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Zum Beispiel:

 <key>Instant Menu</key>
 <key>Kernel Flags</key>
 <key>Quiet Boot</key>

Options useful in the com.apple.Boot.plist file:
  "Boot Graphics"=Yes|No	Use graphics mode or text mode when starting.
  "Quiet Boot"=Yes|No	   Use quiet boot mode (no messages or prompt).
  Timeout=8				 Number of seconds to pause at the boot: prompt.
  "Instant Menu"=Yes		Force displaying the partition selection menu. 

  GUI=No					Disable the GUI (enabled by default).

  USBBusFix=Yes			 Enable the EHCI and UHCI fixes (disabled by default).
  EHCIacquire=Yes		   Enable the EHCI fix (disabled by default).
  UHCIreset=Yes			 Enable the UHCI fix (disabled by default).

  Wake=No				   Disable wake up after hibernation (enbaled by default).
  ForceWake=Yes			 Force using the sleepimage (disabled by default).
  WakeImage=<file>		  Use an alternate sleepimage file 
						   (default path is /private/var/vm/sleepimage).

  DropSSDT=Yes			  Skip the SSDT tables while relocating the ACPI tables.
  DSDT=<file>			   Use an alternate DSDT.aml file 
						   (default paths are /DSDT.aml or /Extra/DSDT.aml).

  SMBIOSdefaults=No		 Don't use the Default values for SMBIOS overriding
						   if /Extra/smbios.plist doesn't exist, factory
						   values are kept.

  Rescan=Yes				Enable CD-ROM rescan mode.
  "Rescan Prompt"=Yes	   Prompts for enable CD-ROM rescan mode.

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