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Download driver: www.onetimesales.com/drivers/macosx


*Install the kexts from BCM57XX-General.zip to Extensions folder as instructed in the readme file


*Open AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext from Extensions folder and add the correct device and vendor ID in Info.plist file


*Copy AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleBCM5751Ethernet

to desktop and edit with Hexedit


*Find and replace all occurrences:

"66 81 FA 7D 16" with "66 81 FA xx 16"

(xx is part of device ID)


*Go to address 376C0 and replace "F8 08 75 59" with "F8 08 74 59"


*Copy the modified AppleBCM5751Ethernet back to the original location in /System/Library/Extensions/AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext/Contents/MacOS.


*MAC address gets assigned correctly, and DHCP works perfectly.


If you have any difficulties with your NIC, everyone here can help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just quickly made an auto-patching package that seems to work quite well at correcting the device ids for all the different Broadcom gigabit 57xx models. I've only tested it on express card models since that's all i have, but the actual binary patching does what it needs to do on the fly :D Credits for the kext are of course given to you, Newman Cook, in the package info. Give this a run, if anyone has issues or if their lan card isn't working, let me know.




Consider this still in a testing stage.


(backup link: http://umich.nawcom.com/osx86/files/LAN/Br...CM5751.pkg.zip)

I was able to use your installer package and it seemed to work.... at least it said it worked... i rebooted and now as soon as it finishes loading i loose all control over mouse and keyboard. any ideas?


Do not use the installer, because you have to edit your hardware ID and in the kext file and then update that kext file. Therefore, you have to do it manually as I showed in the steps. Go ahead and remove all AppleBCM files in the Extensions folder.

Do not use the installer, because you have to edit your hardware ID and in the kext file and then update that kext file.


what the pkg does is just automate everything you said to do, after installing the kext you told to download from your site.


device_id=`lspci -n|grep 14e4|grep 16|cut -d' ' -f3|cut -d':' -f2`
dev_change=`echo $device_id|awk -v device_i="$device_id" ' { print substr(device_i,3,2) }'`

binmay -i $3/System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext/Contents/MacOS
/AppleBCM5751Ethernet -s "6681FA7D16" -r "6681FA"$dev_change"16" -o $3/System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns

binmay -i $3/System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext/Contents/MacOS
/AppleBCM5751Ethernet.bak -s "F8087559" -r "F8087459" -o $3/System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns


Your previous version of AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext gets backed up in /Backup Extensions/yyyy-mm-dd before replacing it.


I added every device id to it, though i found that 1698 is missing.


Anyways, i apologize for doing this, I only thought it would help, as it has worked fine with other people's BCM57xxs. (31 people tested so far and it patched it successfully). I only made it to help. Again, i apologize...... :):thumbsup_anim:

  • 2 months later...

I am finally able to get my computer to start up with the BCM5751 drivers installed, however, I have to turn off the NIC to do so in the system bios setup screen.


For some reason, if I have the NIC turned on, the computer freezes as soon as it reaches the finder. I startup in verbose mode, and with the NIC turned on, it sees the device and gets the 00:00:00 MAC address, but as soon as it reaches the finder, the whole OS just locks up.


Any ideas?


If not, can someone please suggest a compatible Ethernet Low Profile card?

  • 7 months later...
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