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[Guide] Boot from EFI partition, zero modification installs on Intel SSE2 or better...


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I tried the generic.iso (two separate d/ls) and get a checksum error when I try to boot. Is there a particular way I'm supposed to d/l and burn?


Or, can someone point me to a pre-made boot-132 ISO for a BadAxe2? I also tried the slimbuild method with no success.


You may get better answers about boot-132 problems in a thread relating to that subject. This thread is devoted to the configuration and use of the EFI-partition on a GUID drive to boot the system. A related, but different, topic. Still, many of the same people are active in this thread as well.


You didn't say how you tried to burn the generic.iso image. If you had "no success" with the Slimbuild script, what was the problem?

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Munky used your method. Works great. But I cannot get my taruga patched audio to work from the the bootloader. I read another forum where they recommend just putting a modified plist in the kext file in rather than the whole kext. Do you recommend this way for all the modified kext's? It looks like you said this is the future in that forum. Thanks for the great work.

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You may get better answers about boot-132 problems in a thread relating to that subject. This thread is devoted to the configuration and use of the EFI-partition on a GUID drive to boot the system. A related, but different, topic. Still, many of the same people are active in this thread as well.


You didn't say how you tried to burn the generic.iso image. If you had "no success" with the Slimbuild script, what was the problem?

Sorry, I had several tabs open with various threads, and thought I was posting in the boot-132 errors thread.

I found the problem with the slimbuild script and was able to create an iso. But, when I burn the disc from iso I get Image Checksum Error and the disc won't boot. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Will jump over to the other thread.

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As I've tried to explain a few times, it is NOT based on chameleon. It's based on boot-132_dfe-r146. I've since ported a few bits and bobs from chameleon. I might look into porting soft RAID support but I have some other priorities.


munky--->oki, thanks for the answer (I tried without sucess, I tought since your work is base on chameleon it will work)


If you want to try to port it, Pm me I'm willing to help to test IT.

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OK I got my JMicron problem fixed earlier, now I am having a problem booting with an efi string for my radeon card. After using efistudio to write an efi string to to my boot.plist, i copy that over to /Volumes/EFI and reboot (I also delete the string from my original boot.plist to keep the retail install 100% untouched). On reboot I get 'error parsing plist Loading Darwin/x86'. I have a backup install on another disk with chameleon 1.0.11 bootloader and this boot.plist works fine on that setup. Its only on the efi partition I am having a problem. Any ideas?




EDIT: I should mention I am using the v5.1 package.

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first, thanks for your great efforts on this (sorry for my english).


my mobo is a intel dg965wh, my install with the efi partition is ok, yesterday i made a security update from software update, reboot and everything ok.


now the problem is: im working in xp on other hd. Now, when i boot my computer i try to load Leo (from dfe boot menu) and can't pass the white screen with spinning circle...boot with -f and the same, try with -x the same and when boot in verbose mode i found the boot is stop on "waiting for root device"


my bios config is "ahci: enable", "hpet: on" "cpu value limit: off", "xd technogy: on" thats work fine.

on my efi partition i have (inside extensions.mkext) AppleACPIPlatform.kext, AppleAHCIPort.kext, AppleSMBIOS.kext, dsmos.kext, EHCISleepEnabler.kext, IntelCPUPMDisabler.kext, OpenHaltRestart.kext and SMBIOSEnabler.kext.


its EFI v5.1 and my efi strings for video (geforce 7600gs) inside com.apple.boot.plist (on efi partition root).


now im try to boot from 132 boot cd but i dont understand why this happened, any advice is appreciate :)

(sorry for my english again).


EDIT :ohh i forgot, my two hd and my dvd recorder are sata, dvd first, leo hd second and finally xp hd.


EDIT 2 : a image of my boot screen.post-118795-1223865473_thumb.jpg

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first, thanks for your great efforts on this (sorry for my english).


my mobo is a intel dg965wh, my install with the efi partition is ok, yesterday i made a security update from software update, reboot and everything ok.


now the problem is: im working in xp on other hd. Now, when i boot my computer i try to load Leo (from dfe boot menu) and can't pass the white screen with spinning circle...boot with -f and the same, try with -x the same and when boot in verbose mode i found the boot is stop on "waiting for root device"


my bios config is "ahci: enable", "hpet: on" "cpu value limit: off", "xd technogy: on" thats work fine.

on my efi partition i have (inside extensions.mkext) AppleACPIPlatform.kext, AppleAHCIPort.kext, AppleSMBIOS.kext, dsmos.kext, EHCISleepEnabler.kext, IntelCPUPMDisabler.kext, OpenHaltRestart.kext and SMBIOSEnabler.kext.


its EFI v5.1 and my efi strings for video (geforce 7600gs) inside com.apple.boot.plist (on efi partition root).


now im try to boot from 132 boot cd but i dont understand why this happened, any advice is appreciate :P

(sorry for my english again).


EDIT :ohh i forgot, my two hd and my dvd recorder are sata, dvd first, leo hd second and finally xp hd.


EDIT 2 : a image of my boot screen.post-118795-1223865473_thumb.jpg


How are you identifying the partition to boot? Are you typing bt(0,0)/kernel-name rd=... or do you have the values inserted in a /Volumes/EFI/com.apple.Boot.plist?


Are you useing rd=diskXsY or boot-uuid= to point to the root device?

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I finally got this to work on my BadAxe2 w/7600GS, after hours and hours of reading and then ten tries to get a good Boot-132. Very nice! Installed just a couple of kexts, sound fix, and NVinstaller, and all is well. My retail DVD is 10.5, so now I'm updating, then have to restore from my backups all my files, settings, etc. XBench looks to be a bit quicker on this install vs my prior Kaly/MBR install.


Still need to sort out the wacky boot ROM, serial number, and system type in System Profiler. Any tips?

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Blade Runner, i have runnig vanilla, i dont have a patched kernel...i think the problem is the bios update, the latest bios for this mobo screw up everything (cant boot leo dvd in ahci mode, etc) back to old bios (v.1709) and everything go normally... :censored2:

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Blade Runner, i have runnig vanilla, i dont have a patched kernel...i think the problem is the bios update, the latest bios for this mobo screw up everything (cant boot leo dvd in ahci mode, etc) back to old bios (v.1709) and everything go normally... :censored2:


Good luck - hope reverting the BIOS fixes things for you.

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As I've tried to explain a few times, it is NOT based on chameleon. It's based on boot-132_dfe-r146. I've since ported a few bits and bobs from chameleon. I might look into porting soft RAID support but I have some other priorities.




i have a little suggestion:

Contrary to Chameleon bootloader, original dfe r146 boot or yours don't recognize windows XP on GUID partition table.

If this can be implemented in futur release, it would be great.



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Hi! I wondering witch type of output I should get with this command - diskutil list - after erasing the EFI volume.


Because, after a fresh install I get this



0: GUID_partition_scheme *298.1 Gi disk0

1: EFI 200.0 Mi disk0s1

2: Apple_HFS MACOSX 297.8 Gi disk0s2


and after aplying this command:


diskutil eraseVolume "HFS+" "EFI" /dev/disk0s1


I get this again



0: GUID_partition_scheme *298.1 Gi disk0

1: EFI 200.0 Mi disk0s1

2: Apple_HFS MACOSX 297.8 Gi disk0s2


the new type of /dev/disk0s1 should not change for HFS+?



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Hi! I wondering witch type of output I should get with this command - diskutil list - after erasing the EFI volume.


Because, after a fresh install I get this



0: GUID_partition_scheme *298.1 Gi disk0

1: EFI 200.0 Mi disk0s1

2: Apple_HFS MACOSX 297.8 Gi disk0s2


and after aplying this command:


diskutil eraseVolume "HFS+" "EFI" /dev/disk0s1


I get this again



0: GUID_partition_scheme *298.1 Gi disk0

1: EFI 200.0 Mi disk0s1

2: Apple_HFS MACOSX 297.8 Gi disk0s2


the new type of /dev/disk0s1 should not change for HFS+?




What you are seeing is normal - just keep on with the guide until you get to the end.

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OK! I think we are getting someplace now. You see, you can't just let the efi-partition boot by itself. You need to instruct it one way or another.


If your system has a Core based CPU and you can run the vanilla kernel then the existing kernel string is OK. However, if that is not the case, you must point to a patched kernel residing in the efi-partiton root. The hard way to do that is to immediately press F8 during boot and get a boot prompt. Then, enter bt(0,0)/mach_kernel.voodoo - or whatever you called your kernel. Also, you need to identify the disk to boot. Assuming it is the first internal hard drive you could be entering rd=disk0s2 after the kernel ID.


OK! so that is the hard way. The easy way is to add a com.apple.Boot.plist file to the root of your efi-partition.


That would look something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
	<key>Graphics Mode</key>
	<key>Kernel Flags</key>
	<string>-v boot-uuid=B577BA9E-DF3A-3988-859D-86DC513E644C</string>


Note the kernel string. It points to the voodoo-b1 kernel I am running. Also, note the kernel flags string "boot-uuid=" that string contains the unique ID of the hard drive I want to boot. You can get that by using disk utility and selecting the "Info" icon in the upper left of the panel.


If you use the boot.plist with these values set for your system then, when you boot, you won't need to enter anything.


This is what the root of my efi-partition contains:

bash-3.2# ls -l /Volumes/EFI/
total 19944
drwx------   5 root  admin	  170 Oct  7 11:44 .fseventsd
drw-r--r--  10 root  wheel	  340 Oct  7 11:48 Extensions
drw-r--r--   9 root  wheel	  306 Oct 11 06:23 Extensions-bkup
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  admin	  102 Sep 23 11:28 System
-rw-r--r--@  1 root  admin	63744 Oct 11 06:23 boot
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin	 1694 Oct 11 06:25 com.apple.Boot.plist
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  5072156 Oct 11 06:23 mach_kernel.voodoo-b1
-rwxr-xr-x@  1 root  admin  5055228 Oct 11 06:23 mach_kernel.voodooa13
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin	 3536 Oct 11 06:23 update.log
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel	  734 Oct 11 06:23 update.sh


Hope that helps get you going.




In this answer, whats bt(0,0) stand for? and how should I had the rd=diskxsy? I try like that but doesn't work:





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Well, I finally got it to work. After lots of testing and editing I got it to boot!!


However, I've ran into a problem with these EFI strings. I updated my com.apple.boot.plist on the EFI partition with the hex that OSX86TOOL told me was right for my graphics card. I then rebooted only to find the boot display to scroll a lot of text by and then tell me somethings like "Failed to load extension: com.apple.Geforce" and "Couldn't alloc class: NVDAHAL40" and some other things. Sadly it flys by so fast I can't keep up. Any idea how to get past this? Without it I'm confined to 1024x768 without QE/CI.


I'm using a GeForce 6600 GT 128MB PCIe.



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In this answer, whats bt(0,0) stand for? and how should I had the rd=diskxsy? I try like that but doesn't work:






Please go back and reread my answer, and maybe the first post in the thread. Your system specs say you have a c2d based system- you can run the vanilla kernel. I said if that was the case the original kernel string was OK as is.


Also, I didn't type the entries as you have them "bt(0,0)/mach_kernel/rd=disk0s2" for you should be just rd=disk0s2.

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Well, I finally got it to work. After lots of testing and editing I got it to boot!!


However, I've ran into a problem with these EFI strings. I updated my com.apple.boot.plist on the EFI partition with the hex that OSX86TOOL told me was right for my graphics card. I then rebooted only to find the boot display to scroll a lot of text by and then tell me somethings like "Failed to load extension: com.apple.Geforce" and "Couldn't alloc class: NVDAHAL40" and some other things. Sadly it flys by so fast I can't keep up. Any idea how to get past this? Without it I'm confined to 1024x768 without QE/CI.


I'm using a GeForce 6600 GT 128MB PCIe.




Try Natit it's working with 6200.

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Any ideas on my efi string problem? I have tried using the v3 package with no luck. I also tried using the boot1h file from chameleon's 1.0.11 package in place of the one from munky and still no luck. I know this setup works, i just can't get it working on the efi partition.


where did you place your com.apple.Boot.plist containing the efi strings?

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Good now it's working. From the beginning I was trying to find why it's not working, but finally I discovered that I was making something wrong: I was not putting the copy of boot-turbo-munky.bin at the good place. Now everything is ok.


Thx to everyone who helped me.

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Hi all,

I just bougth a dell 690 motherboard (dual Xeon CPU) with Intel X5000 chipset, audio controller Sigmatel STAC9200 and I would like make another Hackintosh (I have already an Hackintosh Core 2 Duo with 10.5.4).

I would like use the Munky guide but I dont know how to make the specific iso for my configuration.


Can anyone hel me?


I have also a Nvidia GT7300 graphic card.


Thanks in adavance

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No luck moving the Boot.plist file.


Sorry - should have asked more questions the first time.


Does anything in your Boot.plist work - say a timeout or a kernel flag?


Do you need to type anything at boot? If so what?


Trying to see if the Boot.plist is seen at all or if the problem is just with the efi strings.

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The original vanilla file doesn't have a timeout. When I put one in on the /volumes/efi partition it works, however once I add the efi string the timeout doesn't work anymore. The only thing I have to type at boot is -x, otherwise my graphics card makes the screen go disco crazy. I have tried -f and -x -f but it doesn't make a difference. It seems like whenever I add the efi string it makes the whole boot.plist quit working. I have since erased my efi partition and installed chameleon on the retail os x partition and that same boot.plist file works perfect without -x. I get QE/CI on my card with 10.5.5 and everything works (sound,lan, sleep, restart...). There is nothing wrong with the efi string, just something in the way it is getting handled.

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