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[How To] Install Leopard Retail DVD on ASUS P6T Deluxe LGA 1366 (core i7)

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I've got problems to download the file P6T Deluxe Pre boot 132.iso... I can't reach the host website... It shows me only a blank page, and when i manage to dowload this .iso file and burn it, my PC says that i have to verify the integrity of the iso file cuz it's corrupted! Do you have the md5 key to compare yours with mine!


It says


Image checksum error... Sorry...

Boot failed, Press a key to retry...




EDIT : Resolved (for the moment...) : I managed to boot on the SlimBuild ISO... It was a problem with the iso file you attached at the bottom of your tutorial...

For people who encounter the same kind of problem, could you please edit your tutorial and explain what to do :

- Download the generic ISO132 boot

- open it with MagicIso or equivalent...

- delete the files which are in the generic iso ...

- put the content of the Slimbuid pre-boot ISO you provided into the generic ISO stucture...

- save it and burn it (imgburn is good...)

That's it !


It worked for me.. I can't guarantee it'll work for others, but for me it did work...

Thanx to FrankenSt1 for its help... (page 3)

I'm blocked at Installation failed... Right after the Installation DVD check... Knows everyone the solution to this?, i have successfully passt trought the fake boot iso :( , the "waiting for root device" and spinning beach ball...


I hope you can guide me trought this mistakes!


EDIT: Breaktrought this b**** of "Failed Installation" :P


The problem was that my partition wasn't GUID but still MBR! Then click option and choice GUID!


Very very good tutorial M J!

In the EFI_pack I put the right System.kext (10.5.5 from voodoo), so your usb should work fine even after the update.


Probably the slimbuild iso has some defects... I don't have time to prepare a good iso in these days, so if somebody want to make one and test it i will upload it to my server and put it in the tutorial.

Frank: the raids created using the motherboard raid setup (ctrl+I when booting)? or does osx let you create a pure software raid within the os?

if i have my mobo sata in RAID mode the initial boot gets stuck on waiting for root device.



hmm i installed the AppleAzaliaAudio kext with OSX86Tools, and now it shows the volume icon in the menu bar, but i can't hear a damn thing :censored2:


checked the kextstat and AppleAzaliaAudio shows up, so its being loaded. No idea how to troubleshoot this one


btw, i checked this kext permissions, and i have a question;

what does it means that the line in ls showing permissions (drwxr-xr-x for 755) shows a @ at the end? drwxr-xr-x@ like this?



nevermind; i'm an idiot, the sound is fine, is just that the front panel seems to be bad wired (hey this explain why the sounds sucked so bad playing GTA IV)


although im still curious about the @

Ok the only thing left for me is getting the LAN to work

I installed LegacyAppleYukon2.kext and it doesn't seem to be doing anything.

/sbin/ifconfig only recognizes the following interfaces:






On Network Utility, info tab, where it says:

Please Select a network interface for information:


the only available option i see is "Network Interface (fw0)"



I succed in installing of Leo but right after i do the update, it reboots and I type at Darwin prompt


bt(0,0)/mach_kernel.voodoo -v boot-uuid=MyHDDUUID but i still getting this error "Still waiting for root device"


Any ideas to solve the problem?


I have done the installation with a 10.5.0 Retail DVD of Mac... I will try with a copy a retail version 10.5.4... I think the problem comes from here. It's not simple to do this but i hope it will work, I started it since 2 days now!

bt(0,0)/mach_kernel.voodoo -v boot-uuid=MyHDDUUID but i still getting this error "Still waiting for root device"


Any ideas to solve the problem?


I have done the installation with a 10.5.0 Retail DVD of Mac... I will try with a copy a retail version 10.5.4... I think the problem comes from here. It's not simple to do this but i hope it will work, I started it since 2 days now!


i see two possible problems,

1) the uuid is not right

2) you have IDE emulation instead of AHCI and you didn't installed an appropiate IDE kext, btw, thats brings the question, whats a good ide kext for us?


if its none of the above, then try with 10.5.4

i see two possible problems,

1) the uuid is not right

2) you have IDE emulation instead of AHCI and you didn't installed an appropiate IDE kext, btw, thats brings the question, whats a good ide kext for us?


if its none of the above, then try with 10.5.4




I don't use any IDE device for installation i use a SATA DVD burner!

For the UUID i wrote down it appears to be the same than the disk utility told me cuz i successfully booted before doing installation of the update with this same UUID Key...


So i've to test with the right DVD of MAC...


EDIT: My friend remembers that he bought a Macbook 13.3 inch (the new one) and there were a 10.5.5 DVD installation of leo in the Bundle of his computer!


I think it will be better with this version? What do you think about?

I don't use any IDE device for installation i use a SATA DVD burner!


I don't understand what you are saying, so, i'm suspecting you misunderstood what i said.


On the BIOS, under the storage information, first tab (i think its main)

you enter in the submenu and you'll see

Configure SATA as [???]


what's in the ???



@M J, the LegacyAppleYukon2.kext seems to contain only an Info.pList :) is that right?

i don't see anything Yukon-ish on my kextstat


now i'm going to try with this one:



but i'm not sure if this will actually support both ports or just one


on edit:

i installed the AppleYukon.kext in the archive.zip in that link with OSX86Tools, and i didn't even had to reboot!

it inmediately recognized both network interfaces! (en0 and en1)

I strongly recommend to all of you to use this instead :(

for your comfort, here is the link to the .kext archive


Hi all,


I'm trying to install OS X with the retail method on my ASUS P6T.


so I followed MJ's Instructions; boot on the boot-132 disk, replace it with the Retail Leopard disk and wrote this line :


rd(0,1)/mach_kernel.voodoo busratio=20 -v -f rd=disk1s3


I tried with rd=disk0s3 too


then like MJ said it made the error about the nonsense CPU Multiplier.

pressed Yes.


but the i get a Kernel Panic:


Unable to find driver for this platform: "ACPI" @/VoodooKernel/xnu-1228.7.58/iokit/Kernel/IOPlatformExpert.cpp


i dont know what to do, i checked the bios parameters. all were ok.


there is just one thing left to say; my retail DVD is a 10.5.0 DVD. I got it a the launch of leopard. but i don't really know if it could be this old version that makes this problem.

10.5.0 is fine, i used it. what kind of dvd drive are you using (sata/ide)?


I'm using a SATA DVD Drive... And with a 10.5.0 DVD of mac i can't fininshing the installation cuz it says installation failed at the end... When there is only 1 min remaining to finish the installation... But when i reboot the PC the installation appears to be valid and i successfully boot into the system...


Do i have to disable FireWire? Because i rememeber some orther install of leo (10.5.2).

Do i have to disable FireWire? Because i rememeber some orther install of leo (10.5.2).


no, but if you have firewire HDD or devices plugged, by all means unplug them during installation. i had lots of KP otherwise

It's a samsung SATA DVD drive.


I think my dvd drive has no problems, because I installed windows Seven and Windows Vista with the same drive. just for tests, and it worked very well.

@lurscher : I get a nice Kernel Panic with the retail DVD 10.5.5 of Leo :D


It's a samsung SATA DVD drive.


I think my dvd drive has no problems, because I installed windows Seven and Windows Vista with the same drive. just for tests, and it worked very well.


Mine is a LG DVD Drive and it seems to work correctly with my PC, because i run all the process from scratch...


Leopard get installed without problem, i reboot enter the commands, it boots i enter the os, and begin to setup my EFI partition:


i copied mach_kernel.voodoo to the root directory and in /Volumes/EFI and i do the same with DSDT.aml patched file


Then i copied all extensions in /Volumes/EFI/Extensions.


I edited the com.apple.boot.plist file with the right UUID


so i have bt(0,0)/mach_kernel.voodoo busratio=20 boot-uuid=MyUUID


When Darwin prompt i type directly enter and it boot's into my new leo OS X, and i'm be able to use USB hotplug, cuz it were impossible at first boot!


I'm happy to see it works... :D So now i want you (everyone who knows how to) to tell me the best way to get QE CI (3D) with my 9800GTX card, I have eard about EFI strings or NV inject (but nvinject seems to be not fully working with all leo installations)!


And at least i want you to know me how to mount /Volumes/EFI when 10.5.6 update is finish cuz in the tutorial i do have to edit the com.apple.boot.plist file by this:


<key>Quiet Boot</key>


So now i'm at step installing the update... My PC is currently off but when i put it on can i boot (at Darwin prompt) just by pressing the [enter] key or do i have to enter a specific command?

mad_noob you mount the efi partition like this


1) open a terminal

2) sudo -s

* enter your password when prompted

3) mkdir /Volumes/EFI

4) mount_hfs /dev/disk[Y]s1 /Volumes/EFI


*Y is the disk number you booting from, could be either 0 or 1, you can find out from disk utility.

*edit the files you need'


5) umount /Volumes/EFI

mad_noob you mount the efi partition like this


1) open a terminal

2) sudo -s

* enter your password when prompted

3) mkdir /Volumes/EFI

4) mount_hfs /dev/disk[Y]s1 /Volumes/EFI


*Y is the disk number you booting from, could be either 0 or 1, you can find out from disk utility.

*edit the files you need'


5) umount /Volumes/EFI

Yes the LegacyAppleYukon is only a plist. The real driver is AppleYukon2.kext, which is part of IONetworkingFamily.kext, which comes with the installation by default. It is simply a device id number, so that AppleYukon2 will be used as the ethernet driver. In fact, the driver you downloaded is exactly the info.plist contained in LegacyAppleYukon2... Maybe your installation didn't have the AppleYukon2 by apple?


it is curious how the same things work for some and not for others!


About the ACPI thing, somebody had the same problem a while ago. Try searching in the previous pages and see how they solved it.

Thx sensite


But if i type mkdir /Volumes/EFI i will create a new Folder, what i want it's only to edit the com.apple.boot.plist file that i copied in my current /Volumes/EFI folder!


The update runs great USB ports too and i'm able when darwin prompts to directly press enter key to load MAC OSX and use it!


So i will install GFX util 9800GTX for fully graphic support!

so that AppleYukon2 will be used as the ethernet driver. In fact, the driver you downloaded is exactly the info.plist contained in LegacyAppleYukon2... Maybe your installation didn't have the AppleYukon2 by apple?


thats the weird part M J; there is, inside /S/L/E/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns

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