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I'm glad I found you on here, I am very sad that the forum is down, but I got some good news for ya, I have found someone who's willing to sponsor the game porting team and pay the monthly hosting fees ;) .


Awesome news! "This could be the (re)start of something beautiful." :D.

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once the sites back up ill post my port of TvAnts and Sopcast im working on getting streamtorrent working too



Awesome news! I've tried these apps before with mainly Cider with no luck. I'm amazed there isn't really anything for Mac on the same scale as these 2 apps. Now I'm just waiting for the site to be back up. Cheers again for all the work :poster_oops:

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hi All

at the end of this month I'll try make our forum back to on-line (when can send money to hoster)

may by we open not all content or all

because I start iBrain for people, and think he can help us, if hem like it, but ... now need pay $99 per month


sorry what we off-line

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Good news people, I just found a way to integrate the CX launcher into the wrapper itself.

This means if you have thinned out your quartz-wm on 10.6, you can now run your CX ports just like you did back in 10.5. :)


Here are the steps to get it working (assuming that you haven't thinned out your quartz-wm file yet):


1. open Terminal.app and paste the following code into the shell window:

cd /usr/bin

sudo mv quartz-wm quartz-wm.bak

sudo lipo -thin i386 quartz-wm.bak -output quartz-wm


2. download ScriptEditor from here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mmuxdilymmu


3. start it and paste this code into the window:

do shell script "VERSIONER_PERL_PREFER_32_BIT=yes /Applications/CrossOver\\ Wrapper.app/Contents/MacOS/CrossOver\\ Chromium"


4. adapt the path to the binary file so that it matches with the path of the game wrapper you want to use it with! Drop the binary into a terminal window to see its full unix path (beware the double-backslashes!)

IMPORTANT: the launcher script is location-dependant, this means it ONLY works with the app path that you input above - as soon as you move or rename the wrapper, it will fail to launch!


5. save the script as an Application-Bundle. (leave additional options unchecked!)


6. open up the bundle by right-clicking on it and selecting "show package contents" from the menu and place the "applet" binary file from /Contents/MacOS/ into the CX Wrappers /Contents/MacOS/ directory.


7. put all the resource files from the applets /resource/ dir into the resource folder of the CX wrapper


8. open the info.plist of the wrapper and change the bundle executable from "CrossOver Chromium" to "applet"


9. launch your game!


F***ING IMPORTANT!: Rename or move the Wrapper.app before you do all this or otherwise the OSX LaunchServices will ignore the new bundle executable value because it still has the old one in its cache and it won't work!


hope this works for all of you.


keep the dream alive!

thedoctor45 :D

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another applescript you could use that is slightly more complicated BUT allows you to change the location of the application so you don't have to keep it in the applications folder is:

set desktoppath to "/"
set spotlightquery to "\"kMDItemFSName == 'CX Pro Wrapper 8.0.app\""
set command to "mdfind -onlyin " & desktoppath & " " & spotlightquery
set founditems to paragraphs of (do shell script command)
set the input to the result as Unicode text
set the result to ""
set nextPart to ""
on urlToPOSIXPath(theURL)
return do shell script "python -c \"import urllib, urlparse, sys; print urllib.unquote(urlparse.urlparse(sys.argv[1])[2])\" " & quoted form of theURL
end urlToPOSIXPath
to searchReplace(thisText, searchTerm, replacement)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to searchTerm
set thisText to thisText's text items
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replacement
set thisText to "" & thisText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
return thisText
end searchReplace
set the_url to input
set value to searchReplace(urlToPOSIXPath(the_url), "/Macintosh HD", "")
set new_value to searchReplace(value, " ", "\\ ")
set nextPart to the result
do shell script ("VERSIONER_PERL_PREFER_32_BIT=yes " & nextPart & "/Contents/MacOS/CrossOver\\ Chromium") as Unicode text


change the "CX Pro Wrapper 8.0.app" to the name of your wrapper. hurry up someone and make a proper Snow Leopard compatible Crossover Games 8 wrapper!!!!

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as thedoctor45 said:


5. save the script as an Application-Bundle. (leave additional options unchecked!)


6. open up the bundle by right-clicking on it and selecting "show package contents" from the menu and place the "applet" binary file from /Contents/MacOS/ into the CX Wrappers /Contents/MacOS/ directory.


7. put all the resource files from the applets /resource/ dir into the resource folder of the CX wrapper


8. open the info.plist of the wrapper and change the bundle executable from "CrossOver Chromium" to "applet"


9. launch your game!

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Wineskin status


I got fed up with what I was doing with Wineskin.. I had so many menus and point and click, drag and drop, and it was all bash and applescript... and Apple changed stuff with Applescript in the new xcode...


well long story short, I pretty much dumped all my Wineskin program, completely gone... was sick of it


The good news is, I wanted to do it in a much different direction, so I have completely redone it with no stupid menus... focusing more on making it a tool a porter would use that knows what they are doing and less on the frilly point and click and drag and drop way.... so I dumped the Applescript and figured out how to do some C++, and wrote everything from scratch.


I am doing some final testing and finishing up on things for the first new version, then want to put a beta up so others can help me test it...


I am planning on making version numbers the same as Wine numbers.. so my current Beta is called "Wineskin 1.1.29 beta1" I'll try to always leave it Wineskin <wine version number><wineskin revision letter> ... like Wineskin 1.1.29, Wineskin 1.1.29a, Wineskin 1.1.21c ... whatever... once i get it running good it wont take much to make multiple Wine version builds of it.


I put .apps inside of the .app to help get things done. Inside of the .app I have 4 main apps...


Installer.app - a tool to easily run installers or setup software.

Regedit.app - quickly launches regedit.exe for the wrapper.

Winecfg.app - quickly launches winecfg.exe for the wrapper.

Winetricks.app - easily run Winetricks for the wrapper.


Like other wrappers, the main program launched is located in the Info.plist, so just a simple edit of that to tell it what to run...


I've left the whole thing pretty simplified, and its still using default X11.app on the system.. which is sad since Xquartz has so many problems... but not much I can do about that unless one of you wants to build me a custom X server that runs great for Wine :-)


oh.. and it runs just fine on 10.5 (intel) or 10.6


would like any input yall might have before I stick the beta up for download and put the link.. somewhere (I miss the old site) so people can try it...


I was also thinking of trying to take CX game 8 and make a full good working wrapper for it... since its better in all the X11 ways... still not sure on that, only been kinda half following what yall have been doing with that.

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Wineskin Status update again!


Well I'm apparently having some Wine build issues... my beta is working fine on any 10.6 machine I've tested it on, but it is NOT working on 10.5, as Wine crashes. I think there is something I am building wrong with Wine on 10.6, so I'm working a bit on that.


Any Wine I build on 10.5 though works fine on both 10.5 and 10.6 ... so I may for the time being have to build all my Wine.bundles on a 10.5 machine.... I have access to a machine i could do that with, and downgrade it back to 10.5 and get a proper Wine build environment set up... when I get the chance, but I'd rather right now find a way to get it to compile right on my 10.6 machine so that it will still run on 10.5.


oh.. I'v also updated the beta, cuz i got an idea from a problem I ran into trying to test port a game that had multiple .exes to run (and extra setup.exe rarely used). Might not be an elegant fix, but I've added in 5 extra "CustomEXE.app" programs along with the other .apps inside the wrapper. can set what each runs in the main Info.plist along with the main one for the wrapper.... can also rename them to anything you want and set their Icons....


so you could make CustomEXE1.app point to run /Program Files/MyGame/Setup.exe .. and change the name of the app to MyGame Setup.app and run it fine.. even make the icon of it whatever the game used. The main drawback is the end user would have to go inside the wrapper to run it... but it beats having to manually edit the Info.plist every time to run a different .exe.


I may try to find a way to make available a customexe launcher like that that can run from the same folder the main .app is in... that would be a bit more difficult in coding to find the right paths to everything inside the main wrapper, cuz I like the main wrapper runnable from anywhere and not tied to a single location... so all the paths to Wine and the stuff inside have to be findable by my coding.


oh for getting Icons, i found a nice little free Windows app that lets you look inside a .exe and pull out things including Icons. I made a port of it using my current build of "Wineskin 1.1.29 beta1" and it works good (on 10.6 at least right now)... I'll make it available to use as a tool for porters who want to rip Icons out of programs to convert to icns and use... when I get it running on a Wine build that doesn't require 10.6

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Available downloads, not the beta yet, but....


these are made in Wineskin, I did for testing if anyone wants to download them... i guess you could hack the wrappers to run something else, but might be best to wait for the actual Wineskin beta... i think both of these say its Wine 1.1.29 in the Info.plist but its not (forgot to update that part), they are actually using my latest 1.1.28 that works fine on both 10.5 and 10.6


This is ResHacker ... a Windows free to use app that lets you look inside .exes to pull things out. I use this to pull icons out of Windows software to use on the Mac port... you can pull out .ico files, then use a Mac utility to convert them over to .icns. It is a VERY useful utility to help in making a port.




This is Battleship's Forever ... a free Windows only game that lets you have starship battles.... This port is not fully working right. The main game launches and works set in a 1024x768 virtual desktop window. windowed mode and the ShipMaker do not work right.. they draw off a bit and are unusable... (you can try them out and see if you choose, there is a ShipMaker.app launcher inside, and also a Winecfg.app inside)... also the sound effects aren't working... so basically its only useful to play the main game with music only, no sound effects. I did this more for testing than for actual use, and discovered I needed to make CustomEXEs after this one 2 other things I tested on.



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Oh and btw i think it should be possible to include the environment variables with the help of an Apple Script starter application which (when launched) executes a shell script with the 32Bit Perl command.


the content of this launcher application would look like this:


do shell script "VERSIONER_PERL_PREFER_32_BIT=yes /Applications/CrossOver\\ <a class="linkification-ext" href="[url="[url="http://Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/CrossOver"]http://Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/CrossOver[/url]"][url="http://Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/CrossOver"]http://Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/CrossOver[/url][/url]" title="Linkification: [url="[url="http://Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/CrossOver"]http://Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/CrossOver[/url]"][url="http://Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/CrossOver"]http://Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/CrossOver[/url][/url]">[url="[url="http://Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/CrossOver"]http://Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/CrossOver[/url]"][url="http://Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/CrossOver"]Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/CrossOver[/url][/url]</a>\\ Chromium"


you can use Apples Scripteditor app to make the script - compile and save the code as a standalone application.

Once you double-click the launcher it will execute CX Chromium with the provided command line arguments.


I realize that this is not a very elegant solution and suitable for temporary use at best but at least it will make the terminal part obsolete. Btw. I'm pretty confident that we will get our hands onto a new updated wrapper sooner or later.





Since the eventual binary is in the local directory and HFS+ supports local calls, shouldn't you be able to just do

do shell script "VERSIONER_PERL_PREFER_32_BIT=yes `dirname "$0"`/target"


Just make sure that the applet binary is in the same folder as your crossover executable, with your plists adjusted to match.


For that matter, you don't need to use applescript to do this; I created the following file named launch:

 VERSIONER_PERL_PREFER_32_BIT=yes `dirname "$0"`/target

and then did

sudo chmod +x launch

and it worked fine.


I renamed the binary in the MacOS folder to "target" and renamed the copied "launch" binary to the original target name.


Oh, and the lipo thing... it just strips out the PPC code, making the "fat" binary x86-only. It's smart enough that if there's code that's PPC-only, it won't strip it out; only strips the code that's available for both architectures. Doing this to quartz-wm forces it to run as x86 instead of PPC, which is what fixes the problems on SL. This stripped version should work just as well on any OS X running on an Intel Mac.


However, I'm on Vanilla Leopard, and after lipoing my quartz-wm, I'm getting the same circular ref thing as everyone else, even after reverting. I suspect something's cached somewhere, or a setting got modified during run. NONE of my wrappers work now.

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to anyone With Wine INSTALLED via macports:

I have thrown together a very small script that will open ResHacker for you.

This is to show something to everyone, especially Doh as he may find it useful in the future.


This is my Script:

tell application "Terminal"
do script "/opt/local/bin/wine " & POSIX path of (path to me) & "contents/resources/programs/*/*.exe"
do script "killall Terminal"
end tell


The * functions as a wildcard, basically what I'm saying is:

The script tells terminal to run ANY exe within ANY folder in the programs folder, in this case "/ResHack/ResHacker.exe"


Out of curiosity I dropped another exe inside of this wildcard folder to see either which would launch, or if both would.

To my surprise, the second exe opened IN ResHacker.


Therefore if Doh thinks this is a good idea, he could edit this specific wrapper to point it to a wildcard rather than a specific directory.




Whoops, forgot the link, here it is:



You may have to change the folder name to ResHackerFolder, path to me and spaces doesn't work well with Terminal commands.

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to anyone With Wine INSTALLED via macports:

I have thrown together a very small script that will open ResHacker for you.

This is to show something to everyone, especially Doh as he may find it useful in the future.


This is my Script:

tell application "Terminal"
do script "/opt/local/bin/wine " & POSIX path of (path to me) & "contents/resources/programs/*/*.exe"
do script "killall Terminal"
end tell


The * functions as a wildcard, basically what I'm saying is:

The script tells terminal to run ANY exe within ANY folder in the programs folder, in this case "/ResHack/ResHacker.exe"


Out of curiosity I dropped another exe inside of this wildcard folder to see either which would launch, or if both would.

To my surprise, the second exe opened IN ResHacker.


Therefore if Doh thinks this is a good idea, he could edit this specific wrapper to point it to a wildcard rather than a specific directory.




Whoops, forgot the link, here it is:



You may have to change the folder name to ResHackerFolder, path to me and spaces doesn't work well with Terminal commands.


I've never used Wine from Macports, so not really sure whats different. I can see a bit of use in automatically launching any exe... But I'd have to play with it to see how it would launch when there are multiple exes in the folder and you only want to run one... but I'm not totally sure I'm understanding what the use of doing this is...


what Id like to find a way to do is be able to figure out how to code.... already having an app open in Wine, and being able to tell a file to open in that app... or figure out how OSX works more that i can associate certain file types with a certain wine app.... but guess I'd probably have to turn into a pro for that instead of just a being a hobby

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