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[Guide] Boot from EFI partition, zero modification installs on Intel SSE2 or better...


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er thanks br, but how to I find the boot.plist?


also have successfully updated straight from 10.5.0 to 10.5.6 :P .


But I also stuffed up the IONetworkingFamily.kext when I was trying to reinstall my ethernet connection, which incidentally did not "survive" the update. Is there a way to reinstall the kext? I tried copying it from the retail dvd install (from a separate partition on the drive) but with no success. Maybe I have to go right back to the start and reinstall the EFI booting and retail dvd kexts? So at the moment no internet from the hackintosh. :wallbash:


you find it right where it has always been in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration

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Kudos to munky, turbo, DFE, and everyone else who contributed to this installation method! It worked surprisingly well on the first try for me.


(edit) In particular the ability to load a patched DSDT was a huge help. It made it possible to use all 4 cores on the Hack without IntelCPUPMDisabler.kext, or any other hackery.


I can't wait to see what the next Chameleon will do for the OSX86 community! :censored2:

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you find it right where it has always been in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration


thanks Bladerunner - found and fixed. Great new display res too - looks much nicer!!

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i've succeed using your method


my mobo is ICH10R chipset & Proc is core2quad

could you point me how to load your efi partition from vista bootloader?


i like to use vista as my main bootloader


my system :

1s hdd --> xp & vista

2nd hdd --> leopard


thanks in advanced

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Edit: I have tried starting from scratch on this EFI partition 3 more times now. Everytime I get the same errors. I can not get "mkdir /Volumes/EFI/.fseventsd" to work, followed by the message telling me I do not have permissions to

"touch /Volumes/EFI/.fseventsd/no_log". Anyone? Please?




OK, So i have a clean 132-boot /retail 10.5.1 install. I then updated to 10.5.6. My Hardware is:



8GBs DDR2-800

EP45-DS3L Motherboard

HD3450 or X1550 (whichever I can find support for)


Sony IDE DL DVD/CD Burner


Question #1:


Now I have re-booted again (using boot 132) and want to get the EFI partition working.


I have gotten as far as Phase 4 before I have some problems. When I type:


"mkdir /Volumes/EFI/.fseventsd"


I get a message telling me the file already exists. I re-formated the EFI partition per the instructions earlier. Whats going on? The next command fails as well:


"touch /Volumes/EFI/.fseventsd/no_log"


I am told permission is denied.



If I try to boot off the EFI drive with just what I have then I get the following lines:


Boot0: GPT

Boot0: HFS+

Boot0: booting

Boot0: done

Boot1: startupfile

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Can someone please help me out, because I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong.


I've installed Leopard 10.5.4 retail on my D945GLCF2. After the install, I followed the instructions and was able to boot without the boot-132 CD without issue.


I followed all of the directions completely. I then copied all of the kexts from the D945GCLF2 zip into the extensions folder, ,re-ran update.sh, and restarted. None of the drivers apparently loaded. I have no sound with azalia, no proper display resolutions at all.


I figured maybe I hadn't copied over the apple.com.Boot.plist file, so I did that and rebooted. No luck.


I then tried installing the Kexts to the main partition using the osx86tools app supplied with the drivers. On boot, I had display, azalia, everything.


I figured, ok, they installed correctly now, so I copied the kexts back over to the extensions folder on the EFI partition, ran the update.sh, copied the boot.plist file and rebooted.


I now figured that since everythign was working, it's probably loading from the EFI partition, and I installed the 10.5.6 combo update. After reboot, everything was reset as if I had never installed the kexts, even though they all exist in the EFI/Extensions partition. It seems none of them actually load from the EFI partition.


What did I do wrong here? What am I missing?

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Can someone please help me out, because I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong.


I've installed Leopard 10.5.4 retail on my D945GLCF2. After the install, I followed the instructions and was able to boot without the boot-132 CD without issue.


I followed all of the directions completely. I then copied all of the kexts from the D945GCLF2 zip into the extensions folder, ,re-ran update.sh, and restarted. None of the drivers apparently loaded. I have no sound with azalia, no proper display resolutions at all.


I figured maybe I hadn't copied over the apple.com.Boot.plist file, so I did that and rebooted. No luck.


I then tried installing the Kexts to the main partition using the osx86tools app supplied with the drivers. On boot, I had display, azalia, everything.


I figured, ok, they installed correctly now, so I copied the kexts back over to the extensions folder on the EFI partition, ran the update.sh, copied the boot.plist file and rebooted.


I now figured that since everythign was working, it's probably loading from the EFI partition, and I installed the 10.5.6 combo update. After reboot, everything was reset as if I had never installed the kexts, even though they all exist in the EFI/Extensions partition. It seems none of them actually load from the EFI partition.


What did I do wrong here? What am I missing?

Azalia and Video drivers aren't loaded from EFI partition. For video drivers patch the DSDT, place it in EFI partition and use stock kext for GMA950.

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Edit: I have tried starting from scratch on this EFI partition 3 more times now. Everytime I get the same errors. I can not get "mkdir /Volumes/EFI/.fseventsd" to work, followed by the message telling me I do not have permissions to

"touch /Volumes/EFI/.fseventsd/no_log". Anyone? Please?

OK, So i have a clean 132-boot /retail 10.5.1 install. I then updated to 10.5.6. My Hardware is:



8GBs DDR2-800

EP45-DS3L Motherboard

HD3450 or X1550 (whichever I can find support for)


Sony IDE DL DVD/CD Burner


Question #1:


Now I have re-booted again (using boot 132) and want to get the EFI partition working.


I have gotten as far as Phase 4 before I have some problems. When I type:


"mkdir /Volumes/EFI/.fseventsd"


I get a message telling me the file already exists. I re-formated the EFI partition per the instructions earlier. Whats going on? The next command fails as well:


"touch /Volumes/EFI/.fseventsd/no_log"


I am told permission is denied.

If I try to boot off the EFI drive with just what I have then I get the following lines:


Boot0: GPT

Boot0: HFS+

Boot0: booting

Boot0: done

Boot1: startupfile

That sounds like you didn't go in super-user mode (ie, sudo -s )

if you see a $ instead of a # at the terminal prompt, your NOT in superuser mode. (hence the no premissions for touching the file)

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Thanks for this...

OK Thanks for this... It is a really good system...

I am running on an MSI P965 Neo logic board and although I have gort some desktops working fine the server version of Mac OS would not play ball.

After quite a few posts here I thought I would try a different loader and used a P965 Boot 1-2-3 loader for an Asus P965 and hey presto I am upgraded to 10.5.6 no problems, so first of all sorry for all my posts about this...

No the boot loader I have only has the extensions.mkext but no actual extensions listed so I can not see which extensions are loading from the boot loader, how can I seee which extensions were used ? I know there is a command line command for that ...

So now I have to hunt down the Kexts I need to do the boot loader myself when that works I will move to set up the EFI partition.


So how can I find out which kexts the boot loader used ??



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open a terminal and type


sudo -s

mkdir /Volumes/EFI

mount_hfs /dev/diskXs1 /Volumes/EFI (X=EFI disk)

killall Finder


you will see the EFI partition mounted in your desktop



to unmount


sudo umount -f /Volumes/EFI

rm -rf /Volumes/EFI


I almost got this thing done. Thanks to this great guide and others on this awesome forum! :thumbsup_anim:


One last thing I'm trying to do is put a corrected DSDT.aml in /Volumes/EFI so I can get my 4 cores working, but the above commands are not working for me to get back into the EFI volume. I get the usual "File exists" after I try mkdir command and "mount_hfs: Not a directory" & even tried bash-3.2# fsck_hfs /dev/disx0s1 and I get-

/dev/disx0s1: No such file or directory

Can't stat /dev/disx0s1

Can't stat /dev/disx0s1: No such file or directory


This is what my disk looks like currently if it helps any-

bash-3.2# diskutil list disk0s1



0: GUID_partition_scheme *698.6 Gi disk0

1: EFI 200.0 Mi disk0s1

2: Apple_HFS Mac 60.0 Gi disk0s2


Anyone have any ideas?


Also as a side note - my system is taking for ever to load to the desktop. Is this normal?






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I almost got this thing done. Thanks to this great guide and others on this awesome forum! :(


One last thing I'm trying to do is put a corrected DSDT.aml in /Volumes/EFI so I can get my 4 cores working, but the above commands are not working for me to get back into the EFI volume. I get the usual "File exists" after I try mkdir command and "mount_hfs: Not a directory" & even tried bash-3.2#fsck_hfs /dev/disx0s1 and I get-

/dev/disx0s1: No such file or directory

Can't stat /dev/disx0s1

Can't stat /dev/disx0s1: No such file or directory


This is what my disk looks like currently if it helps any-

bash-3.2# diskutil list disk0s1



0: GUID_partition_scheme *698.6 Gi disk0

1: EFI 200.0 Mi disk0s1

2: Apple_HFS Mac 60.0 Gi disk0s2


Anyone have any ideas?


Also as a side note - my system is taking for ever to load to the desktop. Is this normal?





Well, it may be a typo in your post, but the correct format would be

fsck_hfs /dev/disk0s1


fsck_hfs /dev/disx0s1


You made that same mistake in several of the commands shown in the post above. If that is what you really typed it would explain your problems.

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Well, it may be a typo in your post, but the correct format would be

fsck_hfs /dev/disk0s1


fsck_hfs /dev/disx0s1


You made that same mistake in several of the commands shown in the post above. If that is what you really typed it would explain your problems.


LOL :D:( Dam it Munky screwed me up! :(:P Thanks for the correction - Munky can you please edit that line on your first post-




If you ever get 'mount_hfs: Invalid argument' when trying to mount the EFI partition, do this to fix it:


fsck_hfs /dev/disxXs1"


Thanks for you help!

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I followed this guide and everything is working fine. Big thanks to munky!

The only problem i have now is, that when i boot up the grey apple doesnt show up, just the light grey screen with the spinning wheel.


Any solutions?

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