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Hello osx86 guys.


I have been using MACs since first G series as im graphical designer. Now for some time im using osx86 projects and always have found solutions to my problems on forums. Im newer asking any help until im totally out of ideas.


So basically im having following problem that i have made a screenshot. This kernel panic occours for a lot of different people running NVIDIA chipsets. I have read at least 50 posts on forums about this problem and till today noone have had any solution. This kernel panic occours when accessing internet;. Or basically talking when having some data transfet over your ethernet module. On Kalyway 10.5.2 i used nForceEthernetController instead of nForceDeth. I solved that problem and had my Kaly running for a long time.


After upgrading to 10.5.6 iPC using this nForceEther..... doesnt help. Im getting kernel panic after 2-5 sec of ethernet usage.


My setup is:



3800+ X2 X64

7300GT 256MB




MB Specs:

  1. NVIDIA® nForce 570-SLI
  2. Super I/O: ITE IT8716 chip.
  3. Integrated Peripherals

    1. T.I. IEEE1394 controller
    2. Marvell 88E1116 Gigabit Ethernet controller
    3. Realtek ALC883 Audio Codec

Voodoo Kernel


NVDarwin 256MB


P.s. at the moment im in situation where i cant reinstall my OS so i need to resolve this problem. I am sure that hundreds of people have this problem so some solution would be highly appreciated.


Even before any replies thans for looking at this post and i say thanks already if anyone can resolve this mistery.



You can try the nForceLAN.kext linked in my signature. You may also want to head on over to the Voodoo site and post a trash report.


Replacing your lan kext.

We will make a backup of your extensions folder and then install the kext. Download nForceLAN.kext http://rapidshare.com/files/171102326/nForceLAN.kext.zip unzip and place the kext on your desktop (the following commands rely on this file being on your desktop)

1. Give yourself root privileges so that you can modify files.

sudo -s

2. Make a backup copy of your kexts. First we will make a directory called "Backup" in our root directory to store them. Open Terminal and type:

mkdir /Backup

3. Change directories to /System/Library This will shorten some of the commands we have to type in.

cd /System/Library

4. Copy your kexts to the new "backup" folder.

cp -r Extensions/ /backup/

5. Copy the kext from your desktop to the extensions folder.

cp ~/Desktop/nForceLAN.kext Extensions/nForceLAN.kext

6. Set the proper permissions for the extensions folder.

chmod -R 755 Extensions/

7. Set the proper ownership for the extensions folder.

chown -R root:wheel Extensions/

8. Touch the extensions folder

touch Extensions/

9. Remove the extensions cache to force OSX to rebuild it with our new kext.

rm -rf Extensions.mkext

10. Repair permissions to your drive.

diskutil repairpermissions /


11. Reboot using the boot-flags -v -f

-v Verbose Mode displays useful information during the boot process.

-f Forces OSX to load kexts from the extensions folder instead of the cache file. We did delete the cache file so this is just a precaution.

100% the same kernel panic. No difference.


Well it was worth a try. I have heard reference to an issue of the amount of data being transfered causing KPs. One person mentioned restricting it somehow (without any noticable reduction in internet access) and prevented the problems. Im not too sure. I know the nForce Lan drivers are not 100%... obviously. I would do two things.

1. Post your KP on http://code.google.com/p/xnu-dev/

2. Head on over to InfiniteMac.com and post your problem there.

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