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Asus P5N7A-VM


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sorry savestheday, I was a bit wrong. Setting my home theater receiver to receive DTS doesn't work at all...and AC3 5.1 decodes and sounds great, but upon using a test file that speaks the name of the speaker through each channel, it's messing up on my front right and rear right, and splitting the signal on my center. I'm assuming that it's the ALC1200 kext. Anyone have any luck with DTS and/or AC3 5.1 otherwise?


What app are you using to play the file? I found that Plex outputs DTS sound....


Can you tell me what file you use to do that?

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snow leo really annoys me, itself is working fine but  can'tuse parallels 3 and 4 sucks (because one of my cpus isn't supported) there is a vmware beta wich will work wth x64 on snow leo but when you use it with office 2003 or chembiodraw it so much slower and unity mode doesn't work as good with expose at it does with parallels.


all my cider games lead to a reboot when i launch them, they work great under Leopard, and there are various other applications wich won't work with snow leo, ths really pisses me off

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Plex does output DTS sound, along with AC3 5.1, but when I play the test file, it's not actually splitting the sound properly to each channel. Also, if I set my receiver to receive (specifically) a DTS signal, it doesn't play. I've attached the test file. Let me know if you have any luck.




that DTS file is all messed up, dunno if it's a good test. I tested a blu-ray mkv of Gladiator last night and sound was coming from the correct speakers (horse sounds went from left to right just as on screen, same with front to back). Dunno, but as far as I've heard, optical just passes a digital signal, not actual split channels.

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Using Boot Think 2.3 on a USB stick, I installed off a Retail Snow Leopard disk. In My Extra kext are fakesmc, appleHDA, IOATABlockStorageInjector and openhaltrestart. With the standard DSDT and SMBIOS.plist. Everything is working 100% (except optical out), including sleep, with no modifications. 100% stock install. Fückin happy as! Awesome work devs.

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Using Boot Think 2.3 on a USB stick, I installed off a Retail Snow Leopard disk. In My Extra kext are fakesmc, appleHDA, IOATABlockStorageInjector and openhaltrestart. With the standard DSDT and SMBIOS.plist. Everything is working 100% (except optical out), including sleep, with no modifications. 100% stock install. {censored}in happy as! Awesome work devs.


What do you mean when you say "standard DSDT". Also, which CPU?



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I'm encountering strange problems, SL seems to be a lot more slower compared to Leopard, and when I have more than 3 app open and running at the same time, if one applications started to use more than 10 threads, every app just stop responding, including finder. However if I wait a while and then force quit everything it works again. I'm suspecting could be my dsdt file have incorrect p-state value?


However I tried to search for a tutorial on how to decompile and edit the dsdt.aml with no luck, can someone shed a light on how to edit dsdt.aml? or just give me a push in the right direction.



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Hoping someone here may be able to help me out. I got 10.5.6 working with this mobo today and decided to test sleep to see if it would work. I told the system to sleep and it did, but would not wake. So I used the restart button on the case to restart. Now I get nothing when I start up the system. By nothing I mean no video (VGA or HDMI) or audio. It seems the hard drive is being accessed initially because the case has an indicator light. It also seems to be accessing usb devices since an attached usb thumb drive will flicker like it's being read. I've tried disconnecting non essentials for the bios (i.e. hard drive, usb connections, one RAM stick), but this has no effect. I've also tried reseting the CMOS, but this also had no effect. Sorry about the long post, but wanted to provide enough info. Any ideas?

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here's the thread for editing dsdt.aml. you need to you iasl to decompile your .aml file into a .dsl file that you can edit. which dsdt.aml are you using currently?




need more info about what you're running. Vanilla install? Chameleon? If so, what version? Using a DSDT.aml? If so, which one? Have you tried booting -f or -x -f repairing permission/rebuilding kextcache (possibly using kextutil)?

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ALC1200.kext that dsgsa posted in post #579 - that kext is giving me optical out dude!



Can that kext be loaded from Extra/Extensions, or do you have to put it in S/L/E? I'd prefer to keep my kexts stock.


Hoping someone here may be able to help me out. I got 10.5.6 working with this mobo today and decided to test sleep to see if it would work. I told the system to sleep and it did, but would not wake. So I used the restart button on the case to restart. Now I get nothing when I start up the system. By nothing I mean no video (VGA or HDMI) or audio. It seems the hard drive is being accessed initially because the case has an indicator light. It also seems to be accessing usb devices since an attached usb thumb drive will flicker like it's being read. I've tried disconnecting non essentials for the bios (i.e. hard drive, usb connections, one RAM stick), but this has no effect. I've also tried reseting the CMOS, but this also had no effect. Sorry about the long post, but wanted to provide enough info. Any ideas?


Try unplugging it from the power and leaving it for a while. That happened to me sometimes, and this fixed it.

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need more info about what you're running. Vanilla install? Chameleon? If so, what version? Using a DSDT.aml? If so, which one? Have you tried booting -f or -x -f repairing permission/rebuilding kextcache (possibly using kextutil)?


Thanks for the reply. The problem I was having was that I could not get anything to startup (no bios, nothing, just a black screen). I messed around with it some more this morning and got it working again.


On another note. I've seen some mention of others having issues with shutdown not shutting the power supply off and the fans keep running. I'm also having this problem. I'm using the DSDT.aml from the 1st post. I used the install method Ufdah posted, so I have the essentials kext package and the audio kexts installed. Has anyone else with this problem been able to fix it?

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Nologic, have you updated your BIOS? If you're using version 404 (which is what I believe the mobo comes packaged with) you'll run into those problems, especially video problems. Update to at least 407. Also, try using dgsga's dsdt.aml. If you're still running leopard (10.5.6), his dsdt.aml will work perfectly for video/shutdown/sleep/restart. Otherwise try the dsdt.aml on post #660. Either way, audio will work with vanilla AppleHDA.kext and ALC1200.kext added to your /System/Library/Extensions folder.

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here's the thread for editing dsdt.aml. you need to you iasl to decompile your .aml file into a .dsl file that you can edit. which dsdt.aml are you using currently?




need more info about what you're running. Vanilla install? Chameleon? If so, what version? Using a DSDT.aml? If so, which one? Have you tried booting -f or -x -f repairing permission/rebuilding kextcache (possibly using kextutil)?


Thanks for the reply, I'll give it a try!

I'm using the same one as most people here, the one from post 660.


Currently I've managed to get ALMOST everything working, graphics, sleeps, and according to the CPU_i app I got from post 728 it's showing speedstep is also working. However, there is one little problem, in System Info it found my graphics card but it didn't say wether or not QE is supported. Also when I open just one or two window, the overall graphic performance appears okay, the dock animation is smooth, minimize is smooth, but when I have 4 or 5 window open, everything start to lag. all graphics becomes choppy....


It was working perfectly with Leopard.


So I don't know if there is a particular video driver I should use? eg. NVKush? or is DSDT.aml suppose to handle all of those?


Sorry to ask so many questions at once, thanks in advanced!

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GOOD NEWS for those of you using ALC1200.kext...


If you use the AppleHDA.kext from the freshcocoa guide and put it in Extra/Extensions, then dgsga's ALC1200.kext works from /Extra/Extensions!!! I.E. Pure Vanilla install w/ digital out!!!


Just copy the attached AppleHDA.kext and ALC1200.kext to /Extra/Extensions and you're good to go :thumbsup_anim:




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here's the thread for editing dsdt.aml. you need to you iasl to decompile your .aml file into a .dsl file that you can edit. which dsdt.aml are you using currently?


Was there suppose to have a link? or do you mean THIS is the thread that has all the info about editing dsdt.aml?



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GOOD NEWS for those of you using ALC1200.kext...


If you use the AppleHDA.kext from the freshcocoa guide and put it in Extra/Extensions, then dgsga's ALC1200.kext works from /Extra/Extensions!!! I.E. Pure Vanilla install w/ digital out!!!


Just copy the attached AppleHDA.kext and ALC1200.kext to /Extra/Extensions and you're good to go :rolleyes:






Awesome! Nice find there man. Is there a better board for a hackintosh than this one? ahahah

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Hello again.


Working with my hackintosh I've noticed poor graphics performance. Then I've downloaded OpenMark to get an OpenGL test to compare with other computers and I've seen that the nVidia 9300 installed in the Asus gives half performance than my 3 years old iMac with ATI x1600, which I considered not specially fast.


Now my questions:


- Is normal this poor performance on the 9300 compared to the ATI or this could be due to faulty support in Snow Leopard or driver issues or hackintosh configuration or something like this?


- If the 9300's performance is like this... which graphics card could I buy to get a good performance and also a great Snow Leopard support?



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Nologic, have you updated your BIOS? If you're using version 404 (which is what I believe the mobo comes packaged with) you'll run into those problems, especially video problems. Update to at least 407. Also, try using dgsga's dsdt.aml. If you're still running leopard (10.5.6), his dsdt.aml will work perfectly for video/shutdown/sleep/restart. Otherwise try the dsdt.aml on post #660. Either way, audio will work with vanilla AppleHDA.kext and ALC1200.kext added to your /System/Library/Extensions folder.


Thanks for the reply. I'm actually using BIOS version 504. Do you know if either of those dsdt.aml files will work with a dual core E5200 without having to edit and recompile (I know nothing about doing this)?

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