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[Guide] Boot from EFI partition, zero modification installs on Intel SSE2 or better...


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I've got a GPT,

s1 is EFI (of course^^)

s2 Vista SP1

s3 osx

s4 stuff


neither bootable USBstick nor Munkys gives me another choice but to boot osx, it's the only one showing up. Normal Chameleon however (without any modifications) detects Vista as well und lets me choose it... That's the reason i'm now waiting for its new release.


Yeah same here, for now i have munkys bootloader installed but windows set active so if i want to boot mac i just use a USB stick...


BTW, @Toonces, i thought this was GPT only, since the bootloader looks for the EFI partition, which does not exist on MBR disks

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Yeah same here, for now i have munkys bootloader installed but windows set active so if i want to boot mac i just use a USB stick...


BTW, @Toonces, i thought this was GPT only, since the bootloader looks for the EFI partition, which does not exist on MBR disks


I think the only reason it is GPT only is because an unmodified retail disk will only install GPT. You can modify OSInstall.mpkg and repackage the DVD so it allows MBR install ( http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=116505 ) though and Munky's bootloader is working just fine for me dual booting on a single disk. I started with XP (default install from ASUS), deleted an empty partition, created 2 partitions in disk management (256MB (EFI) & 78GB (OSX), installed OSX, installed boot-132 on the 256MB partition, updated to munky's bootloader (all 3 stages), installed windows 7 then rebooted from boot-132 CD into Single User and restored Munky's stage 0 & stage 1 bootloaders back to my "EFI" partition to fix what the windows 7 install broke.


There's really no magic in the EFI partition that makes it any different than the other partitions that I'm aware of other than it's not mounted and it's the active partition. You should be able to create your own. It just happens that one is created for you by the install process then you hijack it :( You can keep a volume from mounting by adding /etc/fstab with a single entry like below. (use the UUID of the partition you don't want to mount. You can find it with diskutil info /dev/disk0sX)





When I want to work on my EFI partition I just open disk utility and mount it. When I'm done I run update.sh then unmount it back in disk utility then reboot.

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It must be because I am using MBR then. Munky's bootloader shows me both Windows 7 & OSX partitions. Sorry if I led anyone astray. It's just strange since Munky's is based off of Chameleon that his wouldn't work but Chameleon does.


well, the starting point was NOT the chameleon codebase, i just ported some fixes and functionality from the chameleon codebase.


PS Toonces is also correct that its GPT only mainly because retail installs require it, and that there is no specific 'magic' in the EFI partition. i originally set out to just use a normal partition, but the EFI partition had the benefit of being the right size, always there, and hidden.

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A few others and I have run into a unique issue regarding the boot from EFI process, the Voodoo kernel, and its affect on the OS's ability to automatically handle USB and FireWire devices. We are running the latest OS release (10.5.6), Voodoo kernel 9.5.0 RC on the new Core_i7 CPU. (See specs in signature below for full system details.) The corresponding Voodoo System.kext is obviously installed on the EFI partition. The kextstat command will reveal that the System.kext (with appropriate version number) is properly loaded.


However, with this setup, I have been unable to get USB and FireWire devices to be automatically handled (mounting, etc.) by the OS. System Profiler will see them, but no action is taken. The only way one may get such devices, like Bluetooth dongle, handled properly is to have the Voodoo System.kext installed in the normal S/L/E directory, in place of the vanilla kext. In spite of the fact that the Voodoo System.kext version on the EFI partition matches the running kernel, the kernel still appears to look to the System.kext located in the normal location (S/L/E) for its resources. Proof of that is from the following error that occurs on occasion:


1/3/09 5:09:46 PM com.apple.kextd[10] /System/Library/Extensions/System.kext/PlugIns/Unsupported.kext/Unsupported: Undefined in symbol set: _sha1_hardware_hook

Additionally, I have observed that if the vanilla System.kext is removed from the S/L/E directory, I'm no longer able to boot!


So, again, on a boot from EFI setup with the Voodoo kernel, the kernel is still relying on the vanilla System.kext for some of it's resources. My question would be: Is this because of the fact the vanilla files are 9.6.0, taking higher loading priority?

The paradox for me is, if I up the version number of the System.kext to gain loading priority, I also lose the kernal/kext matching, and vice versa. So, in the end, I still don't get the devices to load properly, unless the vanilla kext is taken out of the equation.

(I actually went through the trouble of marking up the version numbers of the Voodoo System.kext (info.plist), including all the inclosed kexts inside PlugIns directory, like the Unsupported.kext. After updating the EFI partition with this and rebooting, the behavior was unchanged. The Undefined error with the Unsupported.kext path still shows up, as well.)


Any insights on this?

I hope I wasn't too wordy. :D


Original thread.


kind regards,




Well, after installing Voodoo kernel 9.6.0, I no longer need its System.kext in the S/L/E directory for USB/FireWire handling! It's fixed!

Thanks, guys! So, I'm back to a vanilla install on my main partition. ;)

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I've noticed something unusual that caught my attention,

I've had on my EFI partition among with other kexts:


AppleRTL8169Ethernet.kext (for my lan from realtek.com)

AppleSMBIOSResolver.kext (Which was not showing memory info in system profiler)


it happened that when i was testing for something by eliminating some kexts from the EFI partition the following:

after I removed AppleRTL8169Ethernet.kext then rebooted, my lan was still working and loaded from the stock vannilla AppleRTL8169Ethernet.kext which is inside IONetworkingFamily.kext!


Then I removed AppleSMBIOSResolver.kext and swapped with with a hacked AppleSMBIOS.kext which when i rebooted showed me my memory info in system profiler, then i removed it again and swapped it with AppleSMBIOSResolver.kext then rebooted, then opened system profiler and notice that it shows the memory info!!


what does that mean ?

how could the system act as if those old kext files are actually loaded ?


Also is there a way to make sure that DSDT.aml is actually loaded or not ?

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I've noticed something unusual that caught my attention,

I've had on my EFI partition among with other kexts:


AppleRTL8169Ethernet.kext (for my lan from realtek.com)

AppleSMBIOSResolver.kext (Which was not showing memory info in system profiler)


it happened that when i was testing for something by eliminating some kexts from the EFI partition the following:

after I removed AppleRTL8169Ethernet.kext then rebooted, my lan was still working and loaded from the stock vannilla AppleRTL8169Ethernet.kext which is inside IONetworkingFamily.kext!


Then I removed AppleSMBIOSResolver.kext and swapped with with a hacked AppleSMBIOS.kext which when i rebooted showed me my memory info in system profiler, then i removed it again and swapped it with AppleSMBIOSResolver.kext then rebooted, then opened system profiler and notice that it shows the memory info!!


what does that mean ?

how could the system act as if those old kext files are actually loaded ?


Also is there a way to make sure that DSDT.aml is actually loaded or not ?


Since you didn't mention it, I assume that you didn't use the kernel flag "-f" or remove /S/L/Extensions.mkext after you removed those kext. That leaves the possibility that you are still using the cashed versions of the old kext. Reboot using -f and you will likely see the changes you expected.

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Since you didn't mention it, I assume that you didn't use the kernel flag "-f" or remove /S/L/Extensions.mkext after you removed those kext. That leaves the possibility that you are still using the cashed versions of the old kext. Reboot using -f and you will likely see the changes you expected.

I did, and everything still the same!! :(

actually i've been having strange issues lately comming out of the blue, and the weird thing that it happens to both if i booted to my main system or my kalyway backup hdd (i use it for rescue purposes)

Have you seen this thread? help me out if you have any ideas

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I have a lovely working system however no smbios or smbios resolver seems to work I have an MSI P965 Neo logic board and everything bar sound (which works but is not great ACL883 Chipset) and SMBIOS , works.


SMBIOS would be good as I need a serial number and stuff for iTunes etc to work correctly,, odly Parallels 4 says my system is running on virtualisation technology, which it isn't and quits surely I should be able to run parallels ??


So my big problem is getting smbios working.

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Hi munky,

this all is a very nice aproach to keep all as native as possible.

I agree with you very strongly on the approch mentioned on page 1 of these 1000+ posts.


I have not read all of them so I don't know if the following question/issue has come up.

I have read what Apple has to say about their EFI partion (or ESP how they call it)




Now I am wondering for the sake of keeping it native:


1. Is there a need to format the partion with HSF+ (Apple doesn't).

2. Apple states "The EFI firmware in Macintosh computers fully supports the ESP" , do you

know by now how fully the new Chamelion will be "fully supporing" the ESP (in Apples sense).



Thanks for reading

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I did, and everything still the same!! :thumbsup_anim:

actually i've been having strange issues lately comming out of the blue, and the weird thing that it happens to both if i booted to my main system or my kalyway backup hdd (i use it for rescue purposes)

Have you seen this thread? help me out if you have any ideas


do you have your kexts also in an /Extra folder, or have you possibly installed them into /S/L/E? I faced a similar issue in reverse - removing kexts from /Extra/Extensions, forgetting that I have an EFI partition with kexts also.....

These darn bootloaders are so flexible!

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do you have your kexts also in an /Extra folder, or have you possibly installed them into /S/L/E? I faced a similar issue in reverse - removing kexts from /Extra/Extensions, forgetting that I have an EFI partition with kexts also.....

These darn bootloaders are so flexible!


my system that i boot from EFI from, does not have chameleon and its Extra folder. also the install is all vanilla, nothing touched on the installed files.


however, i have another backup partition that has chameleon and extra folder in it

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@pontifex22: we need to format it because it needs to have a format to be able to store files :D apple dont use it, so we repurpose it.


@blackcorsair: No new features are likely to be added to this bootloader, because the new Chameleon (which has all of this functionality and more) is coming soon.

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Hi all, and many thanks to munky for his bootloader..

Well, i've got something wrong with the com.apple.Boot.plist file. When I put it @ the EFI partition, the bootloader says "Errors encountered while starting up the computer.

Pausing 5 seconds..."

And don't load the boot.plist strings..


This is the content of my boot.plist file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

<plist version="1.0">




<key>Kernel Flags</key>












































































So.. Where's the mistake?




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my system that i boot from EFI from, does not have chameleon and its Extra folder. also the install is all vanilla, nothing touched on the installed files.


however, i have another backup partition that has chameleon and extra folder in it


could your boot sequence be boot0 -> boot1->backup partition boot (which will load kexts from there) -> main partition boot?

make sure your use fdisk to set the correct partition active. if fdisk goes to your backup partition, the extra/efikexts will load from there, even if you are specifying the correct boot partition in com.apple.boot.plist

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@pontifex22: we need to format it because it needs to have a format to be able to store files :soldiers: apple dont use it, so we repurpose it.


Of course we need to format :wacko: it works perfectly fine with HFS+. Question was FAT32, cos that's the native of the EFI specs. :)

Does it make sense in some long view to keep it to EFI specs?

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could your boot sequence be boot0 -> boot1->backup partition boot (which will load kexts from there) -> main partition boot?

make sure your use fdisk to set the correct partition active. if fdisk goes to your backup partition, the extra/efikexts will load from there, even if you are specifying the correct boot partition in com.apple.boot.plist


First, I really appreciate your concern.. thx man.

second, Your suggestion made alot of sense to me, so i dig that a little and noticed that 3 partitions are marked bootable on my system (every partition resides on its own disk) which are my boot partition, time machine and rescue partition (which has kalyway).


so since i didnt found any fdisk command to mark partitions inactive, i decided to open the case and unplug the rescue partition power cable.


result: still the same, ethernet is loaded and working, and memory info is visible on the profiler.


I don't think that apple supported my lan natively after 10.5.2 or something! i think thats apply on all realtek built-in lans..


I am, clueless cannot figure it out!

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Hi munky, just wanted to let you know that this is probably the best thing that ever happened to osx hacking. I took your method and pushed it a little further.


1. Intel D946GZIS. Built boot-132 CD and installed the system. Created the EFI partition and all worked (with a lot of tweaking). After i had some screwed up programs due to panics during tests i decided to reinstall. I Booted the installation directly from the EFI partition and the only thing i did was erase the main partition leaving the EFI one intact. The partition survived the new installation and booted the system without a hitch (with the right arguments since it is a P4)


2. Intel DG35EC. Since it's AHCI based i didn't had a SATA DVD drive so what i did is i hooked up the disk to the other hackintosh and booted. Cloned the disk with Disk Utility and created the EFI partition on the other disk with the correct drivers. Made it bootable and voila. Another hackintosh set up in minutes.

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thanks Munky; this method is working great.


These are results from a Thinkpad R60 CoreDuo laptop, with the goal of having everything working without touching the vanilla install.

Started with 10.5.4 then upgraded to 10.5.5 then 10.5.6. The updates went smooth and fixed some things (see notes lower down).


Install method:

Hooked up laptop HDD to OSX86 desktop via USB.

Formatted to GUID

Installed 10.5.4 to laptop HDD via "open osinstall.mpkg" command line method on retail DVD

Followed your guide


On this laptop (GMA 950 graphics) there were these trouble-spots with 10.5.4 starting out:


lcd dimming <- fixed by 10.5.6; don't need old/custom framebuffer.kext anymore

speedstep <- fixed by voodoopower.kext by superhai (XNU-speedstep kext was crashing)

sleep <- still have to manually remove AppleLPC.kext from /S/L/E (thinkpad-specific issue)

audio <- have to modify /S/L/E (with some combination of AppleHDA, AppleAC97, and(?) AppleAzaliaAudio, still no Audio-IN)


I got graphics working with EFI string for my GMA950, but no display dimming (fixed by 10.5.6 update). Battery meter is working with ACPIBattery.kext.


Currently this is the contents of my EFI extensions:




IO80211Family.kext (with "168c,1014" added to plist)


IONetworkingFamily.kext (modified version, from kalyway)


SMBIOSResolver.kext (netkas' AppleSMBIOS doesn't seem to work)



voodoopower.kext (from superhai)


In the root of EFI/ I have two extra things; com.Apple....plist GFX EFI string for GMA 950 (created by osx86tools app), and DSDT.aml.

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Hi all, and many thanks to munky for his bootloader..

Well, i've got something wrong with the com.apple.Boot.plist file. When I put it @ the EFI partition, the bootloader says "Errors encountered while starting up the computer.

Pausing 5 seconds..."

And don't load the boot.plist strings..


This is the content of my boot.plist file:



So.. Where's the mistake?





Nobody has got any ideas?

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Munky wrote

Dual- Triple- Quadruple-.... Booting!

Since this bootloader is based on dfe, you can hit escape at the darwin boot prompt and enter a new bios device id to boot from. If you have a 2nd hard disk with Windows, you can hit esc, type 81 and enter, and it should show the darwin prompt with 'Foreign OS'. Hit enter to boot Windows



I like this method (EFI BOOT) more than the other (CREATE A BOOT PART) and I using it on my desktop with 2 drives....BUT in my laptop, I use the other because EFI BOOT CANT recognize windows (WINDOWS in the same part)


I only hope that with the release of the new chameleon, this limitation will be gone.

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Hi Munky and all other Readers


I got some trouble (for me it's trouble) to set up your method using the hidden partition.

I installed retail Leopard on my Asus (A7J Core2Duo) using boot 132 on USB-Stick.

I also did the combo update to 10.5.6.


Now I want to use the hidden partition to boot and therefore I followed your guide using boot_efi_v6.1.

Everything went fine till the reboot!


I got a panic (cpu 0 caller 0xblabla) ... "No HPETs available ... CPUs ...configured incorrectly


So i looked for the DSDT patch.

No error while patching! (typed in "0" for Darwin, renamed/copied with capital letters to root directory of hidden EFI partition)



same error


It would be great if someone could give me hint what to do or try next or just show me my mistake!




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EDIT: after further testing, it would appear there is a hard 4k limit on the com.apple.Boot.plist file, at least how I'm loading it. Dunno if this has to do with the fact that I'm also loading DSDT.aml. So for those of you getting the error "Error parsing plist file" and you're using this method, check to make sure it's under 4096 bytes.


Nobody has got any ideas?


In the second line, where it says //Apple Computer//, try changing it to just //Apple//. I know that changed from Tiger to Leopard, so that's a slight possibility. I'm having the same problem, but I think it has to do with my setup and use of GRUB more than anything.


Speaking of which, like I said I've been having a similar problem. On boot I keep getting the error "Error parsing Plist file", and thus my device-properties strings are not applied. Now, I know it has to be working to some extent because my extensions are loading from the EFI partition, and my OSX partition is completely vanilla. Here is the relevant information:


Using GPT:


Slice 1: EFI Partition

Slice 2: OSX

Slice 3: WinXP

Slice 4: Linux /boot/ partition (where grub is stored)

Slice 5-9: Linux related partitions


GRUB is set up as follows:

unhide (hd0,0)
unhide (hd0,1)
hide (hd0,2)
unhide (hd0,3)
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,3)/boot/bootefi (I renamed the turbo-munky-boot.bin to this for ease of use)


It successfully boots to darwin prompt, I type in bt(0,0)/mach_kernel.voodoo -v rd=disk0s2 and boot with that. Boot goes fine with the exception of my Boot.plist file (stored on the EFI partition under /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration). Here's what I've got in there:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
	 <key>Kernel Flags</key>


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Is there any way to get audio working from kexts placed in the EFI partition? I've had audio working on my system with a different (retail Brazilmac based) installation using the alc889a kexts, and I've had it work using EFI strings. Its not working now with my new EFI partition based installation. Currently I am using EFI strings in my EFI partition, but only the video part of the string is working. It ignores the audio. I also have ALCinject.kext in the /System/Library/Extensions folder to no effext. Its the ONLY thing that doesn't work. Any ideas?

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