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acabo de instalar iATKOS V.7 en mi AMD64x2 y después de algunos ajustes con el VoodoHDA y el VoodoPower (he tenido que borrarlos), la verdad es que funciona muy bien. Ah!, también he tenido que instalar el nForceLAN.kext para que me funcione la ethernet.


Hay algunas cosas que todavía no me funcionan como por ejemplo el sonido. El lspci de mi equipo respecto al audio me dice que tengo lo siguiente:


00:05.0 Audio device [0403]: nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio [10de:03f0] (rev a2)


¿Hay alguna cosa que se pueda hacer para que funcione el sonido?.


Un saludo.

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  • 1 year later...

ok so bassically what you have to do is to remove all the kext that have have may tried to install


heres the command line how to remove the kexts manually



how to (works for me)


MCP61 High Definition Audio AKA MS7301-Motherboard i guess MSI


sudo -s (will prompt for password) then hit enter


mount -uw /


rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.KEXT,HDAaudio.kext make sure u AppleAzaliaaudio.kext *this will delete all the kext from past installations and will not make a kernel crash


2nd install the package here attached the ALC883.PKG

once its intalled install the VoodoHDA.pkg


somehow ive cheked the folder System/Library/Extensions and was missing a kext the kext was AppleHDA.kext

so if ur hackintosh panic enter in safe boot mode yn typing -X in the boot screen.


login and delete the AppleHDA.kext then reboot





hope u get it and hope it works for ppl over there finding a solution for this.



other importan thing is that i found reading some post here ive noticed that is necesary to have the DSDT GUI PATCH in order to many devices work ive readed yesterday in some post or forum




ok so bassically what you have to do is to remove all the kext that have have may tried to install


heres the command line how to remove the kexts manually



how to (works for me)


MCP61 High Definition Audio AKA MS7301-Motherboard i guess MSI


open terminal


sudo -s (will prompt for password)


mount -uw /


rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.KEXT,HDAudio.kext AppleAzaliaaudio.kext


this will delete the kexts. for a clean install


2nd install the package here attached the ALC883.PKG

once its intalled install the VoodoHDA.pkg



hope u get it and hope it works for ppl over there finding a solution for this.



other importan thing is that i found reading some post here ive noticed that is necesary to have the DSDT GUI PATCH in order to many devices work ive readed yesterday in some post or forum

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