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Speedstep works, sound doesn't even after having patched my boot.plist with efistudio. Strange thing is though, that in my system preferences all the options appear, including for the first time optical digital in. But nothing from the speakers.

In my system profiler I get the following under the audio option:


Device ID: 0x1458A002

Audio ID: 12

Available Devices: (blank)


Did you set something in the bios, or resort to any other trick. Thanks again.



I have an ALC889a (Gigabyte P35-DQ6). Can you describe your changes to DSDT to get it to work with the stock AppleHDA.kext?





No EFI or DSDT can make internal binary patch for your codec DeviceID as Taruga patch does.


No news about USB.



i made patch for my DSDT and everythings looks fine for me ... (i think so) AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement is loaded and AppleHPET also so am i ready for 10.5.6 ? :(



but only thing is that Xbench shows up my CPU results 50% lower then before DSDT was installed with Chameleon ..

please let me know that is OK or something is missed by myself doing all this stuff ??










but only thing is that Xbench shows up my CPU results 50% lower then before DSDT was installed with Chameleon ..

please let me know that is OK or something is missed by myself doing all this stuff ??

Probably your processor is speedstepped or throttled. I would remove AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement and use superhai's GenericCPUPowerManagement. Or you may want to investigate your DSDT to try to find a way to make AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement work correctly.

Probably your processor is speedstepped or throttled. I would remove AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement and use superhai's GenericCPUPowerManagement. Or you may want to investigate your DSDT to try to find a way to make AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement work correctly.



Before i've loaded AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement i use IntelEnhancedSpeedStep and everything was OK.I've removed IntelEnhancedSpeedStep so CPU isn't speedstepped or throttled. I just wondering what should i investigate in DSDT to find solution.. Maybe someone of you smart guys will help me ..i post my DSDT.aml if this will help



The KING explains the method here (end of post), great guide btw :unsure:




So you are using a stock AppleHDA.kext and using DSDT to set the pinconfig for your system? I can give that a try though I've not been entirely successful modding an AppleHDA for my ALC889a on the Gigabyte P35-DQ6.




yes, IntelCPU, AppleRTC... and changed Azalia to HDEF , use the vanilla applehda.kext with efistrings, it works fine...


Hi roisoft,


would you post your audio EFistring, since I have exactly the same mobo and revision.




only efistring and stock AppleHDA.




Sorry for the 20 questions but I'm trying to learn....


I've modified my DSDT.aml by changing AZAL to HDEF and used an EFI string and the stock AppleHDA.kext loads but I get no sound. I most likely need to use the appropriate pinconfig. Are you using a pinconfig specific to your ALC889a and board? If so where are you putting it - your efistring or in your DSDT.aml?




I´m trying to learn too :D



I´ve injected the pinconfig via DSDT but still doesn´t work because i don´t have all the info. See The KING´s thread...


this is the info, i ´ve injected till the moment, i get no errors whith IASL but still doesn´t work properly


Device (HDEF)
					Name (_ADR, 0x001B0000)
					Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized)
							Return (Package (0x02)

		Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)	
				Store (Package (0x08)
						Buffer (0x04)
							0x89, 0x08, 0xec, 0x10

						Buffer (0x04)

							0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

						Buffer (0x011)

						Buffer (0x20)
							 /* 0000 */   0x50, 0x70, 0x21, 0x01, 0x40, 0x01, 0x13, 0x90,
							 /* 0008 */   0x20, 0x30, 0x81, 0x01, 0x41, 0x40, 0x01, 0x01,
							 /* 0010 */   0x30, 0xe0, 0xc5, 0x01, 0x60, 0xe0, 0x45, 0x01,
							 /* 0018 */   0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40,
							 /* 0020 */   0x10, 0x01, 0xa0, 0x90, 0x11, 0x01, 0xa0, 0x90

					}, Local0)
				Return (Local0)		

use efistudio , Osx86tools or gfxutil, select HDEF and write to com.apple.boot.plist, that´s all...


i´m using digital out and it works fine but i dont know the rest of the outputs...


ALC885 or ALC889a will work natively with Apple's unmodded HDA kexts. Only Digitial out works properly. I think you can get analog line out from the mic in port. It's strange, but works.



ALC885 or ALC889a will work natively with Apple's unmodded HDA kexts. Only Digitial out works properly. I think you can get analog line out from the mic in port. It's strange, but works.




Yeah stell, ur right, i can confirm, line out works from the mic in port... :D

@roisoft: at the end of the _DSM Method it should be:


DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
Return (Local0)


and yeah you need the DTGP Method somewhere:


	Method (DTGP, 5, NotSerialized)
	If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10)
				/* 0000 */	0xC6, 0xB7, 0xB5, 0xA0, 0x18, 0x13, 0x1C, 0x44, 
				/* 0008 */	0xB0, 0xC9, 0xFE, 0x69, 0x5E, 0xAF, 0x94, 0x9B
		If (LEqual (Arg1, One))
			If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero))
				Store (Buffer (One)
					}, Arg4)
				Return (One)

			If (LEqual (Arg2, One))
				Return (One)

	Store (Buffer (One)
		}, Arg4)
	Return (Zero)

I guess the AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext can't load on AMD systems? After patching DSDT I can load the AppleHPET.kext but AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext gives a KP right away. Or is it possibly caused by edited files?


Great work anyway, it did get sleep working nicely!


With this release I'm able to make my PC sleep & wake for the first time since I join OSX community. So far no problem found & performance as it should be. I choose vista emulation when compiling dsdt_fixed.txt.


Thanks. :blink:




It look like my PC only can wake from sleep if I boot OSX with -v. With normal boot I got kernel panic when waking up. For now, I'm not yet found any error message in log file. Same result if I compile dsdt_fixed.txt with Darwin emulation. Can anybody help me how to troubleshoot this? I put my ioreg below if anybody want to look into it. Thanks. :)


By the way, I have use DSDT patcher Version 1.0.1e on this machine:-

Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 2.50GHz

Intel Desktop DG33TL

8GB Kingston DDR2

Sapphire ATi Radeon HD3870 512MB DDR4


AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext loaded successfully. All cores (4 cores) working even before applying this patch.


I can't find any apps that can detect processor temperature (including my pc). Any suggestion?




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