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I tried to install via software update on d915

Off course its not worked.

After that i replaced Finder.app with semjaza's decryted file,i do update prebindig and repairPermissions and now i am in, everything works, except Finder

weird :D


I dont see a decrypted new finder on semjza page weird, im waiting for that to release the update for amd people

i solved the finder problem , restoring it again from a finder.app that a friend of mine shared with me.

copied over the "corrupted" one from terminal of the installing DVD and with the command


cp -R Finder.app "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/System/Library/CoreServices/"


finder.app was into an usb device


now start fine again :P

I dont see a decrypted new finder on semjza page weird, im waiting for that to release the update for amd people
its the old finder...

after i boot in to the system, the finder try to load, but without success, because its appear in the right corner of the dock, and disappears.Its an endless loop, untill i start some app on dock.

After that the loop ends and everything works, except finder...

its the old finder...

after i boot in to the system, the finder try to load, but without success, because its appear in the right corner of the dock, and disappears.Its an endless loop, untill i start some app on dock.

After that the loop ends and everything works, except finder...


i see, try the update_prebinding in single user mode + try to repair the permissions, everything works for me but i've removed the finder from the package i've rebuilt before i've installed it on my box

I tried update_prebinding aswell.

I get errors like:

Error 11 translate -prebindOAH

or out of address space


It seems, that some setup Files went corrupt, as the Quicktime Framework is out of address space aswell.


And running translate just like that gives me an:

"Segementation fault"


I kinda don't wanna reinstall, but there seems no other solution

I tried update_prebinding aswell.

I get errors like:

Error 11 translate -prebindOAH

or out of address space


It seems, that some setup Files went corrupt, as the Quicktime Framework is out of address space aswell.


And running translate just like that gives me an:

"Segementation fault"


I kinda don't wanna reinstall, but there seems no other solution


it can't be helped for you sorry , never install an untouched apple update especially with an amd cpu , remember that apple is your enemy :P

I tried update_prebinding aswell.

I get errors like:

Error 11 translate -prebindOAH

or out of address space


It seems, that some setup Files went corrupt, as the Quicktime Framework is out of address space aswell.


doesn't help you, but the Quicktime Update is responsible for that "address space" error.


the Quicktime Update touches more of your system than the Security Update. one person that posted has lost his USB Audio.


it might be worth someone putting the last Quicktime Installer version out "somewhere" for those that need it. :P

If someone could post the original quicktime installer that is on the installation DVD, I think that would fix my problem. Could someone PLEASE do this for me so I could get my Hackintosh working again?


How do you want to install it? Don't you need a working GUI or ist it possible to install it in Single User Mode?

I had the problem of desktop picture but no finder, i luckily have os x installed on a spare 8GB HD so i could just copy finder across again, as the copy command must have failed for me, also found safari and preview were broken, then if you look at the contents it an update only, same as finder, so for safari and preview don't Replace just Update.

If you look at the three apps none have resources.



To restore Safari and Preview, do this:


- from the 10.4.4 DVD (maybe the 10.4.5 DVD works too), install with Pacifist, the old Preview and Safari from Package -> in System/InstallationPackages folder


- choose Preview.app in Essentials.pkg and Safari.app in Safari.pkg


- from the MacOSX 10.4.6 update, install with Pacifist only the Safari.app update (in Application Folder)


- click on "Update" for Bundles


- from the Security update SecUpd2006-003Intel, install with Pacifist, the Safari.app and Preview.app updates (in Application Folder)


- click on "Update" for Bundles


Then you have Safari and Preview again, updated with the new Security update!


In my case I think that the problem was that my Safari.app and Preview.app were in differents folders (instead of the Application folder). When I did the Security update with Pacifist, I only had the option to replace the files.



Gee, haven't been around here in a couple days, but all i did was install everything in the security update, logged in -x -s, and replace.sh...guess there's more to it than that for some.


Except i did get an error when update_prebinding:


update_prebinding: temp file missing: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Libraries/libclient_redoprebinding.dylib
update_prebinding: error: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/Versions/A/QuickTime
 Referenced from: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SherlockCore.framework/Versions/A/SherlockCore
 Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
	/System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/Versions/A/QuickTime: out of address space
	/System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/Versions/A/QuickTime: out of address space
update_prebinding: error 256 running update_prebinding_core


seems i'm not alone...

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