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DSDT - Vanilla Speedstep - Generic Scope (_PR)


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thanks, but where can i get it myself?

i can't ask you every week:p


and about the stepping stuff, after giving you all of the commands output i still have zero idea of what it means and what ya doing, so if i may ask, what do i do now?

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thanks, but where can i get it myself?

i can't ask you every week:p


and about the stepping stuff, after giving you all of the commands output i still have zero idea of what it means and what ya doing, so if i may ask, what do i do now?


Sources are available here

You must compile yourself - please use google to find out how to do this.


Regular builds and install pkg here


You can also find this by using search!



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thanks, but where can i get it myself?

i can't ask you every week:p


and about the stepping stuff, after giving you all of the commands output i still have zero idea of what it means and what ya doing, so if i may ask, what do i do now?


svn co http://forge.voodooprojects.org/svn/chameleon


cd chameleon/trunk




make clean



any doubt

you can open a topic in the correct area

here it is off topic



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okay sorry for being a noob, but i'm trying to learn from all of this soooo, how do i test the system? xD



use voodoomonitor

see if the speedstep is really working




use CpuTest

stress test








use the search forum

for answers that you want to clarify

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oeh, there starts a problem, i can't install the voodoomonitor kext, i get a kp on boot,

it says

"VoodooMonitor: [Warning] CPU Core technology unknown"

and then all kinds of numbers an letters like every kp.

so i had to delete it again, i read something about MSR tools, but they said that its result are incorrect. and they are

as i found some terminal cmd from puredarwin.org; sysctl -a | grep cpufrequency

and all of the values are the same(2,26GHz)

so if i have to believe that, speedstepping doesn't work atm


i didn't want to bother you anymore as you've helped me till this point, but i searched on google and found nothing really useful

(i have an i5-430M, maybe i should've mentioned that earlier:p)

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oeh, there starts a problem, i can't install the voodoomonitor kext, i get a kp on boot,

it says

"VoodooMonitor: [Warning] CPU Core technology unknown"

and then all kinds of numbers an letters like every kp.

so i had to delete it again, i read something about MSR tools, but they said that its result are incorrect. and they are

as i found some terminal cmd from puredarwin.org; sysctl -a | grep cpufrequency

and all of the values are the same(2,26GHz)

so if i have to believe that, speedstepping doesn't work atm


i didn't want to bother you anymore as you've helped me till this point, but i searched on google and found nothing really useful

(i have an i5-430M, maybe i should've mentioned that earlier:p)


See post 1790 for MSR tools ;)


POST 1800+ bloody hell !!

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thanks, i already had MSR tools but i still tried to be sure, but as i thought MSR tools says it is working on 52.9% all the time, even when i start cputest, it also says that the max freq. is 2.26GHz but the actual freq. is 1.20GHz, wich can' t be right cuz then my laptop wouldn't get as warm as working on full power while stresstesting.


so i am out of ideas, that's why i really need your help guys:)

i already tried CPUi & Voodoomonitor wich are actually the same so it isnt a surprise i get a kp from both.

MSRTools isnt giving correct info as i found out,

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thanks, i already had MSR tools but i still tried to be sure, but as i thought MSR tools says it is working on 52.9% all the time, even when i start cputest, it also says that the max freq. is 2.26GHz but the actual freq. is 1.20GHz, wich can' t be right cuz then my laptop wouldn't get as warm as working on full power while stresstesting.


so i am out of ideas, that's why i really need your help guys:)

i already tried CPUi & Voodoomonitor wich are actually the same so it isnt a surprise i get a kp from both.

MSRTools isnt giving correct info as i found out,


dude I think you are going to have to accept CPUPM is working until a version of voodoomonitor come along for iSeries CPU


Looking at your posts you have:


$ ioreg -lw0 | grep CSTInfo

| | | | "CSTInfo" = 19136773



Low temps etc etc ..


Now test for stability and performance :)



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if you say so:)

but i dont know about low temps, atm it's being 52 degrees celsius constantly:p

and other than that,

it is running stable and all, and in performance i don't really notice a drop either, i dont know how i can make this a rock hard fact, but like you said, i'll wait for when the time comes...:)

anywaays, very very very much thanks both of you for helping me,

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thanks, i already had MSR tools but i still tried to be sure, but as i thought MSR tools says it is working on 52.9% all the time, even when i start cputest, it also says that the max freq. is 2.26GHz but the actual freq. is 1.20GHz, wich can' t be right cuz then my laptop wouldn't get as warm as working on full power while stresstesting.


so i am out of ideas, that's why i really need your help guys:)

i already tried CPUi & Voodoomonitor wich are actually the same so it isnt a surprise i get a kp from both.

MSRTools isnt giving correct info as i found out,


Give the mark-i a try. You need to use a root user in Terminal.


chown -R root:wheel /path/to/RingAccess.kext
chmod -R 0755 /path/to/RingAccess.kext


On these two above only needs to be done the once. Now when you want to check as root in Terminal.


 kextload /path/to/RingAccess.kext


Then use the mark-i app to see the results if you do not unload the .kext then until the next reboot/shutdown you can continue to use the .app to check.


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@FKA: i gotta say, i did notice a bit slowness in itunes when editing the track tags, and also when changing songs manually(i.e. doubleclick a track or press "next" button)


@MacUser: thanks!:) i will try tomorrow, now i'm off to bed:)

i'll post back later;)

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@FKA: i gotta say, i did notice a bit slowness in itunes when editing the track tags, and also when changing songs manually(i.e. doubleclick a track or press "next" button)


Things like that can be a good sign something 'aint right - but it's always good to be sure :)

Have you tried extracting SSDT tables that are generated by Chameleon to see what's been added?

You can easily extract them using DSDTSE.


Hope you get it sorted.



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no i havent yet, but i get 3 ssdt tables, SSDT, SSDT-1 and SSDT-2

so if you could tell me what i am looking for then i'll take a look at it tomorrow


something like what I've attached in the 1st post. _CST and _PSS values.

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okay, i'll check and you'll be hearin' from me, but for now, thanks and goodnight!:)


edit; okay, it seems like my last 2 post have been merged:p anyways:

it turned out to be 2 tables, but here they are.

uhm, what do i do with it? it does contain some cst and pss stuff


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okay, i'll check and you'll be hearin' from me, but for now, thanks and goodnight!:thumbsup_anim:


edit; okay, it seems like my last 2 post have been merged:p anyways:

it turned out to be 2 tables, but here they are.

uhm, what do i do with it? it does contain some cst and pss stuff


Looks like you have 10 p-states (PSS) generated and C1 and C3 C-States (CST)

Maybe look to see what C-states your CPU supports and see chameleon 2 rc5 (p and c-states generation) thread - you can have chameleon generate C4 and C6 if CPU supports.


Out of here for the weekend - enjoy :D

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i searched on google and this forum, trying to understand what you tried to tell me, but i figured that i really have no idea whatcha meant xD


i tried to turn off P/C states gen in chameleon, but then i get a totally different ssdt's;


but once again i have no clue of what to do:(..



omg, it was my modelname, it wasn't spelled right, so it didn't recognize it. and now it seems to work even in MSR tools, i see it changing from 50% to 111%


ooh btw this all i achieved without the "Generate C and P states" from chameleon!

is that good, or will it be better when i enable it from chameleon?


oh and there is one thing that keeps me wondering:

 sysctl -a | grep cpufrequency
hw.cpufrequency = 2260000000
hw.cpufrequency: 2260000000
hw.cpufrequency_min: 2260000000
hw.cpufrequency_max: 2260000000



I answered my own question; with Chameleon generated C-States i get a lower idle temp, so i think i can say it works perfectly,

BUT: i ran against another little problem, now when i install SleepEnabler i get KP on boot, it says something about AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext

is there any alternative to make it sleep(it's a laptop)


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yeah i know, but i have it since this all worked, but anyways,

thank you very much!

it works:)

and now i need to find a way to get sleep working in general.

i was hoping for a dsdt fix, but i'm still working on that, i searched alot but can't get it to work, so maybe if you could point me in right direction, then i won't be posting anymore in this topic:)

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Hi all


good news is chameleon auto generated p states and c states works

bad news is they dont work as well



only educated guessing here but my q6600 is overclocked to 3GHz which would be the logical answer however thinking deeper it makes no sense as this is the G0 stepping and i can run at 3GHz with less voltage specified manually in bios than if i left it as auto in bios.

The VID values i used in the DSDT orginally were made based upon the voltages i manually set in the bios. As these are lower than the default values one would expect temps to go slightly up using auto generated C states and P states in chameleon as this is basically extracting values from SSDT tables from bios and injecting them properly into the operating system. however what is occuring is random instability in the operating system using the new chameleon method so i have returned to just manually using the DSDT method as i have had the most stable system for nearly a year without incident and this was the only recent change i made.


second topic


i have just bought and started the long process of getting mac stable on a new laptop the lenovo Z560 great laptop very compatible except audio

however as this is a new i3 it has way more information in the SSDT tables and i have yet to take the plunge and editing the dsdt to include the c state and p state information and i am currently just using chameleon to do the hard work for me. now for whatever reason once i am booted into the os and at desktop its very stable havent had a single crash but when booting its a different story i recieve mabey 1 out of 3 times when booting a random kernel panic relating to many things . originally i thought i was due to voodoohda as it was always present in the kernel backtrace of dependencies however this is not the case as i have these kernel panics occuring on completely unrelated things. this leads me to believe that again its the chameleon p state and c states at fault. that last statement is a bit harsh i shall try and explain further the SSDT and DSDT state there are 8 CPUS in this machine and this is seen when booting in verbose mode however CPUs 4 to 7 are disabled this obviously occurs as this machine can be configured with a dual core i3 /i5 which would be 4 cores 2 physical and 2 logical hyperthreading and a core i7 4 physical 4 logical now this is why the SSDT tables contain the extra info for these core that dont exist this may be partly responsible for the instablilty of the chameleon method as its scraping this info from the SSDTs and injecting it accordingly. WHat i would like to know is there any way to use voodoopstate or any other tool that will work with the new core i3 processors as the way i got this information for my q6600 does not work for this core i3 350m ie the tools dont support the new architecture.


ps sorry for ther long winded rant -_-

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  • 2 months later...

Hello everyone,

At the moment I've a big problem.

I don't get the VID and Voltage, no matter what I try.


Here is what I get with CPU-Z under Windows:


FID/VID Control yes


Turbo Mode supported, enabled

Max turbo frequency 2933 MHz

Max non-turbo ratio 20x

Max turbo ratio 22x

Max efficiency ratio 12x

TDC Limit 110 Amps

Core TDP 110 Watts

Uncore TDP 20 Watts

Power @ 12x 43 Watts

Power @ 13x 50 Watts

Power @ 14x 57 Watts

Power @ 15x 66 Watts

Power @ 16x 76 Watts

Power @ 17x 87 Watts

Power @ 18x 100 Watts

Power @ 19x 114 Watts

Power @ 20x 130 Watts



And that's what PStateChanger returns:



But the VID is the FID...


So does anyone know what's going wrong?


Regards Matthias

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