead to crashes on startup )





Has anyone managed to get sound working via VoodooHDA ?

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Chigacofilms: Could it be your FCP disk/image? It installed and works fine here.(apparently there can be problems with Ethernet configurations - which can lead to crashes on startup )


Thanks, I'll look into that. I don't think it's the image, I've tried a few different ones. Another post I read mentioned burning to disk instead of mounting helps, I'll give that a shot too.

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Thanks, I'll look into that. I don't think it's the image, I've tried a few different ones. Another post I read mentioned burning to disk instead of mounting helps, I'll give that a shot too.


you could try to deselect a few things like impulse responses and install them later it on , just to narrow down what causes the problems.

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take the HDEF part from his dsdt.aml and use the legacytext he attached


thanks that worked !


There's an ALC662 codec posted in #3076 here:


Enables audio in 10.5.x using Taruga's HDA Patcher 1.20.

Have not (yet) attempted using the codec with Snow Leopard.

Note: codec obtained using an Ubuntu 7.10 Live CD.

Newer versions of Ubuntu give audio codec dumps that DO NOT work correctly for Taruga's HDA Patcher 1.20 + OSX.


I'm really a noob in term or codec dump and what to do with it from there

one of these days I'll read that thread you pointed to, seems to have some info

thanks anyway


with WinstonAce's link I managed to make it work

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Don't know if it make any difference but yes, all of them were enabled in bios

For p-state you can just use CPU-I which works fine under 32bit

attached the ssdt tables

(there are two of each cst table in my ssdt, don't know why)


With what did you extract your SSDT tables? I got mine (ep45_ud3r.F11_acpidump_64bit.tar) with acpidump on ubuntu 64-bit, and only ended up with 5 .dsl files + the DSDT.dsl.


I'd try CPU-i for the p-states, but I can't boot into 32-bit mode, don't know why :D Is there another way of getting them? Eg. linux?




Ok, I got an DSDT.aml compiled, in which I'd merged my unmodified SSDT tables. So now It's time to start editing I guess. I managed to boot in 32-bit mode so I could run CPUi, and got 3 p-states from it. Now, there should be more p-states, available for my CPU, right? How can I get hold of all of them?


Here are the p-states I got via CPUi:

CPU-i P-states
#		Multiplier		Voltage		Control		CID
1		x 8.0			1.292 V		0x825		0x10
2		x 7.0			1.228 V		0x721		0xF
3		x 6.0			1.100 V		0x619		0xD


Where do I go next? :)


Edit2: The SSDT I got was faulty, I extracted it again, and got it right I think.



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I've extracted them with Everest

Don't know any other methods to get p-states

but why can't you boot to 32bit?


What CPU do you have, and how many p-states did CPUi give you?


Edit: Read my previous post as well, edited it with more information.

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About the problems with having Win 7 drives plugged in during SL's install process in the OP's post �" is it alright to plug the drive back in AFTER the install? I want to dual boot Win7 and SL but it's a dealbreaker to plug and unplug my drives at every boot.


I had all NTFS drives (win7 setup on one) and Snow Leopard installed using the method I posted to allow SL on MBR partition without any issues and with no NTFS errors in console since a few days after d00m posted his guide. Last night, I attempted to install SL from USB to a new GUID partitioned HDD and I received a KP immediately on initial bootup with an NTFS error. Afraid that I'd lose my NTFS drives, I restarted the system, tested Win7 to make sure it was still safe and head to sleep.


I want to re-test the install without any NTFS drives plugged in and see if I can get it to KP again. I'm also curious as to why the system has showed no signs of problems when installed under MBR, but with GUID I'm getting NTFS errors immediately on install. I have 2 GUID partitions on the SL drive, but I notice in the guide that it clearly states to create a single partition drive.


Anyone shed some light on this? Thanks.

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Thinking about disk crashes, and data loss...


If I restore my working startup disk to a partition (with disk utility, to a disk other than the startup disk, off-course) do I have a usable, bootable backup disk? I there anything else I need to do? do I need to install chameleon on than partition? (do I need to change the uuid in the .plist files on than partition as well?)


Confused about where does each file go during installation,


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Thinking about disk crashes, and data loss...


If I restore my working startup disk to a partition (with disk utility, to a disk other than the startup disk, off-course) do I have a usable, bootable backup disk? I there anything else I need to do? do I need to install chameleon on than partition? (do I need to change the uuid in the .plist files on than partition as well?)


Confused about where does each file go during installation,



if the backup is on the first partition of a disk, just reinstall chameleon (and the boot file), uuid doesn't really matter (I actually doesn't know what it's for) but it will work with the current uuid you have.


if it is a second or third etc... partition (chameleon on it won't do you good to be on that same partition,m just won't work)

1/ if your chameleon on your "bad" install (i.e. first partition if EFI partition os not activated) still works you can boot on that second partition manually during boot...

2/ or if you have chameleon on the EFI, you can boot on the second partition manually at the chameleon screen... (if you need to reinstall osx just use the "erase" button on your bad install, do not partition again your disk or do your restore from your backup partition, and you'll still have the EFI partition ready to use with chameleon already on it, )

3/ or make a boot132 CD for snow leo

4/ or if you used the USB install method you can use it too as the equivalent of a boot132

just select you partition manually at the chameleon screen

if you don't have that HD made you can make on easily:

create an 8gb usb disk HD/flash (1st partition), install chameleon (+ boot file), copy your current extra folder on it, and restore the DVD on that partition (without erasing the partition to keep chameleon), that's it it's ready to use, press F12 during boot to boot it... later you can use it to reinstall OSX the right way ....


Could any post some detailed instructions on how to set this up on the hidden efi partition. I tried following the other guide but it was kind of confusing. It would be greatly appreciated.


chameleon rc2 does it for you

during install just select EFI HFS in the install option


once the install done in the terminal type

sudo -s


diskutil list

this will show you what disk number is the efi partition on my computer I have


1: EFI 209.7 MB disk6s1

2: Apple_HFS Snow Leopard 164.4 GB disk6s2


that shows that the efi on my "Snow Leopard" install (name of my HD) is on disk6


then in terminal again

mkdir /Volumes/EFI

mount_hfs /dev/diskXs1 /Volumes/EFI

change the X to your disk number (mine was 6)


that's it, EFI shows up in finder

replace the boot file with a Snow Leo compatible one

put your stuff in the extra folder


!!! before you shutdown or reboot !!!

unmount it first, or may never be able to mount it again... (until you repartition your HD)

to do that:

umount -f /Volumes/EFI

rm -rf /Volumes/EFI



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I installed sl on my UD3R and all is working as per your guide including sound. Did the DSDT thing and the bonjour thing. Upgraded to 6.1 ok, ilife 09 installed. When I start iTunes i keep getting the license agreement and its not saving my settings for the AppleTV's. I deleted the pref files and restarted and tried again but still keep getting the License agreement each time it starts and it still doesn't save my AppleTV devices. Any else have this problem or can suggest a fix.


Also get this message in disk utility if i try to repair permissions

"Error: No installer packages can be found for this disk"

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I think you need to be on 10.6.1 to have it displayed in software update.


I'm on 10.6.1 and still no iTunes9 in Software Updater.


Another weird issue is that some install packager (VMWare Fusion particularly) says "Impossible to install on NON intel mac" . Does it's related with smbios ?

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Ok, I've gotten somewhere I think. Haven't booted yet, because I still need to get some things sorted out.


I'm at the point where I should just enter my p-state values, but Im kind of stuck. What do I enter here:


line#'s: 6376-6403 in the attached .dsl file.


I've got the Mhz of my p-states, and I've entered them. But now I need 'P in mW' ?


Warning, the dsl-file attached is a work in progress. Do not use as is.


By the way, how did you extracted the ssdt from linux?


I used this (rather lengthy) command, first making sure I had acpidump and iasl installed (apt-get install acpidump iasl) and the running the command in super user mode:


mkdir ACPI && dmesg | perl -we '$n=0; while (<>) { if (($t,$a,$l,$o) = (/^[^a-zA-Z]*ACPI: ([-._A-Z0-9]{4,4}) +([0-9A-F]{8,8}), ([0-9A-F]{4,4})+(?:\s*\(([^)]+))?/)) { $o && $o=~s/[^-._a-zA-Z0-9]+/-/g; ($cmd="acpidump -a $a -l $l > \"ACPI/${t}".($o?"_$o":"").".aml\""); print "Running command: \"$cmd\"\n"; system($cmd); ++$n; } } die("No match") unless $n;' && zip -r ACPI-Tables.zip ACPI


I found the command and the information here: http://www.projectosx.com/forum/index.php?...ic=359&st=0


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i'm just wondering what is the purpose of JMicronAta.kext.

My ide dvd-rom doesnt appear whether this kext included or not.


Anyone can see his/her ide-dvdrom in System profiler?


you need to make an mkext in your extra folder for it to load

if you installed chameleon at the root of your install just run kext utility, it will make one for you


I'm on 10.6.1 and still no iTunes9 in Software Updater.


Another weird issue is that some install packager (VMWare Fusion particularly) says "Impossible to install on NON intel mac" . Does it's related with smbios ?


have you tried "check for update" from within itunes?


My vmware fusion works perfectly (and worked every time I reinstalled SL), are you installing 2.0.5? if not get 2.0.5... (or newer)


I installed sl on my UD3R and all is working as per your guide including sound. Did the DSDT thing and the bonjour thing. Upgraded to 6.1 ok, ilife 09 installed. When I start iTunes i keep getting the license agreement and its not saving my settings for the AppleTV's. I deleted the pref files and restarted and tried again but still keep getting the License agreement each time it starts and it still doesn't save my AppleTV devices. Any else have this problem or can suggest a fix.


Also get this message in disk utility if i try to repair permissions

"Error: No installer packages can be found for this disk"


I had the problem with itunes 8, working in only one of the two mode (32 or 64), the other mode would always ask for it, tried to mess with it but got it worse

so I decided to reinstall osx

did you install itunes 9, maybe the problem will go away by installing it


otherwise reinstall osx

next time, start itunes, let it rest for a minute, quit it (not just close), start it again, wait about 10 sec, quit it and restart your machine

this is more voodoo magic than an actual fix, lol, but I did that every time I reinstalled it and never had the problem anymore...

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Ok, I got it working! Vanilla DSDT SpeedStep! :):D


I'm still going to work on the p-states, inserting more of them hopefully. And making sure the system is stable with the current voltages. But so far so good!


Attached is my latest dsdt.dsl, before compilation, to preserve comments. Read the comments in the SPSS section, and be sure to match your NPSS section to that one.



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