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I extracted the one you posted that supposedly didn't have it. What are all those other network kexts in there? DEC, 3com, BCM570, Intel 8254, 8255? Are they part of the Realtek kext as well? Does ionetworking.kext contain several network kexts? I would like to remove any extra fluff I don't need!


I also never chose to load the realtek1000 when I did the straight Uinstaller install and had the same results. Either way, it's working great!


so ionetworkingfamily has more kext in its content too

without realteck smb share are accessible, but not my other mac


try this kext if you want:


and its content with colorfull icons :-)

it should be the strict minimum needed without speedstep

and without realtek (which is needed for me)

I removed some more today... (chameleon ones)


green are independent of each other

blue are AHCI driver

orange are sound

purple is for a quiet wake up without the Warning removal, and hopefully will be updated soon to get full speed after sleep


no voodoo with smbios

no realtek

with openhaltrestart


if you unpack it AppleRTL8169Ethernet is not present


the smbbios you gave me works perfectly well

cpu speed (mine is overclocked at 3000GHz 9*333, that's like a total of 12000GHz insanely great) and ram speed shows up right

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Ok I will give that one a try (I'll remove the jmicron though. I gave up IDE devices at least a year ago ;) )


Check this one out: I took out ALL the network related kexts, even ionetworking family and I can still get to my internet and dlink nas just fine! It's tiny too.


well, then get the latest pack I posted above remove Jmicron and IONetworkingFamily if you wish

and turn it into an mkext, it should be even smaller ;)

because you still have the chameleon kext

this one does not:


I'm going to try to run without IONetworkingFamily for a while ans see if the uuid error 35 shows up in the console


There it's empty now :D



basic three (absolute strict minimum to boot without major trouble):





nice one too have:



quiet wakeup :-)












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Yep - with only ionetworkfamily i got NO NETWORK, won't even pull an IP address. So I removed that and the jmicron and it's indeed tiny, but everything works!




I now have that same one as just above with jmicron and realtek added


jmicron for IDE

and realtek for networking with other mac using AFP, and screen sharing

for however is interested here it is:






what vcore do you use with your overclock

I just went up to 3330GHz, targeting 3600GHz to get the "equivalent" of 6 core at 2.4Ghz

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what vcore do you use with your overclock

I just went up to 3330GHz, targeting 3600GHz to get the "equivalent" of 6 core at 2.4Ghz


I have an E8600 rev E0 which is very easy to get to 4.0Ghz. It goes higher but I haven't tried to see the max yet.


Right now, it's as follows:

Vcore = 1.3125v (i've had it as low as 1.25 on my old board, I've only got it this high since this is a new build)

MCH Core = 1.2v

ICH I/O = 1.57v

ICH core = 1.2v


Ram= Mushkin 2gb * 2 1000mhz ram

Dram = 2.06v

5-5-5-12 timings, 1:1 (2.0B -333 strap)


Load Line Cal. is enabled


I game with Windows as well and it is rock solid at this setting.

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I have an E8600 rev E0 which is very easy to get to 4.0Ghz. It goes higher but I haven't tried to see the max yet.


Right now, it's as follows:

Vcore = 1.3125v (i've had it as low as 1.25 on my old board, I've only got it this high since this is a new build)

MCH Core = 1.2v

ICH I/O = 1.57v

ICH core = 1.2v


Ram= Mushkin 2gb * 2 1000mhz ram

Dram = 2.06v

5-5-5-12 timings, 1:1 (2.0B -333 strap)


Load Line Cal. is enabled


I game with Windows as well and it is rock solid at this setting.


Thanks that helped a lot

I didn't think of the motherboard chipset voltage


but it's now running at 3.6GHz (400x9) 1:1 with the ram at 800, that's a bit like a 14400GHz machine :(

but I now have the vcore at 1.4, I'll try lowering it very slowly

but I don't know yet if the system is really stable, I'll run mprime to see,

but depending on the temperature (I have a zalman 9700) I may need to go slower,

but at least it booted :-)



not stable at 3600 neither at 3500, as soon as I open my 3D animation software the system crashed, so now I'm down to 3400 (425x8) vcore at 1.35, and it did render an image without trouble

2min and 4sec at default speed (2.4GHz), now at 3.4GHz it rendered the image in 1min and 29sec, so that's still a pretty good overclock

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I finally got my second machine up and running. I think it's great you guys are doing all this extra work (MANY thanks) on testing the bare bare minimum kext needed for Chameleon2.


I must especially thank Eliade for the color-coded kext (FANTASTIC idea!!!). What would be ideal at this point is to get a current listing (personally I'd love us to maintain his color-coding because it makes things so much easier) of the kext needed. We have a good start, but it would be great to have something like....


Must haves (again Eliade started that with the green one dmos.kext, OpenHaltRestart.kext, etc.)

Needed for IDE (not everyone, like myself, use IDE)

etc. etc. etc.


Again, people can choose to use whatever package of kext they want per their specific hardware. However, the work Eliade and others have done to unifiy a package is IMO the right way to go.


Also, with Chameleon2 a lot can be done within the Extra folder (modified Boot.plist, modified SMBIOS.plist) and if we can share what we have in those I think that would help Noobs (like myself). The info on Cham2 is scattered throughout the forums and it would be nice to centralize the options we need for our board here.


For example, I'm getting a bunch of UUID errors and feel I need to add SMUUID key and string to the SMBOIS.plist within the Extra folder to fix it (at least that's what I'm about to try). With my older Hackintosh I used the SMBIOSResolver.kext to fix those errors, however I believe it is obsolute with Cham2. Other things like getting the CPU, Memory, Model Type to show up correctly within System Profiler would be nice.


To start off here's my SMBIOS.plist

[/b]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>Apple Inc.</string>

Key things here are the SMexternalclock (which should be your FSB number on your CPU, mine is 800 so you put 200 [FSB/4]) and SMmaximalclock (which is your clock speed of the CPU, mine is 2.5 Ghz, of couse if you overclock you need to change it to your correct speed your are running). I've also listed it as an iMac since in this machine I only put in a Pentium dual core E5200. For my main Hackintosh (which has the Q6600) my SMproductname and SMbiosversion will reflect a MacPro.

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AppleSMBIOS.kext added in those last few kext

will override the smbios.plist

just so you know it's one or the other...

at least with the AppleSMBIOS.kext the displayed speed for cpu and ram is right


the one think I still can't figure out is how to change the "unknown cpu" without touching the system at all, only using the chameleon Extra folder...

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AppleSMBIOS.kext added in those last few kext

will override the smbios.plist

just so you know it's one or the other...

at least with the AppleSMBIOS.kext the displayed speed for cpu and ram is right


the one think I still can't figure out is how to change the "unknown cpu" without touching the system at all, only using the chameleon Extra folder...


I was looking inside the kext (in the info.plist file) and it has entries for memory speed (800) which I think but not really sure is why it is showing up fine for your system. The other thing I see is the UUID key and may try to use that within the SMBIOS.plist to see what results I get.


Regardless, as you point out there is some need to manually set things. But that's not necessarily bad. Oh, and the only reason I'm using the plist over the kext is that it is easier (for me at least) to modify the plist.


I'm working on color-coding the rest of the kexts. I'll post what I think they should be but if you could take a look and let me know if there should be any changes that would be great. Again, I'm looking at it from what is working on my unique setup and that may be different than others.

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I was looking inside the kext (in the info.plist file) and it has entries for memory speed (800) which I think but not really sure is why it is showing up fine for your system. The other thing I see is the UUID key and may try to use that within the SMBIOS.plist to see what results I get.


Regardless, as you point out there is some need to manually set things. But that's not necessarily bad. Oh, and the only reason I'm using the plist over the kext is that it is easier (for me at least) to modify the plist.


I'm working on color-coding the rest of the kexts. I'll post what I think they should be but if you could take a look and let me know if there should be any changes that would be great. Again, I'm looking at it from what is working on my unique setup and that may be different than others.


you're right about the speed

I did a little overclocking change today and the ram is not running at 800 anymore, but still show up as 800...

I think I'll remove the kext... and just use the smbios.plist



more info about kext:

at least one of those two must be installed (not together though)

voodoo...kext or openhaltrestart

both fix shudown/restart issues

voodoo has speedstep, but the system won't always boot with high overclocking


My experience with voodoo:

I finally settled my overclock to 3.24GHz using a x9 multiplier (seems stable), voodoo works, therefore speedstep works (it lowers the speed down to 2.14GHz = cooler temps)

with x8 multiplier at 3.20GHz the system wouldn't boot with voodoo



Customization info with chameleon:


if you go to the theme folder: make a copy of the "default" theme

now you can play with little visual modif, especially with the apple logo (boot.png)... it can be any size...

I squished mine horizontally so that it shows up right with a 16:9 monitor, and even changed its colors...

a nice apple gray logo to start working with in photoshop is in


don't forget to save it as a 24bit png image


you can set a different theme by adding the key:




if an image is not in the theme for instance the apple logo, it will use images from the "default" folder theme... (If I remember right)

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I removed my applesmbios.kext as well. Got the mkext down to 120KB !! I had looked all over for some smbios.plist examples but never found anything, so thanks gmacman. I still have the "4 GHz Unknown" on the About this mac page... need to figure that one out. I know I can use OSX86tools to customize the text but I'm not sure what it's editing. Speedstep I don't care about :wacko: I've disabled that on all the Intel machines I've ever had. Plus this cpu MIGHT get 58c under a full load.


I just noticed my Energy Saver preferences looks different now... interesting

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I removed my applesmbios.kext as well. Got the mkext down to 120KB !! I had looked all over for some smbios.plist examples but never found anything, so thanks gmacman. I still have the "4 GHz Unknown" on the About this mac page... need to figure that one out. I know I can use OSX86tools to customize the text but I'm not sure what it's editing. Speedstep I don't care about :wacko: I've disabled that on all the Intel machines I've ever had. Plus this cpu MIGHT get 58c under a full load.


I just noticed my Energy Saver preferences looks different now... interesting


at 4GHz that's pretty good temp

mine max out at 64c using mprime... but At least it's stable... If I had the money I would get a better cooling and quiet case, along with a better cpu cooler... (mine's not bad but there has to be a better air cooler than that, I have a Zalman 9700)

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Would def prefer a retail install as I actually own the Leopard disc which I bought for my ancient G4 but since I got the iPC working so well I've been reluctant to try. :wacko:


I'll try the sleep/USB speed test tonight and report back in this post.


Thanks again for the heads up on the JMicron kext, can't wait to test that out too.


I do get the device removal error for USB drives after waking from sleep, but the funny thing is I always got that with my G4 running Leopard too. Very annoying and worrying to me if any of my files were being corrupted.


Sleep does kill my USB 2 speeds, at least for external drives.


That JMicron kext worked like a charm. I'm running IDE drives and dual booting with XP on the drives no problem for several days and no kernel panics!


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I have been watching this thread everyday. I have iPC 10.5.6 hacky that is 99% complete. One of the things that still bugs me is that it takes 80-90 seconds to boot from the darwin bootloader. I have read that others are getting 20 second boot times. Does anybody know what the problem could be?


I'm a noob in the mac world and I have been reading the last several posts about minimum kexts. I went into my System/library/extensions folder and there are well over 100 kext folders there. Multiple ATIRadeon and Geforce folders for example. Are all of these getting loaded? Do I delete the unecessary ones? How? I really would like to get 20 second boot times. Is there a way to identify what it is getting stuck on, taking so long, or timing out on?



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You don't want to start deleting kexts out of /s/l/e.


Could be a bios setting. What kexts have you installed? I'm not familiar with iPC. Most of this thread is based on a Retail install. I haven't timed my bootup but I have noticed when sampling different mkexts I have seen a very fast bootup at times.

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This is the procedure I did. Nothing else. I have Dual Boot XP/iPC 10.5.6.



1) Set IDE in Bios


2) Boot iPC DVD


3) Run Disk Utility

a) Erase HD

;) Setup Partitions


4) Customize OS



Intel ich10 Sata






Realtek R1000


USB Drivers

Patched USB


Power Management

Power Management Package


Fixes & Patches

PS2 Keyboard

Dual Boot Time Sync



DSDT Patch

Patch DSDT


Apple SMBIOS Patch

SMBIOS Resolver


All Applications



5) First boot must have -v -f flags


6) Install Audo kext's with kext helper .b7 (I used Easy Install first, next try and makes sure all kextx are in System/library/extenders folder (S/L/E). It might make mic in work.





7) Install Video Driver

Download NVinstaller v.51

Install for 8800gts 640


8) Fix Time Machine

- Download EFIStudio if you don't have it: GFXUtil News & Announcements

- Launch EFIStudio; in the "Device" area, click on the field were it says "Display" and change it to "Ethernet"

- Click on "Add Device" button below and in the new Editor window click on the "Write to com.apple.Boot.plist" button

- Enter you password, close the program and reboot


9) Install Logitech mx500 mouse drivers


10) Install Brother printer drivers

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The following are things we don't use, and therefore could the cause of your slowdown:


USB Drivers

Patched USB

(well we do use a special kext related to sleep and usb but not similar to the ones included with iPC, because this kext is just few weeks old... it fixes the removal device warning issue after wakeup if usb storage device are attached... nothing else)


Fixes & Patches

(that's not very indicative of what it patches... anyway we don't patch anything here)


Dual Boot Time Sync

(whatever that is...)



NVinstaller v.51

(instead of those a simple EFI string does the job (your card has an available EFI string))

no DSDT patch

I don't think many of us uses a DSDT patch since we don't have useful modification that we know of for our board... (I use it on my other machine (a shuttle k45) only because I get video support with dsdt custom patch without the need of kext or efi string)



could you tell me more about NVinstaller v.51

is this just a driver, or do we get more options, I'm especially interested in nvidia video card fan speed (8800GTS 320)?

(mine sometimes runs hot for no apparent reason... sp I'd like to increase the fan a bit)

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This is where I got NVinstaller to make my card work - www.nvinstaller.com. When I installed iPC I didn't select any video patches from iPC. Upon first boot I was in VESA mode and just downloaded the nvinstaller and installed. Then it worked.


Dual boot time sync patch fixes the clocks getting out of whack when dual booting XP and OSX.

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my boottimes were:

63 seconds from power on to desktop

33 seconds from the apple boot screen to desktop

(this includes a 5 second countdown on the Chameleon bootloader)


I have a retail 10.5.6 install using Chameleon 2.0 rc1 (EP45-UD3R rev1.1) and the following kexts:







LegacyAppleIntelPIIXATA.kext (wth is this? I wonder if I need this one)





I used Uinstaller to modify my com.apple.Boot.plist file for Video (8800GTS640) and Time Machine fix (ethernet EFI string)


To fix my time sync for dual booting between Osx and Windows, I simply added a Reg value in Windows.

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no not crazy :thumbsup_anim: I was thinking It had stopped before I acquired that applesmbios kext but it indeed went away when I put it back in. Oh well, gotta go with what works!


I think you can open the applesmbios kext and you should have something similar to the smbios.plist

compare and maybe you'll find the entry that solves the sound pop...

look for anything related to sound first of course

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