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I'm going to assume I don't then. How would I go about installing Chameleon sos I can install the DSDT patcher and eventually 10.5.6?

Hi,so nice job!!! :(

I try to use the patcher and i get this output:


Getting the DSDT...

ACPI contains 11 values

Failed to get DSDT



Decompiling the DSDT...


Intel ACPI Component Architecture

AML Disassembler version 20080926 [Oct 4 2008]

Copyright © 2000 - 2008 Intel Corporation

Supports ACPI Specification Revision 3.0a


Could not open input file ./dsdt.dat


What can be the problem?

Do you need any output from my system?


Failed to get the DSDT seems to be an Error from the GetDSDT Tool, thats not mine so i cant help you with that, what you could do to obtain your DSDT is:


ioreg -lw0 | grep DSDT > Desktop/ioregdump.txt


This will write the ACPI Tables to ioregdump.txt, remove all other tables except the DSDT, then copy the hex values to a HEX Editor like 0xED and save it as dsdt.dat


then do this to decompile your DSDT:


cd /PATH/TO/DSDT\ Patcher
./Tools/iasl -d dsdt.dat

To patch it do

./DSDT\ Patcher dsdt.dsl



Hi,so nice job!!! :(

I try to use the patcher and i get this output:


Getting the DSDT...

ACPI contains 11 values

Failed to get DSDT



Decompiling the DSDT...


Intel ACPI Component Architecture

AML Disassembler version 20080926 [Oct 4 2008]

Copyright © 2000 - 2008 Intel Corporation

Supports ACPI Specification Revision 3.0a


Could not open input file ./dsdt.dat


What can be the problem?

Do you need any output from my system?



Have you launched the patcher as root? (eg using sudo)

Yes i do it as root using "su root".

Using your commands i have this output:


DSDT Patcher 1.0.1b -- report Bugs to superfassl@gmail.com

enclose "DSDT Patcher/Debug/USER.tar"

Press any key to continue...

Done, now start the Patching!


Could not open file dsdt.dat


There were errors pacthing the RTC


sh-3.2# ./DSDT\ Patcher dsdt.dsl

sh: ./DSDT Patcher: No such file or directory





Scratch this, i have use your script placing the dsdt.dat besides it and has done his job!


Thanks again!

Can somebody look in to my dsdt.dsl??? HPET and RTC seems to be fine but i can not run both cores. I have hp530, CD t2400 @ 1.83, gma950, mobile945 chipset.





Try this and pls report back: pasi_fixed.txt


tyvm. :(


Said "Chameleon 1.0.11" when I booted, so I'll assume it worked.


Ran DSDT Patcher, copied dsdt.aml to /... That all I'm supposed to do?


Yeah copy dsdt.aml to / and replace the /boot with the chameleon bootloader with dsdt override function. Thats all

Try this and pls report back: pasi_fixed.txt


No luck, but thanks


These one is from hp6720 and is very similar to my original in the beginning and he have both cores out of the box. http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?act...st&id=37317 .


Maybe need to combine those two???

When its very similar, just try to compile that one and boot with it, if you have all cores enabled then, run the Patcher to patch the other things.




:censored2: I try that many times before i ask for help, but i am not coder , i work with networks. But in any case thanks for your fast answer and generous effort. :D

We are done patching, press any key to try to compile the fixed DSDT

Intel ACPI Component Architecture

ASL Optimizing Compiler version 20080926 [Oct  4 2008]

Copyright © 2000 - 2008 Intel Corporation

Supports ACPI Specification Revision 3.0a

./dsdt_fixed.txt   375:     Method (\_WAK, 1, NotSerialized)

Warning  1080 -                         ^ Reserved method must return a value (_WAK)

./dsdt_fixed.txt   408:             Store (Local0, Local0)

Error    4050 -                                 ^ Method local variable is not initialized (Local0)

./dsdt_fixed.txt   413:             Store (Local0, Local0)

Error    4050 -                                 ^ Method local variable is not initialized (Local0)

ASL Input:  ./dsdt_fixed.txt - 5755 lines, 187490 bytes, 2121 keywords

Compilation complete. 2 Errors, 1 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 623 Optimizations


Whats wrong?  ;)


We are done patching, press any key to try to compile the fixed DSDT

Intel ACPI Component Architecture

ASL Optimizing Compiler version 20080926 [Oct  4 2008]

Copyright © 2000 - 2008 Intel Corporation

Supports ACPI Specification Revision 3.0a

./dsdt_fixed.txt   375:     Method (\_WAK, 1, NotSerialized)

Warning  1080 -                         ^ Reserved method must return a value (_WAK)

./dsdt_fixed.txt   408:             Store (Local0, Local0)

Error    4050 -                                 ^ Method local variable is not initialized (Local0)

./dsdt_fixed.txt   413:             Store (Local0, Local0)

Error    4050 -                                 ^ Method local variable is not initialized (Local0)

ASL Input:  ./dsdt_fixed.txt - 5755 lines, 187490 bytes, 2121 keywords

Compilation complete. 2 Errors, 1 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 623 Optimizations


Whats wrong? ;)


Be sure to use latest version of patcher. Any help request should be accompanied by tar (explicitely said by patcher) or at least DSDT

Your dump seems to be uncomplete and/or incorrectly disassembled. Try using latest iasl and look if you have SSDT


How can I figure out if I have SSDT?; Anyway some people at Ubuntu's forum claim to have edited the dsdt to fix thermal zones (here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=659027&page=2 ). So apparently would be possible at least to make the dump from ubuntu... I will try that. Also I googled for the iasl; I only found some linux links ( http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/i386/iasl/download ); Which version is on the dsdt patcher?



Thanks for the answers!

Great work!


What exactly are you patching?


I'm having problems waking from USB-devices and sometimes USB-devices are unavailable after wake from sleep.


From reading the ACPI specification it seems that these problems may be due to bad DSDT info. Do you optimize for this?

Great work!


What exactly are you patching?


I'm having problems waking from USB-devices and sometimes USB-devices are unavailable after wake from sleep.


From reading the ACPI specification it seems that these problems may be due to bad DSDT info. Do you optimize for this?


Post your DSDT. We'll have a look but promise nothing


BTW you can also search on the internet if some fixes are available for similar issues. DSDT-patching formely was used a lot in linux

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