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[Guide] Boot from EFI partition, zero modification installs on Intel SSE2 or better...


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Is there any way to get audio working from kexts placed in the EFI partition? I've had audio working on my system with a different (retail Brazilmac based) installation using the alc889a kexts, and I've had it work using EFI strings. Its not working now with my new EFI partition based installation. Currently I am using EFI strings in my EFI partition, but only the video part of the string is working. It ignores the audio. I also have ALCinject.kext in the /System/Library/Extensions folder to no effext. Its the ONLY thing that doesn't work. Any ideas?


Remove EFI audio string, and ALCinject, and restore Vanilla AppleHDA.kext, then put Legacy AppleHDA driver On your EFI Partition

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Hey thanks Pink.


I got it working now. Had to create my own AppleHDA.kext. Using that & the old ALCinject.kext I was able to make an EFI string that I put into my EFI partition. Got rid of the ALCinject.kext & so now I have EFI graphics & audio both on my 10.5.6 system.


Here is the AppleHDA.kext (and ALCinject.kext) for anyone who has a Gigabyte GA-P35-DQ6 ver 1.0 like mine.



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Hi all,


I have the system in my sig line, and now I'd like to add the Munky Method.



I'm stoked, but also apprehensive because I have a lot to lose .. or to screw up *L*


If I make an attempt at this method on top of my existing install, how can I get past my EFI partition if this doesn't work right off. If perhaps my video craps, and I can't get into Leo?


* I have another Leo partition on the same HDD, can I boot to that to gain access to my other install? Or does my newly created/modified EFI partition manifest in that partition as well, potentially locking me out of both?


Can I bypass the EFI partition and boot as I do now if something isn't working in EFI? (Until I tweak it into shape)



Just lining up ways to save my a$$ if things go south :P








PS: Brilliant work Munky, et al

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** DEPRECATION NOTICE: This functionality is coming to a Chameleon release very soon. Once Chameleon supports this approach, this project will be retired. Thanks to everyone who uses this bootloader, thanks for the support and the kind words :wacko: **


Another BIG NOTE: existing chameleon, pc-efi etc bootloaders can seriously mess this up. If you have problems please try with only one hd attached and make sure u *completely destroy* the existing partitions before install.



Just to be clear ..


1 ) Can I follow this method post Boot-132/DFE_for_hard_disk Retail Apple install? Or will the Chameleon mess things up??


2 ) If it can, what measures do I take to sidestep them?







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@ matsufan

This is the com.apple.Boot.plist and the dsdt.aml I put in /EFI folder, for the R60 thinkpad. I'm not sure the dsdt.aml helps anything. The EFI string in the .plist file is just for graphics. The KEXTs I listed should be findable via google, they're unmodified from whatever sources they came from.


By the way, what's the deal with DSDT vs dsdt .aml? Does case matter to the chameleon/munky bootloader system?



Hi Pentium0,

Could you share your kext and customized portion for R60?

I keep fail to have GMA950 work w/o touch S/L/E....




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I tried:


diskutil eraseVolume HFS+ %noformat% /dev/disk0s1


And did not get that: "Could not mount disk0s1 with name after erase" warning (there seems to be an extra space after 'name') but then it fails to mount (mount_hfs), probably because it skips the initialization of the disk, right?

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Hey guys, this is a great tutorial. I used it to install Leo Retail on my EP45-DS3R.

On a second hdd, i have Win XP installed. When i change the boot-sequence in my BIOS settings, i can boot perfectly in both operatingsystems. Now, I wanted to set the Leopard HDD permanently as first boot-device, and use the darwin bootloader with "escape" -> "81" to boot the second hdd (XP).

XP is recognized propperly as "hdd(1,1) Foreign OS", but after i press Enter, nothing happens.

This seems quite odd to me, because both systems work fine when i start them seperately.


thx in advance


PS: I used this EPOS script to setup my EFI Partition etc... does this matter?

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Hi all, hackmates,


great guide, munky!!!


Everything goes right, for me, but... some questions (I like to know what I'm doing...):


1) wich kexts are indispensables to put in /Volumes/EFI/Extra/Extensions?


I would to keep only few kexts for my rig, as I wish to keep my hackintosh clean, like a real mac.

2) Or does'n matter how much kext I put in it? May them cause conflicts with the original (with the same name) apple kexts?


Thx to all

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Server Drops Serial number......

Hi I used this to install the OS X Server but the installation drops the serial number (I have a full bona fide copy of OS X Server)

I am wondering if this is related to the "About This mac" problems and System Profile problems I am having.

Would anyone know ?

Also where can I get the latest smbiosresolver ?

Do you use this with apples vanilla applesmbios.kext ?


Thanks any suggestions about how to get the smbios resolved would be great I am using the MSI p965 neo logic board with intel core 2 duo chip.


Thanks ...

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@ matsufan

This is the com.apple.Boot.plist and the dsdt.aml I put in /EFI folder, for the R60 thinkpad. I'm not sure the dsdt.aml helps anything. The EFI string in the .plist file is just for graphics. The KEXTs I listed should be findable via google, they're unmodified from whatever sources they came from.


By the way, what's the deal with DSDT vs dsdt .aml? Does case matter to the chameleon/munky bootloader system?


Hi Pentium0,


I finally have my graphic works by EFI partition in my Z61t, it's by adding correct EFI string for the graphic controller.

Same as yours, for Audio, still need to put AppleAzaliaAudio in S/L/E for audio to work....


I was read some thread that need to put the name by DSDT.aml...

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1) wich kexts are indispensables to put in /Volumes/EFI/Extra/Extensions?

I would to keep only few kexts for my rig, as I wish to keep my hackintosh clean, like a real mac.


Yup, That's what I'd like to know.


On Laptops:

Keyboard and trackpad kexts (updated to 10.5.6)






On desktops:

the same

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not dsmos applesmsbios applehda disabler and tens of others like these???!!!


You'll need dsmos or AppleDecrypt, disabler - or the system won't boot after an update (I could be worng about this one).

I've installed ALCinject, HDAenabler and AppleHDA.kext onto the hidden EFI partinon, and, although I had Volume control and everything listed as okay, there was no sound. I had to put the AppleHDA.kext into the systems extensions folder.

Also, Nvinject and other video kexts. (no QE/CI on 10.5.6, though, but I'm working on it)


For ethernet, I used EFI strings.


The thing is, I'm still trying tomake it work on a system with a P4 with a Via chipset Mobo. I'm always getting the Still waiting for root device error. It works fine with a patched install. But not with this "hidden EFI trick". Also.. Do we have to type the UUI and that long line at startup, every time??

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Hi I have been trying to follow this but I am slightly lost.


I thought I did everything right but I get this message when I boot.


boot0: GPT




Now I realize that the problem should be how I installed the boot0 file but I tried to that again and the same error was produced.


Should I try to do the whole thing over again from the start or is it something else.


The only change I made between these events is that I have been using a usb key for boot-132 and removed it to try the hard drive boot


Any help would be great.


Update: Got it working. I mistyped on the commands.

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OK, i just majorly messes up my system which i think was because of this method.

I basically followed all the instructions and everything was good and fine

i had set my vista partition to be active so i could hibernate in vista and used that as the main bootloader which would then load up darwin/this bootloader if i chose to boot mac in the vista bootloader.

Everything was good which i could tell by editing the apple.boot.plist... to turn on quiet boot and placing that in the efi partition.

then i went a step further (being that i have a dell laptop with a MediaDirect button) and i decided you use the rmbr.exe program to have OSX launch when the mediadirect button was pressed and Vista when the main power button was pressed.

i'm not sure what that program did, but basically when i started with the media direct button, it loaded the darwin bootloader skipping the vista bootloader (thereby automatically launching OSX) and when i started with the power button it lauched the vista bootloader (with an option to lauch OSX in it).

It was as of this point that i realized that i somehow broke this method as the apple.boot.plist in the EFI volume wasn't being loaded anymore (the one in the regular leopard volume was being loaded)

anyway, i didn't do anything about it untill i updated my ideneb 1.3.5 to osx10.5.6 (stupid move i know- but people posted that the update was fine with their installation of ideneb.

The update froze at 66% so i shut down my laptop to restart it.

It basically wasn't working as the partition was somewhat corrupted and even my vista was messed up (extremely slow- i later realized it was because macdrive was having problems with the corrupted mac partition).

i ended up restoring vista via Windows Complete PC Restore.

I then tried reinstalling ideneb (with reformatting the partition) which installed and booted successfully.

My problem is when i tried setting my vista partition to be active again and restart and booting into mac, the bootloader says either "chain boot error" or boot1: error. (i don't remember which- see below)

not only that, but when i boot into windows and change the active partition back to leopard, it gives me a message "chain boot error" or "boot1: error" (i'm not sure which error was from when leopard was active and which was from when vista was active)

I've spent hours trying to reinstall it and check for solutions online to no avail.

i've tried deleting and readding the mac entry with EasyBCD as well.

I also tried adding tboot (renaming it to nst_mac.mbr....)


I would love to hear any suggestions.


BTW, i think it may have to do with this "hidden" EFI partition still being on my hard drive even though it was reformatted.

If it is still there then the bootloader may be looking at it to load the OS which it obviously can't as it isn't the OS.

Unfortunately i do not know how to access it as it is hidden with windows and mac (i also don't know if i would be finding it or the "new partition" that was formed when i just reinstalled [with reformatting] ideneb)

Another possibility i think may be that the old EFI partition is NOT there but the installed bootloader (this method's modified one- boot0/boot1 files) may still be there- and looking for the efi partition unsuccessfully.

Unfortunately i have no clue how to delete/remove this method's modified bootloader (boot0/boot1 files)


I am also completely puzzelled why it can boot mac (with the darwin bootloader) after i reinstall ideneb UNTILL i set vista to be the active partition- and even after a set leopard again to be active it still comes up with the booting errors (stated above)


I am seriously at wits end, can anybody help me?

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