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Hello everyone,


The normal Lucidity Skin did not start off well. It had a couple of issues which were overlooked during the production stage and messed up the overall design of the skin. We have listened to all of our user feedback given to us in the past couple of days and have rolled out a new version of the skin. It is much more cleaner and fixes a lot of bugs. We have therefore set all users to the previous Lucidity Skin to the new one called Insanely Lucid. This has been done automatically so all you need to do is sit back and enjoy the experience.


If you stumble across something which doesn't look quite right then feel free to post it here or PM me the issue. It will get addressed ASAP by myself or one of the do1 crew.



- Suhail and the do1 crew

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When viewing the main forum index, the "New Posts" graphic on each forum appears to be missing. There is simply a link where the graphic should be, with the text "New Posts". The "No New Posts" graphic is present and working, however.


I like the changes so far; seems like most if not all of the glitches people were complaining about have been fixed.


edit: & lol@Ed ^


edit2: The glitches in the formatting drop-downs in the Reply view still exist. Function definitions are appearing instead of the text representing them.

@Meowy and @Hara Taiki, Fixed :).

@Erbic, I'm looking at it right now.

Still happening after clearing cache.


Also, the Attachments dropdown isn't aligned properly:



Also, the huge blank bar above posts is a poor design choice. Could you please merge the user info into the left pane so we don't have this huge 50 pixel nothingness? It really hurts on my 1024x768 display.

@Hara Taiki - yeah, I've been seeing those errors too, guna get the techies all over it when they're in tomorrow morning


Yeah, but what about the ridiculous ads in the theme? Can you make it so they don't show for logged in users? Even though I adblock, having space THAT HUGE (LIKE XBOX) is just gross. You could make some better use of that space.

@Meowy, I just got the Nightly Webkit and tried to replicate that Extra Tab on Member Bar thingy and couldn't. I'm working on sorting that Attachments Alignment but it seems it is universal across all skins.


@Hara Taiki, Unfortunately that's not my call. Ed is the man to discuss that.

@Meowy, I just got the Nightly Webkit and tried to replicate that Extra Tab on Member Bar thingy and couldn't. I'm working on sorting that Attachments Alignment but it seems it is universal across all skins.


@Hara Taiki, Unfortunately that's not my call. Ed is the man to discuss that.

Yeah, it's fixed in the latest one, it just updated :P

I'm really trying hard to use the new and improved theme, but, can "we" please fix these buttons!! Also those at the bottom, add reply fast reply, new topic


Those little white corners are disgraceful!


Navigating between the Forum main page and the view new posts, one stays full screen and the other fixed width, this means everything jumps left and right all the time!?


edit: if you set the page to full screen and you click on the "view new posts" it first opens it on fixed width then jumps to full screen! Every single time, it's really annoying!


edit, edit:

I'm on a:


22056/5520 (kbps) Line Attenuation

15/28 dB


And it's SO SLOW!!!

Strange! That's my primary browser and I've never had a PM come through like that - can you just confirm that happens to all your PMs?


Send me a PM and I can tell you if it occurs again. In the other message, it was stretched because of a particularly long line of text, so try and do something similar.

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