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GMA X4500


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Okay, I'm not really sure how I am helping. Honestly, I don't know anything about osx86 except for the really really basics of it. I hope that by trying to connect posts from other resources, we could get the talk going and therefore, get our kext for the X4500 Card.


This is part of a transcript from another website:






did u also edit the plists to include the device id? did u try booting with -v? what errors did u get?





Of course I did. there are no mistaker during boot, but wnen the Desktop needs to shows up, the system freeze and nothing happend. I hear even the skype sound but no Desktop. The philosofy is in the AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext because he fails to load. When change the device ids AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext loads but the FB not and stuck at the moment before the Desktop loads.






I didnt really quite understand that. However, from what I understand (and knowing that I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING), we should focus our study on the kexts that fail and try to see how they work. at what point does it break? Thats the best we could do I think


- - - -


What do you think guys? Any ideas how we can get this going?

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okay guys i installed the MacBook Pro Software Update 1.3 using Pacifist and here are the results

also i used shine-away intel kext



The AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext Files installs without kernel panic and system hang



A. The AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext fails to show the desktop at boot, hence stays at apple boot logo but system load is successful.

B. The update may knock out the usb functionality, just reinstall iousbfamily.kext

C. The update kills the ability to use the AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext


so we are getting close i hope.




nice desktop, what kext's did you use or is that an old screenshot prior to the IntelHD?

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Maybe changing the other settings in the plist?




Rehexed the kexts using originals that were posted earlier on, with the ids that limonada posted;


I have got AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext loading on startup using this kext. But it must unload itself due to the FB/FrameBuffer kext not loading.


Download AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext here:



The other kext (FB one) must need different id's or perhaps hexing in a different way. I will give it a retry later.

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Any updates? I think our problem is with the FB. Now all we need is to get the discussion going..


Who else has any bright or stupid idea we could try? We won't lose anything anyway. I mean, we were willing to risk it out on the x1300 (did I get that right?) and now that we have a better, more closer kext to x4500, arent we gonna work out butts?


Goodluck people!

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Hi guys, I m just curious if there is a Linux driver for 4500hd or the new intel HD graphics? If there is, is it possible to port over to osx? I was reading that only the 10.6.2 3100kext is 64bit supported. (older version is only 32bit) does these have any effects for us to get any of the kext running?

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So we need to edit the AppleGraphicsControl.kext and the applegraphicspowermanagement.kext to load the AppleIntelHD kexts as default, and then trying to edit the IntelHD kexts. May be we already have been patched the IntelHD FB kext but we can`t load it so we can`t know is it working. So GraphicsControl and GraphicssPwerManagement kexts are our priority now. ;)

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I've solved the display issue with GMA X4500MHD. I am getting the native 1600x900 display now.


I've used DSDTSE application to patch the DSDT.


I will post the step by step instructions if someone need it.

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I've solved the display issue with GMA X4500MHD. I am getting the native 1600x900 display now.


I've used DSDTSE application to patch the DSDT.


I will post the step by step instructions if someone need it.

what about QE etc ?

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