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GMA X4500


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Hi, I just want to make sure I got the #2 question request right. Are you looking for a hackintosh laptop that has X3100 on it and has working drivers with full QI/CE support?


I have an older Sony CR laptop that has X3100/965 chipset. Do you need an ioreg dump for this system?


Let me know and I'll do it for you. If I misunderstood the info, I'm sorry :)


Yep, that was what I am looking for. Thanks! -_-



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sorry coldequation i am using kexts provided to me by Tienneke because i am not able to prepare them for myself.



AppleIntelGMAX3100.kext ---------------------> patched by Tienneke

AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext ---------------------> patched by Tienneke






everything else from iatkos7 install, repaired permissions and still get stuck (no black screen)

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Yep, that was what I am looking for. Thanks! -_-




Ok, here is the dump. Using this command:



ioreg -f -l -w 0 >ioregoutput.txt


If you want me to use Natit, older X3100 drivers or EFI string, I can do that for you.  I can extract the kext from iAtkos DVD using pacifict and install it for you and do ioreg dump (If that even matters).  Just incase you wanted that instead of these kext from 10.5.7.








I appended an EDIT in my previous message.  I'm just resposting this in this reply.


EDIT from Previous post:


My Sony has X3100 with FULL QI/CE support. However, I just want to inform you that in my case, I didn't use any EFI string, Natit, or Specialized X3100/Framebuffer kexts to install this. It seems that 10.5.7 X3100 kext works native in my laptop. In 10.5.6 or lower, I had to install natit or efi string to make it work.


The only problem I had with 10.5.7 kext was the resolution. It gives me resolution choices but not the optimal which is 1280x800. It gives options like 640x480, 800x600, 1024x786, 1280x1024, etc which was not right, of course - no 1280x800. I had to install SwitchResX to have my right resolution.



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Interesting. It appears that the X3100 framebuffer and the X3100 kext are loading, but these lines are an issue:




The General state base address, Surface state base address, and Generate state address upper bound should be non-zero (I googled and found a dump of these from a MacBook Pro 15").


We need to do some collaborative googling/debugging to find out what is going on.


Tienneke, or whoever is getting the blue screen, can you boot into single user mode? (Use -s).


Once there, follow the directions to mount your / drive (I forget the commands but it's a combo of fsck and mount).


Then cd to your Desktop and run the following command:

ioreg -f -l -w 0 >ioregoutput.txt


Then attach the txt file to your reply. We might be able to sort out what's there with some detailed info.





Here are my 2 kext patched (80 occurences replaced, my device ID is 2A42). These KEXT are from iAtkos v7.

Also, as I have a blue screen after boot, here is the ioregoutput.txt

All zipped


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what's odd is that you have 80 occurences whilst I had 9 and 6 or something like that, 80 is just way to high!


I got same device ID.


@coldequation: I once got booted up till actually the normal boot screen (grey with the apple logo in the background, but my cursor was on top. It seemed like the native resolution, because my cursor was not deformed. But then again, I'm really not so sure about my result back then..

Since then I never got booted till that screen btw, always just get stuck at the grey screen, like it used to do on my main pc before the GeForce 8600 injector was ready (which leads me to think that maybe it is possible to get this to work with an injector, though I don't really know what an injector does in itself..)

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what's odd is that you have 80 occurences whilst I had 9 and 6 or something like that, 80 is just way to high!


I got same device ID.


Really, I don't know.

How did you do to replace ?

I Used 0XED, and then replaced (in hex) 8680022A by 8680422A, and he told me 80 occurences replaced (in AppleIntelGMAX3100FB). Maybe some of these hex are not corresponding to the device ID..

Using the same method, 0XED replaced 6 occurences in AppleIntelGMAX3100


Anyway, there must be a problem because in my ioregoutput.txt, in the GFX0 section, I have

"device-id" = <"B*">


It should be "device-id" = <422A0000>, I guess.......

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Really, I don't know.

How did you do to replace ?

I Used 0XED, and then replaced (in hex) 8680022A by 8680422A, and he told my 80 occurences replaced (in AppleIntelGMAX3100FB). Maybe some of these hex are not corresponding to the device ID..

Using the same method, 0XED replaced 6 occurences in AppleIntelGMAX3100


Anyway, there must be a problem because in my ioregoutput.txt, in the GFX0 section, I have

"device-id" = <"B*">


It should be "device-id" = <422A0000>, I guess.......


Maybe try recreating your kexts? I think something went wrong in your editing.. But it's really odd that it went wrong for FB and not for the normal kext..


BTW, is it normal that I don't see a GFX0 section in my ioregoutput.txt?

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Maybe try recreating your kexts? I think something went wrong in your editing.. But it's really odd that it went wrong for FB and not for the normal kext..


BTW, is it normal that I don't see a GFX0 section in my ioregoutput.txt?


I tried with another kext (version 1.5.24 provided by iPC 1.4), and same result : 72 occurences replaced

- The version in whitch I had 80 occurences replaced was 1.5.30 -


It is, indeed, strange that you don't have any GFX0 section in your ioregoutput...

Did you try this command : ioreg -f -w 0 -n GFX0 >GFX0-ioreg.txt ?

It should output only the GFX0 section...

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I've just found out that I forgot to add my device ID to Info.plist in AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext, I now consistently get to a blue screen, and in /var/windowserver.log I can read that acceleration is started and video ram is detected as 128mb instead of 64mb when I boot in single user mode (-s)..


If I boot into safe mode (-x at boot prompt), I get native resolution and can switch resolution.. QE/CI still not supported, but I get framebuffer mode apparently..


This is a big leap forward ( to say it in intel words ;) )


I attached my log down here, first boot is in normal mode, second boot is in safe mode..



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sorry coldequation i am using kexts provided to me by Tienneke because i am not able to prepare them for myself.



AppleIntelGMAX3100.kext ---------------------> patched by Tienneke

AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext ---------------------> patched by Tienneke






everything else from iatkos7 install, repaired permissions and still get stuck (no black screen)


NP, were you able to get an ioreg log? If not, could you try this one more time with the log? I'd like to see if any framebuffer is getting attached.




Ok, here is the dump. Using this command:



ioreg -f -l -w 0 >ioregoutput.txt


Perfect, thanks!


If you want me to use Natit, older X3100 drivers or EFI string, I can do that for you. I can extract the kext from iAtkos DVD using pacifict and install it for you and do ioreg dump (If that even matters). Just incase you wanted that instead of these kext from 10.5.7.


No need-- I appreciate the time you put in.




Here are my 2 kext patched (80 occurences replaced, my device ID is 2A42). These KEXT are from iAtkos v7.

Also, as I have a blue screen after boot, here is the ioregoutput.txt

All zipped


It's quite possible that it was my mistake. I'm running 10.5.6, and that kext has only 9 occurrences. It maybe that 10.5.7 has 80. (80 hard-coded device id's disturb me as a developer, but what do I know...)


Thanks for the ioreg output.


(Also if my replies to multiple messages are confusing, I'm not doing it on purpose-- something in the interaction of Firefox 3.5 and the forum. I've had issues with FF 3.5 and other php-based sites before...)




Here is the IOReg output from a plastic MacBook with a X3100.


Thanks Martin. Need my coffee before I look at this! Do you also have a 4500 in a laptop or desktop? I ask, because I'd like an independent verification of Tienneke's positive result (see his last post), and I don't have the time to edit the kexts for enzobelmont.




Actually on second thought (coffee kicking in), maybe it's best to try after I diff all these logs I have sitting here.



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I've just found out that I forgot to add my device ID to Info.plist in AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext, I now consistently get to a blue screen, and in /var/windowserver.log I can read that acceleration is started and video ram is detected as 128mb instead of 64mb when I boot in single user mode (-s)..


If I boot into safe mode (-x at boot prompt), I get native resolution and can switch resolution.. QE/CI still not supported, but I get framebuffer mode apparently..


This is a big leap forward ( to say it in intel words ;) )


I attached my log down here, first boot is in normal mode, second boot is in safe mode..


Is it me ?

I still don't see any GFX0 section in your ioregoutput.txt ?....

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I'll try to up my kexts for enzobelmont, so he can try them, maybe it works for him too? I'm on 10.5.6 though, so I don't know if they will support everything that 10.5.7 needs..


Is it me ?

I still don't see any GFX0 section in your ioregoutput.txt ?....


No, I have OVGA, apparantly my hardware needs to do different in order to feel better ;).. So look under OVGA, that's my graphics card..

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I've just found out that I forgot to add my device ID to Info.plist in AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext, I now consistently get to a blue screen, and in /var/windowserver.log I can read that acceleration is started and video ram is detected as 128mb instead of 64mb when I boot in single user mode (-s)..


If I boot into safe mode (-x at boot prompt), I get native resolution and can switch resolution.. QE/CI still not supported, but I get framebuffer mode apparently..


This is a big leap forward ( to say it in intel words ;) )


I attached my log down here, first boot is in normal mode, second boot is in safe mode..



Wow-- great news. Thanks for the effort you put in. I'm going to spend some time on the logs.


[ BTW, does anyone know how to stop getting all my posts rolled into one response? This is so annoying! ]



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Wow-- great news. Thanks for the effort you put in. I'm going to spend some time on the logs.


[ BTW, does anyone know how to stop getting all my posts rolled into one response? This is so annoying! ]




No problem, I just want this to work, maybe selfish, so I'm trying my best to help ;)


And about the posts: no, no idea how come, it's something new with the forum, I have it as well.. It's just if you post a few reply's, and there is no one that posts between your reply's, it does that.. Complete bummer.. And not very clear indeed.. maybe send an email to the admins? :P

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I'll try to up my kexts for enzobelmont, so he can try them, maybe it works for him too? I'm on 10.5.6 though, so I don't know if they will support everything that 10.5.7 needs..




No, I have OVGA, apparantly my hardware needs to do different in order to feel better ;) .. So look under OVGA, that's my graphics card..

Ok !


BTW : I tried with your modified kexts.

I have exactly the same issue : blue screen on normal boot, but I can change résolution on safe boot !.....

For the first time, I see my desktop at 1280x800 !!!!!

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For the first time, I see my desktop at 1280x800 !!!!!


Woohoo!!!!! /Me likes this!! (Also the first time I get native resolution ;))


My current kexts are attached to this post, so you can try them.. They've been edited to work with the X4500MHD (Device ID=0x2A42), so those who have that device ID can run in safe mode using the native resolution (Or if you're just happy with native resolution and won't be fiddling around just don't install the AppleIntelGMAX3100.kext, only AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext)


Just had an idea, can we try using the injectors used for GMAX3100 before, and also change the device ID's so it loads for our GMAX4500?


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Ok !


BTW : I tried with your modified kexts.

I have exactly the same issue : blue screen on normal boot, but I can change résolution on safe boot !.....

For the first time, I see my desktop at 1280x800 !!!!!


Cool! Do you have a GFX0 in your ioreg? If you can, could you compare your ioreg output to Tienneke's? I am in the process of comparing with the MacBook, and then Martin255's hackbook.

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Woohoo!!!!! /Me likes this!! (Also the first time I get native resolution :) )


My current kexts are attached to this post, so you can try them.. They've been edited to work with the X4500MHD (Device ID=0x2A42), so those who have that device ID can run in safe mode using the native resolution (Or if you're just happy with native resolution and won't be fiddling around just don't install the AppleIntelGMAX3100.kext, only AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext)


Just had an idea, can we try using the injectors used for GMAX3100 before, and also change the device ID's so it loads for our GMAX4500?




I've analyzed the differences between your output and the MacBook. A few things jump out:


1. You have no AppleUpstreamUserClientDriver under your OVGA -> AppleIntelFrameBuffer. Could you confirm that you deleted that kext (I just added that to Kabyl's Disabler so I didn't have to delete the kext).


2. The big issue is that you don't have the something of class IOAccelerator bound in. On my 950, that shows up as an Intel915 in ioreg. On the MacBook, it shows up as an Intel965. Hanging underneath the Intel965 is two Intel9652DContext(s), three Intel965GLContext(s) and four Intel965Surface(s).


So we need to get that class to load and show up in ioreg. It's related to the chipset drivers if Apple's naming scheme is to be believed, so maybe your intuition about using an injector to fool laptop into thinking that it's an earlier chipset will at least get it loaded.


Can anyone who has experience with injectors for X3100 speak up? I'd like to know what the problem was that the injectors solved, that editing plists and hex-editing kexts did not. Thanks!



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I've analyzed the differences between your output and the MacBook. A few things jump out:


1. You have no AppleUpstreamUserClientDriver under your OVGA -> AppleIntelFrameBuffer. Could you confirm that you deleted that kext (I just added that to Kabyl's Disabler so I didn't have to delete the kext).


I still have the AppleUpstreamUserClientDriver in my /S/L/E folder, so I believe I haven't deleted it..


2. The big issue is that you don't have the something of class IOAccelerator bound in. On my 950, that shows up as an Intel915 in ioreg. On the MacBook, it shows up as an Intel965. Hanging underneath the Intel965 is two Intel9652DContext(s), three Intel965GLContext(s) and four Intel965Surface(s).


So we need to get that class to load and show up in ioreg. It's related to the chipset drivers if Apple's naming scheme is to be believed, so maybe your intuition about using an injector to fool laptop into thinking that it's an earlier chipset will at least get it loaded.


Can anyone who has experience with injectors for X3100 speak up? I'd like to know what the problem was that the injectors solved, that editing plists and hex-editing kexts did not. Thanks!




Okay, I think I get it..


The last few times I booted up, I couldn't get into safe mode or normal mode anymore, so I removed the kexts again.. But at least it did boot well for a good 10 times.. (I'm still searching why it stopped working, I did the quicktime update and iphoto update before it started going bad..)


Status update:


I just updated to 10.5.7, re-edited my kexts, and now I can boot to graphical, but I don't get loginwindow or anything, just a gray/whiteish screen with my mouse cursor on it.. Can move my mouse, but no interface appears (same thing if I boot in safe mode..)


I'll post my logs, and look into it as well..

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My Sony has X3100 with FULL QI/CE support. However, I just want to inform you that in my case, I didn't use any EFI string, Natit, or Specialized X3100/Framebuffer kexts to install this. It seems that 10.5.7 X3100 kext works native in my laptop. In 10.5.6 or lower, I had to install natit or efi string to make it work.


The only problem I had with 10.5.7 kext was the resolution. It gives me resolution choices but not the optimal which is 1280x800. It gives options like 640x480, 800x600, 1024x786, 1280x1024, etc which was not right, of course - no 1280x800. I had to install SwitchResX to have my right resolution.




Your output has been very helpful ;) , and combined with Martin's MacBook output, I can see the differences clearly. There's very little difference between yours and Martin's, FYI.


However, with mindphazer's there are clear differences. I'm trying to figure out why that happens. Do you remember what you had to do with Natit or EFI Strings? If I could find out what the properties that were being injected (not the binary stuff), that would be helpful.


In a later post (reply to mindphazer), I'll detail what differences I found.


Thanks again!


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I just updated to 10.5.7, re-edited my kexts, and now I can boot to graphical, but I don't get loginwindow or anything, just a gray/whiteish screen with my mouse cursor on it.. Can move my mouse, but no interface appears (same thing if I boot in safe mode..)


I'll post my logs, and look into it as well..


As far back as I can remember, I had exactly the same issue with another laptop with a real true X3100. It did that thing with kexts provided by iPC 1.3. I had a grey screen, with mouse pointer, that's all. BUT, in safe mode, I had a normal screen with native resolutions.

I remember I solved this issue by using SlashHack's modified X3100 kexts....

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One question

When do you guys think we will have a fully workin kext

Please I need the answer today!!!!


Come on.

You know that nobody can (and will) give you any answer today. Therefore, nobody knows if there will be a fully working kext one day...

The only thing I can tellya is that with Tienneke's kext, and by installing ONLY AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext, I have a working Hckintosh with native resolutions. iChat & Photobooth are not working, and QE can't be enable. But if you just need native resolutions, it works (well, for me, it works)

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However, with mindphazer's there are clear differences. I'm trying to figure out why that happens. Do you remember what you had to do with Natit or EFI Strings? If I could find out what the properties that were being injected (not the binary stuff), that would be helpful.




Good to hear it helped. :)


I don't know if this question is for me but I'll share it anyway. As far as I remember, all people with X3100 have different experiences in the installation. Some people have to connect an external monitor, some uses the paper clip trick, and some people are really having difficulties all the way (Dells with X3100). Some people uses different modified kext made by different people. Last November, I installed Leopard (osx86) in my friends (2) laptops. One was an HP and the other was an Acer. In those 2 cases, Natit worked just by ticking Natit from the Intel VGA options (I can't remember what distro I used). EFI also worked like that (Natit was removed). In both cases, native resolution can be chosen in the resolution options. I didn't have to install SwitchResX


On the other hand, my Sony was way way different. This Sony was a pain. As far as I remember (10.5.6 and older), when installing Natit or EFI string they were the same. If I tick Natit/EFI string (from different Distros), when I boot up, the background was white and there were moving sharp colors across the screen. I activated voice over and it was working. Using Voice over, I blindly went to System Preferences > Display to change the resolution until I reached 1280x768 and screen was showing (however, the bottom was cut - below the dock). I had to install SwitchResX to have 1280x800 because it was not listed in the resolution options.


Moreover, the 10.5.7 was easy. Even without install Natit or EFI, It just boots up normally. I still had to install SwitchResX though.


If I tick Natit or EFI in 10.5.7 (iAtkos 7), the white screen will show up like in 10.5.6 and lower. BTW, Adding "Graphics mode" in boot.plist doesn't work in my case.


The was I analyze it, when using Natit or EFI string with older X3100/Framebuffer (even the 10.5.7 kexts) kext the resolution was initially set to 640x480 which was not supported by my laptop thus displaying that white screen.


Hope this helps. Let me know if you need me to do some more stuff.

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