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No Video after loading NVinject kext for Nvidia 8800 gts on startup

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Hi this isn't typically what I would want my first post on a forum to be about but I found myself in a pickle. I have been reading on here for some time now. I just built my first osx86 system. Everything was working pretty well. I am on pk5 deluxe board with a geforce 8800gts video card. I loaded the Ktext for it from nvinject it was working but has some pixelation problems I tried to update by copying over a newer version of the nvinject kext but it didn't like that. It has video up to where it loads the nvidia in the command then the screen just blacks out. It seems to me that if I could simply copy the old version of the file back it would work. I can get the kalyway dvd to boot and load, is there a way I could do this through the terminal? I have the older working version on an external HD.


I can imagine this sounds like a classic noob problem but I would really appreciate any help or advice you could offer.



You cannot copy a new kext over the old one; You can delete (and backup) the old kext and then install the new (it is easy with kexthelper).


With your hardware, in my opinion, the best Iso is iDeneb 1.3; with Nvinject 0.2.1 (on the DVD installation) your graphics card works very fine.

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